附录A 译文工业工程的介绍工业工程(Industrial Engineering简称I.E.)是一门新兴的工程科学。早在1881年左右,泰勒(Frederick W. Taylor)就已具有工业工程的观念,但实际上工业工程这门学问却在1920年代才开始,到二次大战后才略具雏型。在国外,泰勒首先提倡时学研究,而纪尔布雷斯夫妇(F.B & Gilbreths)则为工学研究的创始人。(编注:有关时学工学的起源,可看另页工业工程的两个小故事一文。)直到1930年代他们的研究才受到大众的重视,而正式成为工时学(motion and time study),如今工时学可说是工业工程的领域中最基本的一部分,也是传统工业工程的基本观念。当初,工时学的定义是指对于完成一项工作的操作方法、材料、工具与设备,及其所需的时间,加以研究。而其目的在1.寻求最经济有效的工作方法;2.进一步确认并规定因此所选定的工作方法、材料标准、工具规格及设备要求的理想标准;3.研究并制定工人完工所需的标准时间;4.训练并切实实行新方法。一、工业工程的定义美国工业工程师学会(AIIE)对工业工程的定义是:工业工程是对人员、物料及设备等,从事整个系统之设计改进及运用的一门科学。它利用数学、自然科学与社会科学的专门知识及技巧,并利用工程分析与设计的原理和方法,来规划、预测,并评估由此及其有关系统中所获得的效果。从上述的定义,读者或许可获知一个大概。概括而言,所有人类及非人类参与的活动,只要有动作出现的,都可应用工业工程的原理原则,以及工业工程的一套系统化的技术,经由最佳途径达到目的。譬如工业工程中的动作连贯性分析(operation sequence),由于人类的任何一种动作都有连贯性,因此把各动作经仔细分析,分成一个个微细单元,删掉不必要的动作,合并可连接的动作,以达到工作简化、动作经济、省时省工之目的。二、工业工程的意识工业工程意识大体分为五个意识。成本效率意识,系统意识,成功环境意识,简化和标准化意识,人本意识。关于成本和浪费的意识,但当我们到一个企业真实去看的时候,我们经常会听到车间有人说,看我们车间所有的人都在忙,他认为这是一个环境很好的局面,但你仔细观察就会发现,忙与忙不一样。例如,一个企业研发部,他们每年要开发几十个产品,每个人都很忙。当你看到一些现象,你会问这些是浪费吗?举例来说,加工过剩的浪费,明明要求的加工精度是一毫米,你要加工到0.5毫米,领导认为工人干的比他要求的还好,但是从工业工程的角度来讲,这就是一种浪费,因为不需要。还有如我们看到在车间现场有各种各样的搬运,如果从工业工程的角度来讲,所有的搬运都应该取消,因为搬运不产生任何的价值。还有很多种浪费,如动作浪费、等待浪费等。当你简单到车间走走就会发现,这些浪费的地方到处都是,而浪费掉的都是效益。不能使原料变为产品的支作都是浪费工业工程另一个重要的意识是系统意识,工业工程永远强调你不要只关注单个的元素,你要关注整个系统。工业工程研究从泰勒时代我们研究的动作经济性和流程经济性,到五六十年代,我们研究的是作业管理,是整个作业系统如何更好的优化,而到了今天工业工程视野更加广泛,不仅优化自己还要优化别人,研究做整个供应链上怎样运作是成本最低效率最高,所以工业工程是一个不断进化的学科,是个系统越来越大的学科,我们总是希望在一个大系统中达到最优的效果。从技术发展的角度来讲,供应链管理是作业方法和作业系统的高级阶段,但是如果没有前两个的基础,你是爬不上去的。就好象我们现在很多企业做ERP,MRP,要做生产计划,可是连作业标准都没有,实际上做了不可能有好效果,大家想想,每个作业都不确定,每个作业的时间有可能两分钟,有可能两个小时,你的生产作业计划能排的很好吗?所以90%的企业在用MRP、ERP的时候都遇到这个问题。所以工业工程的三个阶段,尽管是一个比一个更高的阶段,但又是相互关联的阶段,是互为基础的。工业工程的另一个系统意识是指营造一个成功的系统。要在一个企业里获得成功是需要一个努力。成功包含三个方面,一个叫战略,定位的战略要很准确;第二是你的作业,你的系统要正确,我们称之为作业改进。第三我们称为实现成功的环境。假如你的目标正确,你的系统也很好,但是大家不与你同心协力,你还是不能成功,或是企业外部环境不好,如公众认为你有污染,也不能成功。所以一个企业要做成功,要有三个方面。传统的工业工程的作用是第二个方面,是作业改进,是工业工程最经典的功能。但今天工业工程师要在大系统中发挥作用,就要在三个方面都要发挥作用。这里强调一个观点,一个叫“做正确的事”,一个叫“正确的做事”工业工程传统的功能是讲正确的做事,我们总是发明更好的办法,做事做的更漂亮,成本更低。今天工业工程也要放一只眼盯住不要做错误的事情,两个方面都要关注,这是问题的辨证意识。工作简化和标准化意识。简化是是消除浪费,标准化是说大家要有一个群体习惯,才能使系统达到最佳。人本意识就是安全、愉悦。笔者看到一个事情不合理,所有的工厂机床边都有一个工人站的木版,工人要站在木版上操作,大概所有的机床厂商在设计机床是,不会考虑你的木版有多高,所以工人操作的时候腰弯的很低很难受,这就是人本意识。你在设计这个机床是就要考虑到这个问题,如果设计机床是没有考虑,那么在设计木版时就要考虑,你不能让工人很劳累。我们在那里作实验工人的效率很低,他要来来回回的腰弯,工人会更加辛苦。传统的工业工程给人一个坏名声,把人看作机器,就象刚才的电影片段一样。但是现代工业工程我们非常强调人本,所以,我们有时把工业工程中的人因工效学,也称为人本科技。三、工业工程的方法我们讲过意识之后来谈工业工程的方法,它主要的学科基础是两类,一个是运筹学,是广义的运筹学,包括规划论、决策论、统计等,我们都称为运筹学。另外一个领域是人类工效学,基础是工业生理学和工业心理学,主要研究人在环境中怎样更好发挥作用。中间还有一部分叫信息工程。总之运筹学和人类工效学是我们工业工程两大基础,一个是说系统怎样优化,一个是说人怎样更好的发挥作用。应用的问题,我们应用在两个系统上,一个是制造系统,一个是服务系统。服务系统含义很广,比如物流、运输等,制造系统包括生产流水线等。应用领域也很广,在亚洲多在制造业系统,在北美,更多的应用在如医院、银行、物流等领域。我们在介绍一些基本工具分别在工业系统上,供应链层次上,我们针对制造业来谈,讲一下,生产管理的十大战略决策,还有一些生产管理的思潮。这些思潮有些人搞不清楚,觉得有很多新名词,其实当大家学了工业工程的基本工具就会发现,这些新名词,无非是这些基本工具的应用,不过是着重点在不同的方面,基本的原理是一样的。一个就是工作研究,表示对你的工作,对你作业的流程及作业本身、作业的动作进行分析,来判断你的方法是否可以改进,如泰勒的“铁锹实验”,吉尔布雷斯著名的砌转实验,他通过对动作进行分析,结果是使工人砌转从每小时砌转150块提高到350块。这些都是方法改进研究;随后我们要做时间研究,确定工作的标准时间,让所有的工人都按这样的时间和方法工作。可以看出,工作研究是非常局部化的研究。