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    xx毕业设计(论文)开题报告 模版.doc

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    xx毕业设计(论文)开题报告 模版.doc

    安徽工程科技学院机电学院本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: 基于嵌入式的智能交通控制系统研究与设计 课 题 类 型: 科研 论文 模拟 实践学 生 姓 名: 柏光华学 号: 312107030102专 业 班 级: 通信工程2121班教 学 单 位: 信息工程系 指 导 教 师: 王正刚开 题 时 间: 2016 年 4 月18日2010 年 4 月18 日一、 毕业设计(论文)内容及研究意义(价值)内容:本课题为设计新型节能型LED照明光源控制系统,用单片机作为控制模块,设计新型节能型LED照明光源控制系统,包括声音传感器电路设计、亮度传感器电路设计,控制电路设计和LED驱动电路设计等。意义:该课题对LED照明技术的发展和推广应用进行探讨,并对其控制电路进行设计,该技术在新型室内照明和城市照明中有非常良好的应用前景。二、 毕业设计(论文)研究现状和发展趋势(文献综述) LED作为第三代半导体照明光源,具有工作电压低,耗电量小,发光效率高、寿命长等优点。与传统的白炽灯、荧光灯相比,节电达到90%以上。被认为是21世纪的照明光源。用LED替代白炽灯或荧光灯,环保无污染,使用安全可靠,便于维护。从节能和提高照明效果的角度,LED作为新型节能灯已开始进入我们的视野。LED作为点光源,如果设计合理,很大程度上可以直接解决传统球状光源必须依靠光发射来解决的二次取光及光损耗问题;而且其对光照射面的均匀度可控,理论上可以做到在目标区域内完全均匀,这也能避免传光源“灯下亮”现象中的光浪费;色温可选,这样在不同场合的应用中,也是提高效率、降低成本的一个重要途径;发光效率高,灯具反射损失低,节省能源70%;长寿命等优点很快超越了高压钠灯。根据相关报道:2006年我国LED的产值为140亿元,预计2010年国内LED产业的规模超过1000亿元。因此,选择LED作为新一代绿色光源是照明行业的必然趋势。LED是一个非线性器件,当LED导通时,只要LED上的电压稍微变大,电流就会增加很多。因此,即使电压发生微小变化也会大大影响LED器件的工作,使电流过大甚至导致发热损坏。恒流源驱动是最佳的LED驱动方式。采用恒流源驱动,LED上流过的电流将不受电压变化、环境温度变化,以及LED参数离散性的影响,从而能保持电流恒定,充分发挥LED的各种优良特性。目前广泛采用的恒流源有两种形式:一种是线性电源改进型恒流源,另一种是开关电源式恒流源。线性电源改进型恒流源的线性损耗大,适用范围小;开关电源式恒流源的可靠性较差,适应范围小,而且成本高。目前公共建筑的照明灯具控制大多仍采用手动开关,有些使用光控和声控开关,其故障率较高,适应于白炽灯。因此LED的控制目前尚处于发展的阶段,对于LED节能照明自动控制的研究将不断深入,国内外LED节能大体来说是从更换新型节能灯和加装节能设备两种方向出发。目前主流是采用一LED智能照明和恒流驱动控制系统设计方案,它可以根据不同的工作环境的要求亮度来自动控制照明的开关和亮度。特别是在大功率LED照明系统上采用恒流源驱动,具有提高用电效率,节约电能的效果。三、 毕业设计(论文)研究方案及工作计划(含工作重点与难点及拟采用的途径)设计的重点和难点:传感器的选择  单片机控制电路的设计 软件设计拟采用的途径: 本设计系统包括三个部分,传感器系统、主控制系统及LED驱动显示系统,如图1所示。其中传感器系统有三套传感系统,通过被动热释电红外探测器和环境噪声探测是否有人,并探测环境亮度。如果没人,所有LED灯均不开。如果有人,再根据需要照明的环境的照度来控制几路LED的发光来满足要求。主控部分选用AT89S52单片机作为整个智能照明系统的主控制器,由传感器系统提供信号从而发出控制信号,来控制各驱动电路。驱动照明系统由四路LED驱动电路和串联的LED照明电路组成,用单片机控制来调节LED的发光。本设计拟采用的原理框图如图所示:热红外传感器LED照明电路多路LED驱动电路AT89S52A/D强光传感器声控传感器图1 LED智能照明控制系统框图设计(论文)进度计划:  第一周  接收指导老师编制的毕业设计任务书。     第二周  查资料写开题报告和计划进度表。     第三周  查资料写开题报告和计划进度表。     第四周  查阅资料,充分掌握系统的基本功能。     第五周  学习相关软件的使用。     第六周  查阅资料,了解硬件电路设计     第七周  硬件设计     第八周  硬件设计。        第九周  软件设计。     第十周  对上述工作进行整理和完善。     第十一周 以所得成果为依据,撰写论文。       第十二周  撰写论文。     第十三周  根据老师指导,改善不足之处,完成论文。     第十四周  查阅资料,找出知识点,准备答辩。     第十五周  整理答辩自述和问题准备答辩。四、 主要参考文献(不少于10篇,期刊类文献不少于7篇,应有一定数量的外文文献,至少附一篇引用的外文文献(3个页面以上)及其译文)参考文献:1 易安,半导体照明21世纪的节能新光源J.中国创业投资与高科技,2004(8):28-30.2 王海伦,叶冬芬.基于单片机控制的教室照明智能控制系统J.机电一体化,2005(1):69-70.3 张毅刚,彭喜源,谭晓昀.MCS-51单片机应用设计M.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2004.4 陈汉汛,倪尔东,刘利.汽车LED光源信息传递及驱动J.武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版),2005,27(1):143-146.5 戴文进,李庆武,彭聪.节能照明系统的研制J.节能,2002(3):11-12.6 吴永桥,金康进,施光林.基于AT89C52的日光灯照明节电控制系统J.微型机与应用,2004,23(8):36-38.7 高逸峰,张九根. 节能新技术-太阳能LED照明J.照明工程学报,2007,18(1):60-63.8 戴文进,李庆武,彭聪.节能照明系统的研制J.