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    Unit 10,Ive had this bike for three years.,Section A,(3a-4c),1.To learn the usage of,for,and,since.,2.To use the Grammar Focus sentences,to create simple conversation.,3.To review the present perfect tense.,4.To learn new words.,3a,Read the article written by a father for a newspaper.,What is his family going to sell at the yard sale?,My children are growing up fast.My daughter is 16 and,my boy is already in junior high school.As they get,bigger,our house seems to get smaller.So we want to sell,some of our things in a yard sale and give the money to,a childrens home.,We have already cleared out a lot of things from our,bedrooms.We have decided to each sell five things that,we no longer use.My son was quite sad at first.,Although he has not played with his old toys for a long,time,he still wanted to keep them.For example,he has,owned a train and railway set since his fourth birthday,and he played with it almost every week until he was,about seven.And he did not want to lose his toy monkey,either.He slept next to the monkey every night when he,was a child.My daughter was more understanding,although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.,As for me,I did not want to give up my football shirts,but,to be honest,I have not played for a while now.I am,getting older,too!,What is his family going to sell at,the yard sale?,Son:a train and railway set,the toy monkey,Daughter:certain toys,Father:football shirts,3b,Read the article again and answer the questions.,1.Why did they decide to have a yard sale?,They decided to have a yard sale because they have too many,things in the house.,2.What do they want to do with the money from the,sale?,They want to give the money to a childrens home.,3.Why does the son want to keep his train and railway,set?,He wants to keep his train and railway set because he has had it,since his fourth birthday and he played with it almost every,week until he was about seven.,4.How can the old toys be useful again?,Old toys can bring joy to children who dont have the,money to buy toys.,5.Have you ever thought about having a yard,sale to sell your things?What would you do,with the money you raise?,Yes,I have.I would give the money I raise to my favorite,animal shelter to help the animals there.,3c,Find the words or phrases in the article,which can be replaced with the ones below,and write them next to the words.,part with,children,lose,_ kids,_,a lot of,truthful,_ many,_,honest,some time,_,a while,although,even though,_,growing up,fast,quickly,_ older,_,for,和,since,在现在完成时中的应用,for,与,since,都能与现在完成时连用,但区别较大:,(,1,),for,后须接“时间段”,He has studied English for five years.,他学英语,5,年了。,(,2,),since,后须接“时间点”,He has studied English since 1999.,他从,1999,年开始学英语。,(,3,)二者可以转换,for+,一段时间,=since+,一段时间,+ago,He has been here for five weeks.,=He has been here since five weeks ago.,他到这儿已经有五个星期了。,(,4,),since,能引导时间状语从句,(,主句用现在完,成时,从句用一般过去时,),,而,for,则不能。,He has taught here since he came to China.,自从他来到中国就在这儿教书。,We have been friends since we met in school.,我们从在学校见面起就成为了好朋友。,(,5,)现在完成时常用句型:,It is(has been)+,时间段,+since+,时间状语或从,句,It is four days since last Friday.,从上周五到现在已经四天了。,(,6,)均须与延续性动词连用,也可以与非延,续性动词的否定式连用。,非延续性动词和延续性动词的转换,buy,have become,be,die,be dead fall ill,be ill,finish,be over get up,be up,leave,be away come here,be here,borrow,keep fall asleep,be asleep,go there,be there begin/start,be on,come back,be back open sth.,keep sth.open,join,be on,+,组织机构,/,be a member of+,组织机构,4a,Rewrite the sentences using,for,or,since,.,1.Jim is in Japan.He arrived there three days ago.,Jim has been in Japan for three days.,2.They are very hungry.Their last meal was ten,hours ago.,They have not had meal for ten hours.,3.I have a camera.I bought it in 2009.,I have had a camera since 2009.,4.I know Anna.I first met her three years ago.,I have known Anna for three years.,5.Linda is ill.She became ill on Monday.,Linda has been ill since Monday.,Fill in the blanks with the correct,4b,forms of the verbs in brackets.,have never been,1.I _(never be)to the,go,water park before.I want to _(go),next month before the weather gets too,cold.,have never owned,2.They _(never own),have always wanted,any pets,but they _,(always want)to have a dog.,3.We _(have)a piano since last,have had,bought,November.We _(buy)it from the Li,family when they moved to the US last year.,4.Cathy and Amy _,have not been/havent been,(not be)back to their hometown for two,years.They _(miss)their hometown a,miss,lot and hope to visit the place next year.,5.This museum _(be)here for over,has been,20 years.It _(be)one of the oldest,is,buildings in this small town.,4c,Fill in the questions and ask two students.,Then complete the chart.,1.Do you have a(n)_?How long have you,had it?,2.Do you own a(n)_?How long have you,owned it?,Things,Tony,Student 1,Student 2,How long,favorite book,for two years,basketball,since he was 10,years old,Review the Grammar Focus,and tell the differences,between for and since.,


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