从研究中发现,工作改进的余地是很大的,由于产品设计造成的废品,工作方法不正确产生的无效工作时间,管理的缺失造成工人的等待,工人不按标准工作等等造成大量的浪费,真正在有用工作的时间其实很短。事实上我们去工厂,随便做一些研究工作,使工厂效率提高20%-30%,是非常简单一件事,而且不需要做很多培训。工作研究有很多工具,包括探索工具,分析和表达工具,如鱼刺图、直方图、网络图等,典型的记录分析工具-流程图。面条图可以发现摆放是否合理。还有仿真工具。我们知道,实际的生产不可能是完全确定性的,经常是随机的因素起重要作用,对于随机因素而言,我们需要用比较复杂的仿真工具来看看在随机情况下的表现。除了做方法研究以外还要做工作测量,就是制定标准时间,标准时间先要有一个观察时间,还要有一套评价技术,就是要做一个矫正,如果观察的工人很强壮,矫正就要放长时间。宽放时间是要确定宽放率,因为人毕竟不是机器,宽放包括三类,个人宽放,疲劳宽放(有些工作很容易疲劳),不可避免的延迟。可能产生的等待,如流水线不可能保证每个工位100%的一样。对于作业我们关注两个问题,一是作业的方法怎样改进,一个是作业时间怎样标准化。我们进入更上一个层次,是作业系统的问题,整个生产环节有很多人在工作,你怎样保证效益。效益的目标是要满足市场需求,设备利用能力,合理库存,整体成本最低(劳动力成本要低、设备成本要低、库存成本要低)这就是生产计划与控制的目标。生产计划包括计划阶段、库存管理阶段、能力平衡阶段和生产控制阶段。从生产计划策略来讲,有两种可能,一是需要改变能力,另一种是改变需求。生产计划第一阶段是制定生产计划大纲,第二个阶段,库存计划阶段,有两个主要概念,独立需求控制和非独立需求控制,独立需求控制指库存的产品独立与其他产品无关,非独立需求产品是与其他库存产品有关,举例在汽车厂中轮胎就是与其他库存有关,每辆车都要有4个轮胎和6块玻璃加一个备胎,所以每备六块玻璃一定备5个轮胎,这就是相关需求。这两个需求就构成了我们库存管理的两个最重要的理论,一个是经济批量的理论,存货越多库存持有成本越大,你的定货批量越大,单件价格越低,综合两点,我们会得到一个经济定货批量,总有一个最小点权衡了持有成本和定货成本。这一理论已被广泛应用。相关库存管理的原理就是著名的MRP的原理。一个产品有多个部件组成,每个部件又由多个零件组成,每个零件都有一个装配时间,分解下去就得到一张零件需求表,这样就产生一个MRP的表。实际做MRP时要考虑它的动态特性,做出双周或双月的是滚动计划,不是简单的推算,会比较复杂。最后就是生产控制,首先最主要是标准,其次主要的是调度规则。以上介绍的生产系统。今天我们更关注供应链系统,供应链管理的基本模型是:供应商开始到制造商到批发商到顾客,通过这样一个网络,目标是怎样把顾客需要的产品以最低的成本在合适的时间送到顾客手上。看起来简单的问题,做起来十分复杂。供应链管理的问题分成三块,一块是网络规划,对于一个制造企业来讲,你的制造厂设在哪里,你的物流中心设在哪里,你的零售商会在哪个地点,这是需要设计的。第二个称为仓库规划。你的仓库建成什么形式,你的库存怎样进行管理,要确定你的最低库存和最高库存到底应该是多少?第三个称为运输规划,如在运输中是大车大批量运还是小车小批量远?是从一个点出发再返回,还是走一个环形的路线?送货和取货应该在两个网络中还是在一个网络中?等等。很多我们要做决策。上述构成了供应链管理三各主要内容。以上,我们简单的回顾了工业工程最基本的方法,我们从一个很小的系统到一个很大的系统。对于工业工程在制造上的应用,从工业工程的视角上主要解决这样几个问题:一是研究质量管理;一个是研究产品和服务设计的问题,工艺能力设计问题,我们需要什么样的工艺,需要多大的厂,就能满足需求。工厂放在什么地方?配送的供应链放在什么地方,工厂内布局应该如何,设备怎样摆放,人力资源和工作设计,如何建立一个合理的工作环境,供应链管理,那些需要购买,那些可以自己做,如何同供应商建立好关系,库存管理,设备维护等等。四、工业工程的实践大家常听到一些名词不是工业工程的原理,而是工业工程的实践。如持续改进;全面质量保证和六西格玛,是质量工程的实践;流程重组和精益制造,是从流程的角度看怎样减少浪费;准时制生产(JIT),也是一种实践的方法,就是零库存,它的原理在于,库存很多时,很多问题被隐藏,你不能发现,库存减少时,问题被发现,如不可靠的供应商或废品问题,你就要去改进。当库存再减少时你会发现所有的问题,通过改善这些问题,来改善企业的系统。实践的问题说明工业工业工程的理论不是简单的应用,在实际中通过很多的方法,来保证工业工程理论实施的效果。我们今天面临很多的挑战,如服务业变得越来越重要,国际竞争和全球化,效益不能只看在国内的效益标准,环境和资源问题越来越重要,我们需要跨供应链的管理而不是只管理好自己,所以对工业工程来说,尽管在美国应用很广,但是在中国,我们还要做很多工作,因为我们企业中工业工程的基础确实太低,有大量的基础的工作要做。另外工业工程本身也要发展,毕竟技术环境改变。计算机的应用,到今天MRP、ERP非常普及。我们如何去做,需要新的方法。同时工业工程需要更系统的视野,包括你要系统的看作业系统,也包括你要系统的看工业工程与其他学科的关系,这对工业工程非常重要。五、工业工程的未来从上面种种的说明,工业工程师只能在工厂中工作吗?实际上,在已开发国家中,工业工程早已应用于工厂以外的地方了。像医院、农场、餐厅、旅社、邮局、银行、交通事业、建设业、军事机构以及各政府部门,都有用到工业工程之处。国内,一些医院也已聘用学工业工程的人员,负责设备配置、人员运用、药品存量管制、数据流等工作(像马偕医院即属此例)。这种应用可说是工业工程的延伸。目前工业工程的领域已不限于工业界,为此,工业工程的名称已不能涵盖它的范围了。在国内,工业工程虽有军方事业和国民事业率先实施,但是真正使它开花的,还是那些外资工厂。由于他们令人艳羡的成效,也说服了许多国资工厂开始注意这个新的玩意儿,多年来工业工程师的求才广告增多了,这正是工业工程开始在我国普遍被接受的一个明确证明。最近几年来,由于能源缺乏、原料上涨、工人短缺,国际市场竞争日趋剧烈,公害问题普遍受到注意,工业工程师在国内必然将成时代的宠儿,殆无疑问。在另外一方面,电子计算器的发展,工业工程这个学门也正在迅速的扩张它的领域,在国外,系统工程(System Engineering)、作业研究(Operaions Research)已经成为工业工程的延伸。利用它们来解决那些存在于企业经营的大而复杂的问题。这个趋势无疑的将是我国的工业工程发展的方向。