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    7 Habits of Highly,Effective People,Agenda,The Seven Habits,An Overview,Private Victory,Habit 1:Be Proactive,Habit 2:Begin with the End in Mind,Habit 3:Put First Things First,Public Victory,Habit 4:Think Win/Win,Habit 5:Seek First to Understand,Then to Be Understood,Habit 6:Synergize,Renewal,Habit 7:Sharpen the Saw,Overview,Not a quick fix program,A Process of personal and interpersonal growth and,development,Requires continual best efforts and patience,Results,Increased capacity to achieve your personal and career goals,Deep long lasting,healthy relationships,What is a habit?,Intersection of,Knowledge,What to do and how to do it?,Skill,The ability to do it,Desire,Motivation side.The Want to Do it,Character Ethic vs.Personality Ethic,Character Ethic,Develop from Inside out,Based on principles such as integrity,humility,courage,justice.,Resulting in strong roots in a person,Personality Ethic,Superficial,Focuses on“How the world sees me?”as compared to“Who I really am”?,Maturity Continuum,Interdependency,Independency,Interdependency,Dependency,M,a,t,u,r,I,t,y,C,o,n,t,I,n,u,u,m,“WE”,“I”,“YOU”,Public,Victory,Private,Victory,7:Sharpen the Saw,6:Synergize,5:Seek to,Understand,Then be,Understood,5:Think,Win:Win,3:Put First,Things First,1:Be,Proactive,2:Begin with,the End in,Mind,Paradigms and Principles,Paradigms,The way we see,understand,and interpret the world,Implicit assumptions of our life.,More important than attitude or behavior,Example:,Become a support manager,View of the world changes,Principles,Self evident Eternal Natural Laws,Principles of Effectiveness-,Integrity,humility,courage,justice,patience,simplicity,forgiveness,tolerance.,Superb Results:Align our paradigms with principles of effectiveness.,When we understand these principles,they empower and enable us.,Eg:As a DRE,you exercise courage,patience,integrity in dealing,with the customer,then you have control over the case,Fundamental Structure of the habits,Our results are affected by our paradigms and behaviors.As we work on,them in light of principles,we can establish new habits and thereby,change the results we achieve.,Each of the 7 Habits are based on:,A Principle of effectiveness,An effective Paradigm(,see,)that is aligned with the principle,Behavior(,do,)that produces an effective result(,get,),Fundamental Structure of the habits,See,Do,Get,Paradigm,Behavior,Result,Principle,What is Effectiveness?,Effectiveness is getting superb results today(production)in a way that,allows us to get those results over and over again(production capacity).,It is P/PC Balance.,Production Capability(PC):,Maintaining,preserving,and enhancing the resources that produce the,desired results.(Resources for ones job can be:physical,financial,human,and technological),Production(P):,The desired results.,Agenda,The Seven Habits,An Overview,Private Victory,Habit 1:Be Proactive,Habit 2:Begin with the End in Mind,Habit 3:Put First Things First,Public Victory,Habit 4:Think Win/Win,Habit 5:Seek First to Understand,Then to Be Understood,Habit 6:Synergize,Renewal,Sharpen the Saw,Habit 1-,Be Proactive,The Habit of Choice,See,Do,Get,Paradigm,Ineffective:I am a,product of my,circumstances,Effective:I am a,product of my,choices,Behavior,?,Pause and respond,based on principles,?,Use proactive,language,?,Expand your Circle,of Influence,?,Become a transition,person,Result,?,Increased,influence,?,More self-,awareness,?,Greater,initiative,?,Becoming,the creative,force of,your life,Principle,I am free to choose,and am responsible,for my choices,Habit 1,Be Proactive,“,You are the programmer”,Behavior,Pause and Respond Based on Principles,:,Reactive Behavior:,Allow outside influences(moods,feelings,circumstances)to control,my response.,Proactive Behavior:,Use my freedom to,choose,my response based on principles and desired results.,My freedom to choose expands as I wisely use the,space between stimulus and response,Habit 1,Be Proactive,Behavior,Use Proactive Language,Reactive Language,Proactive Language,“,Theres nothing we can do.”,“,Lets look at our alternatives.”,“,Thats just the way I am.”,“,I can choose a different approach”,“,He makes me so mad.”,“,I can control my own feelings.”,“,They wont allow that.”,“,I can create an effective,presentation.”,“,I have to do that.”,“,I will choose an appropriate,response.”,“,I cant”,“,I choose”,“,I must”,“,I prefer”,Habit 1,Be Proactive,Behavior,Things I can directly,change,Things out of my,control,Circle of Influence,Circle of Concern,Focus on circle of influence.,Habit 1,Be Proactive,Example from the Support World:,DRE John,Gossips about the inefficiency of the support processes and,management,Complains that he is stuck in this job profile.,Feels he is in the job due to circumstances,DRE Bill,Realizes the situation is of concern just like John.,Focuses on his job function where he can make a difference,Suggests his manager improvements that need to be made as part,of his work and provides constructive feedback,Improvements