论传统文化溯源与足球风格的形成 论传统文化溯源与足球风格的形成 【摘要】 自汉代以来,儒家文化一度成为中国社会的主流文化,“仁”和“礼”是儒学的思想核心,它倡导中庸、和谐,大大推动了中国社会进步和民族文化发展。养成大气、宽容的民族性格同时,也形成人们安于现状,缺乏竞技意识的生活态度。足球是一种特殊的文化现象,文化造就了足球风格,足球风格也体现了民族文化的内在精髓。传统文化对于社会和个体的影响是一种总体性的潜移默化过程,传统文化并不一定会对每一个社会个体直接地产生作用,我们也很难看到传统文化的基本精神在某一个体身上完整的体现出来。体育是一种文化,足球是体育众多项目中的一种,它深深根植于民族文化土壤之中,汲取着传统文化中的精华与糟粕;不同的文化背景造就了风格迥异的各国足球风格,中国传统文化不仅影响体育文化的个性,还影响着中国足球运动员对足球的理解,这是由民族思维方式所决定的。中华民族的传统文化基因对足球风格的形成不无关系。中西方体育由于不同的传统文化背景,在体育形式、健身理念、价值取向等方面存在着差异性,影响着人们的体育思维观、价值观等,进而影响运动员参与体育运动的现实表现。西方文化是一种与东方文化有着深远渊源却又与东方文化截然不同的一种文化模式,“融合”是西方文化不断发展的重要特征,其重视个人价值和“竞争”特点,对现代西方足球风格的形成产生重大影响。在传统文化潜移默化的影响下,中庸的伦理体育观注定了中国球员的个性、处事态度、思维理念等,而这些与竞技足球运动的本质特点要求不相适应。目前,中国足球不可谓没有自己的风格,只是这种足球风格不够鲜明、缺乏代表性和延续性,具有明显的阶段性特点,造成这种现状的原因有很多,但中国传统文化对其的影响是不容忽视的,深入到文化的层面来研究文化对足球运动发展、社会影响及其内在规律无疑有着极其深远的理论和现实意义。本研究采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法等多种体育科学研究方法,从中国传统文化发展的基本特征入手,分析了中国传统文化的基本精神、西方文化的发展及其对足球风格形成的影响,通过对中、西文化熏陶下形成体育特征的对比,重点分析论证了中国传统文化对中国足球风格形成的影响,旨在为指导足球训练、更快地提高我国足球竞技水平,形成科学的理论、方法体系及确立适合我国国情的足球风格提供有益的参考。 【Abstract】 Since the Han Dynasty, the Confucian culture had become the mainstream culture in Chinese society for a time. Both“Humanity”and“ceremony”is the ideological core of Confucianism, which advocates moderation and harmony, and greatly promotes Chinese social progress and development of national culture.“Humanity”and“ceremony”not only develops the lofty quality, tolerance of the national character, but also engenders peoples self-satisfaction, lack of competitions attitude to life. Football is a special kind of cultural phenomenon that created a cultural style. Such a football style also reflects the inherent essence of our national culture. This dissertation discusses and analyses how traditional culture influences football style from the Chinese-Western cultural characteristics and the basic psychic level.Traditional culture exerts an influence on society and individual, which is generally a subtle process. Traditional culture has not always a direct effect to each social individual. It is also difficult for us to see the whole embodiment of the traditional cultures basic spirit from a particular individual. What kind of style Chinese football can show has something to do with the Chinese national traditional cultures gene. Physical culture is a kind of culture which football sports is invovled. It deeply roots in the national cultre, drawing the essence and dross from traditional culture. Different culture background makes different styles of football playing.Chinese traditional culture affects not only physical cultures personality, but also the Chinese football playersunderstanding on the football. All of this is decided by the national way of thinking. Because of the different culture background, chinese and western physical culture differ with each other in the form of physicle education, the conception of bodybuiding, and value orientation. All of this influences peoples modes of thinking and values in sports, and even the representation of the players. Western culture is a culture which is derived from