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    附件2-7:华南理工大学广州学院本科生毕业设计(论文)翻译英文原文名 Music Player中文译名 音乐播放器 学 院 电子信息工程 专业班级 电信1班 学生姓名 陈立书 学生学号 200930061083 指导教师 李欣 填表日期 2013.4.15 二一 年 月英文原文版出处: Music Player.information 译文成绩: 指导教师(导师组长)签名: 译文:音乐播放器音乐播放器是一种用于播放各种音乐文件的多媒体播放软件。它涵盖了各种音乐格式的播放工具,比如:MP3播放器,WMA播放器,MP4播放器等。它们不仅界面美观,而且操作简单,带你进入一个完美的音乐空间。音乐播放软件原理音乐播放器就是音频解码器的可视化操作界面,其实质是针对各种音频编码格式的解码器。例如ape格式调用的是Monkey's Audio解码器,flac格式调用的是flac解码器,mp3调用的是lame解码器。大部分音乐播放器都支持多种音乐格式的文件,这是因为这些播放器将不同的音频解码器打包起来,并制作统一的播放界面,从而让使用者能够方便地播放和聆听各种音乐。正因为音乐播放器仅仅是将音频解码器打包,而同一种音频的解码方式又是固定的,因此理论上所有播放器的音质应当是完全相同的,并不存在音质最好的音乐播放器。有些音乐播放器会在解码器的基础上添加DSP插件,对原始的音乐进行转换和扭曲,以迎合人们的喜好(如加强低音或过滤细节),美其名曰优化音质以获得天籁之音,实质却是破坏原本音乐,虽然能够使部分音乐更好听,却也导致另一些音乐音质大打折扣。音乐播放器的人性化界面和扩展性才是各种音乐播放器的特色所在。大部分商业版播放软件往往将界面打造得非常华丽,操作也十分简便,但却缺乏扩展性,支持格式较少。开源播放软件一般能够较好地进行扩展,支持较多的音乐格式,但往往界面朴素,难以吸引用户。常见的音乐播放软件PC端foobar 2000:功能强大的的播放器,目前公认播放扩展性最好的一款播放器KKBOX(收费):在线音乐播放器,拥有百万唱片公司授权音乐点播。千千静听:装机常见播放器, 国内著名的免费音乐播放软件。酷狗:较受欢迎的免费中文播放软件。酷我:一款融歌曲和MV搜索、在线播放、同步歌词为一体的音乐聚合播放器。QQ音乐:一款带有精彩音乐推荐功能的播放器。winamp:老牌经典的音乐播放软件,扩展性很强。除此之外还有如下播放器表现比较优异AIRPLAY(飞乐):精简苗条,自称体积最小的播放器,音质较好、压缩文件无损播放,并且拥有多种视觉效果,是本地播放音乐的选择之一。BeoPlayer:自称音质很好的播放器,相应付出内存较多,收费软件(存在免费版本),界面简约。JETAUDIO :韩国COWON公司推出的带有声音变化效果的集成多媒体播放器,功能较多,界面美观,操作方便,是多媒体播放器中的奇葩。iTunes:苹果公司的音乐播放软件,借助于苹果庞大的音乐资料库,其音乐管理功能相当出色。亦歌桌面版:需要网络状态才能够开启。界面是Flash界面,和网络版亦歌如出一辙。简约,实用,音乐库强大。虾米播放器:虾米网的播放器,界面简洁,并加入自创封闭的p2p功能,曲库采用质量和体积较低的192k mp3格式,方便在线听音乐。YoYoPlayer:java开发的开源播放器。由于基于Java开发,因此也可以在linux系列操作系统下正常使用。多米(DuoMi):多米音乐无论本地播放还是在线播放都可以,支持下载MV等,但是有时候找不到多米音乐应用程序的文件夹,所以在使用多米音乐的时候最好建一个桌面快捷方式。搜狗音乐盒:搜狗网络音乐盒,依托搜狗的搜索技术、自创封闭的p2p下载技术,搜狗音乐盒(桌面版)是一款音乐播放软件。AIMP3:是一款来自俄罗斯免费的音乐播放软件,较好的音乐管理系统,支持皮肤。手机端手机酷狗酷狗的手机版,常见手机音乐播放器之一。叮咚(原名手机酷狗)是一款免费音乐软件。漂亮的界面带来音乐视听享受,具有卡拉OK歌词逐字同步播放功能,支持全屏歌手背景头像。QQ手机音乐播放器QQ音乐播放器的手机版,适合播放流行音乐。这是一款带有音乐推荐功能的播放器,无聊时听听音乐,同时支持在线音乐和本地音乐的播放,是国内内容较丰富的音乐平台。音乐搜索和推荐功能可以让用户享受流行、美丽的音乐。开心听将手机智能度提高的手机音乐播放器,针对年轻人设计的手机音乐播放软件。开心听是一款免费的手机音乐播放器,具有较好的音质音效,支持随时播放、搜索、下载歌曲,并且能自动匹配歌词和专辑图片,具备智能音乐曲库,结合动感相册,甩歌等功能,让手机成为类似ipod的工具。天天动听由用户需求主导的手机播放器,把用户思想融入其中,国产手机音乐播放软件之一。这是一款免费的手机音乐播放软件,支持歌词和歌曲图片下载,皮肤可更换,具备多种可视化效果,同时预置多种的均衡器效果,支持音效增强,操作简单,带来手机听歌的较好体验,是拇指一族常用的音乐播放工具。音乐文件格式常见音乐文件格式1、MP3格式MP3的全称是Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer III。是一种音频压缩技术,由于这种压缩方式的全称叫MPEG Audio Layer3,所以人们把它简称为MP3。由于年代久远,同等码率下音质较差,甚至192k码率也远不及96k的AAC格式,正面临淘汰的命运。2、WMA格式WMA的全称是Windows Media Audio,是微软力推的一种音频格式。3、WAV格式WAV格式是微软公司开发的一种声音文件格式,也叫波形声音文件,是最早的数字音频格式,被Windows平台及其应用程序广泛支持。其它音乐文件格式4、ASF格式ASF的全称是Advanced Streaming Format,是微软所制订的一种媒体播放格式,适合在网络上播放。5、AAC格式AAC实际上是高级音频编码的缩写。AAC是由Fraunhofer IIS-A、杜比和AT &T共同开发的一种音频格式,它是MPEG-2规范的一部分。6、Mp3Pro格式Mp3Pro是Mp3编码格式的升级版本7、VQF格式VQF格式是由YAMAHA和NTT共同开发的一种音频压缩技术。