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    人教版新起点二年级英语下册全册课件,点击标题自由选课,1.1,1.2,1.3,2.1,2.2,2.3,3.1,3.2,3.3,4.1,4.2,4.3,5.1,5.2,5.3,6.1,6.2,6.3,Unit 1 Playtime,Lesson 1,我们一起学习吧!,football,swim,play football,踢足球,fly a kite,放风筝,ride a bike 骑自行车,做一做,小朋友们,这是什么?,make a model plane 做一个飞机模型,make a snowman 堆一个雪人,Dialogue,I want to swim,how about you?,Yes,I want to.Lets go.,I want to make a snowman,how about you?,Yes,I want to.Lets go.,习题:写出下面词语的汉语意思 足球:游泳:堆一个雪人:,小朋友们,下周见!,Unit 1 Playtime Lesson 2,1.2,swim,ride,play basketball,play football,1.can的陈述句,We can swim.,We can run fast.,2.can的否定句,I cant fly.,I cant walk.,3.can的疑问句,-Can you ride a bike?,-Yes,I can.,-No,I cant.,Can you.?,Lets practice.,Can you walk?,No,I cant.,Can you run fast?,Yes,I canrun fast.,No,you cantrun fast.,A:Can you can you can you run fast?B:No,I can not.No,I can not.A:Can you can you can you jump high?B:Yes,I can.Yes,I can.A:Can you can you can you jump far?B:Yes,I can.Yes.,I can.A:Can you can you can you ride fast?B:No,I can not.No,I can not.,Say a chant,用“Can you?”句型进行提问,for example:“Can you swim/fly/eat rice/run fast and so on?”,Play a game,Home work,每个同学发一张白纸,请同学们回家在纸上画上一些表达动作的图画,用我们今天学到的句型先说给爸爸妈妈听听,明天到学校说给同学和老师听听。,Homework,Thank you!,1.3Unit 1 Playtime,Lesson3,认一认单词,ride a bike ride a horse sing swim play the piano,ride a _,swim,horse,ride a bike ride a horse sing swim play the piano,sing,play the _,ride a _,bike,piano,play basketball play football play table tennis play tennis,play _,play _,tennis,football,play basketball play football play table tennis play tennis,play _,basketball,play _,table tennis,They can play football.,She can play tennis.,He can swim.,Work in pairs.Ask and answer.Find out what your friend can do.,-Can you?-Yes,I can./No,I cant.,Can you make a snowman?No,I cant.,Can you ride a bike?No,I cant.,Can you make a model plane?Yes,I can.,Can you play football?No,I cant.,Can you fly a kite?Yes,I can.,Homework,(1)Listen to and repeat“Can you.”.(2)Act out the talk in pairs.,Thank you!Bye!,Lesson 1,2.1,rain,y,下雨的,sunn,y,Q,晴朗的,y,snow,下雪的,cloud,y,多云的,wind,y,多风的,umbrella雨伞,Whats the weather like today?,Its rainy.,Its rainy.,Lets take an umbrella.,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Its cloudy.,Whats the weather like today?,Its snowy.,Whats the weather like in Shanghai?,Its sunny.,Whats the weather like today?,Its windy.,Homework(1)Listen to and repeat“Lets talk”.(2)Act out the talk in pairs.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/,Goodbye!,Unit 2 WeatherLesson 2,2.2,Lets study the places,Harbin,Canada,Europe,Different kinds of weather,cold,hot,warm,dry,What kind of weather in Harbin?,Its very cold.,How is the weather like?Its very cool.,What kind of weather in Beijing?,Its sunny.,做一做,Its _,Its _,See you next time,Unit 2 Weather,Lesson 3,2.3,Its sunny in Sydney.,Whats the weather like in Sydney?,sunny,sni,Its rainy in London.,rainy,reini,Whats the weather like in London?,Its cloudy in Singapore.,Whats the weather like in Singapore?,cloudy,klaudi,Beijing,Its windy in Beijing.,windy,windi,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,snui,Its snowy in Moscow.,snowy,Whats the weather like in Moscow?,Moscow,Umbrella,A:Whats the weather like today?,B:Its rainy.Lets take an umbrella.,A:Whats the weather like today?,B:Its windy.,A:Whats the weather like today?,B:Its cloudy.,A:Whats the weather like today?,B:Its sunny.Lets play football.,A:Whats the weather like today?,B:Its