Implication of Cultural Differences on International Business NegotiationsName: Zhang Lu Number: 2009111015 Major: Business English Tutor: Duan Juan Date: 2011-9-14 ContentsAbstract (English).3Abstract (Chinese).41. Introduction.52. Cultural difference.52.1 The definition of culture.52.2 The causes of cultural differences.52.2.1 Geographical differences.52.2.2 Political differences.62.2.3 Economic differences62.2.4 National differences.62.2.5 The concept of difference.72.3 Importance of international business negotiations on Cultural differences .73. Cultural differences on the impact of international business negotiations.83.1 Cultural value.83.2 Relationships103.3 Ways of making decisions.114. How to deal with international business negotiations and cultural differences.124.1 Understand the cultural differences that may arise.124.2 To correctly handle the cultural differences.134.3 To do a good job of follow-up for the exchange of cultural difference134.4 Pay attention to the language barriers144.4.1 Employing a consultant.144.4.2 Using an interpreter.154.4.3 Learning the targeted language.155. Conclusion.15Bibliography.15 Acknowledgements.16Implication of Cultural Differences on International Business NegotiationsAbstract: International business negotiations the business negotiation that under different cultural conceptions. With convenient world travel, multinational corporations, and WTO, the world has become much smaller and closer. This means that it is very important to know the different culture in different countries and find the ways to avoid the culture conflicts in the international business negotiation. The article commences from the definition of the culture, analyzing the causes of cultural differences. Then from several aspects of personal value, relationships, way of negotiations, etc; it explains the influence of cultural differences of international business negotiation. Finally it analyzes how to deal with the problem of the cultural differences correctly in negotiation process. Keywords: culture, cultural differences, negotiation, influence 中美文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响 摘要:不同文化条件下的商务谈判就是国际商务谈判。随着世界旅行的日趋方便,多国公司的合作,以及加入世界贸易组织,世界变得越小越紧密了。这就意味着了解不同国家的不同文化,以及找到如何避免在国际商务谈判中文化差异的方法是非常重要的。文章从文化的定义入手,剖析了文化差异产生的原因,并从价值观,人际关系,谈判方式等几个方面来阐述文化差异对谈判的影响,最后分析如何正确处理在谈判过程中出现的文化差异的问题。关键词:文化,文化差异,谈判,影响1. Introduction One of the largest influences that affect each and every person in the world is culture. It helps to shape concepts of reality, time, values, and etiquette. There is no escaping culture, nor should anyone try to escape being influenced by culture. It would be impossible to do so. Instead, it is to a persons advantage to know and understand their own culture and what effect it has had on them. This helps to avoid mistakes in communication when they are involved in a cross-cultural setting such as international trade and negotiation. In the article, several cultural factors that affect the negotiation process and its outcome will be examined. Special emphasis will be placed on Chinese culture as a benchmark from which to view pitfalls and difficulties in dealing with other cultures.2. Cultural differences2.1 The definition of cultureNational culture is a country-specific concepts and value systems, which constitute the concept of peoples lives and work behavior. The nations of the world as a result of specific historical and geographical and gradually formed its own unique cultural traditions and cultural patterns. As the difference of Chinese and Western traditional customs, values, religious beliefs, different ways of thinking, etc, make the different performance of Chinese and Western cultures.2.2 The causes of cultural differences Cultural diversity caused by many reasons, to sum up, the main source of cultural differences are in the following areas: 2.2.1 Geographical differences Refers to the geographical differences in different geographic regions due to the geographical environment, the level of economic development and traditional differences in habits, people often have different language, lifestyle and hobbies. And these will affect their behavior. For example, the West and the American people in some countries treat Christmas important, but in areas such as near the equator do not have snow all the year round, the people of some African countries may not have the concept of Christmas because the best modified Christmas is snow, as to the people in the region that are not long-term snow, there is little concentration of Christmas than American States. 2.2.2 The political differences Political differences are due to the political system and the policies and regulations on peoples behavior with the role of a standardized, so that all peoples in the political aspects on the concept of the existence are differences. Take the United States and France as example, the United States by the Constitution the powers of the President of the severe restrictions on the two major powers with other institutions of Congress and the Supreme Court of strong constraints. While France also had to set was ready to royalist restoration of the monarchy of the Third Republic to amend the Constitution a little further expand the powers of the president. 2.2.3 Economic disparities Economic differences are result of the economic factors of a reflection of cultural differences. For example, the people in the Western developed countries are rich lives and high level of education, people will pay more attention to the quality of life, security means more generally. And economic backwardness of the Third World, people care more about food and clothing. 2.2.4 National differencesEthnic differences are the different ethnic groups in the development of long-term process, the formation of their own language, customs and preferences, habits. Their diet, clothing, accommodation, festivals and rituals, such as material and cultural life of their own characteristics. Take the history of our country and our Hun Han, the Xiongnu people are valiant, characteristics of typical nomads. And we tame the Han character, the typical characteristics of farming nation. Which led to the Huns in the diet, clothing, accommodation, festivals and rituals, such as material and cultural life are different with Han.2.2.5 The concept of Values difference Values are means of objective evaluation criteria of things. It includes the concept of time, wealth, the attitude towards life, the attitude to risk and so on. Different societies people to the same things and problems will come to different and even opposite conclusions.Geographical differences, ethnic differences, political differences, economic differences, religious differences and differences in concepts have the impact on peoples penetration in the food, clothing, accommodation, festivals and rituals, such as material and cultural life in all its aspects. Thus affecting peoples behavior, values, religious beliefs and modes of thought have a lot of difference, finally has formed the various countries and areas of cultural differences. 