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    Qi,Blood and Body fluid,气、血和津液,Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,气,第二节一,彭丹凤,Part one qi,QI(气),Concept(概念)Formation(生成)Function(功能)Movement(运动)Types(分类),Concept(概念),Philosophical concept:Qi refers to all the tiny substances in existence in the universe which is exercising continuously and immaterial,it is the same fountainhead in the universe.哲学概念:指存在与宇宙之中的不断运动且无形可见的极细微物质,是宇宙万物的共同构成本源。,Concept(概念),Medicinal concept:Qi refers to the very small substance in existence in the human body which exercises continuously and be full of energy,it is one of the fundamental substances constituting the human body and maintaining its life activities.医学概念:是人体内活力很强、运行不息的极精微物质,是构成人体和维持人体生命活动的基本物质之一。,congenital qi(先天之精气),fresh air inhaled from the natural world(自然界的清气),cereal essence(水谷之精气),Qi in the human body,Formation(生成),kidneys,lung,spleen,Function(功能),A.Promoting Action of Qi(推动功能),Qi,as a sort of refined substance full of vigour,plays a promoting and activating role in the growth and development of the human body,the physiological activities of the zang-fu organs and meridians,the production and circulation of blood,as well as the production,distribution and excretion of body fluid.,B.Warming Action of Qi(温煦功能),Whether mans body temperature is normal or not depends on the warming action of qi.Only through the warming action of qi can all zang-fu organs,meridians and other structures perform their normal functional activities,and can such liquid substances as blood and body fluid circulate normally.,Function,C.Defending Action of Qi(防御功能),Qi has defending function to defend the body surface against the exogenous pathogens and to combat with the invaded exogenous pathogens to drive them out of the body.,D.Controlling Action of Qi(固摄功能),a:Keeping the blood flowing within the vessels to prevent it from extravasating without reason.b:Controlling and regulating the secretion and excretion of sweat,urine,sperm,saliva,gastrointestinal juices,etc,to maintain a relative balance of water metabolism.c:Firming the internal organs in their normal positions without prolapse.,Function,E.Action of Qi Transformation(气化功能),Qi transformation may be defined as various kinds of changes brought about by the movement of qi.Concretely speaking,it refers to the respective metabolism of essence,qi,blood and body fluid and their reciprocal transformation.,For instance,food is transformed into qi,blood and body fluid;body fluid are converted into sweat and urine by metabolizing,and the residues of food,after digestion and absorption,are turned into feces to be discharged from the body.,All these processes are all the specific manifestations of the action of qi transformation.To put it briefly,qi transformation is actually the process in which the substances in the body are metabolized and intertransformed.,Movement(运动),Concept of“qi ji”:The Movement of Qi is known as“qi ji”气机的概念:气的运动称为气机,B.Qi has four basic movement forms:ascending(升)descending(降)exiting(出)entering(入),The ascending,descending,exiting and entering of qi are mainly embodied in the physiological activities of the zang-fu organs,meridians and other processes of metabolism.,Movement(运动),For example,the lung governs respiration,exhaling pertains to exiting,inhaling to entering;and dispersing pertains to ascending,lowering to descending.The spleen sends the clear upward and the stomach passes the turbid downward.,So all kinds of physiological activities in the human body,essentially,are reflected in the four movements of qi.,congenital qi(先天之精气),primordial qi(元气),pectoral qi(宗气),defensive qi(卫气),nutritive qi(营气),Qi in the human body,Types(分类),fresh air inhaled from the natural world(自然界之清气),cereal essence(水谷之精气),primordial qi(元气),It is the primary motive force of life activities.Primordial qi derives from the congenital essence stored in the kidney,and depends on the acquired essence regenerated by the spleen and stomach.,B.pectoral qi(宗气),It is accumulated in chest.Pectoral qi performs two main functions.One is traveling through the respiratory tract to promote respiration and the sufficiency or insufficiency of pectoral qi influences the conditions of the voice、speech or breath and so on.The other is running through the heart-meridians to promote the circulation