本科毕业论文 论家庭教育和学校教育的结合学生姓名: 学生学号: 200310206053 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科3班 指导教师: 二七年五月On Combination between Home Education and School EducationLiang LiangUnder the Supervision ofLi ZhenSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007ContentsAbstract.Key Words.摘要.关键词.Introduction.1I.The Significance of Combination of Home Education and School Education.2 A. Home Education Influence on School Education Greatly.21. Indirect Influence on Home Education.22. Direct Influence on Home Education.3B. Improving both Education Effectively.51. The Diversifications of Education Objects.62. The Consistency of Education Objective.6C. All-round Quality.7II.The Problems of Combination between Home Education and School Education.7A. Cooperation between Home Education and School Education.8B. Embarrassment between Home Education and School Education .9III. Measures to Combine the Home Education and School Education.9A. Keeping Communication with School Education Continuously.101. Connection before School Beginning.102. Involving Parents.11B. The Cooperation Principle of Home Education and School Education.121. The Purpose Principle.122. The Ruling Principle13Conclusion.15Acknowledgements.16Bibliography.17AbstractHome education and school education can affect the students' growth greatly; each of them plays an important role in the process of students' growth. As the most important education during the process of childrens growth, how to bring their advantages have been a hot topic and also a difficult topic. Meanwhile, they still bring some disadvantages respectively. In order to serve for the growth of students we must combine home education with school education. The purpose of this essay is first to find out the significance of combining the home education with school education, and the difficulties we have to face, then strengthen the awareness of school teachers as well as home parents as to the significance of synchronized combination between these two styles of education and adopt measures to combine them effectively.Key Wordscombination;home education;school education摘要当今社会是一个高速发展的社会,各种文化趋于多元化,教育首当其冲,家庭教育和学校教育作为学生一生中量重要的教育,怎样发挥家庭教育和学校教育各自的优势已成为一个热门话题和不得不重视的问题但是,家庭教育和学校教育也存在着自身的不足,只有把这二者结合起来,去其糟粕,取其精华,才能更好地发挥教育的优势,为学生的成长服务,实现学生的整体素质的全面发展文章研究家庭教育和学校教育结合的意义让大家意识到这二者结合的重要性。然而当它们互相结合在一起的时候,我们会发觉其实结合不像我们想象的那样简单。这就需要找到对策去解决结合所遇到的困难。关键词结合;家庭教育;学校教育IntroductionNowadays, it is the hot topic to discuss how to improve all-round abilities of students. In fact, this is a difficult topic. Many teachers want to teach their students well, but they cannot find the best way to solve it. The parents also want their children to be useful persons, but sometimes they only push their children into the situation which lets them study hard just for getting high scores. At the same time, many people ignore the childrens physical and mental problems. Generally speaking, child is brought amid two kinds of education- home education and school education. If we put them together, the child can benefit from its synchronized effect and will improve personality considerably. If it's hard to do it, at least we should try best to explore the ways to avoid the disadvantages. After overcoming the difficulties, what we can do is that we should understand the necessity and significance of combination two type of education, and come up with the efficient and effective measures to combine it.I. The Significance of Combination of Home Education and School EducationThe significance of home education discussed here is not just in a general sense home education will affect a persons development for a lifetime, but specified in an area that it is the foundation of school education and has a great influence over it. The influence of home education over school education can be categorized as the indirect and the direct.AHome Education Influence on School Education greatly1. Indirect Influence of Home EducationThe indirect influence comes from the education that children have received before attending school. It is described as indirect because it is not formed through conscious study or imitation. His home members' words, behavior, and manners will affect his grown such as his words, behavior and manners. This is unconscious copying or learning, but due to young children's remarkable plasticity. They are so closely associated with their families, and out of an utmost trust in the home members, especially the parents, consciously or sub-consciously; they regard their parents as their models (Zhao, 1994). Thus, as the children step into the classroom for the first time "they bring with them a range of experiences; they carry attitudes and expectation learnt from their parent" (Stacey, 1991, p26). As many teachers would agree or at least would later discover, ignoring and denigrating the learning and environment of the children before they attend school means denying them the opportunities to build on the these (Stacey,1991). So where the teachers put parents down, they put children down, too. Of course, the indirect still influence exists after children attend school; it is only that in function in a relatively more subtle manner.2. Direct Influence of Home EducationAfter children attend school, direct influence of home education over school education becomes more and more obvious. In the United States, HMI reports and continuing research claim that parents are essential partners in children's education and teachers should be finding as many opportunities as possible to involve them more actively (Stacey, 1991). Home educations direct influences thus take the form of its interaction with school education: parents begin to cast their influence over the school and the teachers by playing a relatively more active role through sharing the responsibility of educating the children. They become the supporters, helpers, teachers, and policy makers in school with a community approach, as categorized by Stacey (1991).2.1. Parents as Supporters Social events such as parties, concerts and festivals are usually an important part of school life. Head teachers may feel that these are good opportunities for parents from different social and cultural groups to come together and to be part of the school community. Thus, when a social event takes place in a school with a community approach, the role for parents takes on a more vital aspect. Some parents will just enjoy taking a more active part than others and become the organizers; some appear to be disinterested or unforthcoming at first, but may later get involved, and some may always remain silent and passive; but, there is no elitism, for everyone is part of the same school community. Supporters like football