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    Module 7 Great Books【重点讲解】1. review /r'vju/ n评论vt.复查;重新考虑;复习; 回顾;评论review the situation 对形势重新加以研究review last week's lessons 复习上周的功课 n. 回顾;复习课;评论a careful review of political events 有关政治事件的谨慎的回顾 2. sense /sens/ n. 道理 【考点】make sense 合情理,有意义,一般不用于被动语态。例:So it seems to make sense to let more people join in the discussion. 因此,让更多的人参与到讨论中似乎是合情合理的。【重难点】与sense相关的短语make no sense无意义make sense of 理解;明白make sense to sb.对某人有意3. lively/'lavli/adj.活泼的;轻快的eg:Tony is a lively and clever boy. 托尼是个既活泼又聪明的男孩。【难点】辨析lively,living,alive与live lively可作定语或表语,修饰活着的生物或抽象概念(如description,idea,mind)。The town is quite lively at night.这个城镇一到晚上就非常热闹。living意为“活着的;健在的”。可作定语和表语。There are no living things on the moon.月球上没有生物。alive意为“活着的”。多作表语。He is still alive.他仍然活着。live意为“活的;有生命的”。作定语,放在表示物的名词前,一般不指人,不能代替living。Look!A live fish.瞧!一条活鱼。4. suppose /s'pz/ v. 猜想;相信;认为;推测 suppose that 表推测,假定,假如,认为。eg:I suppose that you are right. 我想你是对的。suppose用于祈使句中,表示“要不”。eg:Suppose we go for a swim.要不我们去游泳吧。suppose 名词 to be 表示“认为是”。eg:Many people suppose him to be over 50. 许多人认为他50多岁了。be supposed to do sth.应该做某事,相当于should。eg:You are supposed to do exercise every day to keep in good health. 你应该每天锻炼保持身体健康。5. escape/'skep/ v. 逃离;逃脱 【考点】1. escape vi. 逃走,逃脱,脱离。通常与 from连用。eg:The thief has escaped. 贼已经逃走了。2. escape vt. 避开、躲避不愉快的事(如危险、处罚、不幸、灾难等)。eg:He tried to escape punishment.他设法躲避惩罚。3. escape 后跟动词时,应跟其动名词形式。eg:There is no way to escape doing the work. 没有办法逃脱做这项工作。【拓展】常见必须跟动名词作宾语的动词及短语:enjoy,finish,mind,practise,risk,allow,avoid,imagine,suggest,feel like,can't help(情不自禁),put off,give up典例精讲:Some naughty boys wanted to escape _BApunishingBbeing punished Cbe punishing Dto be punished 6. southern/'sðn / adj. 南方的 【考点】south,north,east,west在词尾加上ern后, 变为形容词southern,northern,eastern,western。eg:Rice is usually planted in southern China. 水稻通常在中国南方种植。典例精讲:You can see this kind of tree in many cities in China,especially in_(南方的) cities. southern 【拓展】介词 in,on,to 都可以用来表示某个位置的方向,它们的意义不同,故表示的方向及范围也不同:回顾in/on/to the east of的用法。in the east of 在的东部(范围之内)on the east of 在的东部(范围之外,且接壤(相邻)to the east of 在的东部(范围之外,不相邻,不接壤)典例精讲:_. 四川省在贵州省的北边。_. 那种植物只有在加拿大北部才看得到。7. Now she isnt afraid of snakes any more. not any more意为“不再”。【辨析】not any more与not any longernot any more着重表示数量或者程度的减少,意为“再也没有更多(大)的数量(程度)”The girl didnt cry any more.那个女孩不再哭了。notany longer着重表示时间的不再延续,意为“不再”Dont wait any longer.别再等了。8. notice/'nts/n.注意;布告 v注意 【考点】notice的用法notice sb./sth. 注意到某人/某物eg:I noticed a big hole on the floor.我发现地板上有个大洞。noticethat从句注意 eg:I notice that you like reading.我注意到你喜欢读书。notice sb. do sth. 注意到某人做了某事 eg:I noticed him enter the teacher's office.我注意到他进入了教师办公室。notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事eg:I noticed that boy copying others' homework.我注意到那个男孩正在抄别人的家庭作业。典例精讲:When I was walking past the window, I noticed Wang Fei_my homework. I really got_. (山东烟台) 【A】A. copying, annoyed B. copying, annoyingC. copy, annoying D. copied, annoyed9. be thought to be.被认为是 例:He's thought to be one of the richest men in Europe. 人们认为他是欧洲最富有的人之一。也可以用It's thought/said/reportedthat 从句,意思为“人们认为/据说/据报 道”。典例精讲:Journey to the West is _ _ _ one of the greatest works in Chinese literature. 西游记被认为是中国最伟大的文学作品之一。10. similar /'sml(r)/ adj.类似的 【考点】常用结构为:be similar to sth./sb.与某物/某人类似。eg:She looks similar to that woman,because that woman is her mother.11. make sth./sb. into . 