2.3 Cultural differences on the importance of international business negotiations Practice in the negotiations, many negotiators often do not understand, or took note of the cultural importance of the significant impact on negotiations. Negotiating parties for foreign culture, some negotiators may have noticed some of the other negotiations,”different” or”hard to understand” the concrete manifestation of negotiations, but that is not important. Some people blindly believe that negotiation is the use of foreign-related facts and figures to speak, and the facts and data are common. Similarly, some foreign countries negotiators to negotiations with each other to maintain harmonious relations, they will notice the similarities between both cultures, while ignoring their differences. Lets look at an example. In 1992, negotiators from China and other 12 experts of different professions to form a delegation to the United States purchases about 30 million U.S. dollars of chemical equipment and technology. The US naturally does everything possible to satisfy them. One of them is negotiations in the first round of the delegation sent to each of them a small souvenir. The Souvenirs packaging is very particular is a beautiful red box, red for advanced. But when the delegation was pleased to open the box when face-to-face in accordance with the Americans, Everyones face appears very not the nature actually-there is a golf cap, but the color is green. American businessmans intention is: after signing the contract, and everyone to play golf. But they dont know the”be a cuckold” is the biggest taboo in Chinese men. Finally the delegation did not sign the contract, not because the Americans ”insult” people, but because they work careless and even dont know the common sense that Chinese men taboo ”be a cuckold”. How can we feel free to tens of millions of dollars project to them? It can be seen that the failure of the Americans negotiation is due to they do not understand the Chinese culture.From the above examples, we can learn in business negotiations, if we do not attach importance to each others cultural differences, the negotiations are likely to lead to failure.3. Cultural differences on the impact of international business negotiations The impact of culture on negotiations is extensive and profound, and different cultures will naturally divided people into different groups, this region, the difference between their respective groups are bringing people of different cultural groups tend to alienate each other; On the other hand, different cultural communication and exchanges between people are also obstacles. Therefore, the requirements of the negotiators to accept each others culture, but also by cultural differences, unmistakably reveals that the purpose of understanding of each other's behavior, and they have been accepted by the other party, and ultimately reach a consensus agreement. Overall, the impact on culture negotiations is in following several aspects:3.1 Cultural valueCultural values is measure the consequences of peoples behavior and standards. They affecting the way of people understanding the problems and will give rise to a strong emotional impact. In different cultures, values will be very different. Culture in a very appropriate behavior in another culture may be seen as immoral. For example, Americans believe that nepotism is immoral, however it as an obligation at the majority of Latin American culture. Therefore, the Understanding of a certain society in popular as well as these ideas in the personal behavior the degree which respects is very important. Our discussions here will focus on those activities is essential to understand the socio-economic values, more specifically, is these for promote the cross-cultural communicative competence and the values is worth noting. China has heavier ethics. ”Acquaintance” and ”relationship” has its own special meaning and significance, once the relations have been established, the two sides have become acquaintances or friends, and generous concessions to help the situation appear, and the degree of trust and tolerance will be improved, so the Chinese people have more oral agreement. Americans is not the case, they do not pay attention to cultivating the feelings of both sides, and attempts to separate business and friendship. To deal with the problem, often used the legal means, lawyers come forward to solve the problem is common, it is flexible and not rigid, we should clearly recognize this point. However, once sign the contract, they are very much focused on the legal contract, the performance of the contract is higher. The Chinese delegation to the West, maybe a long time no one could entertain, and this misunderstanding of the people are not interested in their visit; Europeans come to China, No matter what they do may find that there are people who accompanied, and this misunderstanding of the people lack of trust in them. Of foreign visitors, a senior care too much, not to mention dinner, often mistakenly believe that this expressed his companys products or have a preference, this in fact is the Chinese hospitality, This can lead to subsequent disappointment, and even complainIn the course of the Chinese and Western cultural traditions and different cultural values, on the negotiations issues tend to have a confrontation or misunderstanding. Chinas national character has a very remarkable phenomenon that is Settles on the face or the dignity. At the negotiating table, if make a choice from”decent” and”interest”, both the Chinese people will often choose to”decent.” Why do the Chinese people want to save face at all costs? Because of the ideological core of Chinese culture is a group consciousness. In accordance with the sense that each one is not a separate person, but living in a certain social relations, and no face will not the face of others, there is no face on the people and will not be able to live in the social and group life, and may even be abandoned by society and the groups. But not like Westerners, they value the interests of negotiations; they will not hesitate to choose interest from”decent” and”interest” of the two. Chinese people regarding negotiations result whether can bring honor for their face, looks extremely important, as well as some Western negotiators in their works cautioned China in the talks, we must note that use of Chinas national character. It is clear that only a correct understanding and properly grasps the existence of Chinese and Western differences in national character can effectively help us in a timely manner to correct our own shortcomings and strengthen our own