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    Could you please clean your room,?,Unit 3,Section B,(2a-2e),Could you please clean your room,?,Unit 3,Section B,(2a-2e),Ms.Miller,Mr.Smith,Ms.Miller says:Kids these days already have,_ from school.They do not have,time _and do housework,too.Housework is,_.They should _ their time on,schoolwork _ get good _ and,_ a good _.It is the parents job,to _ a clean and comfortable,_ at home _ their children.,enough stress,to study,a waste of time,spend,in order to,get into,provide,grades,university,environment,for,Mr.Smith says:It is important _ children,_(learn)how _(do)chores and,help their parents with housework.Children,these days _ their parents too much.,_(do)chores helps to _ childrens,_ and teaches them how to,_.It also helps them to,understand the idea of _.They should,know that everyone should _in,_ it clean and tidy._ kids learn,to be _,_ it is for their future.,for,to learn,develop,independence,depend on,look after themselves,fairness,keeping,The earlier,do their part,the better,to do,Doing,independent,Pros(,赞成,),Cons(,反对,),According to Ms.Miller and Mr.Smith,what are the pros,and cons about kids doing chores?,2c,*Doing chores helps to,develop children,s,independence.,*Housework is a waste,of time.,*It teaches them how to,look after themselves.,*,It helps them to understand,the idea of fairness.,*They should spend time on,schoolwork in order to,*It,s the parents,job to,provide,*It is healthy for the,mind and the body,.,*It helps to develop the,sense of responsibility(,责,任感,).,*Doing housework,makes children tired.,*Children will get,dirty.,*,Theres no need to do chores.,2e,1.Which letter do you agree with?Why?,2.What would you say to the person,who wrote the letter you dont agree,with?,Do our own things.,自己的事自己做,Help your parents at home.,在家帮助父母做事,Language points,1.Kids these days already have enough,stress from school.,现在的孩子承受来自学校的压力已经很大了。,stress,n.,压力;心理负担,太多的压力对我们的健康有害。,Too much stress is bad for our health.,stressed out,Kids are very stressed out at school.,紧张的,有压力的,孩子们在学校很有压力。,6.,It is the parents job to,provide,a clean and,comfortable environment at home for their,children.,v.,提供;供应,provide sb.with sth.,或,provide sth.for sb.,“为某人提供某物”,这个电影院为我们提供了优质的服务。,The movie theater,provides us with good service.,=The movie theater,provides good service for us.,昨天他们提供给他钱和衣服。,They,provided,him,with,money and clothes yesterday.,=They,provided,money and clothes,for,him yesterday.,7.And,anyway,I think doing chores is not,so difficult.,而且,我觉得做家务也不太难。,anyway,作副词,可位于句首或句尾,修饰整,个句子,常用于转换话题,表示“尽管如此;,不管怎样”。,反正现在我闲着没事,就陪你走一趟吧。,Anyway,Im free now.Let me go with you.,水很冷,不过我还是冲了个淋浴。,The water was cold but,_.,I took a shower,anyway,depend v.,依靠,信赖,depend on sb./sth.,依赖某人,/,某物,取决,于某人,/,某物,你不能永远依赖你的父母。,You cant _ your parents forever.,我们是否去野营取决于天气。,Whether well go camping _the weather.,n.dependence,依赖,反义词,independence,独立,adj.dependent,依赖的,反义词,independent,独立的,现在的孩子都不独立,所以我们应该培养他们的独立性。,Nowadays,children are not_,so we,should develop their_.,depend on,independent,independence,depends,on,现在的孩子们太依赖他们的父母了。,develop v.,发展,开发,培养,体育运动有益于身心发展。,培养良好的阅读习惯很重要。,It is important to develop a good habit of reading.,拓展,development n.,发展,developing adj.,发展的;发展中的,developed adj.,发达的,With the _of his business,he helped more people.,随着他事业的发展,他帮助了更多的人。,中国是一个发展中国家。,美国是一个发达国家。