the estern but contrary to it. “Melting” is an important character of western culture, and the concern on indivisual value and competition is one of the prerequisit to the development of western football playing style . Under theexertion subtle influence on traditional culture, the moderate thoery of sports determins the personality , the attitude and the mind which do not fit in with the essential character of competitive football playing.At present, the Chinese football can not be called that it has not its own style, but this football style is not so clear and not so representativeand continual, it posesses obvious periodical feature. There are many reasons resulting in this status in quo, but the Chinese native culture and its impact on forming football style can not be ignored. So starting with the Chinese indigenous culture, to study its impact on the football style has an important theoretical value and practical significance.This study used many kinds of sports scientific research methods, such as using literature and data, questionnaires and surveys, expert interviews, logical analysis. This study starts with basic characteristics of the Chinese local cultural development, analyses basic spirit of Chinese local culture, Western cultures development and its impact on the formation of football style. Through the comparison of the formation of sports characteristics under the edification of the Chinese and Western culture, the study analyses and argues the influence of the Chinese native culture on the formation of the Chinese football style. It is expected that the readers can gain useful revelation from this study. 【关键词】 足球风格; 传统文化; 儒家文化; 体育特征; 比赛个性 【Key words】 Football style; Traditional Culture; Confucian culture ; Sports Feature; Competition personality 论传统文化溯源与足球风格的形成中文摘要 6-7 英文摘要 7-8 1 研究背景 9-11 2 文献综述 11-15 2.1 中国传统文化 11-12 2.2 中西方文化比较研究 12-13 2.3 中西方体育文化比较研究 13 2.4 中国传统文化对足球运动发展的影响 13-14 2.5 文化对足球风格的影响 14-15 3 研究内容及研究方法 15-17 3.1 研究内容 15 3.1.1 中西方传统文化形成溯源 15 3.1.2 传统文化与竞技文化 15 3.1.3 传统文化对足球风格形成的影响 15 3.1.4 确立我国足球风格的思考 15 3.2 研究方法 15-17 3.2.1 文献资料法 15 3.2.2 调查法 15-16 3.2.3 逻辑分析法 16-17 4 概念的界定 17 4.1 关于“文化” 17 4.2 关于“传统文化” 17 4.3 关于“文化的基本精神” 17 4.4 关于“足球风格” 17 4.5 关于“比赛个性” 17 5 分析与讨论 17-40 5.1 中国传统文化发展的基本特征 17-20 5.1.1 关于文化的界定 17-18 5.1.2 中国传统文化发展的特征 18-20 5.2 中国传统文化与竞技文化 20-24 5.2.1 中国传统文化精神与竞技文化的发展 20-23 5.2.2 中国传统文化对中国竞技文化的影响机理 23-24 5.3 中西文化熏陶下形成体育特征的对比 24-26 5.3.1 中西方体育文化产生的物质基础不同 24 5.3.2 中西文化熏陶下形成体育特征的对比 24-26 中西方文化熏陶下在体育形式上的差异 24-25 中西方文化熏陶下在健身理念上的差异 25 中西方文化熏陶下在价值取向上的差异 25-26 5.4 西方文化的发展及其对足球风格形成的影响 26-29 5.4.1 西方文化基本特征 26-27 5.4.2 西方文化的发展及其对足球风格形成的影响 27-29 5.5 传统文化对中国足球风格形成的影响 29-38 5.5.1 传统文化与足球训练方法 30-32 5.5.2 传统文化与运动员比赛竞争意识 32-33 5.5.3 传统文化与运动员的“比赛个性” 33-35 5.5.4 传统文化与运动员的比赛创新性 35-37 5.5.5 传统文化与运动员的比赛自信心 37-38 5.6 确立我国足球风格的思考 38-40 5.6.1 关于足球风格方针政策的历史回顾 38 5.6.2 确立我国足球风格的基本依据 38-39 5.6.3 我国足球应确立什么样的风格 39-40 “勇” 39 “快” 39 “变” 39 “灵” 39-40 6 结论与建议 40-41 6.1 结论 40 6.2 建议 40-41 参考文献 41-44 附件 论传统文化溯源与足球风格的形成调查问卷 44-48 致谢 48-49 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 49-50