将/使某物/某人制成/成为/变成 eg:The workers make wood into desks. 工人们将木头制成课桌。【考点】辨析be made into,be made of,be made from,be made in和be made up of。be made into“把做成某产品”,是把材料做成产品。Many good books are made into films. 许多好书被制成了电影。be made of“由制成”,由制成品仍可看出原材料。The coat is made of silk.这件外套是由丝绸做成的。be made from“由制成”,制成品经过变化,看不出原材料。Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头做成的。be made in“生产于某地”。Many washing machines are made in Hefei.许多洗衣机是合肥生产的。be made up of“由组/构成”,表示事物是由若干部分构成的。Our class is made up of twenty-three boys and twenty-five girls.我们班是由23位男孩和25位女孩组成的。典例精讲:The scarf which is_ silk_ soft and comfortable. 【B】Amade from; soundsBmade of; feels Cmade in; smells Dmade up of; smells12. But I think Id describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer. 但是我更愿意把孔子描述成一位教育家和思想家,而非作家。【考点】describeas意思是“把描述为”。例:After the operation, her condition was described as stable. 手术后,她的状况可以说还算稳定。【重点】morethan在本句中表示“与其说是不如说是”。1. more than 可放在数词之前,意为“超过;不止;以上”,用于此意义时可与 over 互换使用。例:Altogether more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet is covered by water. 整体说来,我们这个星球表面有 70% 以上都为水所覆盖。 2. more than 可放在名词之前,表示“不只是;不仅仅”。 例:Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。 Bamboo is used for more than building. 竹子不只是用于建筑。 3. more than 用于形容词或副词前,作“非常;十分”解,与 very 同义。例:She is more than careful in doing things. 她做事非常细心。 In class, he listens more than attentively. 在课堂上,他听讲十分认真。4. more than 意为“与其不如”;“是而不是”,常可与“ rather than ”或“ not so much as ”互换使用。例:Success is more hard work than good luck.成功来自于努力,并非好运。13. appear/'p/ v.出现 eg:Our visitors appeared in the end. 我们的客人终于出现了。其反义词是:disappear消失。 eg:The tiger disappeared in the forest. 老虎消失在森林里了。appear作实义动词,意为“出现,露面”;appear也可作连系动词,意为“似乎,好像,显得”。eg:The famous actor often appears on television. 这位著名演员经常在电视上露面。She is over fifty years old, but she still appears quite young. 她五十多岁了,但是她仍然显得很年轻。14. hit/hIt/ v.击,打,撞击 n受欢迎的事物 eg:The car hit the wall. 小汽车撞到墙上了。 The pop band has had many hits. 那个流行 乐队多次获得成功。【考点】hit的过去式和过去分词都是hit。 【易错点】hit sb.on the身体部位,表示“打在某人的某个部位上”,注意on后面只能接 the,不能接形容词性物主代词。15. by the river 在河边【重难点】介词by的用法“在的旁边”, 表位置eg:There is a house by the river. 河边有一所房子。“从旁边经过”,表移动方向eg:An old friend passed by me without stopping. 一个老朋友从我身边经过,没有停留。“不迟于,在之前”eg:You must finish this work by Friday.你必须在星期五之前完成这项工作。“由,通过”,表示方法、手段eg:I learn English by listening to the radio.我通过听收音机学习英语。“被,受,由”,用于被动语态eg:The cake was eaten by that little boy.蛋糕被那个小男孩吃了。基础巩固一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1Lily didn't pass the Chinese exam this time! What? I'm really surprised_(hear) that.2A new factory was built up in the_(south) part of the town.3Driving after drinking wine_(not allow) in China.(兰州)4People feel_(happy) when they face too much stress.(江苏宿迁)5We have some trouble in _(finish) the job this week.6These days the _ (work)by Lu Xun are still popular.7I wrote an article _ (call) “Great Books”8We're still influenced by his _ (think)9They will hold a _(discuss) about what to do next week.10As we all know, many writers in the world are_(influence) by Shakespeare.二、用适当的介词填空11.Don't laugh_ anybody in trouble. Instead we should give them a hand.12.I gave Helen an e­dictionary as a gift._ return, she promised to help me with my English.13.After working hard for months,Barry turns the situation round,and recently he has made sense_ his company.14.It is wise_ Linda to make up her mind to learn to play an instrument. 