中国房地产营销创新 安妮·海娜,期刊的住房和建筑环境,2006年4月.前些年,房地产营销似乎还是一个相对罕见的术语,是未知的。而今却成了普通公众熟悉的流行概念。走在大街上,突然一幅五彩缤纷的售房宣传单塞进你怀里;一场场房地产展销会、博览会、研讨会一个接一个;打开报纸,能够感觉到,一幢幢街区的豪华;打开电视,一个个住宅区的让利销售广告轮番上阵房地产营销已成为众多房地产企业花费巨资竞争的对象。难怪有些人曾经说过;房地产成功5 0%在于地块选择, 3 0%在于设计、规划;20%在于营销。建筑设计的成功必须通过营销来完成和体现,可见,房地产营销的重要性。然而,看看最近千变万化的房地产营销大战,相当一部分开发商的促销手段只不过是“折扣让利”、“全天候物管”、“质量三包”之类的“老三篇”。开发商的营销理念仍处于传统的住宅先竣工后促销阶段,而往往忽视了在开发过程中对消费者真实需求的调查分析。其开发的房地产大都基本相同,其炒作的所谓卖点趋同,鲜有个性,难以刺激和满足购房者日趋多样化的消费欲望和需求。这也许是许多开发商销售困难、积压的一个重要原因。而那些独特性质的楼盘却很容易销售。实践证明,在客户购买消费心理日趋成熟、住宅供大于求的情况下,房地产开发企业只有采取营销创新,确立与众不同的卖点,才能在市场竞争中有所作为。创新是房地产营销的生命线。但在房地产市场里,遵循市场随处可见,想在房地产市场立于不败之地,营销创新的必要性可想而知。只有走创新之路,形成自己的营销特色,才能生存与发展。随着时代的发展,传统的房地产营销理论越来越不适应市场的要求,更无法为当前许多房地产企业所做的种种创新探索指明方向,这造成了营销创新实践的无序和混乱,更加大了房地产企业的创新成本与风险。房地产的营销创新要把握我国当前房地产营销所面临的新形势。自2004年3月末以来,面对经济总体过热信号,国家加大了宏观调控力度。国家有关部门从房地产的源头信贷和土地开始,采取了一系列调控措施,尽管存在一定的时滞作用但已经取得了初步成效。随着各项调控措施逐步发挥作用,对房地产市场的宏观调控效果还将进一步显现。对房地产企业而言,信贷、土地收紧尽管有利于房地产长期持续健康发展,但短期将带来较大的压力。房地产价格持续上涨。从2005年国内房地产市场宏观调控以来,尽管一些地方的房价上涨有所放缓。但我们也应该看到,一些地方房价过快上涨也是不争之事实。特别是进入2006年,以北京房地产市场为领头,全国的房地产舆论是涨声一片。住宅空置率升高。从国家统计局与央行的数据来看,一是2005年以来房地产空置率快速上涨;二是房地产个人消费信贷快速下降。个人住房需求下降。从金融统计数据看,房地产的需求正在减少。央行的数据表明:2004年个人住房消费信贷增长35%以上,增长达4700亿元,而2005年个人住房消费信贷增长为15.8%,仅增加2600亿元,仅为2004年的一半。同时从2006年一季度的情况来看,居民户消费性中长期贷款增加399亿元,同比少增245亿元。新形势下,对房地产企业提出了新的销售挑战,营销策略创新势在必行。当消费者对居住的选择不再停留于感性的消费,当市场需求逐渐从强调居住体验向追求高品质生活转化,地产就进入“品质致胜”时代。这就要求在房地产开发运营的全过程实施全面质量营销。全面质量营销是以顾客需求为先导,以提高产品和服务质量为重点,通过全过程的营销努力来提高产品质量,驱动质量绩效,以实现顾客满意目标的一种新型营销理念。实施全面质量营销,必须做好以下工作:1.合理的市场定位只有市场定位准确,销售才能进展快,进而资金流动顺畅,短缺土地得到高效开发,这样国家宏观调控才不会造成什么不利影响。房子未建,精确定位先行。必须在市场调研充分和了解客户的基础上进行科学的市场细分,以确定有良好发展潜力的细分群体为目标客户;同时加强对竞争者状况的研究,以防定位趋同。2.差异化的质量定位通过对目标顾客的需求状况和期望质量的调查分析,确定企业产品的质量定位。企业的质量定位不仅仅要注重产品的功能性质量,更要注重产品的适用性质量。 在消费个性越来越突出的今天,企业要想在产品方面赢得优势,必须从产品的创新和产品的个性化这两个方面着手。企业可以在保持一定规模经济的同时,为顾客提供满足其不同需求的个性化产品,使每位顾客都能获得满意的感受。3.及时的外部沟通主动关心顾客,经常主动保持顾客联系,收集顾客对产品、服务及其他方面的改进意见,并及时向顾客传递企业和产品的有关信息,不断改进产品和服务质量,使顾客满意度能得到提升。4.和谐的内部沟通一方面通过与内部员工的沟通,提高内部员工的满意度和忠诚度。满意、忠诚的员工,才能对顾客期待的价值有所贡献,从而提高顾客的感知质量,令顾客更加满意。另一方面通过与其他部门的沟通,将顾客需求、竞争者状况以及产品质量定位思路准确、迅速地传达给产品设计者和生产者,促使研发部门和生产部门能按照市场需求制定出适应市场的质量标准,提供适应市场需求的产品;5.营销过程的质量控制根据市场需求及消费者对营销质量的期望,制定营销质量标准,控制营销质量,提高服务质量,及时满足目标顾客对产品购买的需要,使顾客获得更高的让渡价值。营销过程质量控制的重点是营销组合质量控制,通过对消费者的调查,把握消费者在商品购买过程中对营销组合的要求,即4(欲望与需求、成本、便利、沟通);运用质量营销工具,将消费者层次的4转变为企业层次的4;根据市场需求、竞争者动向及企业自身条件,制定或修订企业营销战略和策略,提高企业的营销质量。此外,还必须不断提高营销的服务质量,以实现顾客满意目标,树立为顾客服务的观念;从方便、沟通与理解、能力、态度、安全、服务设施等方面进行考虑,制定合理有效的服务质量标准;向顾客做出合理承诺,并实现承诺,使顾客获得超值感受,通过考核不断改进服务质量。追求无止境,创新无止境,房地产营销模式创新是一项长期而艰巨的任务,它无时不有,无处不在,既无固定模式可搬,也不是一日之功,更不可能一劳永逸。各房地产开发企业,只有动脑筋,从竞争中学会因地制宜,在追求营销策略的最优化、营销手段的个性化和多样化,才能在日趋激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。China's Innovation of Real Estate MarketingA few years ago, real estate marketing is a relatively rare seems to term, is not known. Now the general public has become familiar to the popular concept. Walking in the street, suddenly to a picture of colorful houses leaflets will be stuffed into your arms; a field of real estate trade fairs, expositions, seminars, one after another; open the newspaper, he could feel and to blocks of luxury; turn on the TV , the ones who enjoy one residential area to sell advertising turns into battle . . real estate marketing, real estate companies have been interpreted as a number of competing Yaochong highlight of enormous amounts of money. No wonder some people have said the industry; real estate success is to plot selection 5 0% 3 0% is the design, planning; 20% is marketing. The success of building design must be done through marketing and embodied, visible, real estate marketing is extremely important.However, look at the recent battle over the ever-changing real estate marketing, promotions, a considerable number of developers is nothing more than "discount none other," "all-weather property management", "quality three packs of" like "three constantly read articles." Developers still in the traditional marketing concept of residential sales completed first phase, but often overlooked in the development process of the investigation of the real needs of consumers. Uniformity of its real estate development, and its