are propagated to Worldwide team,Habit 1,Be Proactive,Example from the Support World:,Result:,Bills“Circle of Influence”increases,He impacts the Worldwide Support community,He becomes the creative force of his own life,Gains confidence,Bill becomes a,He breaks the unhealthy,harmful,abusive,or unfortunate learned,behaviors and replaces them with proactive,helpful,effective behaviors,Inspires others in positive ways,Transition Person,Habit 1,Be Proactive,Application,Identify what lies in your Circle of Influence.For the next 30 days,focus,your energies on that.Monitor the difference,Imagine an experience where you might behave reactively.Decide in,advance what your proactive response will be,then exercise that choice,in the actual situation,Listen to your language.Change from reactive(“I cant”,“I have to”)to,proactive.,Agenda,The Seven Habits,An Overview,Private Victory,Habit 1:Be Proactive,Habit 2:Begin with the End in Mind,Habit 3:Put First Things First,Public Victory,Habit 4:Think Win/Win,Habit 5:Seek First to Understand,Then to Be Understood,Habit 6:Synergize,Renewal,Sharpen the Saw,Habit 1-,Begin with the End in Mind,The Habit of Vision,See,Do,Get,Paradigm,Ineffective:I,live by default,Effective:I live,by design,Behavior,?,Envision,outcomes,before you act,?,Create and,live by a,Personal,Mission,Statement,Result,?,A clear,definition,of desired,results,?,A greater,sense of,meaning,and,purpose,?,Criteria,for,deciding,what is or,is not,important,?,Improved,outcomes,Principle,Mental Creation,precedes,Physical Creation,Habit 2,“,Write the program”,Mental creation precedes physical creation,Physical creation,Mental creation,A productive meeting,A clear agenda and,objective,An office tower,An architectural blueprint,A successful new product,Extensive market research,A life of contribution and,fulfillment,A Personal Mission,Statement,Habit 2,Begin with the End in Mind,Create your own Personal Mission Statement,A constitution by which you make all decisions for your life,All other decisions you take are subordinate to it,Benefits,Clarifies what is important for you,Provides focus,Helps you design your life instead of having it designed for you,Guides your day-to-day decisions,Gives you a greater sense of meaning and purpose,Habit 2,Begin with the End in Mind,Mission statement must be:,Timeless,Shud deal with both ends and means,Should deal with all 4 of our needs,To live,To love,To learn,To leave a legacy,Should explicitly or implicitly involve the roles you will play,Mission statement must focus on:,What you want to be(Character)?,What you want to do(Contributions)?,Different types of mission statement,Personal mission statement,Organizational mission statement,Family mission statement,Habit 2,Begin with the End in Mind,A Technique to create a Mission Statement,Identify a few key roles for yourself(Personal and,Professional),Husband,Father,Manager,Friend,Disciple.,Visualize your 80,th,birthday celebration,Attending the celebration are key people from each role,Write down how you would like each of the key persons to describe you,in their“Tribute Statements”,What legacy would you like to leave?,Sample Mission Statement,WW Support Goals,1.Be a team.,2.Be a step ahead.,3.Be aligned with license growth.,Americas Backline Goals,1.Improve the ability of Frontline and Regional Backline teams to deliver,deep technical support on distributed BEA products.,2.Increase depth&breadth of Product expertise.,3.Improve Communication with managers and across Worldwide Backline,teams.,4.Meet WW BackLine Financial objectives.,Agenda,The Seven Habits,An Overview,Private Victory,Habit 1:Be Proactive,Habit 2:Begin with the End in Mind,Habit 3:Put First Things First,Public Victory,Habit 4:Think Win/Win,Habit 5:Seek First to Understand,Then to Be Understood,Habit 6:Synergize,Renewal,Sharpen the Saw,Habit 3-,Put First Things First,The Habit of Integrity and Execution,See,Do,Get,Paradigm,Ineffective:I,put urgent,things first,Effective:I put,important,things first,Behavior,?,Focus on top,priorities,?,Eliminate,unimportant,?,Plan weekly,?,Plan daily,Result,?,Increas,ed,organizat,ion and,productiv,ity,?,Fewer,crises,?,A,reputatio,n for,follow-,through,?,More,life,balance,and,peace of,mind,Principle,Effectiveness,requires,the integrity to act,on your priorities,Compass vs Clock,Compass:,The compass represents your mission,direction,and values,what,you feel matters most:,Effectiveness,Doing right things,Relationships,Important things,Clock:,The clock represents your appointments,schedules,and activities,how you manage your time:,Efficiency,Doing things right,Schedules,Urgent things,Underlying Principle,Although both are important,the compass must come before the clock,Time Matrix,Urgent,Not Urgent,Necessity,(Crisis,pressing problems,deadline driven items,(projects,meetings,reports),Effectiveness,(Planning,preparation,training,building relationships,exercise,Recreation),Deception,Needless interruptions,unimportant meetings,phone,calls,emails,other peoples,minor issues,Waste and