15.More than twenty people lost their lives in the violent(暴力的)event on March 1st,2014, _ some university students.语法被动语态Step 1语态概述1. 语态是动词的一种形式,表示句子之中主语和谓语动词的关系。英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态 I eat apples.Apples are eaten by me 2. 主动语态表示主语是动作的发出者(或执行者).谓语:speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的。eg:Many people speak English.3. 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。eg:English is spoken by many people.主语English是动词speak的承受者。Step 2 定义被动语态由“助动词be及物动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。(被动语态的否定式和疑问式均由助动词或第一个助动词构成。)例:They will build a new bridge over the river. (主动) A new bridge will be built over the river. (被动) Step 3 各种时态的被动语态构成1.一般现在时:_例:I'm asked to take care of myself.  Football is played all over the world2.一般过去时:_例:This house was built in 1958.   His leg was broken in an accident.3.一般将来时:_例:More factories will be built in our city.   He will be taken to hospital tomorrow. 4.现在进行时:_例:  A road is being built around the mountain.  Many new houses are being built in this city5.过去进行时:_例:The meeting was being held when I was there.   We were being trained this time last year. 6.现在完成时:_例:The prices of many goods have been cut again . 7.含有情态动词的被动语态:_例:The rubbish can be put into the dustbin over there.Step 3 被动语态的基本用法一般来说,在我们日常生活中,能用主动语态的时候就尽量不去用被动语态。只有在下列情况中我们才用被动语态:1. 不知道动作的执行者是谁。例:1).Some new computers were stolen last night.一些新电脑在昨晚被盗了。2).This bridge was founded in 1981.这座桥竣工于1981年。3).The front window in the classroom was broken yesterday. 昨天,教室的前窗被打2. 没不要说出动作的执行者是谁。例:1).The time-table has been changed .时间表已变动了 2).China was founded in 1949.3. 不愿意说出动作的执行者,其目的是为了使语言得体、圆滑等。在这种情况下,有时常用一些句式,如:It is said that(据说)It is reported that "(据报道)It is well known that (众所周知 )It is supposed that(据推测说 )It is believed that大家相信,It is hoped that大家希望,It is thought that大家认为,It is suggested that据建议等等。例:1.It is said that she is going to be married to a foreigner.据说她要嫁给一个外国人。2.It is said that the boy has passed the national exam. (The boy is said to have passed the national exam. )4.5. 强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。例:1).The glass was broken by Mike.玻璃杯是迈克打破的。2).his book was written by him.这本书是他写的。3).Your homework must be finished on time.你们的家庭作业必须及时完成。典例精讲:填空(完成被动语态填空)1. They often clean their classroom after school . Their classroom _ often _ by them after school. 2. Li Lei gave Tom a new pen last week . A new pen _ _ _ Tom last week . 3. A lot of people in China can speak English now .    English _ _ _ by a lot of people in China now. 4. I have learned English for about two years. English _ _ _ for about two years5. They will publish these story-books next month.These story-books _ _ _ next month. 模块综合练习一、单项选择(15分)( )1. Lu Xun is known not only a great writer but also a great thinker.A. to B. for C. with D. as ( )2. _ people in our city have passed the driving test.A. Two hundreds of B. Two hundred of C. Two hundreds D. Two hundred( )3.Hi, Daisy, how is it going?Not bad. _, how are you getting along with your new friend, Tom?A. In the way B. By the way C. In a way D. On the way( )4. The dog took a piece of meat and .A. put away B. took off C. ran away D. saw off ( )5. What are you _?Im getting ready for my math