selling point of convergence of the so-called hype with little personality, to stimulate and satisfy the growing diversity of buyers of consumer wants and needs. This may be difficult for many developers, sales, real estate is an important reason for the backlog. The star of those distinctive properties are unusually Qiaoxiao. Practice has proven that customers in the purchase of consumer psychology matures, the case of supply exceeding demand housing stock, real estate development companies only take marketing innovation, identify the unique selling point to a difference in the market competition .Innovation is the lifeblood of the real estate marketing. But in the real estate market, follow the market everywhere, like an invincible position in the real estate market, the need for marketing innovation. Only the path of innovation, form their own marketing features to survival and development.With the development of the traditional real estate marketing theory more suited to market requirements, but can not do many of the current real estate companies to explore various creative direction, marketing, innovative practices that resulted in the disorder and confusion, real estate business a greater cost and risk of innovation. Real estate marketing innovation of the current real estate market to grasp the new situation facing.since the end of 2004, the face of overall economic overheating signal, the state has increased macro-control efforts. The source from the state departments of real estate - the credit and land began to take a series of regulatory measures, although there are some delays, but the role has achieved initial success. With the various regulatory measures started to play a role in macro-control on the effect of the real estate market will be further demonstrated. Real estate enterprises, credit, real estate land is conducive to long-term tightening despite the sustained and healthy development, but the short term will bring greater pressure.待添加的隐藏文字内容3Real estate prices continue to rise. From 2005, the domestic real estate market since the macro-control, although some slowdown in local housing prices. But we should also see some local housing prices is an indisputable fact. Especially in 2006, is leading the real estate market in Beijing, the national real estate opinion is Zhangshengyipian.Residential vacancy rate increased. From the National Bureau of Statistics and Central Bank data, the first since 2005, rapid increases in real estate vacancy rate; second rapid decline in the real estate consumer credit.Individual housing demand. Statistical data from the financial perspective, the real estate demand is reduced. Central bank data show that: individual housing consumer credit in 2004 increased by 35% or more, an increase of 470 billion yuan, and 2005 individual housing consumer credit growth was 15.8%, increased by only 260 billion yuan, only half of 2004. At the same time from the first quarter of 2006 the situation, long-term consumer loans to households increased 39.9 billion, up by 24.5 billion less.The new situation, the real estate business made sales of new challenges, marketing strategy is imperative. When consumers choose not to stay in the residence of the consumer perception, when the market demand gradually from an emphasis on high-quality living experience life to the pursuit of the transformation of the property to enter the "quality of winning" era. This requires in the real estate developer and operator of the quality of the whole process of implementation of a comprehensive marketing. Overall Quality Marketing is a customer demand for the pilot to improve product and service quality, focusing on marketing efforts through the entire process to improve product quality, driving quality and performance, in order to achieve a new goal of customer satisfaction marketing idea. Total Quality Marketing, you must do the following:1.Reasonable market positionOnly accurate market positioning, sales to progress quickly, then the smooth flow of funds, shortage of land has been efficient