,development,做家务能帮助培养孩子独立性并且教他们如何照顾自己。,Sports can develop mind and body,.,China is a developing country.,America is a developed country.,2.Housework is a,waste,of their time.,家务是,浪费,他们的时间,。,1),waste n.,浪费,a waste of,time,浪费时间,玩手机就是浪费时间。,Playing with the mobile phone is a waste of time.,扩展,n.,垃圾,;废弃物,大量来自工厂的废弃物正在污染环境。,A lot of waste from the factory is polluting the environment.,2,),v.,浪费,waste time/money on sb./sth.,(in),doing sth.,浪费时间,/,金钱,在某人,/,某物上,做某事,His wife wasted much money on clothes.,杰克每天浪费很多时间看电视。,Jack wastes a lot of time(in)watching TV every day.,3)adj.,无用的,废弃的,Dont throw,waste,things around.,in order to,do sth.,“,目的是,为了”,比单纯的,to do,更强调,“目的”,可放句首,也可放句中。,3.They should spend their time on schoolwork,in,order to,get good grades and get into a good,university.,为了取得好的成绩和进入好的大学,他们应该把,他们的时间花费在学校作业上。,_,catch the bus,we got up at 5 oclock yesterday.,=We got up at 5 oclock yesterday,in order to,catch,the bus.,=We got up at 5 oclock yesterday,so that,we could,catch the bus.,In order to,in order to+,动词原形,so that+,句子,there is no need(for sb),to do sth.,没必要做某事,She is only 5 years old,so there is no need,_,(,give,),her stress.,我们没必要担心考试的结果。,_,worry about the,result of a test.,to give,There is no need for us to,同样当他们长大时,他们将不得不做家务,,所以没有必要让他们现在做。,5.,It is the parents job to provide,a clean and,comfortable environment at home for their,children.,It is+adj./n.(for sb.)_sth.,按时交作业是每个学生的职责所在。,Its every students duty to hand in homework,on time.,拥有一座桥是他们的梦想。,Its their dream to have a bridge.,学好英语对我们是重要的。,Its important for us to learn English well.,to do,在家给孩子们提供一个干净舒,适的环境是父母的工作,。,fairness n.,公平性,;,合理性,比赛一定要有公平性。,The match must have the,fairness,.,fair adj.,公平的,合理的,unfair,adj.,不公平的,不合理的,我认为让孩子们做家务是合理的,/,不合理的。,I think its fair/unfair for children to do chores.,这也能帮助他们理解公平的含义。,since,conj,.,既然,;,因为,.,引导原因状语从句,位于句首或句中。表,因果关系时,语气没有,because,强烈。,既然你没有完成作业,那么你就不能出去玩。,Since you dont finish homework,you cant play outside.,Mary has lived here,since,she was five.,She has been here,since,three oclock this morning.,conj.,“从,以后;自,以来”,后接句子,prep,.,“从,以后;自,以来”,,后接表示时间的词或短语。,adv.,“从,以后;自,以来”,单独使用。,拓展,既然他们和父母住在一起,,他们应该知道每个人都应有职责保持这个房子干净整洁。,do ones part,尽职责;尽本分,do ones part in doing sth,尽某人的职责做某事,我们应该尽职努力学习。,We should,do our part in,studying hard.,play a part in,参与;对,有影响;在,中扮演角色,take part in,参加;参与,拓展:有关,part,的词组,plays an important part,took part in,3.The doctor _in saving,their lives last night.,did his part,1),as a result,结果,他努力学习,结果他通过了考试。,He studied hard.,As a result,he passed the exam.,大明今天起晚了,结果没有赶上头班车。,Daming,got up late today.,As a result,he missed,the first bus.,12.,As a result,he often fell,ill,and his,grades,dropped,.,结果,他经常生病并且他的成绩下降。,2),fall ill,生病,彼得在小学时经常生病。,Peter often _when he was in primary school.,ill&sick,adj.,生病的,The man is _,but he has to look after his,_father.,ill/sick,sick,表示“生病”时,,sick,后可以加名词,但,ill,不能。,fell ill,3)drop v.,下落,下降,(,过去式,dropped),The cup _,and broken.,Be careful not to _that cup.,拓展:,drop in on sb.,顺路拜访某人,drop by,顺便拜访,dropped,drop,13.,The earlier,kids learn to be independent,the better,it is for their future.,the+,比较级,+,the+,比较级,+,越,就越,你读得越多,你就会变得越聪明。,The more,you read,the smarter,you,will be.,我们越健康,就越快乐。,The healthier,we are,the happier,well be.,孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。,The harder,you study,the better,grades,you will get.,你学习越用功,取得的成绩就越好。,The more careful,you are,the fewer,mistakes,you will make.,你越认真,你犯的错误就越少。