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    Unit 10Ive had this bike for three years.,Section APeriod One,What can you see in the picture?,举行庭院拍卖会 _ 多余;超过 _引起许多甜美的回忆_ _ 自从_ 不再=学会做某事 最后一件东西_ 欢迎来到_我已经买这报纸几个月了。_自从我是一个小孩起,我就已经拥有它了。_.,课堂任务一:预习检测:,have a yard sale,more than,bring back sweet memories,ever since,not anymore no longer,learn to do,one last thing,welcome to,I have already had the newspaper a couple of months.,Ive had it since I was a child.,Objectives,To learn to talk about possessions and things around youTo listen for specific informationTo learn new words:yard,sweet,memory,cent,toy,bear,maker,scarf,soft,check,board,Look at the things at the yard sale.Do you have any of these things at home?How long have you had them?,Click it.,1b,课堂任务二:,Listen and check()the facts you hear.(1b),_ Jeffs family is having a yard sale._ Amy thinks its hard to sell her old things._ Jeff has had his bike for more than 10 years._ Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories._ You can also give old things away to people in need.,A:This is a really beautiful vase.B:Yes,Ive had it for years.A:Why are you selling it?B:Because.A:How much is it?B:You can have it for.,1c,Click it.,2a,book magazine toy bear toy lion toy tiger bread maker sweater dress hat scarf,Listen again and fill in the blanks.(2b)1.Amy has had her favorite _ for three years.2.Amy has had the toy _ since she was a _.3.Amys mom has had the old bread maker for more than _ years.4.Amy can give away the _ and _ because they do not fit her anymore.,book,bear,baby,ten,sweater,dress,Student A is Amys mom.Student B is Amy.Make conversation.(2c),A:Amy,can we give away these soft toys?B:Mom,I want to keep the bear.A:Why?Its so old.B:Because Ive had it since I was a baby.,Example:,A:Amy,can we give away this book?B:Mom,I want to keep this book.A:Why?Youve already read it twice.B:Because its my favorite book.,Pair work,Role-play the conversation.(2d),Linda:Welcome to the Sunshine Home for Children.Im Linda.Amy:Hi,Im Amy.I have some things for the _.Ive had this magazine for _.The stories _ may be a bit _,but theyre still _.,kids,a couple of months,inside,old,interesting,Linda:Great!Many children here love _.Amy:And _ these soft toys and board games for _ kids.Ive had them since I was a _.Theres also _.,reading,check out,younger,child,a sweater and a dress,Linda:Perfect!We always need _ _.Amy:One _ thing is a bread maker.My moms had it for _ but it still _.Linda:Thanks so much!,toys and clothes,last,a long time,works,课堂任务三:组内讨论2d和学案,提出组内不能解决的问题,Language points,问题引导下再学习,1.You can also give old things away to people in need.复习短语:_“捐赠”_“在危难中,需要帮助的”,在句中作_.Eg:We should help _.我们应该帮助有困难的孩子拓展:in need of 急需Eg:We are in need of _.我们急需水,give away,in need,后置定语,the children in need,water,练一练:(1)She _ for ten years and she has a lovely daughter.A.married B.has been married C.has got married(2)We _ the book for 2 days.A.have bought B.have had C.have borrowed(3)They _ good friends since 3 years ago.A.have made B.have been C.were.,2.掌握有since 和for 时间,主句v.应用,B,B,B,3.My moms had it for a long time but it still works.my moms had 怎么理解?work“_”我的闹钟坏了。My alarm _ _.,起作用,其效果,doesnt work,4.Because I dont read it anymore.,副词anymore亦可写作any more,常用于否定句的末尾,意思是“再也(不);(不)再”。not anymore相当于no more练习:她再也不去那个城市了He wont go to that city anymore=He will no more go to that city.,Practise,我再也不想见到你了。Idontwant toseeyouanymore.我再不能相信他了。I couldnt trust him anymore.我简直受不了这种生活。I just cant stand this life any more.,5.a couple of有两种意思:其一,表示具体的数量“两个”,指两个相同的人或物体;其二,表示数量不定的“少数几个”,作这种虚指的用法时,具体意思往往视上下文和具体的语境而决定。,我看见有两个人出去了。I saw a couple of men get out.她每天早上要慢跑(jog)几英里。She jogs a couple of miles every morning.,Practise,课时重点回顾,Review,疑问词+动词不定式yard salebring back sweet memoriespeople in neednot anymorea couple ofcheck out,揭示学案:,C 2.to eat 3.worked 4.has been5.Did 6.have finished 7.has lived8.did read;read,注:另附word文档。点击此处链接,1.The math problem is so hard.I really dont know _.(2012甘肃鸡西)A.how to do it B.how to do C.what to do it2.How do you like the scarf?Very much.It feels _.(2013青岛)A.hard B.sweet C.cool D.soft,一、单项选择。,二、根据提示完成句子。,1.The house has a small _(院子).2.The pineapple was _(甜的).3.All these facts were stored(储存)in his _(记忆).4.Put your _(玩具)away now its time for bed.5.I like chocolates with _(not hard)centres.6.You should always _(检查)your oil before taking your car on a long trip.,yard,sweet,memory,toys,soft,check,三、翻译下列句子。,1.他不知道如何去那儿。He doesnt know _.2.这些照片唤起了我的甜蜜回忆。These photos _ _.3.我妈妈经常让我帮助那些需要帮助的 人。My mother often told me _ _.,how to get there,bring back my sweet memories,to help people in need,4.我已经长大了,所以我不再需要它了。Ive grown up,so _ _.5.我早/晚到了两三分钟。I arrived _ early/late.6.看一看我们新商店的价格吧!_ the prices at our new store!7.好长时间没见到你了。I havent seen you _.,I dont need it anymore,a couple of minutes,Check out,for a long time,Thank you.,


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