英语专业毕业论文American Society's Grandet Phenomenon.doc
烟 台 南 山 学 院毕 业 论 文题目 American Society's Grandet Phenomenon姓 名: 所在学院: 外国语学院 所学专业: 英 语 班 级: 2007级英本2班 学 号: 指导教师: 完成时间: 2011年4月16日 毕业论文(设计)任务书论文题目American society's Grandet phenomenon院部外国语学院专业英语班级07英语2班毕业论文(设计)的要求1. 思路清晰,观点客观。2. 取材真实完整。3. 逻辑关系严谨。4. 格式正确,结构完整,过度自然。毕业论文(设计)的内容与技术参数 本文以葛朗台为背景,通过对葛朗台这一角色的分析,引出当代美国人的金钱观。小说中的葛朗台是一个典型的金钱、物质主义者。他视金钱如生命,在一定程度上说,金钱甚至高于他自己的生命,他可以为金钱牺牲女儿的一生幸福,可以为金钱出卖自己的灵魂。而就此分析当今美国社会,作为世界最发达的国家,拥有世界最多的财富,而在美国人的价值观中却有一条不可取代的物质、金钱主义。毕业论文(设计)工作计划:论文开题时间:2011年 2月26 日,中期检查时间:2011年 3 月 19日,初稿完成时间: 2011年4月9日,修改时间 4月14日以前,答辩时间: 4月19日,最后交稿时间: 4月16 日以前接受任务日期2011年 2月26日 要求完成日期2011年4月16日学 生 (签名) 2011年 2 月26日指 导 教 师 (签名) 2011年2月26日院长(主任) (签名) 2011年2月26日AbstractGrandet is the background of this thesis. From the analysis of the major role in Eugenie Grandet, this thesis introduces Americans outlook on money. It points out Grandet reflects the phenomenon in America. From historic and philosophical perspectives, the Frenchmen helped Americans win the War of Independent, and built a close relationship with Americans. The Frenchmen brought their outlook on money to America. The French immigrants worked together and created American culture which was blending of French cultures under new circumstance. It influenced the Americans outlook on money. Grandet reflects phenomenon in modern American society. In Eugenie Grandet, Grandet was a materialist and a lover of money. He considered money as his life. To some extent, money is even much more valuable than his life. Just for money, he sacrificed daughters happiness, and sold his soul. Meanwhile, it is believed that some Americans are the lovers of money. In Americans mind, the material and money are very important. They are obsessive with money very much. However, everyone should consider one thing from two sides. In this thesis: the first place, they should have a basic recognition about the outlook on money, the definition of money, and reasons that influenced on Americans; the next place, this thesis should analyze the advantages and disadvantages of outlook on money. At last, this thesis points out the methods to deal with the disadvantages of the outlook on money.Key Words:Eugenie Grandet; money; Americans; outlook on money; America摘要本文以葛朗台为背景,通过对葛朗台这一角色的分析,引出当代美国人的金钱观。而葛朗台现象的确反映了美国人的金钱观。从历史和哲学的角度,了解到法国人曾帮助美国人取得独立战争的胜利,并建立了亲密关系,与此同时,法国人将自己本国的金钱观带给了美国人,两国的文化交流也进一步的扩大,并对美国人的金钱观带来了巨大的影响。而小说中的葛朗台是一个典型的金钱、物质主义者。他视金钱如生命,在一定程度上说,金钱甚至高于他自己的生命,他可以为金钱牺牲女儿的一生幸福,可以为金钱出卖自己的灵魂。而就此分析当今美国社会,作为世界最发达的国家,拥有世界最多的财富,而在美国人的价值观中却有一条不可取代的物质、金钱主义。但看问题不能只看一面,应从多方面进行分析,因而本文我们应该正确对待美国人的金钱观。首先让我们对当代美国人金钱观有一个初步的认识,知道美国人的金钱观是什么,在什么样的条件下产生,进而从正负两面分析金钱观带来的利与弊,最终指出如何树立正确的金钱观。关键词:欧也妮.葛朗台; 金钱;美国人;金钱观;美国 contentsIntroduction1Chapter 1 The Introduction to the Major Roles in Eugenie Grandet 21.1 Grandet is Slaves to Money21.2 Grandet and His Daughter Terms 2Chapter 2 Grandet Phenomenon in America42.1 From the Historical Perspective, France's Development View on America's Influence 42.2 From the Philosophical Perspective, American Terms 5Chapter 3 The Americans Outlook on Money63.1 Relevant Information 63.2 The Reasons for the Americans Outlook on Money 73.3 Advantages of the Americans Outlook on Money 103.4Disadvantages of the Americans Outlook on Money123.5 Solutions to the problems of the Americans Outlook on Money 13Conclusion 14Bibliography 15Introduction Eugenie Grandet is a famous French novel,written by Balzac, whose characters are Grandet, his daughter, and Charles. Grandet are the representatives of greed and money. He is obsessive with money. He represents some of the greedy Americans, though Eugenie Grandet is a famous French novel. And the Americans can learn it from historical and philosophical perspectives. From history perspective, they learn that France has a close relationship with America. The French immigrants worked together and created American culture which was blending of French cultures under new circumstance. The Frenchmens outlook on money influenced Americans. And from philosophical perspective, they learn that everything has a connection in the world, so they cannot separate one thing from another.Many people say that money is the root of evil. However, every coin has its two sides; they can analyze the function of money from two sides. Its a common knowledge that everyone likes money and needs money. Without money, they cannot buy food, clothes and other daily necessities. Without money, they cannot go to school, go to cinema or other places. In my thesis, it analyzes the disadvantages and advantages of the outlook on money, and gives the methods for dealing with the disadvantages of the outlook on money in appropriate way and show them that money is just for better life. Chapter 1 The Introduction to the Major Roles in Eugenie GrandetMany people consider Balzac to be the greatest of all novelists. Eugenie Grandet, his spare, classical story of a girl whose life is blighted by her fathers hysterical greed, goes a long way to justifying that opinion. For better understanding of the novel, there are three people they need deep analyses. They are Grandet, his daughter-Eugenie and Charles. 