,山越高,空气就越稀薄。,The higher,the mountain is,the thinner,the air is.,1.a waste of time,_,2.there is no need for,to,_,3.do not mind,_,4.spend time on,_,It is a waste of time watching TV,.,There is no need for you to hurt your friend.,Write one sentence with each phrase from the letters.,I do not mind doing chores.,You shouldnt spend too much time on games.,2d,5.in order to,_,6.it is not enough to,_,7.the earlier,the better.,_,_,We must study hard in order to get good grades.,It is not enough to just do grammar exercises.,The earlier you study hard,the better grades you,will get.,使某人做某事,有十足的压力,有时间做某事,浪费他们的时间,花时间在某方面,为了做,.,进入好大学,介意做某事,没必要做某事,给某人提供某物,make sb.do sth.,have enough stress,have time to do sth.,a waste of their time,spend time on sth.,in order to do sth.,get into a good university,mind doing sth.,there is no need(for sb.)to do sth,provide sb.with sth.,provide sth.for sb.,对于某人来说做某事是,怎样做家务,依靠,;,取决于,照顾他们自己,公平的观点,尽自己的职责做,.,结果,生病,培养某人的独立性,学会独立,Its+adj./n.+(for sb.)+to do sth.,how to do chores,depend on sth.,look after/take care of themselves,the idea of fairness,do ones part in doing sth.,as a result,fall ill,develop ones independence,learn to be independent,1,Make a list of chores using these verbs.,1.do _,2.clean _,3.make _,4.fold _,5.sweep _,6.take out _,_,do the dishes,clean the living room,make the bed,fold the clothes,sweep the floor,take out the rubbish,do some cleaning/washing,make breakfast/dinner,2,Are these polite requests or permissions?Write the,numbers in the correct places in the chart.,1.Could you please do your,homework?,2.Could I watch TV?,3.Could you take out the,rubbish first?,4.Could I use your computer?,5.Could I leave now?,6.Could you come back before,nine?,Requests,Permissions,1,3,6,2,4,5,3,Use the questions in activity 2 to write a conversation.,Example,A:Mom,Could I watch TV?,B:OK,but could you take out the rubbish first?,Im so busy in cooking.,A:My favorite TV show will start in 2 minutes.,Could I take it out later?,B:OK,please do it quickly as soon as it finishes.,Do you think children should do some,chores at home?Why or why not?Lets,have a debate competition and you can,take notes on page 23.,Children should do,chores because,Children should not,do chores because,Rules:,1.First show your opinion,then give,reasons.,2.Only one reason at one time.,3.Do not say the same reason as,others.,4.Time:1 minute.,I think,.,You said.,but I disagree with you,.,I dont think so.,Thats the reason why,Im afraid I dont,/Thats not true.,I do not,understand why,For kids/parents,their job is.,There is no need.,Its important for children to,It helps them to.,The earlier.the better.,Children should do,chores,because.,Children should not do,chores,because.,1.It is not enough to,just get good grades,at school.,2.Doing chores helps to,develop childrens,independence and,teaches them how to,look after themselves.,.,1.Kids these days,already have enough,stress from school.,2.They do not have,time to do housework.,3.Housework is a waste,of their time.,.,Every coin has two sides.,凡事都有两面性,Write a letter to the,Sunday Mail,and,express your opinion.,Dear Sir or Madam,I think/believe that _.,I agree/disagree that _.,I think it is fair/unfair for children to,_.,I think children should/should not _,because _.,For example,they should/,should not _,because _.,Yours truly,_,【思路点拨】,1.,定基调,体裁:议论文,时态:一般现在时,人称:第一人称和第三人称,2.,谋布局、写句子,they will be very tired,its unfair for parents to do all the housework,3.they should clean their bedrooms,or make their beds,can also help(to)develop childrens,independence,3.,巧衔接,本文在表明观点后,需要阐述支撑观点的理由,,为此,我们可以先用,Here are three reasons,来,承上启下,使文章过渡自然。