of qi and blood.,Distribution and function(分布与功能),D.defensive qi(卫气),Defensive qi runs outside the blood vessels.It has the following functions:protecting the body surface against exogenous pathogens,controlling the opening and closing of the pores,adjusting the excretion of sweat,warming and nourishing the zang-fu organs,muscles and the skin with hairs,etc,maintaining a relatively constant body temperature.,C.nutritive qi(营气),Nutritive qi is the qi that circulates together with blood in the vessels.It originates from the pure part of cereal essence transformed by the spleen and stomach and bears responsibility for the blood production and the nutrition of the whole body.,Distribution and function(分布与功能),血,第二节二,彭丹凤,Part two blood,BLOOD(血),Concept(概念)Formation(生成)Function(功能)Movement(运动),Concept(概念),血是循行于脉中的富有营养的红色液态样物质,是构成和维持人体生命活动的基本物质之一。,Formation(生成),material basis(物质基础),cereal essence-nutritive qi and body fluid 水谷之精营气和津液,kidney essence肾精,Sketch map of blood formation(血液化生示意图),foodstuff(饮食水谷),cereal essence(水谷精微),qi of spleen and stomach(脾胃之气),nutritive qi(营气),body fluid(津液),kidney essence(肾精),liver(肝),heart-vessel(心脉),blood(血),fresh air inhaled from the natural world(自然界清气),lung-qi(肺气),Kidney-qi(肾气),marrow(髓),heart-qi(心气),the kidney stores essence,and essence produces marrow,they all promote the function of spleen and stomach,and help to the blood formation.,the liver,besides its function of storing blood,adjusts the volume of blood flow and maintain the normal flow of qi and blood.,The spleen is viewed as the source for the production and transformation of qi and blood.,The heart-qi is the fundamental motive power to propel blood circulation.The lung is in charge of qi of the whole body.,1、nourish and moisten(营养和滋润)The blood includes the rich nutrients,circulates ceaselessly Like a ring without end to nourish and moisten all the organs and tissues.In this,normal physiological activities are maintained.,Function(功能),2、material basis of mental activities(神志活动的物质基础)Blood is also the material basis of mental activities.Sound mental activity results from normal circulation and a sufficient supply of blood.So any blood trouble,whatever the causes maybe,will bring about symptoms of mental activities varying in degrees.,Function(功能),Blood circulates within the vessels,by which it is carried to the zang-fu organs internally and to the skin,muscles,tendons and bones externally.It circulates ceaselessly like a ring without end to nourish and moisten all the organs and tissues.血在血管中循行,内至脏腑,外达皮肉筋骨,如环无端,运行不息,营养滋润所有脏腑组织。,Movement(运动),Heartcontrollingbloodcirculation(心主血脉):The heart-qi is the fundamental motive power to propel blood circulation.心气推动血液在脉中运行。Convergence of vessels in lung(肺朝百脉):Lung controlling dispersing outward and inwards,adjusting the“qi ji”肺主宣发肃降,调节气机。Spleengoverningblood(脾主统血):Keeping blood flowing within the vessels and prevent it from extravasating.控制血在脉中运行,防止血溢脉外。Liverstoringblood(肝藏血):Adjusting the volume of blood flow and maintaining the normal flow of qi and blood.调节血量,维持血液循环及流量的平衡。,Movement(运动),液津,第二节三,彭丹凤,Part three body fluid,concept(概念)formation distribution and excretion(生成、输布与排泄)function(功能),Body fluid(津液),Body fluid is called jinye in TCM,including all kinds of fluids in the organs and tissues and their secretions,such as gastricjuice,intestinal juice,nasal discharge,tears,sweat,urine and so on.Just like qi and blood,body fluid is also one of the essential substances constituting the human body and maintaining its life.,Concept(概念),体液在中医称为津液,包括存在于脏腑组织和它们之间间隙的各种液体如胆汁、肠液、鼻涕、眼泪、汗液、尿液等等。与气血一样,津液也是构成人体和维持生命活动的必要物质之一。,Body fluid津液,Jin(津),ye(液),jin is the fluid which is clear and thin and flows easily.It is distributed in the skin,muscles and orifices,furthermore,it permeates the blood vessels to keep them moistened.,Ye is thick fluid with flowing less easily.It is distributed in the joints,brain,marrow and internal organs to nourish them.,Concept(概念),Formation distribution and excretion生成、输布与排泄,The formation,distribution and excretion of body fluid are the complex physiological process in which they are accomplished by the joint action of many organs.津液的生成、输布和排泄是一个由许多脏腑组织共同完成的复杂过程。,Formation distribution and excretion生成、输布与排泄,Body fluid is formed from food and water by digestion and absorption of the stomach,separating the clarity from the turbidity of the small intestine and tramformation of the spleen.