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    博文中学初中部七年级英语导学案课题: Unit 12 课型: 复 习编写: 曾丽琴 审核: 校领导签字:一复习目标:Talk about rules1知识目标:1.New words and expressions. 2 .Target languages: Be .,Dont be .Do ., Dont do . , No doing ., I have to do ., He She has do . Can .?, I can do ., You must do . 2能力目标: 培养听说、读、写的交际能力。3情感目标: 遵守学校规章,遵守公德,争取做个好学生。二复习重点: 单词、短语、句型。三复习指导: 你理解这些吗?1. listen vi. 接宾语时加介词to ,如listen to “听”,强调听地动作。hear vt .后直接加宾语,“听见” ,强调听的结果。2fight fight about 为争吵,为而战 fight with 与sb斗争, 与sb共同作战。fight against 抵抗 ,对抗 。 fighter 战士 勇士3. else 形容词,“别的,其他的” 通常用在不定代词或疑问词之后。4 . have to 必须,不得不。后加动词原形。因外在原因而不得不,着重客观所致,可用于各种时态。否定形式 dont have to do 或doesnt have to do 。 neednt疑问句 Do have to do ? must 强调主观认为必须必须那样做。不用将来时或完成时,后接动词原形。否定形式mustnt, 译为 “决不可”。5. practicepractise 练习 ,实践 。后加名词,代词或动词ing . 6. help helpto do sth. 帮着做, help sb to do 帮助某人做 help sb with sth. 帮助某人做 /或在哪方面帮助某人。 7 你会用它们吗? too many , too much , much too 试试看呀1 He is - tall. 2 I have - clothes. 3 There is- water in the bottle. 8你知道这几个词组和句子的汉语意思吗? keepobey follow the rules break the rules, carry out the rules,work out the rules.No smoking!No sleeping.No parking .No drinking .What can I do ? What else do you have to do ?What are the rules in your school?四合作探究: 你能写出1在学校里有哪些规章吗?试着写一下吧2在图书室里有哪些规章吗?你一定会写出几条的3在你的家里有哪些规章吗?让我们也知道一下吧 五巩固练习:一试译词组 1 少年宫 10 在床上2. 学习钢琴 11 躺在床上 3. 做晚餐. 12 在住院 4. 在走廊里跑 13 在医院里5. 上学迟到 14 就餐 6 在睡觉 15 在餐桌旁7 在上课的晚上 16 出去8 穿运动鞋。 17 练习演奏吉他9 在课上吃东西 18 和某人打架(二)补全单词: 1Dont a- late for school. 2. What are the r- at your school. 3. What e- do you have to do ? 4.Can we w- hats in school? 5. Dont f - against me .I am your friend.6. Dont go out o- school night7.This box is red o-,but green inside.8. Lets go to the d- hall to have lunch .9.W- your hands before you have dinner.10.Not- in the library.(三)用所给词适当形式填空; 1-(no be)angry with your son. 2. - he -(have) to do the work by 6 oclock? 3. Jim practices -(play) piano every day. 4Let him -(do) the work. 5 -(not watch) TV at home. 6. They are -(clean)the classroom now. 7. -he -(have) to look after his sister. 8. Marry -(have) to help us. 9. I havea pair of -(sport)shoes. 10 You must -(follow) the school rules. 11He ofen -(watch) TV on weekends.(四)。选择填空; 1We can listen to music in the hallway._ we can listen to it outside. A . but B. or C. and D. so 2. There was a party -the night of June ,5th A . in B. at C. to D. on 3. I have -homework to do,so I dont have-time to play.A .too many ;too much B. too much ;too much C. too much; too many D. too many ; much too 4. The docter ask them to stay -for three days. A . on the bed B. in the bed C. in bed D. on bed5.do you want -?A . else anything B. anything else C. otner anything D. something else (五).句型转换; 1 Dont park your car here.(同义句)2You cant be late for school. (祈使句) 3She has to clean her room. (否定句) 4. I have too many work to do . (改错) 5.I have to stay at home . (同义句) 6. Dont arrive late for class. (同义句) 7. Play football after school. (否定句) 8.He had a good time yesterday. (同义句) a. b.


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