节能,2002(3):11-12.9 吴永桥,金康进,施光林. 基于AT89C52的日光灯照明节电控制系统J.微型机与应用,2004,23(8):36-38.10 杨丽君. AT89S51单片机控制的多路温度检测系统J.自动化与仪表, 2000(3): 66-68.11 周志敏,纪爱华. 白光LED驱动电路设计与应用实例. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2009.9.12 周志敏,周纪海,纪爱华. LED驱动电路设计实例。北京:人民邮电出版社,2008.8.13 Microchip Technology Inc. Lucio Di Jasio LED lighting should become more intelligent.14HietPasS.M.,NadenM.,Automatievoltage regulator using an AC voltage一voltageeonverter,IEEETransaetionsonIn(lustryapPlications,2000,l:33一38.附录A:外文文献及中文翻译LED lighting should become more intelligentMicrochip Technology Inc. Lucio Di JasioEnergy efficient and more powerful new type of LED solid state lighting (SSL) products, has developed rapidly on the lighting market is considered a major revolutionary progress. In many vertical applications, such as lights, cars, LCD TV backlighting, LED has been no controversy.Become the alternative to the traditional light sources. But for a wider range of general lighting, LED has not been widely accepted, its application will also be behind these vertical applications for several years. Solid-state light-emitting products, cost and efficiency will no doubt continue its rapid improvement, and will soon reach the threshold has been widely accepted, it may be 2007 or 2008, some people feel postponed until around 2010.General lighting in the solid state lightingImpede the reasons for this shift is the capacity of a traditional market too much, and second, the market due to inertia. To meet the backward compatibility is probably the greatest challenge. Thermal management, voltage conversion and color management is the need to address the basic problems. As more and more of the industry have recognized these problems, need to adopt intelligent digital control method to cost-effective solution to various challenges before they can enjoy the benefits of new technologies.Interestingly, the efficiency of digitalAccording to Energy Star (http:/ww w.energystar.gov) officials estimated that if the nation have adopted such a highly efficient LED lighting method, then the U.S. demand for electricity will save taxpayers 1.7002 trillion tons of carbon dioxide by 15 million the amount of cars.If the building to save 48% of the light emitting efficiency is usually an efficiency of up to a rate of 70 80 120lm / efficiency of 80lm / W achieved 131lm / W, optical efficiency is 200lm / W.White is not the colorThe biggest problem is the LED light is very narrow frequency bands, so that the color of light single, you can achieve high efficiency, and will not heat. If the color of light is exactly what we want the best, of course, but the lighting in general, we need are white. In other words, we need a certain percentage in accordance with a variety of