(津液由胃中消化吸收、小肠进行分清别浊、脾运化的水谷中形成。)The distribution and excretion of body fluid are accomplished by the joint action of many zang-fu organ,such as the transforming function of the spleen,the dispersing and descending function of the lung,the steaming and ascending function of the kidney.(津液的分布和排泄由许多脏腑组织共同完成,如脾的运化功能、肺的宣发肃降功能、肾的蒸发沉降功能。)Body fluid takes triple energizer as its passageway for distribution and excretion.(津液以三焦为通道进行分布和排泄。),Function(功能),moistening and nourishing 滋润和濡养作用producing blood 化生血液 adjusting yin and yang of the human body 调节人体的阴阳平衡 excreting metabolite 排泄代谢产物 delivering qi of the whole body运载全身之气,气血津液之间的关系,第二节四,彭丹凤,QI,BLOOD AND BODY FLUID OF MUTUAL CAUSALITY,1、Qi and blood(气和血),qi is the“commander”of blood气为血之帅,Qi is the motive power for blood formation,or rather,it produces blood.Blood is formed from nutritive qi and body fluid,both of which come from food and water.All these cannot be separated from the functions of qi.Blood circulation depends on the propelling function of heart-qi.For another,qi controls blood and keep it flowing in the blood vessels without extravasation.,blood is the mother of qi.血为气之母,Blood is referred to as the mother of qi because,on the one hand,blood is a carrier of qi;and on the other,blood provides adequate nutrients for qi.Therefore,it is impossible for qi to exist without itsmother,blood.,2、Qi and body fluid(气和津液),Qi produces body fluid.(气能生津)The formation,distribution and excretion of body fluid depend upon all the movements of qi and its warming,promoting and controlling functions.The existence of qi in the body not only depends upon blood,but on body fluid which is formed from food essence by the functions of the stomach and spleen.So,whether body fluid is adequate or inadequate depends upon the conditions of spleen-qi and stomach-qi.津液的形成、分布和排泄依赖气的运动和温煦、推动和固摄功能。人体气的存在不仅依赖血,也依赖脾运化的水谷精微所形成的津液。因此,津液的充足与否依赖脾胃之气的状态。,2、Qi and body fluid(气和津液),Qi promotes the transportation of body fluid.(气能行津)The movements of qi are the motivity for the transportation,and distribution of body fluid,and the excretion of sweat and urine.Therefore,In case ofdeficiency of qi or dysfunction of qi,disturbance of body fluid in transportation,distribution and excretion will occur.Thereby leading to the stagnation ofbody fluid.气的运动是津液运行分布和汗尿液排泄的原动力。因此气虚或气的功能失常,就会发生津液运行、分布和排泄的紊乱,使津液停滞。,C.Qi controls body fluid.(气能摄津)Qi may control the excretion of body fluid and maintain the balance of the metabolism of body fluid,In case qi fails to control the excretion of body fluid some of body fluid will run off.气可以控制津液的排泄,维持体液代谢平衡。如气无法控制津液的排泄,便会导致津液的横溢。,2、Qi and body fluid(气和津液),D.Body fluid is a carrier of qi.(津能载气)Qi resides in body fluid,Body fluid serves as a carrier of qi.That is,body fluid carries qi.Qi cannot exist without body fluid.This is the reason why the loss of body fluid often damages qi.If qi fails to attach to body fluid,qi-deficiency and even qi prostration will ensue.津液是气的载体。这就是津能载气。如果没有津液,气就无法存在。这就是为什么伤津就会耗气。如气无法依托于津液,则气虚甚则气陷就会随之发生。,2、Qi and body fluid(气和津液),3、Blood and Body fluid(血和津液),Blood and body fluid are liquids and,whats more,they both perform the nourishing and moistening functions.Body fluid will become and important component of blood when infiltrating into the blood vessels.As blood and jinye originate from the essence of food and water,they are known as“body fluid and blood are derived from a common source.血和津液都是液体,而且它们都有滋养功能。津液进入脉中就会成为血液的重要组成部分。因为血和津液都源于水谷津液,因此被称为“津血同源”。,3、Blood and body fluid,Recurrent or severe bleeding may do damage to body fluid,resulting in thirst,scanty urine and dry skin.And severe consumption or loss of jinye will affect the source of blood,leading to the exhaustion of both blood and jinye.For this reason,it is not advisable to use diaphoretics for haemorrhage patients,and the methods of breaking blood or pricking blood should be avoided in treating patients with the inadequate of jinye and hidrosis.周期或严重出血会损伤津液导致口渴、尿少和皮肤干燥。严重的津液耗损和丢失会影响血源,导致津液和血液的枯竭。因此,对于出血的患者不宜用汗法,破血或活血法不宜用于津液不足或汗证的患者。,3、Blood and body fulid,Question,What about the function of qi?What is the basic movement forms of qi?How about the mutual causality between qi and blood?What is the difference of jin and ye?,


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