附录B 外文文献Industrial Engineering IntroductionIndustrial Engineering (Industrial Engineering, referred to as I.E.) is a new engineering science. As early as 1881, Taylor (Frederick W. Taylor) has been with industrial engineering concepts, but in fact the industrial engineering this knowledge is in the 1920's began after World War Two, to only a prototype. In foreign countries, Taylor first advocated "when science research", and Ki M Blaise's couple (F.B & Gilbreths) is the founder of engineering research. ". (editor's note: the origin of Science Engineering, can see the other page "industrial engineering two stories" one article.) Until the 1930's they study to more attention of the public, and officially became a time and motion study (motion and time study), now the time science is a basic part of the industrial engineering field, the basic concept is the traditional industrial engineering.At the outset, working definitions refers to the method of operation, complete a work of materials, tools and equipment, and the time required, to study. The aim in 1 to seek work method is the most economic and effective; 2 confirmed and working methods, so the material standard, ideal standard and equipment requirements; 3 study and formulate standard time workers completed the required; 4 training and implement new methods.The definition of a, industrial engineeringAmerican Institute of Industrial Engineers (AIIE) on the definition of industrial engineering is: "industrial engineering is the personnel, materials and equipment, a science in the whole system design improvement and application. It uses the specialized knowledge and skills in mathematics, natural science and social science, and use the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, planning, forecasting, and evaluate the obtained thereby and related system in effect. "From the above definition, the reader may know a general. Generally speaking, all human and non human activities, as long as there is movement, can the principles of application of industrial engineering, technical and industrial engineering a system, the best way to achieve the purpose of. For example, in industrial engineering motion coherence analysis (operation sequence), as a result of any kind of human actions are consistent, so the action after careful analysis, into a fine unit, eliminate unnecessary action, and can be connected with action, so as to achieve the purpose of work, time and labor saving, simplified motion economy the.Two, industrial engineering consciousnessIndustrial engineering consciousness can be roughly divided into five consciousness. Cost efficiency consciousness, awareness of system, the success of environmental awareness, simplification and standardization awareness, the awareness of the people.I just pick some talk, about the cost and waste of consciousness. But when we get to a real business to see, we often hear the workshop director said proudly, we see the workshop all the people in the busy, he thinks this is a very good situation, but careful observation you will find, is not the same as the busy and busy. For example, last month we went to the R & D Department of an