colors mixed together to mimic the Earth's atmosphere, filtered through theThe sun's spectrum. Available through the LED's blue or ultraviolet light source coated with a layer of phosphorus-containing materials, to obtain white light. All the LED manufacturers are in the phosphorus-containing material composition, thickness, location, extensive research.LED manufacturers are successively announced new study results, said the new device is more efficient than any previous products are higher efficiency. In addition, the quality of the light source is constantly improving. Our eyes have seen the quality of light can be related to color temperature (CCT) to measure, it is felt with the best match the color of the lights of the black body temperature.Figure 1 can be color-calibrated components will increase some costs. Because color matters, the process of drift is very slow, you do not need high computing performance, and even low-cost 8-bit MCU will be able to meet the requirements.The appropriate mix of a variety of colorsAnother was white LED is in the correct ratio of the red, green, and blue (RGB) three colors mixed together, not only can get white, but also to obtain the required color temperature. Figure 1 is the application of this method the circuit, with an 8-pin 8-bit MCU to control the three-color RGB LED. Just a simple algorithm, it can be three light-emitting tube to control the relative light intensity can reach 6-bit resolution (64 intensity levels), to control the color output and color temperature is relevant enough.This circuit uses PIC12HV615 Flash MCU, divider resistors, reset circuit, A / D converter, oscillator 8MHz clock, constitute a simple single-chip solution. In production, you can also use this flash memory devices in-circuit programmable features for color calibration.LED lifeThe circuit shown in Figure 1 applies to many applications, but there is a very important drawback is low efficiency. This is a linear solution, energy is consumed on the ballast resistor. In addition, throughout the product life cycle may also occur more problems. One of the main advantages of LED extremely long life, which has brought a serious problem, namely, color cast. LED can be used 50 000 hours or more, the luminous intensity from the nominal value and gradually decreased to around 70% (incandescent lamps in use about 1 500 hours after the sudden failure).Unfortunately, in this 50 000 hours, a white LED color temperature related (CCT) will be changed, when the phosphor aging time, CCT will provide a higher temperature drift, namely a blue shift. When the three colors of the luminous body according to different aging time curves, RGB's LED will be a similar problem.By using micro-controller, coupled with the predicted