snowy.Lets make a snowman.,Sum up(总结),cloudy,sunny,windy,snowy,rainy,Whats the weather like.?,Its.,Homework,Listen to the weather report this evening,then write at least(至少)one sentence.,Thank you!,3.1Seasons Lesson 1,Unit 3,spring,summer,fall,winter,summer spring autumn winter,seasons,Lets talk,Its warm in spring.,Its hot in summer.,Its cool and windy in fall.,Its cold in winter.,Whats the weather like in spring?,Its warm in spring.,Whats the weather like in fall?,Its cool in fall.,Whats the weather like summer?,Its hot.,Whats the weather like winter?,Its cold.,Goodbye!,Unit 3,Seasons Lesson 2,3.2,seasons,spring,summer,fall,winter,spring,summer,fall,winter,说一说,Whats your favourite season?,Spring.Its warm and windy in spring.,Whats your favourite season?,Summer.I can swimming in summer.,Whats your favourite season?,Autumn.I can fiy a kite in autumn.,Whats the weather like?,Its windy.,Whats the weather like?,Its sunny.,Whats the weather like?,Its rainy.,Ask your friends:Whats your favourite season?,Thank you!,Unit 3,3.3,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,Weather,Whats the weather in spring/summer/fall/winter?,Its warm in spring.,Its hot in summer.,Whats the weather in spring/summer/fall/winter?,Its cool in fall.,Its cold in winter.,The four seasons,Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter,Whats your favourite season?Spring,Its warm and windy.,I can fly a kite.,Whats your favourite season?Summer,Its hot.,I can swimming.,I can go for a picnic.,Whats your favourite season?Autumn,Its cool.,Its snowy.,I can make a snowmen.,Whats your favourite season?Winter,Everything turns white.,What do you do in spring?,plant flowers,fly a kite,plant trees,go to the park,What do you do in summer?,eat ice cream/watermelon,go swimming,go to Hainan on holiday,have sports meeting,eat apples/fruits,What do you do in autumn?,see red leaves,What do you do in winter?,go to Harbin,play with snow,make a snowman,go skating,summer,autumn,winter,warm,hot,cool,cold,spring,My favorite season,My favourite season,_ is the best season/I like _ best,Which season do you like?,Spring In spring,the weather starts to get warm.The wind blows gently.It often rains.Plants start to grow.Everything turns green.It is exciting to take a trip in spring.,Read and Practice,Unit 4 Time,Lesson 1,4.1,New Words,Numbers,twelve,eleven,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,11,12,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,2,11eleven,5five,Whats missing,Whats five plus six?5+6=?Its eleven.Whats twenty plus thirty?20+30=?Its fifty.,Use your head:,Whats it?,?,Its a clock.,Clock,Dida dida clock.I can say a clock.Clock clock Oclock.Its 2 oclock.,Whats the time?,Its 7 oclock.Its 6 oclock.Its 3 oclock.,Whats the time?,Whats the time?,Whats the time?,Pair work:Use your clock and ask your friends with“whats the time?”,Whats the time?,Is it _ oclock?,Lets play a guessing game!,Homework1.把时间用英语说给爸爸妈妈听。2.听录音熟读课文。3.学唱时间像小马车4.预习下一课。