test. A. cooking B. going C. up D. up to( )6. The young man is thought _ the smartest in his town.A. to be B. be C. as D. of ( )7. Millions of tourists to Mount Tai every year.A. attract B. have attracted C. are attracting D. are attracted( )8. Mr Smith is _ an educator and an actor _ a leader.A. much, as B. more, asC. more, than D. much, than( )9. The old man told us an _ story and we were all very _.A. excited, excited B. exciting, excitingC. excited, exciting D. exciting, excited( )10. I hope to have a house_a kitchen so that I can save money by cooking food by myself.A. have B. has C. without D. with( )11.Can you imagine _ in such a hot room for two months?Sorry, I can't.A. live B. to live C. lived D. living( )12. They kept _ for him in front of the school.A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waits( )13. To the teachers _, the boy finished the task on time.A. surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.surprises( )14. The little girl was very sad, because her pet cat _.A. die B. death C. dead D. died( )15. Lucy looks sad because she didnt pass the exam. _! She spent a lot of time on it. A. Oh, really B. What a pity C. I think she hasnt D. I hope so.Keys: 15 DDBCD 610 ADCDD 1115 DBADB 二、完形填空(10分)Long ago, there lived a learned man in Greece (希腊). He was well-known 16 his wide knowledge. And lots of people from all over the country came to 17 things from him. The great man taught his students with all his heart and 18 their questions with patience.One day a student 19 him," My dear teacher, didn't you say you have more questions than we do? But we think our students have a lot more than you." With a 20 , the teacher drew two circles(圆)-one is as large as a big as a plate, and 21 smaller."Of course, I've learned much more. 22 I don't think I know all you know. Now, look at these two circles: Inside the big one is my knowledge of things, and inside the smaller one yours. Out of the circles is what we don't know. My circle is 23 , so its line is longer. That means I  have more opportunities(机会) to meet with what we don't know. And that's 24 I have more questions than you do. The more you learn, the more 25 you'll have. You will never learn enough, you know."( )16. A. as B. for C. of D. with ( )17. A. ask B. get C. learn D. understand( )18. A. bought B. listened C. heard D. answered( )19. A. wrote B. asked C. said D. replied( )20. A. anger B. word C. smile D. laugh( )21. A. another B. others C. the other D. some other( )22. A. So B. Even C. But D. Although( )23. A. smaller B. small C. large D. larger( )24. A. how B. what C. which D. why ( )25. A. answers B. questions C. problems D. troubleKeys:1620 BCDBC 2125 CCDDB三、阅读理解。根据短文,选择最佳答案。In general (一般来说) people talk about two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. Scientists think that there are also two groups of people: people who prefer warm colors and people who prefer cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and yellow. Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people usually want to be active. People think that red example is exciting sociable (善交际的) people, those who like to be with others like red. The cool colors are green, blue and purple. These colors unlike warm colors, are relaxing. Where there are cool colors,


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