单位代码 01 学号 090111044 分 类 号 O24 密 级 文献翻译基于独立学院本科生毕业设计存在的问题及对策分析院(系)名称信息工程学院 专业名称信息与计算科学 学生姓名 指导教师 2013年 3 月 1 日基于独立学院本科生毕业设计存在的问题及对策分析 蔡航峰,丁建波浙江工业大学之江学院,P.R.China,310024caihf摘 要独立学院本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)是教学程序中的一个重要实践环节,也是人才培养的一个主要课程.为了进一步提高独立学院本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)的质量,诸如缺乏管理制度、导师指导不力以及内在质量差等在教学环节中出现的类似问题需要加以详细分析.从独立院校的实际情况出发,关于毕业论文话题和导师对提高学生能力的引导的一些对策,应该有助于提高独立学院本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)的质量.关键词:本科毕业生毕业设计(论文),存在问题,对策,独立院校1引言在独立学院中,本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)是教学环节里最重要最集中的实践环节.毕业设计的质量在一定程度上反映了整个教学水平、师资力量和学科建设.提高本科毕业生毕业论设计(论文)的质量是一个重要的环节以及独立院校内涵建设的具体表现,同时也是独立院校促进可持续发展的直接动力.在2008年,浙江省教育部门第一次抽查了独立学院毕业生的毕业设计(论文).这个抽查结果表明:与传统本科院校相比,独立院校的毕业生所做的毕业设计(论文)不够好.为了进一步提高独立学院本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)的质量,这篇论文会对本科生毕业设计中可能存在的问题作出分析.从独立院校的实际情况出发,应该做出一些对策来提高独立学院本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)的质量.2独立院校本科生毕业设计(论文)所存在的问题目前,大多数独立院校已经致力于增强本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)中的教学和指导环节,并且在毕业环节中建立了标准化的管理系统,这些努力已经获得了一定的成果.然而,我们也应该看到,独立学院本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)的整体水平还不是很高,并且仍然存在问题.主要存在的问题如下所示.2.1缺乏系统管理以及执行不力很多独立院校对本科生毕业设计建立了标准化的管理系统.但是,在不少独立院校中,毕业设计的实施细则、质量控制和安全系统都远非完美.尤其,对于毕业环节的管理过程,一些独立院校缺乏一个有效的途径,这就导致很多学生对于本科生毕业设计(论文)漠不关心,而导师指导成为一个纯粹的形式.此外,一些独立院校不能对毕业设计质量进行严格把关.而且,由于受到学生就业的影响,甚至出现这样一种现象:很多独立院校不惜“牺牲”本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)的质量来完成学生就业率.2.2关于导师指导的问题有的指导导师缺乏一种责任感,而且没有对本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)的完成加以同步规范,导致一些本科生的毕业设计(论文)未能达到教学要求.有的指导老师对学生做出让步而不对他们严格要求.而有的指导老师没有指出和纠正他们的学生的毕业设计(论文)中的一些明显错误,这就导致论文缺乏格式标准,尤其是不完全和不标准的引文和参考文献.2.3内在质量问题2.3.1主题论文主题的某一部分脱离了实践,或者背离了他们本身所学专业的培养目标.2.3.2文献综述许多学生不懂如何写文献综述,并且在相关领域对现况研究和发展趋势缺乏一个全面的认识,大多数文献甚至写与本科生毕业设计本身有关的内容.2.3.3外文翻译一些学生的翻译材料没能达到标准,且翻译质量很低.此外,许多国外翻译材料的内容与本科生毕业设计(论文)的主题几乎没有联系.2.3.4论文的规范格式引文的标点符号不能达到要求而且格式不统一.论文中的图表不符合标准.同时,毕业实践环节中许多指导老师在指导过程中缺乏详细的记录.独立学院、教学人员和研究部门不能严格地审计相关资料.2.3.5论文的质量不少学生论文的结构是不合理的,并且论文的结构和逻辑不能进一步得以调整,有的学生论文上下文以及段落之间缺乏链接和过渡成分,还有的学生论文语言不流利或者逻辑不严谨,等等.同时,很多学生很好的掌握和运用专业的基本理论与技巧.3提高独立学院本科生毕业设计(论文)质量的对策毕业环节是最后一个也是最重要的一个集中实践环节.独立学院必须面对的一个重要的现实问题就是:如何有效地提高本科生毕业设计(论文)的质量,且确保这一重要教学任务得以能顺利完成.3.1统一思想,提高认识独立学院的本科生毕业设计(论文)是教学计划的一个重要的实践环节,同时也是人才培养的一个主要课程.目前,由于学院、导师和学生不能给予足够重视,所以独立学院的本科生毕业设计(论文)的质量很低.因此,独立学院应该充分认识本科生毕业设计(论文)的重要性,同时明确指导老师的责任并且让他们全力以赴地去指导本科生的毕业设计(论文).同时,关于毕业生毕业实习环节的教育工作应该得以展开,各种形式的宣传工作也应该得到实施,这样才将会使毕业生首先关注于本科生毕业设计(论文),而且也能提高他们对本科生毕业设计(论文)的意识.3.2选题工作的重要性学生论文主题的选择是至关重要的,它不仅与本科生毕业设计(论文)的质量有联系,而且与人才培养以及学生的创新精神和实践能力有关.适当的主题对于拓宽学生的知识与培养他们的综合素质大有好处,而且这样的主题也能增加他们对于本科生毕业设计(论文)的兴趣,从而对于顺利完成课程设计(论文)奠定了良好的基础.因此,独立学院在选题工作上应该多下点功夫.主题应符合专业培养目标且面向当地社会经济的发展,并应结合科学研究和生产.同时,论文主题应与独立学院的人才培养的特点相一致.独立学院必须改革传统的论文主题选择模式,根据学生的能力去指导他们.学生的热情和主动性必须充分发挥作用.3.3努力做好团队建设和指导老师管理在毕业环节中,指导老师的水平和责任对于本科生毕业设计(论文)的质量来说是一个重要的因素.由于独立学院的历史很短,并且这个团队主要由年轻的老师组成,所以他们的科学研究水平和指导经验相对不足.除此之外,由于招生数量增加的影响,许多独立学院里指导老师数量很难满足学生指导的需要.因此,目前存在一个常见的现象:在独立学院的导师团队里,兼职老师占据相当大的比例,很多兼职老师指导学生时做得不够太好,指导结果也不太令人满意.这样的话,为了提高本科毕业生毕业设计(论文)指导的质量,必须采取一些措施.首先,独立学院要加强本身指导团队的建设;其次,对于那些有着强烈责任感、一定教学理论的并且有着丰富实践经验的兼职老师,应该给予分配,而对于另外一些以敷衍的态度去履行责任的或者在先前论文指导工作中学生不太满意的老师,应该不再给予选择;最后,应该对指导老师的指导情况进行不定期抽查且检验结果要公诸于众.3.4提高学生的基本能力独立学院的学生的文化知识水平相对很低,而且他们的自我教育能力、自我管理能力和自我法无能力很不理想.这就要求所有的大学平常应该专门训练学生的科学研究意识和写作技巧,并组织资深的能胜任的老师去开展关于外文翻译、文学评论和学术文章的相关教学活动,这将会为本科生毕业设计(论文)打下良好的基础.学生也应该尽量去提高他们图表数据处理能力、计算机信息检索能力、软件应用能力以及独立分析问题解决问题能力.学生必须学会如何运用现有的知识去处理问题,除此之外,他们也应该消化和吸收这些知识,并在最后能形成自己的观点.4结论在新形势下,独立学院正处于发展和探索阶段,是属于更高教育机制和模式的一种探索和创新,因此,在本科生毕业设计(论文)的教学环节的过程中,必然会遇到这些存在的问题.只要独立学院能高度重视并且对这种环节采取有效的措施,本科生毕业设计(论文)的质量一定会得以提高.致谢这项工作是由浙江科技大学教育改革项目所赞助.3.楼盛华.提高本科生毕业设计(论文)质量的探索与实践J. 浙江理工大学学报,2008,25(3):309312(汉版) 6.郑庆柱.独立学院人才培养模式探究-结合浙江省温州市所属独立学院人才培养模式分析J.