,hank you!,4.2Unit 4 Time,Lesson 2,What time is it?,Its seven oclock,Thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,Its seven oclock.,七点钟,At 7,I get up.,Its eight oclock.,八点钟,At 8,I go to school.,Its twelve oclock.,十二点钟,At 12,I have lunch.,Its four oclock.,十二点钟,At 4,I paly football.,What time is it?,Its 3:15,it is playtime.,What time is it?,Its 10:10,lets play football.,What time is it?,Its 9:05,it is playtime.,What time is it?,Its 2:23,it is playtime.,What time is it?,get up.,It 6:30.,It time to,What time is it?,go to school.,Its 7:05.,Its time to,What time is it?,Its 4:35.,Its time to,go home.,What time is it?,go to bed.,Its 9:00.,Its time to,What time is it?,复习所学单词与对话,Unit 4Time Lesson 3,4.3,Lets learn!,What time is it?,Its eight oclock.,A:What time is it?,B:The time is eight oclock.,Its 8 oclock now.,What time is it?,Its one oclock.,What time is it?,It is one oclock a.m.,What time is it?,Its 1 oclock p.m.,What time is it?,Its.,?,The time is twelve oclock.,what time is it?,.,what is it?,Its 5 oclock.,Whats the time?,Its.,Whats the time?,Its.,Whats the time?,Its.,Answer,12 oclockWhat time is it?Its 8 oclock.Time7 oclock10 oclock5 oclock,Homework:,Please copy the new words five times and read the text after class.,Thank you!,Unit 5 Lesson 1,5.1,What time is it?,It is 10:52.,What time is it?,Wake up!,It is 7:00!It is time to get up.,What time is it?,It is 11:45!It is time to have lunch.,It is 5:00 p.m.!It is time to go home.,What time is it?,What time do you go to bed?,I go to bed at 9:30 p.m.,What do I do at 7?我在7点做什么?,I get up at 7.,What do I do at 8?我在8点做什么?,I go to school at 8.,What do I do at 12?我在12点做什么?,I have lunch at 12.,What do I do at 4?我在下午4点做什么?,I play basketball at 4.,What do I do at 5?我在下午5点做什么?,I go home at 5.,What do I do at 7?我在下午7点做什么?,试着用英文问你身边的小伙伴,现在是几点钟。,Thank you!,5.2Unit 5 My Day,Lesson 2,Lets learn,What time is it?,It is 7 oclock.,What time is it?,It is 12 oclock.,What time is it?,It is 3 oclock.,问现在几点,一般都用,What time is it?,Whats the time?,回答:,Its+时间.或 The time is+时间.,例如:8:00,It is 8:00 oclock.,It is time to have lunch.,It is time to play.,It is time to go to bed.,It is 7 oclock.It is time to go to school.,What time is it?,Its _.,Its _.,Its _.,1:30,2:15,10:05,Lets talk!,A:What time is it?B:Its.,What time is it?,Its _ oclock.,Its _ oclock.,Its _ oclock.,two,three,five,A:What time is it?,B:Its 3 oclock.Its time for music class.,A:What time is it?,B:Its 12 oclock.Its time to have lunch.,A:What time is it?,B:Its 7 oclock.Its time to get up.,Its seven oclock.Its time to,wash my face.,Its ten forty-five.Its time to go to bed.,ten forty-five,5.3Unit 5 My DayLesson 3,go to bed,get up,eat breakfast,Lets chant:,I get up and wash my face.I brush my teeth like you.And I eat my breakfast.Eat my breakfast.Eat my breakfast,too.,When do you get up every day?,I get up at six oclock.,6:307:409:4511:2515:0917:26,half past sixfourty past sevenfourty five past ninetwenty five past elevennine past fifteentwenty six past seventeen,Lets talk,(1)When do you get up?(2)when do you eat breakfast?(3)When do you go to school?(4)When do you eat lunch?(5)When do you have Chinese class?(6)When do you eat dinner?(7)When do you do homework?(8)When do you watch TV?(9)When do you go to bed?,Pair Work,Morning,get up,Whats the time?,Morning,I at 7:00.,7:00,eat breakfast,Whats the time?,Morning,7:20,Whats the time?,go to school,I at 7:20.,Morning,Whats the time?,have class,12:00,Whats the time?,I at 12:00.,eat lunch,noon,Afternoon,4:30,Whats the time?,play,I at 4:30.,5:30,Whats the time?,go home,I at 5:30.,Afternoon,I at 7:00.,7:00,watch TV,Whats the time?,Evening,Evening,go to bed,Whats the time?,Homework,Tell your parents:Whats the time?Its2.Make a timetable.