enterprise, each of them to the development of dozens of products, everyone is busy. The director told me: he likes a technical staff, because phoned him when he is not in the office, the total in the workshop to help solve some problems in experiment, and some other technical staff is not good, always sitting in the office, do not want the workshop. We just as they change in efficiency of the product development process, the students to do research, why to understand the technical staff have different situations, the conclusion is that the design of relatively poor engineers in the workshop, the workers do not come out, let him go to solve the problem, and experienced engineers will not need to do this, design of workers will do, do not look for you. So the industrial engineer such awareness is very important. When you see something, you can ask the waste? For example, the excess waste processing, machining accuracy obviously require is mm, you're processing to 0.5 mm, the leadership that workers do better than his request, but from the industrial engineering point of view, this is a waste of time, because do not need. And if we see a variety of handling in the workshop, if the industrial engineering from the point of view, all handling should be cancelled, because handling does not create any value. There are many kinds of waste, such as waste of waiting waste, action. I went to a well-known private enterprises in the last month, the factory to take me to see the shop, I said your this factory tube has a problem, too many products, full workshop heap is material, there must be some room for improvement. So when you simply to workshop walk will be found, these wastes are everywhere, and wasted all benefit. Cannot make the raw materials into products branch is a waste待添加的隐藏文字内容3Industrial engineering is another important consciousness is the awareness of industrial engineering system, always emphasized that you do not only focus on a single element, you must pay attention to the whole system. Industrial engineering research we Taylor from the era of economy and process of economic operation, to the fifty or sixty's, we study the operation management, optimizing the operating system how to better, but today the industrial engineering field more and more widely, not only optimize themselves have to optimization of others, doing research on the whole supply chain operation is the cost of how the lowest efficiency is the highest, so the industrial engineering is a constantly evolving subject, is a system more and more discipline, we always hope to achieve optimal in a large system in effect. From a development perspective, the supply chain management is the advanced stage of the method and the process of the operating system, but if there is no basis for the first two, you can't climb up. If we do a lot of business ERP, now MRP, to do the production plan, but even the operating standard are not, actually does not have good