development, so that national macro-control will not cause any adverse effects. The house is not built, precise positioning first. Must be fully and understand the client market research based on scientific market segments, to determine the breakdown of good potential target groups; while strengthening the status of a competitor to prevent the positioning of convergence.2.Differentiated quality orientationThe needs of target customers through the state and expectations of the quality of research, analysis and positioning to determine the quality of their products. Enterprises not only to focus on product quality and positioning of functional quality and pay more attention to suitability of the product quality. Increasingly prominent personality in the consumer today, companies want to gain advantages in the products must be from product innovation and personalized products of these two aspects. Enterprises can maintain a certain scale in the economy, to provide customers with different needs to meet their individual products, so that each customer can be satisfied with the experience. 3.Timely external communicationProactive customer care, often take the initiative to maintain customer contact, collect customer products, services and other improvements, and timely delivery to customers information about businesses and products, and continuously improve product and service quality, so that customer satisfaction can be improved.4.Harmonious internal communicationOn the one hand communication with internal staff to improve internal employee satisfaction and loyalty. Satisfaction, and loyalty of employees to the value of customer expectations contribute to improve the perceived quality of the customer to make more satisfied customers. On the other hand the communication with other departments, the customer needs, competitors, and product quality orientation in thinking the situation accurately and quickly communicated to product designers and producers to promote R & D and production departments to develop in accordance with market demand, adapt to market quality standards, to provide products that meet market demand;5.Marketing, quality control processAccording to market demand and consumer expectations of quality of marketing, marketing, quality standards development, marketing, quality control, improve service quality, timely products to meet the target customers need to buy, so that the assignment of a higher value customers. Quality control of the process of marketing the marketing mix focuses on quality control, through consumer surveys, to grasp the purchase process of consumers in the commodity requirements of the marketing mix, namely 4C (the desire and demand, cost, convenience, communication); the use of mass marketing tools, changes in the consumer-level enterprise-level 4C 4P; according to market demand, competitor trends and conditions of the business, developing or revising marketing strategies and tactics to improve the quality of corporate marketing. In addition, it must continue to improve the quality of services marketing, in order to achieve customer satisfaction goals, and establish the concept of customer service; from the convenience of communication and understanding, ability, attitude, safety, service facilities and other aspects to consider, formulate rational and effective quality of service standards; make a reasonable commitment to customers and promise, so that customers get value for money experience, through continuous improvement of service quality assessment.The pursuit of endless, endless innovation, the real estate marketing model innovation is a long and arduous task, it is ever-present there, everywhere, can move neither a fixed pattern, nor is it in a day, let alone once and for all . The real estate development companies, and only use their brains, learn from the competition in the local conditions, in the pursuit of the optimal marketing strategies, personalized marketing and diversification can in the increasingly fierce market competition in an invincible position.