Excess,(trivia,Irrelevant phone calls,excessive TV/internet/video,games,time-wasters),I,m,p,o,r,t,a,n,t,N,o,t,I,m,p,o,r,t,a,n,t,Important,Activities that represent your values,mission,and high-priority goals,Urgent,Activities that require immediate attention,Live North of this line,Plan weekly,Spend 20-30 minutes before the start of the week in a quiet,place,Three steps to Weekly Planning,Review Mission and Roles,Choose big rocks,Schedule the week,Weekly Planning,Review Personal Mission Statement and Roles that Flow out,of it,Support Engineer,Parent,Spouse,Friend,Choose Big Rocks,Ask yourself,What is the most important thing I can do in this role this week?,Big Rocks come from,Conscience,mission,Goals,Key projects,Big rocks can be,Tasks,Appointments,Areas of focus,Schedule the week,Place the big rocks in your weekly calendar plan,Role:BL,CCE Optimization Program Manager,Finalize the broad goals of the project:Monday afternoon,Organize a meeting of the participants:Thursday,Come up with action items for individual participants:Thursday,Role:Spouse,Go out for a walk/jog with wife 3 evenings in the week:Evenings,Role:Volunteer,Call up 3 possible donors for the annual fundraising event:Evenings,Plan Daily,Check todays appointments,Make a,realistic,list,Prioritize(ABC,123),Make sure you end up doing the things in the“A”list for sure!,A1,Daily Planning,A2,File CR for Wells Fargo Critsit,A3,Reproduce Citigroup issue,B1,Call Travel Agent,C1,Book visa appointment,Application,List one IMPORTANT activity in your personal life and one in,your professional life,Schedule your time next week according to your priorities,Draw Time Management Matrix.List down your activities in,each quadrant and how much time you spend in each.,Concentrate on Quadrant,2,Start organizing weekly.List roles and goals.Incorporate,goals into a specific action plan,Questions and Answers,Agenda,The Seven Habits,An Overview,Private Victory,Habit 1:Be Proactive,Habit 2:Begin with the End in Mind,Habit 3:Put First Things First,Public Victory,Habit 4:Think Win/Win,Habit 5:Seek First to Understand,Then to Be Understood,Habit 6:Synergize,Renewal,Sharpen the Saw,Habit 3-,Put First Things First,The Habit of Integrit,y,and Execution,See,Do,Get,Paradigm,Ineffective:There is,only so much,and,the more you get,the less there is for,me.,Effective:There is,plenty out there for,everyone,and more,to spare.,Behavior,?,Balance courage and,consideration,?,Seek mutual benefit,?,Create Win-Win,Agreements,?,Build win-win,systems,Result,?,Faster,solution,s to,proble,ms,?,More,team,environ,ment,?,Gener,osity of,spirit,?,Rich,relation,ships,Principle,Effective,long-term,relationships require,mutual respect and,mutual benefit.,Six Paradigms of Human Interaction,Win,Win,“Lets find a solution that works for both of us”,Seeks mutual benefit,Is cooperative,not competitive,Listens more,stays in communication longer and communicates with,more courage,Win,Lose,“I am going to beat you no matter what”,Is very common scripting for most people,Is the authoritarian approach,Uses position,power,credentials,or personality to get the“win”,Lose,Win,“I always get stepped on”,Voices no standards,no demands,no expectations of anyone else,Is quick to please or appease,Buries a lot of feelings,Lose,Lose,“If I am going down,you are going down with me”,Mindset of a highly dependent person,Is a“no win”because nobody benefits,Is a long term result of win-,lose or“win”,Win,“As long as I win,I dont care if you win or lose”,Is self centered,“Win,-,Win or No Deal”,“Lets find a solution which works for both of us,or lets not play”,Allows each party to say no,Is most realistic at the beginning of a relationship or business deal,When to Think Win-Win,In situations of conflict,In long-term relationships,In interdependent situations,Paradigm of Abundance instead of Scarcity,Scarcity,Always state of anxiety,“If I share it,then Ill have less”,Win Win is not a Compromise,Win-Win:1+1=3,Compromise:1+1=1?,Balance Courage and Consideration,Courage,Willingness and ability to speak your thoughts and feelings,Consideration,Willingness and ability to seek and listen to others thoughts,and feelings with respect,Win,Win Agreement Template,Desired Results,Whats the end in mind?What are the outcomes I,want?,Guidelines,What rules do I follow?What are the guidelines,for accomplishing results?,Resources,What resources do I have to work with(e.g.,people,money,tools,materials,technology)?,Accountability,How will we measure how well its going?,Consequences,What are the rewards of achieving the outcome?,What are the consequences of not achieving the,outcome?,Build Win-Win Systems,Win,Win System,Win,Lose System,Grading on a standard in a,class at school,Grading on a forced curve in a,class at school,All salespeople who achieve,110%of their goal achieve,Presidents club,Top 5%of sales force achieve,Presidents club,A perf-management system,based on personal production,and team contribution,A performance management,syste


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