8、FLAC格式FLAC即是Free Lossless Audio Codec的缩写,中文可解为无损音频压缩编码。9、APE格式APE是早期较流行的数字音乐文件格式之一。与MP3这类有损压缩方式不同,APE是一种无损压缩音频技术。10、MID格式MIDI是英语Music Instrument Digital Interface 的缩写,翻译过来就是“数字化乐器接口”。11、OGG格式Ogg全称应该是OGG Vobis(ogg Vorbis) 是一种新的音频压缩格式,类似于MP3等现有的音乐格式。但有一点不同的是,它是完全免费、开放和没有专利限制的。12、M4A格式M4A是MPEG4音频标准的文件的扩展名。在MPEG4标准中提到,普通的MPEG4文件扩展名是.mp4。13、eAAC+eaac+格式是新一代应用于手机的最优化的音乐格式。eaac+的扩展名为M4A。 它可以接近CD的音质,比MP3格式所占存储空间更小。英语原文Music PlayerThe music player is a player software for multimedia play all kinds of music files. It covers a variety of music format player, such as: MP3 player, WMA player, MP4 player etc. They are not only beautiful interface, and the operation is simple, take you into a perfect music space.Music player softwareVisual interface music player is the audio decoder, its essence is aimed at all kinds of audio coding format decoder. For example, ape format is called Monkey's Audio decoder, FLAC format is called FLAC decoder, MP3 call the lame decoder.Most of the music player supports a variety of music file format, it is because these players will audio decoder different packing up, and making the same player interface, so that users can easily play and listen to all kinds of music.Because of the music player is just the audio codec pack, and the same kind of audio decoding method is fixed, so in theory all player quality should be exactly the same, does not have the best sound quality music player. Some of the music player will add plugins in DSP decoder based on, convert and distortions of the original music, to cater to the preferences of the people (such as strengthening the bass or filter details), called optimal sound quality in order to obtain the sound of nature, essence is destroying the original music, although it can make some music sounds better, but also resulted in some other music sound quality greatly reduced.The music player of the human interface and scalability is the characteristics of various music player. Most of the commercial version of playback software will often create very beautiful interface, operation is very simple, but the lack of scalability, support format less. Open source software in general play better able to expand, more support music format, but often the interface simple, it is difficult to attract users.Common music player softwarePC terminalFoobar 2000: a powerful player, currently playing extended the best player.KKBOX (charge): online music player, with millions of records licensed music on demand.TT player: installed common player, the domestic well-known free music player software.Cool dog: a popular free Chinese player software.Cool: a thaw songs and MV