effect, we think, each job is uncertain, each job time may be two minutes, there may be two hours, production plan you can row very good? So I think 90% of the enterprises have encountered this problem when using MRP, ERP. So the three stages of industrial engineering, although is compared to a higher stage, but interrelated stages, are based.Another sense of system of industrial engineering is to create a successful system. To be in a business where success is need an effort. Success consists of three aspects, one is called strategy, positioning strategy should be very accurate; the second is your homework, to correct your system, which we call the improvement of operation. Third we are called to achieve successful environment. If your goal is correct, your system is also very good, but we do not and you unite in a concerted effort, you will never succeed, or is the enterprise external environment is not good, such as the public think you have pollution, also can not succeed. So an enterprise to be successful, must have the three aspects. The traditional industrial engineering is the role of the second aspects, is the improvement of operation, is the most classical industrial engineering. But today, industrial engineers should play a role in the system, will be in three aspects should play a role. Here to emphasize a point, called a "do the right thing", one called "doing things right" industrial engineering of traditional function is about doing things right, we always invent better ways of doing things, the more beautiful, lower cost. Today the industrial engineering to put an eye on don't do the wrong thing, two aspects should be pay more attention, this is the dialectical consciousness problem.Work simplification and standardization. Simplification is to eliminate waste, standardization is that you have a group of habits, in order to make the system achieve the bestThe awareness of the people is safe, pleasant. I just came back from a factory in Shanghai, see a thing is not reasonable, all factory machine side a worker stands woodblock, workers should stand on the board operation, probably all of the machine tool manufacturers in the design of machine tool, will not consider your wood is high, waist bent, so when the workers the operation of people is very low very uncomfortable. I think, this is the awareness of the people. In the design of this machine is you must take this into consideration, if the design of machine tool is not considered, then we must consider in the design of block, you can't let workers very tired. We stay there for experimental workers efficiency is very low, he want to and fro bent, I spent half a day there feel very tired, workers will work hard. The traditional industrial engineering to give people a bad reputation, the people as the machine, like just movie clips. But modern industrial engineering we emphasize humanism, so, we sometimes think of industrial engineering in human ergonomi