1.1 Grandet is Slaves to Money Firstly, this thesis puts their emphasis on Grandet. Grandet was one of the central roles in the novel. He was terribly greedy. He was the representative of greed and money. In his mind, money was everything, and he could not live in the world without money. He had a strong desire to possess money, though he had an abundant of money. He always left himself in a back room, and appreciated money for a long time. When he was dying, he asked his daughter to put money on the table, and money could make him feel warm. In order to collect money, he lost human nature. He considered no love was in the world, and money is even much more valuable than his life. For example, Grandet had a servant, who had worked for 30 years. But he never received any gift from Grandet, except one old watch.1.2 Grandet and His Daughter TermsThough Grandet was a Christian, but actually he was not a real one. In his opinion, the existence of God was for his need. For him, money was real God and all the hope. Compared with Grandet, his daughter was very kind and humane. She considered money as a method for helping others. She devoted her whole life to serving the people. And she had done a lot of public works. For example, she had built one restroom, eight primary schools and one library; she used money to help those who need it. Lastly, they should put their attention on Charles. He was born in a rich family and spoiled. The turning point in his life was to do business abroad. The change of life condition made his moral standard and value concept change. He became a very self-fish man. He wanted to become rich. In order to possess money, he gave up his true love, and pursued a noblemans daughter. To some extent, his outlook on money was similar to Grandets. Both of them were materialists and the lovers of money. Chapter 2 Grandet Phenomenon in AmericaEugenie Grandet is the novel of France. And many people consider that there is a big distance between their cultures: the French culture and the American culture, so the major role in Eugenie Grandet-Grandet cannot reflect the American society. However, this thesis considers the two countries people have great cultural communication. And it analyzes the cultural communication from two sides: the history and the philosophy. 2.1 From the Historical Perspective, France's Development View on America's Influence They learn that the Frenchmen and the Americans had cultural communication long ago. For example, the War of Independent in the U.S, without the help of France, however, the Americans would not have won the day. The hope of such aid was one important reason why Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776, for European states would not interfere so long as the colonies still recognized the English kings. Agents sent secretly to France were able to procure clothing and muskets. Individual Frenchmen, served as volunteers in the American army. The great victory of Saratoga in 1777, made possible by gunpowder received from France, seemed to assure the final triumph of the American cause. France now recognized the independence of the United States and formed an open alliance with Congress in January 1778. The new alliance enabled Congress to borrow an immense sum of money from France. French troops were sent to take part in the war and they fought to the end at York town. France also induced Spain to make war on England in 1779. After the Americans won the war, the Frenchmen presented the Statue of Liberty to Americans. The Frenchmen built close relationship with Americans. And many Frenchmen immigrated into America for pursuing money, business, and happiness. To some extent, the French outlook on money influenced the Americans.2.2 From the Philosophical Perspective, American Terms They learn that everything has a connection in the world, so they cannot separate one thing from another. From Eugenie Grandet, they know that Grandet is the representative of money. However, when they mention Americans, the majority of people consider Americans as materialists and the lovers of money. Pursuing money has really become a key part in the American life and in a very important position. In one survey in America, there are 89 percent agreed that their society is much too monetary, 74 percent said love of money is a serious social