search, online play, synchronized lyrics for the whole music polymerization player.QQ Music: a wonderful music to recommend functional player.Winamp: the old classic music player software, strong expansion.In addition to the following player performance is excellentAIRPLAY (Fei): Lean slim, claiming to be the smallest player, better sound quality, compressed file lossless playback, and have a variety of visual effects, is the local playback of music selection.BeoPlayer: to the sound quality is very good player, corresponding pay more memory, charge software (there are free version), simple interface.JETAUDIO: integrated multimedia player, with sound effect, South Korea COWON company launched more functional, beautiful interface, easy to operate, is a wonderful work of multimedia player.ITunes: Apple Corp's music player software, with the help of Apple large music database, its music management function quite well.Then the song the desktop version: the need to open the network state. Interface is a Flash interface, and the network version also song run in the same groove. Simple, practical, strong music library.Small shrimp player: small shrimp nets player, simple interface, and add their closed P2P function library, the quality and volume of lower 192K MP3 format, convenient online listen to music.YoYoPlayer:java open source development player. Based on Java development, so it can be normally used in the linux series operating system.Meters (DuoMi): Duomi whether local broadcast or online play can download, support MV, but sometimes can't find meters music application folder, so when using the meters music best create a desktop shortcut.Sogou music box: Sogou network music box, relying on the Sogou search technology, created the closed P2P download technology, search dog music box (desktop) is a music player software.AIMP3: is a Russian free music player software, music management system better, to support the skin.Mobile phone terminalCool dog mobile phoneCool dog mobile phone edition, one of the common mobile phone music player. Ding Dong (formerly known as mobile phone cool dog) is a free music software. Beautiful interface brings music audio-visual enjoyment, with Cara OK lyrics verbatim synchronized playback, support full-screen singer background picture.QQ mobile phone music playerQQ music player for mobile phone version, playing pop music. This is a music recommendation feature player, listen to music and boring, also support online play music and local music, is the domestic content than the rich music platform. Music search and recommendation function allows users to enjoy fashionable, beautiful music.Happy