(制作一个作息时间表,让爸妈监督。),Goodbye!,6.1Unit 6 My Week,Lesson 1,Step 1 学单词,学单词,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,单词记忆王,Tuesday,Friday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Wednesday,Monday,Tuesday,Friday,Wednesday,Thursday,Monday,Friday,Thursday,Friday,Step 2,Lets talk!,What day is it today?,Its Friday.,What do we have today?,We have English,Chinese,Maths.,What day is it today?,Its Thursday.,What do we have today?,We have Chinese,Science,Maths.,What day is it today?,Its.,What do we have today?,We have.,1.What _ is it today?2.Today is Tuesday.Tomorrow is _.3.Thursday,Friday,_.4._,Monday,Tuesday.5.Its Wednesday today.Tomorrow is _.,Wednesday,day,Saturday,Sunday,Thursday,Write,Now listen and check.,课后作业,Listen to the tape and copy the sentences.,Step 3 课后作业,谢谢同学们的观赏!,Unit 6 My Week Lesson 2,6.2,学习重点:词汇:Monday.Tuesday.Wednesday.Thursday.Friday.Saturday.Sunday 句型:-What day is it today?Its Monday.-What day is it tomorrow?Its Tuesday.,2023/4/1,猜一猜她怎么了?,three,one,two,four,five,seven,six,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday,Monday,Thursday,Friday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Saturday,Sunday,在西方国家一周的第一天是周几?根据圣经,上帝是星期一到星期六创造了世界,星期日休息,所以犹太教和基督教星期日要做礼拜,这一天他们叫做“礼拜日”,而一周七天称“一个礼拜”。敬神自然要优先,所以放在每星期的第一天来做,于是星期日也就是每周的第一天了。另外,从语义上来说,sunday是太阳日的意思,太阳是所有天体中对人来说最伟大的,这一天当然是一周之中最重要的一天,自然应该用来敬神。,缩写:Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.Sun.,知识拓展,9:00,思考:怎样用英语提问今天是周几?,-What day is it today?Its.,-What day is it tomorrow?Its.,思考:怎样用英语提问明天是周几?,Wednesday,Thursday,课文,Listen and read,9:10,Whats that?,Its a basketball.Its Saturday.I play basketball on Saturday.,What day is it today?,What do you do on Tuesday?,I play baseball on Tuesday.,Its Tuesday,What day is it today?,What do you do on Sunday?,Its Sunday.,I play the violin on Sunday.,What day is it today?,What do you do on Wednesday?,Its Wednesday.,I play ping-pong on Wednesday.,What day is it today?,What do you do on Friday?,I play piano on Friday.,Its Friday.,What day is it today?,Its Thursday.,Its my birthday.,Happy birthday!,Today is Wednesday.What day is it tomorrow?Tomorrow is _.Today is Friday.What day is it tomorrow?Tomorrow is_.Today is Monday.What day is it tomorrow?Tomorrow is_.Today is Saturday.What day is it tomorrow?Tomorrow is_.,Thursday,Saturday,Tuesday,Sunday,Answer and read,9:15,Lets play a game.Today is Monday,tomorrow is Tuesday.Today is Tuesday,tomorrow is Wednesday.Today is Wednesday,tomorrow is,星期接龙,Work in pairs.Ask and answer.,A:What day is it today?B:Its.A:What day is it tomorrow?B:Its A:My favourite day is What day is your favourite day?B:Its,9:23,小结:本节课我们学到了什么?,Goodbye!,Unit 6 My Week Lesson 3,6.3,Chant:,Sunday,Sunday,I play football on Sunday.Sunday,Sunday,I watch TV on Sunday.Sunday,Sunday,I play football at park.Sunday,Sunday,I watch TV at home.,Monday,Sunday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Free Talk,What day is it today?,Its_,What do you have on Thursdays?,We haveon Thursdays,Thursday.,What does your brother do on Sunday?,He plays basketball on Saturday.,What do you do on Sunday?,I play baseball on Sunday.,What do you do on Sunday?,I play the violin on Sunday.,What do you do on Sunday?,I play ping-pong on Sunday.,TV,watch TV,I watch TV.,I watch TV on Sundays.,swimming,go swimming,I go swimming.,I go swimming on Sundays.,学以致用跟跟看,What do you do on Sundays?I.What do you do on Mondays?I.What do you do in the morning?I.What do you do in the afternoon?I.,play football,go swimming,sleep,watch TV,问问你身边的小伙伴们,他们星期天都干了些什么。,你问我答(小记者),A:What do you do on Sundays?B:I go swimming/play football,谢谢,


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