教学研究,2008,(7):.103106 (汉版) 附:英文原文The Analysis of Existing Problems and Countermeasures About theUndergraduates' Graduation Design of Independent CollegesCAI Hangfeng, DING JianboZhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology, P.R.China, 310024caihfAbstract:The undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) of independent colleges is an important practice link in teaching program and a main course on the training of talents. In order to further enhance the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) of independent colleges, common problems of teaching link such as lack of administration systems, irregular guidance of teachers and inherent poor quality are analyzed in detail. From the reality of independent colleges, several countermeasures from the topic of graduation thesis and teacher guidance to the capacity development of students are proposed to improve the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis). Keyword:The undergraduates' graduation design (thesis), existing problems, countermeasures,independent colleges1 IntroductionThe undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) is the most important concentrated practice link in teaching program in independent colleges. Its quality reflects the overall level of teaching, teaching forces and discipline construction to a certain extent. Improving the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) is an important link and specific exhibition of the connotation construction in independent colleges, and is also a direct driving force to promote the sustainable development ofindependent colleges 1. In 2008, Education Department of Zhejiang Province spot-checked the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) of independent colleges for the first time 2. The results of this ransom inspection showed that compared with traditional undergraduate colleges and universities, the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) of independent colleges was poor. In order to further enhance the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) of independent colleges, this paper analyzes existing problems of undergraduates' graduation design (thesis). From the reality of independent colleges, several countermeasures are proposed to improve the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis).2 The Problems of the Undergraduates' Graduation Design (Thesis) ofIndependent CollegesNow, most of independent colleges have paid attention to strengthen teaching and guidance links of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis), and established the standardized management systems for graduation link, which have achieved certain results. However, we should also see that the overall quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) in independent colleges is not high, there are still more problems. The main problems are as follows.2.1 The lack of management systems and ineffective implementation Most of independent colleges established the standardized management systems of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis). But, executive detailed rules, quality control and security systems have been far from perfection in many independent colleges. Especially, for process management of graduation link, many independent colleges lacked an effective way, which caused many students to pay less attention to the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) and teacher guidance to become a mere formality3. In addition, some independent colleges didnt control strictly the quality. Furthermore, because of the impact of student employment, it even appeared the phenomenon that some "sacrifice" the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) in order to complete the employment rate.2.2 The problems of teacher guidanceSome guidance teachers lacked a sense of responsibility and