to listenThe mobile phone smart improve mobile phone music player, designed for young people to mobile phone music player software.Happy to hear is a free mobile phone music player, has good acoustics, support at any time to play, search, download, and can automatically match the lyrics and the album pictures, with intelligent music library, combined with dynamic album, rejection songs and other functions, let mobile phone become similar iPod tools.TTPODLed by the user demand for mobile phone users player, put ideas into one, homebred mobile phone music player software. This is a free mobile phone music player software, support the lyrics and the song download pictures, the skin can be replaced, with a variety of visual effect, at the same time preset multiple equalizer effect, support audio enhancement, simple operation, good experience to bring mobile phone music, music is a common family thumb playing tool.Music file formatCommon music file format1, MP3 formatMP3 is the abbreviation of Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer III. Is a kind of audio compression technology, because of this compression method is called MPEG Audio Layer3, so people call it as MP3. Because of the age, the same rate of sound quality is poor, even the 192K rate is far less than the 96k AAC format, is facing elimination destiny.2, WMA formatWMA is the abbreviation of Windows Media Audio, is a kind of audio formats Microsoft pushing.3, WAV formatThe WAV format is the Microsoft Corp to develop a sound file format, also called wave file, is the earliest digital audio format, widely supported by the Windows platform and its application.Other music file format4, ASF formatASF is the abbreviation of Advanced Streaming Format, is a media Microsoft the broadcast format, suitable for playing in the network.5, AAC formatAAC is the abbreviation for advanced audio coding. The AAC is an audio format developed by Fraunhofer IIS-A, Dolby and AT &T, which is part of the MPEG-2 specification.6, Mp3Pro formatThe Mp3Pro is the upgraded version of the Mp3 coding format.7, VQF formatThe VQF format is an audio jointly developed by YAMAHA and NTT compression technology.8, FLAC formatFLAC is Free Lossless Audio Codec abbreviation, Chinese solution for lossless audio compression coding.9, APE formatAPE is one of the early popular digital music file format. With this MP3 lossy compression in different ways, APE is a lossless audio compression technology.10, MID formatMIDI is the English Music Instrument Digital Interface abbreviation, which translates to "digital instrument interface".11, OGG formatThe full name of Ogg is OGG Vobis (Ogg Vorbis) is a new kind of audio compression format, similar to the MP3 and other existing music format. But one thing is different, it is completely free, open and no patent restrictions.12, M4A formatM4A is a MPEG4 audio standard file extension. Mentioned in the MPEG4 standard, the generic MPEG4 file extension.Mp4.13, eAAC+The eaac+ format is the optimization of a new generation of applied to mobile phone music format. The eaac+ extension M4A. It can be close to the sound quality of the CD, than MP3 format occupies less storage space.范文一:历时将近两个月的时间终于将这篇论文写完,在论文的写作过程中遇到了无数的困难和障碍,都在同学和老师的帮助下度过了。尤其要强烈感谢我的论文指导老师XX老师,她对我进行了无私的指导和帮助,不厌其烦的帮助进行论文的修改和改进。另外,在校图书馆查找资料的时候,图书馆的老师也给我提供了很多方面的支持与帮助。在此向帮助和指导过我的各位老师表示最中心的感谢!感谢这篇论文所涉及到的各位学者。本文引用了数位学者的研究文献,如果没有各位学者的研究成果的帮助和启发,我将很难完成本篇论文的写作。感谢我的同学和朋友,在我写论文的过程中给予我了很多你问素材,还在论文的撰写和排版灯过程中提供热情的帮助。由于我的学术水平有限,所写论文难免有不足之处,恳请各位老师和学友批评和指正! 范文二:致 谢 本研究及学位论文是在我的导师*老师的亲切关怀和悉心指导下完成的。他严肃的科学态度,严谨的治学精神,精益求精的工作作风,深深地感染和激励着我。*老师不仅在学业上给我以精心指导,同时还在思想、生活上给我以无微不至的关怀,在此谨向*老师致以诚挚的谢意和崇高的敬意。我还要感谢在一起愉快的度过毕业论文小组的同学们,正是由于你们的帮助和支持,我才能克服一个一个的困难和疑惑,直至本文的顺利完成。 在论文即将完成之际,我的心情无法平静,从开始进入课题到论文的顺利完成,有多少可敬的师长、同学、朋友给了我无言的帮助,在这里请接受我诚挚的谢意!最后我还要感谢培养我长大含辛茹苦的父母,谢谢你们! 最后,再次对关心、帮助我的老师和同学表示衷心地感谢! 范文三:免费毕业论文致谢的相关文章。致 谢 四年的读书生活在这个季节即将划上一个句号,而于我的人生却只是一个逗号,我将面对又一次征程的开始。四年的求学生涯在师长、亲友的大力支持下,走得辛苦却也收获满囊,在论文即将付梓之际,思绪万千,心情久久不能平静。 伟人、名人为我所崇拜,可是我更急切地要把我的敬意和赞美献给一位平凡的人,我的导师。我不是您最出色的学生,而您却是我最尊敬的老师。您治学严谨,学识渊博,思想深邃,视野雄阔,为我营造了一种良好的精神氛围。授人以鱼不如授人以渔,置身其间,耳濡目染,潜移默化,使我不仅接受了全新的思想观念,树立了宏伟的学术目标,领会了基本的思考方式,从论文题目的选定到论文写作的指导,经由您悉心的点拨,再经思考后的领悟,常常让我有“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”。 感谢我的爸爸妈妈,焉得谖草,言树之背,养育之恩,无以回报,你们永远健康快乐是我最大的心愿。在论文即将完成之际,我的心情无法平静,从开始进入课题到论文的顺利完成,有多少可敬的师长、同学、朋友给了我无言的帮助,在这里请接受我诚挚谢意! 同时也感谢学院为我提供良好的做毕业设计的环境。 最后再一次感谢所有在毕业设计中曾经帮助过我的良师益友和同学,以及在设计中被我引用或参考的论著的作者。本研究及学位论文是在我的导师郑建立副教授的亲切关怀和悉心指导下完成的。他严肃的科学态度,严谨的治学精神,精益求精的工作作风,深深地感染和激励着我。从课题的选择到项目的最终完成,郑老师都始终给予我细心的指导和不懈的支持。两年多来,郑教授不仅在学业上给我以精心指导,同时还在思想、生活上给我以无微不至的关怀,在此谨向郑老师致以诚挚的谢意和崇高的敬意。 在此,我还要感谢在一起愉快的度过研究生生活的电工楼105各位同门,正是由于你们的帮助和支持,我才能克服一个一个的困难和疑惑,直至本文的顺利完成。特别感谢我的师妹叶秋香同学,她对本课题做了不少工作,给予我不少的帮助。 在论文即将完成之际,我的心情无法平静,从开始进入课题到论文的顺利完成,有多少可敬的师长、同学、朋友给了我无言的帮助,在这里请接受我诚挚的谢意!最后我还要感谢培养我长大含辛茹苦的父母,谢谢你们! 本(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。)论文的所有研究工作从论文的选题、实现条件到论文的写作等阶段都是在简弃非副教授和张勇副教授的悉心指导下完成的。两位导师在作者研究生学习期间在学术和生活等方面的给予了无微不至的关怀和指导。两位导师严谨的治学态度、渊博的学术知识、诲人不倦的敬业精神以及宽容的待人风范使作者获益颇多。谨向两导师致以最衷心的感谢。 感谢在研究生学习期间给我上课的老师们,特别是研室的梁荣光教授、赖汉闻老师、吴坚老师、张国强老师、巫江虹老师等。 感谢我认识的师兄弟、师姐妹们。需要一一感谢我的同学们,有幸与你们同学是我读研的最大收获:感谢给我带来的不一样的体验的李国超、孙绍云两位军队的老大哥;感谢陈会平,本论文撰写得到你不少帮助,从你身上学到不少东西;感谢我的合作者胡永飘;感谢给我帮助的叶子波;感谢双重校友刘海燕;感谢带给我多彩生活的梁立明;感谢关心和帮助我的冯长溪。同时还要感谢宿友叶艳辉。


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