algorithm or closed-loop control system, will be developing several technologies to compensate for the impact of the aging device. Some of them have already produced a color photosensitive element, together with a simple one-time PID algorithm can solve the color drift problem, of course, using this component will increase some costs.Because color matters, the process of drift is very slow, you do not need high computing performance, and even low-cost 8-bit MCU will be able to meet the requirements.LED is not the coldGeneral lighting is another big challenge is thermal management. As mentioned above, high-power LED in a very narrow oneA band of electromagnetic radiation generated from outside will not waste energy, but it will still generate heat, heat through conduction rather than radiation distributed out of the way, which is similar to the incandescent lamp.As the need to consider backward compatibility, LED heat problem to the design of general lighting systems, made a significant constraint. For a given power of incandescent lighting system designed to be difficult to adapt to the same power LED, because the heat conduction path is very limited.Power conversion and control When the whole industry regard the focus on how to achieve maximum efficiency of LED light, drive / control the efficiency of the circuit must also be subject to the same attention. LED is a low-voltage devices (Vf for the 3 4V), working voltage and electricity do not match completely, in order to achieve the highest efficiency and sustained light output, LED requires precise current control and switching mode power conversion.To address this problem, we must adopt a number of constant-current drive technology. Requires not only isolation, power factor correction, and in some cases, the need for two-stage. The input voltage is first reduced to an intermediate voltage, and using power factor correction and high-voltage isolation, the second-level solution to the current and thermal control LED needs.Figure 2 is the use of a boost converter (MCP1630) constant-current configuration, from 8-bit MCU to provide a flexible clock source, the current set-point can be programmed to adapt to different LED modules, dimming function, and use of outer set of sensors to provide closed loop temperature control.MCU-based solutions with great flexibility. When the LED of the temperature near the critical threshold, the LED output power will be gradually reduced, rather than suddenly shut down the system or simply sound the alarm. Especially in the LED is designed by different companies, and can not guarantee that the correct thermal design of the circumstances, this feature is particularly critical.Intelligence-driven design also means that the built-in MCU serial peripheral can support a simple communication protocol, such as the DMX-512 or DALI. Carrying out more advanced system integration, the need for Ethernet or ZigBee connection will be able to design a new energy management system. 