然后具体的理由,可以用,first,second,third,来衔接,以使行文条,理清晰、紧密相连。,?,help with housework and chores at home,?,have enough stress from school,?,spend the time on school work in order to,?,There is no need for them to,?,It is important for sb.to do sth.,?,Its not enough to,?,develop childrens independence,?,The more,the more,Dear Sir or Madam,I think children should do chores at home.,Here are three reasons.,First,parents work hard,outside and if they do all the housework at home,they will be very tired.,Second,children live in,one house with their parents,so its unfair for,parents to do all the housework.At least,children should do simple chores.For example,they should clean their bedrooms or make their,beds.,Third,doing chores can help to develop,childrens spirit of working hard and it can also,help to develop childrens independence.Its,good for their future.So I believe that children,should do chores at home.,Yours truly,Eric,Exercises,一,.,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1.Yesterday Sandy invited me _(have)dinner.,2.What do you need _(take)with you on holiday?,3.Could you buy drinks and _(snack)for the party?,4.Yesterday my mom _(clean)the living room.,5.He turned down my _(invite).,to have,to take,snacks,cleaned,invitation,()1.-Could I watch TV this afternoon?,-Yes,you can.But first you,do your homework,A.have to B.may C.could,()2.I would like to buy,drinks,but I dont have,money.,A.some,some B.some,any C any,some,()3.-Could I use your dictionary?-,Yes,of course you,.,A.could B.will C.can,()4.-Could I,your eraser?-I left mine at home.,A.lend B.get C.borrow,()5.-Could you go to the new movies with me now?,-Sorry,I,.Look,its time for me to watch The Reader,on TV,.,A.cant B.couldnt C.neednt,A,B,C,C,A,1.Many people give money to Project Hope,_,help the poor children to go to school.,A.as soon as B.so that,C.in order to,2.The local people like that Italian restaurant,because it _ both delicious food and good,service.,A.uses B.provides C.shares,3._ children there are in a family,_,their life will be.,A.The less;the better B.The fewer;the better,C.Fewer;richer,.,根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所,缺单词。,1.The hotel,p_,a shoe-cleaning,service for people.,2.My father thinks holidays are,a,w_,of time and money.,3.An apple,d_,from the tree to the,ground just now.,provides,waste,dropped,4.The man is great.He,d_,the,company(,公司,)from nothing.,5.Students have lots of,s_,from,school.They have so much homework and,the teachers are so strict with them.,developed,stress,.,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。,1.,我妹妹为了进入一所好大学努力学习。,My sister studies very hard _,_ _ get into a good,university.,2.,她没有去看医生,结果病得严重了。,She didnt go to see a doctor._,_ _,she became,seriously ill.,in,order to,As,a result,3.,我们不在家时,你得照顾你弟弟。,You have to _ _,_ your brother when we are not,at home.,4.,他毕业后就不依靠父母了。,After he left school,he didnt _,_ his parents.,5.,我朋友不做运动,所以经常生病。,My friend doesnt play sports,so he often,_ _.,take care,of,depend,on,falls ill,


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