problem. In their life, they believe money is bound to come true, and money is everything.In the Unites States, there are still a lot of people who are kind and warm-hearted. They give their money to help others. They are the Gods presents. Just for private donation, it is not just the riches that donate in American society. In fact, a majority of the USAs population contributes to charitable causes, even from the middle-class and the working classes. In this point, they are different from Grandet. They are not the rich men, but they are warm-hearted. What they have done is the same as Grandets daughter did.So this thesis should have deep analyses of Grandet phenomenon in America, which help us understand the Americans outlook on money.Chapter 3 The Americans Outlook on Money3.1 Relevant InformationFirstly, they should have a deep understanding of money. From the Oxford English dictionary, they know that the word “money” has two definitions: 1. Means of payment, especially corns and banknotes, given and accepted in buying and selling. 2. Wealth; total value of somebodys property. However, in modern American society, money doesnt just mean cash, dollar bills and coins. The United States is becoming a cashless society quickly. Nowadays, checks and credits cards work just as well as “real money”, if not better. A checking account has become almost a necessity for most Americans. Stores accept checks drawn on local banks as payment for purchase. Even teenagers have their own credit cards in modern America. This “plastic money” allows a person spending free. But it also gets them into a lot of debts. Just for so many types of “money” and different usages, to some extent, the modern Americans are changing their outlook on money. They make most of Americans think that money is not all, but it is most of all. Can money buy happiness? Many Americans think so. Americans believe life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have a certain connection. And what does the pursuit of happiness mean? For many, it means pursuing money. Success-oriented Americans often measure peoples worth by how much they have. For that reasons, keeping up with the Joneses has become almost a fulltime occupation. In the United States, not all Americans are rich, but most concern about money. They have a nationally representative survey of active Americans. They have interviewed more than 150 people from various faiths and occupations in greater depth. Their responses provide Americans have deepest obsession of money. “Money is regarded as a means for attaining our possessions.” When asked how important “having a beautiful home, a new car, and other nice things” was to them, the data show 78 percent of the people said “very important” or “fairly important”, while only 22 percent said “not very important”. The responses were similar when people were asked about the importance of being able to travel for pleasure, wearing nice clothes, and eating out at expensive restaurants. In conclusion, money is a main part in modern American life. The Americans outlook on money decides on what kind of life they want to have.3.2 The Reasons for the Americans Outlook on Money Why do Americans emphasize the important of money? They should consider the question from four sidesAmerica is a society in which workers must buy and sell to live. Every part of life becomes a commodity, something to be bought and sold, whether it is a computer, the latest automobile, technological skills, or our ability to work. The media bombard people with advertisement. Commercials interrupt TV and radio programs with catchy appeal to the Americans to go out and buy. Shopping has almost replaced baseball as the national pastime. The Americans were induced by those factors. And the main way to achieve them is money. For example, Margarat Anderson, an accountant who works in a large firm on the west coast, expressed it well when she say: “we overemphasize on material goods very much, like computers. We always have to add things to our lives. We buy things just because of how beautiful and useful when we see it from TV, advertisement. Its easy to allow money to corrupt us.” However, those advertisements not only have influence on the adults, but also have a great impart on the young people. The young people have become more material, and obsessive of money. In one survey on the Internet, 90 percent of parents agreed that children today wanted too many material things.” And 75 percent agreed that advertisement was corrupting our basic outlook on money. For example, Teri silver, a college student who studies at the New York, said she was silenced by the greed she saw the beautiful clothes from TVs advertisement. For buying beautiful clothes, she