fans, are very varied, but what they have in common is that they all cheer on and what success for the home team-their children's school; and it promotes children's acceptance of the "community".2.2. Parents as TeachersAlthough some teachers believe that parents should not be expected to "teach" children, either because it undermines their special skills and professional training or because other parents may object. However, an increasing number of teachers are beginning to appreciate parents' unique relationship with their children and their continuous role in their child's development. It is now mainly in reading that they are exploring ways to work more closely with parents, in which there is an element of accountability on both sides as teachers provide appropriate material and shared information and parents repot back to the teacher about what the child has achieved. Thus, through working directly with parents in the education of the children teachers find that it leads to more understanding and therefore support from parents for the learning processes which go on in school.2.3. Parents as HelpersSome teachers are fortunate enough to have a handful of parents to help regularly in the classroom. Sometimes parents are invited to tell stories or listen to children read, and sometimes they cook or sew with children in small groups.On each occasion, the teacher is always there to offer help and proper directions, ensuring the smoothness and effectiveness. These interactions can help develop an effective co-operation and a mutual understanding between teachers and parents, and they can create moments that make children's education more natural and broadBenson P, 1997.2.4. Parents as Policy-makers The main place for parents as policy-makers is as a governor, who has a greater say in almost every aspect of school life and administration, from the design of the curriculum to the appointment of the teachers. Although this actually accounts for very few, and even in this position of apparent power parents can find themselves taking a relatively passive role, they are there to help and support and “ if they are on an interview panel, they have a real responsibility to appoint the best people for the school" (Stacey ,1991,p48). Parent-teacher association can also have a powerful position in the school; where the head teacher and teachers are involved, both the parents and teachers have found it a useful place to ask questions and give their opinions. Till now, the notion of parents as policy-makers is still new for schools and with present structure not easy to put into practice.B. Home Education combined with School Education in order to improve whole EffectivenessNowadays society is a more open society, and education is also in a process of reformation. Its realistic significance to study the combination problem of home education and school education in new situation. In order to promote education reform and train a bulk of people having the ideal, the morals, the culture, and the discipline, enable the education to have the Chinese characters, and serving for construction of the socialism modernization.The characters of home education and school education are different, but education is a continued process, these two kinds of education have equal importance during the children's growth. This continuation not only establishes in time, but also in space. According to the view of modern systematic theory, all the system is an organic whole function which is the every part association mechanically; systematic whole function is each element has no new material when isolated. It is prohibitive to separate home education from school education for they are the element of the society. If the parents had abandoned the home education after they sent their children to school, the children would form an integral and sound personality difficulty. When concerned the "problem students", their intelligence had no drawback, but lack in their study of responsibility. And they have not realized that study was necessary for growth. They doubted their study ability. They were afraid of studying. Their characters were self-will and dependence; on the one hand, they refused their parents and teachers to interfere them. On the other hand; they depended on their parents excessivelyMaiKen,1990. Regarding the school age time child diligently keeps forging ahead and feels inferior from censures is the development contradiction, which in its growth must pass through. If they developed smoothly, they would have the essential ability of learning and doing the things, or they would lack essential ability of living and full of failure sense, even in future, too. Some students face the learning plight; they cannot experience success and joy in study and realize whether they have made progress or not. They will feel study is a burden. Forming these characters is fully relevant to home education. The parents teach their children: to be brave; self-confident; honest and selfless, and school cultivates their group and team cooperation. Parents are the first teacher of initiation. Parents' words and deeds will affect their children deeplyYi,1998.1. The Diversifications of Education Objects are the Necessity of Combination of School Education and Home EducationIt is obvious that both home education and school education have their own advantages. These advantages sometimes are congruous and sometimes reciprocal. To Stress or ignore any side is unwise. Otherwise, it would make education unbalanced and lapsed. Students can experience group atmosphere in school education, but school education aim at many children's "common characters". The biggest characters of education are "standard", namely, during the teaching process, making as many students as possible achieve a special standard at special stage. That is the question here, as we all know, the main character of child is unique. Every child is distinctive; it behaves not only in their appearance, but also the difference in ability and character. So the home education objective is: therefore to make their children depend on themselves in society, they introduce "individuation education" according to the children's own characteristicXiaoRongLi,2005. Let the students accept the training more easily. During this process, they enjoy the love from their parents and this will accept education more willingly in their deep heart, better for the individual development. 2. The Consistency of Education Objective is the Combination Point of Home Education and School EducationThe objective of home education and school education should be consistent. The parents send their child to school and hope the school trains their child as a subs