didnt implement in accordance with the work specification of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis), the topics of some undergraduates' graduation designs (theses) failed to come up to the teaching requirement. Some teachers made concessions for students and didnt require them strictly. Some didnt point out and correct some obvious mistakes which were found in their students undergraduates' graduation designs (theses), which resulted in the lack of paper format standard, especially in the incompletion and non-standard of citations and references 4.2.3 The problems of inherent quality2.3.1 TopicsA part of thesis topics were apart from practice and deviated from the training objective of their own professions.2.3.2 Literature reviewMany students didnt understand how to write literature review and lack a comprehensive review with research situation and development trend in the relevant field. A lot of literature even wrote the content of the undergraduates' graduation design(thesis)itself.2.3.3 Translation of foreign languageThe translation materials of some students didnt come up to the standard and the quality of translation was low. In addition, the contents of some foreign materials were less association with the topics of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis).2.3.4 The format specification of thesisThe mark of references didnt come up to the requirement and the format wasnt uniform. The charts didnt conform to the criterion. At the same time, many guidance teachers in graduation practice link lacked detailed records in the course of guidance. Independents colleges and the teaching and research sections didnt audit related materials strictly.2.3.5 The quality of thesisThe thesis framework of many students was unreasonable, the logic and structure of theses didnt been further adjusted. The contexts and paragraphs were less links and transition. The language wasnt fluent enough and logic wasnt rigorous and so on. Simultaneously, many students didnt grasp and apply the profession's basic theory and skills very well.3 The Countermeasures of Improving the Undergraduates' Graduation Design(Thesis)of The Independent CollegesThe graduation link is the last and most important concentrated practice link. Independent colleges must face an important realistic problem that is how to effectively improve the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) and ensure this important teaching task finished successfully.3.1 The unity of thinking, the enhancement of awarenessThe undergraduates' graduation design(thesis)of independent colleges is an important practice link in teaching program, and a main course on the training of talents. Currently, the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design(thesis)of independent colleges is low, because colleges, teachers and students dont pay enough attention to the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) to a large extent. Accordingly, independent colleges should be fully aware of the importance of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) and clearly define the responsibilities of guidance teachers, and make guidance teachers try their best to guide the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis). At the same time, the education work of the graduation practice link for graduates should be made and the propaganda in various forms should be carried out, which will make graduates firstly pay attention to the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) in mind and enhance their consciousness do with the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis).3.2 Importance of topic selection workThe students' choice of thesis topics is crucial, which is related to not only the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) but