毕业设计(论文)On the Influence of Environment for the Formation of Toms Character in The Prince and the Pauper2号黑体,Times New Roman体加粗,题目居中论王子与贫儿中环境对贫儿汤姆性格形成的影响2号宋体加粗 学院名称 专业名称 学生姓名 学生学号 指导教师 年 月论王子与贫儿中环境对贫儿汤姆性格形成的影响2号宋体加粗,如果题目太长可以缩小唐明北京航空航天大学北海学院159dian 2717hua 1195 QQ:23qq4952635 / 26248qq0221 我声明,本论文及其研究工作是由本人在导师指导下独立完成的,在完成论文时所利用的一切资料均在参考文献中列出。小4号宋体 作者: 签名: 日期: Statement3号Times New Roman体加粗I hereby state that the current thesis and the research work related to it were independently completed under the guidance of my supervisor, and all the literature employed during the composing of thesis has been listed in the bibliography.小4号Times New Roman体Author: Signature: Date: 论王子与贫儿中环境对贫儿汤姆性格形成的影响每页题目前可空一行或不空;题目用小3号黑体学生姓名小4号黑体: 指导老师: 摘 要3号黑体 关键词刷黑:贫儿汤姆,环境,性格,社会现实On the Influence of Environment for the Formation of Toms Character in The Prince and the Pauper3号黑体Times New Roman体 Author: 小4号Times New Roman体Tutor: AbstractThe Prince and the Pauper written by Mark Twain is a fairy story set 4号 Times New Roman体in British feudal society in the sixteenth century. Mark Twain is the founder of American realistic novel, and he observes and describes social Keywords: pauper Tom, environment, character, social realityContents3号黑体Times New Roman体Introduction. 11. Toms Miserable Environment章标题用小4号Times New Roman黑体;章标题中实词首字母大写 . 41.1. The family background. 4 1.1.1 B节中只第一个字的首字母大写,用小4号,专有名词在任何地方都大写,以下同。egging from necessity 5 1.1.2 Ferocious father and grandmother. 5 1.1.3 Kindhearted mother and two sisters. 61.2. The influence of an old merciful priest. 72. Toms Life in the Palace. 92.1. Being a stranger to the palace. 9 2.1.1 His reaction to the nobility. 9 2.1.2 His respond to the first dainty repast. 102.2. Being used to the life in the palace. 11 2.2.1 Knowing about the matters of the palace. 12 2.2.2 Wallowing in luxury. 123. Toms Reaction of Being the King. 14 3.1. On an expedition. 14 3.2. On the coronation ceremony. 14Conclusion. 18Acknowledgements加s. 19Bibliography. 20Introduction3号黑体Times New Roman体;从引言这一页开始用1,2,3,4,编号Mark Twain is acknowledged as an outstanding humorist and satirist in America 正文:小4号Times New Roman体in the nineteenth century. His humor style is used as a sharp weapon for criticizing the society, not just for fun. Mark Twains works can bring laughter, but beneath them there lie many exploiting class evils. In addition to this, his works also show the deep sympathy for hardworking Americans. Twains literature explores question of 1. Toms Miserable Environment遇章另起页There was a poverty-stricken family which had another unwelcome boy in the ancient city of London. His name was Tom Candy. The birth of Tom barely gave the poor family a lot of trouble and impresses nobody. Toms family lived in a dirty blind alley named Offal Court, in which it was full of the extremely poor. Under this circumstance of sixteenth century England, London was the largest city, which was in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism. The population of the main city grew more rapid than any other cities in England. During the sixteenth century, London had a large floating population. In addition to this, the impoverished population 1.1. The family backgroundThere were six people in the family: his father, mother, grandmother, two sisters 1.1.1 Begging from necessitySixteenth century of England was a time of transformation from feudalism to 1.1.2 Ferocious father and grandmotherToms father living in the Offal Court. Andrew was different from the other ignorant poor, and he often took children apart 2. Toms Life in the PalaceTom Candy, a ragged pauper, who bore a striking resemblance to Prince Edward who was the heir to the throne of England. They were curious about each others life 2.1. Being a stran In the first place, Tom was in mortal terror of being recognized. In Toms view, a big shot was as good as his word for a minor matter and he thought that he 2.2.2 Wallowing in luxuryTom had changed with the passage of time. His initial reaction to the life in palace was not adaptable. It made Tom upset to adapt fastidious daily living in the ConclusionAs we can see from above, Tom and Edward's identity dislocation let the charactersa prince and when Edward was in pauper's clothes, everybody then concluded that he was a pauper. There are neither "natural riches and honor" nor "talented kingship". The crux of the problem is what to AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Wang, my superviBibliography3号黑体Times New Roman体1 McFadden-Gerber, Margaret. “Critical Evaluation.” Masterplots. Rev. 2nd edition. Vol1.顺序:英语,汉语,网址;小4号;2. 第二行第一个词与前面第一个对齐3. 文献编排:序号主要责任者文献题名M( 文献类型标识)出版地:出版者,出版年 . 6. Ed. Frank N. MagillZ. Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press, 1996:3290-4.2 Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism. Vol. 3. Ed. Laurie Lanzen HarrisZ. Detroit:Gale Research Company, 19823陈淳.西方文学史M.成都:四川人民出版社,20034常耀信.美国文学简史(第二版)Z.天津:南开大学出版社,2003详见:北京航空航天大学北海学院本科生毕业设计(论文)学生守则2.19 参考文献参考文献的著录均应符合国家有关标准(按GB771487 文后参考文献著录格式执行)。以“参考文献”居中排作为标识;参考文献的序号左顶格,并用数字加方括号表示,如1,2,以与正文中的指示序号格式一致。每一参考文献条目的最后均以“”结束。各类参考文献条目的编排格式及示例如下:1连续出版物序号主要责任者文献题名J刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号) :起止页码例如: 1毛峡,丁玉宽图像的情感特征分析及其和谐感评价J电子学报, 2001,29(12A) :1923-19272 Mao Xia, et al. Affective Property of Image and Fractal DimensionJ. 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