中文译文LED照明应该变得更加智能Microchip Technology公司Lucio Di Jasio能量效率更高、功能更强的新型LED固态发光(SSL)产品的发展很快被认为是照明市场上的主要革命性进步。在许多垂直应用中,如信号灯、汽车、LCD TV背光,LED已经毫无争议地成为传统光源的替代产品。但对于范围更广的通用照明,LED还没有被广泛接受,其应用也将落后这些垂直应用数年。固态发光产品的成本和效率无疑将继续快速改进,并将很快到达被广泛接受的门槛,有可能是2007年或2008年,也有人认为将推迟到2010年前后。通用照明中的固态发光产品阻碍这种转移的原因是一传统市场的容量太大,二是市场的惯性所致。要满足后向的兼容性恐怕是最大的挑战。热管理、电压转换和色彩管理是需要解决的基本问题。随着越来越多的业内人士开始认识到这些问题,需要采用智能的数字控制方法来经济有效地解决各种各样的挑战,然后才能享受新技术所带来的好处。有趣的效率数字据能源之星(h t t p:/w w w.energystar.gov)的官员估计,如果全美都采用LED这种高效的照明方式,那么全美的电力需求将为纳税人节约17002亿吨的二氧化碳了1500万量汽车。如果在建筑物以节约48%的照明发光效率一般是1的效率可达701率为80120lm/的效率为80lm/W达到了131lm/W,光效是200lm/W。白色并不是色彩L E D的最大问题是发光的频带很窄,这样光的颜色很单一,可以达到高效率,并且不会发热。如果光的颜色正是我们所要的当然最好了,但在一般的照明中,我们需要的都是白光。换句话说,我们需要的是按照一定比例混合起来的多种颜色,来模仿经过地球大气过滤后的阳光的频谱。可以通过在L E D的蓝色或紫外光源上涂上一层含磷材料,来获得白光。所有的LED厂商都在对含磷材料的成份、厚度、位置进行广泛的研究。LED厂商们接连不断地公布新的研究成果,称新器件的效率比以往任何产品的效率都高。此外,光源的质量也在不断提高。我们眼睛所看到的光的质量可以用相关色彩温度(CCT)来衡量,这是与所感觉到的灯的颜色最匹配的黑体的温度。图1可进行颜色校准的元件会增加一些成本。由于色彩漂移的过程非常缓慢,就不需要很高的计算性能,甚至低成本的8位M C U就能满足要求。恰当地混合各种颜色获得白光L E D的另一种方法是按照正确的比例将红、绿、蓝(RGB)三种颜色混合起来,不但能获得白光,而且还能获得所需的色温。图1是这种方法的应用电路,用1个8引脚的8位MCU来控制三色RGB LED。只需简单的算法,就可以对3个发光管的相对光强进行控制,可以达到6位的分辨率(64个光强等级),对控制颜色输出和相关颜色温度来说是足够的了。该电路采用了PIC12HV615闪存M C U、分压电阻、复位电路、A/D转换器,振荡器提供8MHz的时钟,构成了一个简单的单芯片解决方案。在生产时,还可以利用这种闪存器件的在电路可编程特性进行颜色校准。LED的寿命图1所示的电路适用于很多应用,但有一个很重要的缺点是效率低。这是一个线性解决方案,电能都消耗在镇流器电阻上了。此外,在整个产品生命周期内还可能出现更多的问题。LED的一个主要优点是极长的使用寿命,这也带来一个严重的问题,即偏色。LED可以使用50 000小时以上,其发光强度会从标称值逐步下降到70%左右(白炽灯在使用大约1 500小时以后会突然失效)。不幸的是,在这50 000小时内,一个白光LED的相关色彩温度(CCT)将会发生变化,当荧光粉老化的时候,CCT会向更高的温度漂移,即向蓝色漂移。当三种颜色的发光体按照不同的曲线老化时,RGB的LED也会出现类似的问题。通过使用微控制器,加上预测算法或闭环控制系统,将会开发出几种技术来补偿由于器件老化所带来的影响。有些生长商已经生产出了彩色光敏元件,再配合简单的PID算法就可以一次性地彻底解决色彩漂移问题,当然采用这种元件会增加一些成本。由于色彩漂移的过程非常缓慢,就不需要很高的计算性能,甚至低成本的8位M C U就能满足要求。LED并不是冷的通用照明中的另一个很大的挑战是热管理问题。正如前文所述,高功率的LED在很窄的一个频带内向外产生电磁辐射时不会浪费能量,但仍然会产生热量,热量会通过传导而不是辐射的方式散发出来,这一点类似于白炽灯。由于要考虑后向兼容性,LED的发热问题给设计通用照明系统提出了很大的限制。为一个给定功率的白炽灯设计的照明系统很难适应同样功率的LED,因为热传导的路径是非常有限的。功率转换和控制当整个业界都把关注的重点放在如何实现最大的LED发光效率时,驱动/控制电路的效率问题也必须受到同样的重视。LED是低电压器件(Vf为34V),工作电压与市电完全不匹配,为实现最高的效率和保持持续的光输出,LED需要精确的电流控制和开关模式的功率转换。为解决这个问题,必须采用一些恒流驱动技术。不但需要隔离、功率因数校正,在有些情况下还需要进行两级处理。输入电压先被降低到一个中间电压,并采用功率因数校正和高电压隔离,第二级解决LED对电流和热控制的需求。图2是采用了升压转换器(MCP1630)的恒流配置方案,由8位MCU提供灵活的时钟源,电流设定点可由编程设定,以适应不同的LED模块、调光功能,并利用外置的传感器提供闭环的温度控制。基于M C U的解决方案具有极大的灵活性。当L E D的温度接近临界门限时,向LED输出的功率会逐步减小,而不是突然关闭系统或简单地发出警报。尤其是在LED是分别由不同公司设计,并且无法保证正确的热设计的情况下,这种功能尤为关键。智能的驱动设计也意味着M C U的内置串行外设可以支持简单的通信协议,例如DMX-512或DALI。在进行更高级的系统集成时,还会需要以太网或ZigBee连接,从而设计出全新的能源管理系统指导教师意见 签名: 月 日教研室意见 教研室主任(签章): 月 日评审小组意见 参加评审人员(签字): 月 日


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