only the training of talent training specifications and innovative spirit and practical ability of students 5. Appropriate Topics are of great benefit for students to broaden their knowledge and cultivate their overall quality, and enhance the students interest for the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis), which lays a good foundation for completing the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) successfully. Therefore, independent colleges should take great efforts to make topic selection work. Topics should meet professional training targets and be oriented to the local and regional social economic development, and combine with scientific research and production. At the same time, thesis topics should be consistent with the characteristics of talent cultivation of independent colleges. Independent colleges must reform the traditional topic selection pattern and teach students according to their aptitude. The enthusiasm and initiative of students must be given full play.3.3 Making a good job for team-building and management of guidance teachersIn the graduation link, the level and responsibility of guidance teachers is an important factor for the quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis). On account of a short history of independent colleges, the team of guidance teachers has composed mainly of young teachers, their scientific research level and guidance experience is deficient relatively. Moreover, due to the impact of increased enrollment, the number of guidance teachers in many independent is difficult to meet the needs of guiding students. Thus, there is a common phenomenon that the number of part-time teachers accounts for a large proportion in the guidance teacher team of independent colleges, some part-time teachers didnt do enough to guide the students and the guidance results werent satisfactory. Therefore, in order to improving the guidance quality of the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis), some measures must be made. Firstly, independent colleges must strengthen the construction of own guidance team. Secondly, part-time teachers who own strong sense of responsibility, certain theoretical and teaching level and a wealth of practical experience should be assigned. Other part-time teachers whom performed their duties in a perfunctory manner and were dissatisfied by students in the previous guidance work would be no longer selected. In addition, guidance situations of guidance teachers should be spot-checked irregularly and the inspection results would be notified publicly.3.4 Enhancing the basic abilities of studentsThe students in independent colleges are relatively poor quality of cultural knowledge. The students capacity of self-education, self-management and self-service is weak 6. It demands that all colleges usually focus on the training of scientific research consciousness and writing skills of students, and organize competent and experienced teachers to carry out teaching activities in the writing of translation of foreign language, literature review and scholarly articles, which would be laid a good foundation for the undergraduates' graduation design (thesis). Students should try their best to improve the ability of graph and data processing, computer information retrieval, software application, independent analysis of issues and problem-solving. Students must learn how to draw from existing knowledge. Furthermore, they should digest and absorb this knowledge and form their own point of view at last.4 ConclusionIndependent college which is still in the development and exploratory stage is an exploration and innovation of the mechanism and mode for higher education in the new situation. Thus, the existing problems in