论中医药高专学生的传统文化教育 论中医药高专学生的传统文化教育 【摘要】 十七大报告指出:“当今时代,文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉、越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,丰富精神文化生活越来越成为我国人民的热切愿望。要坚持社会主义先进文化前进方向,兴起社会主义文化建设新高潮,激发全民族文化创造活力,提高国家文化软实力”,“弘扬中华文化,建设中华民族共有精神家园。中华文化是中华民族生生不息、团结奋进的不竭动力。要全面认识祖国传统文化,取其精华,去其糟粕,使之与当代社会相适应、与现代文明相协调,保持民族性,体现时代性。加强中华优秀文化传统教育,运用现代科技手段开发利用民族文化丰厚资源”。大学生是民族的希望,是祖国的未来,既是文化的承载者,也是文化的弘扬者,不仅要掌握扎实的专业知识和技能,更要提高自身的人文素质。团中央、教育部和全国学联组织实施“大学生素质拓展计划”,以引导和帮助大学生完善智能结构,全面成长成才。而完整的素质教育离不开以中国传统文化教育为主导的人文素质教育。人文素质教育不仅是素质教育的重要组成部分,也是推动素质教育的重要举措。中国传统文化为人文素质教育提供了丰富的文化资源,对学生的身心素质、文化素质、思想道德素质的培养具有独特的作用。高等院校要充分发挥中国传统文化的人文导向作用,在实践中找到传统与现实的结合点,实现传统文化与现实文化的有机统一,以培养德才兼备、具有强烈爱国情怀的当代大学生。中医学是一门在中国传统文化基础上发展起来的具有东方民族特色的医学理论体系。它无论是在理论指导思想还是在具体的理法方药上,以及在养生、预防、医德等方面都有其源可寻。中国优秀的传统文化曾以其鲜明的中国风格和中国气派著称于世,成为东方文化的杰出代表。中医学就是在中国古代文化的大背景下和肥沃土壤中孕育和发展起来的,它是哲学、自然科学和社会科学相互交融的产物。所以,中国传统文化在中医素质教育中有不可估量的地位和作用,它始终贯穿于整个过程之中,可以说中国传统文化是中医学发生、发育和发展的动力和源泉。中医学的人文特征要求中医大学生必须具备一定的人文修养,才能掌握传统文化中的思维方法,才能掌握中医理论的精髓。中医素质教育中绝对不能低估传统文化的地位和作用,中医教育只有重视中医文化,才能培养出具有良好的道德素质、丰富的文化素质、健康的身心素质、富有创新精神的高素质的中医人才,才能真正提高中医教育的质量,促进中医药的继承和发展。近年来,中医学在西方医学的冲击下退出了中国主流医学的位置,怀疑祖国传统文化的合理性、鄙视中医的言论时时泛起,甚至有部分高层知识分子和社会名人都曾极端地否定祖国传统医学。不少中医院校的大学生也频频对中医药文化提出质疑,学习劲头严重不足,其根本原因在于对中国的传统文化缺乏一种敬重与认同。因此,在市场经济条件下,在文化全球化大潮中,中医药院校要发展、中医药事业要振兴,增强、突出中医药文化特色不容忽视。高等中医院校作为培养高素质中医药人才的重要基地,理应承担起弘扬和创新中医药文化的神圣使命,在重视学生专业素质教育的同时,更要注重中医药文化教育,要建立大学生中医文化的专业思想和自信心,以期为中医药文化的复兴做出应有的贡献。本文立足于高等中医药专科院校,着重从专业教育和思想道德教育两方面分析了中医药高专大学生传统文化教育的现状及存在的问题,通过大量的古典文献论证了优秀传统文化教育的不足是中医药高专教育滑坡的重要原因,探讨了在中医药高专院校加强优秀传统文化教育的必要性和有效方法。【Abstract】 It was pointed out in the report of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China:“In the present era, culture has become a more and more important source of national cohesion and creativity and a factor of growing significance in the competition in overall national strength, and the Chinese people have an increasingly ardent desire for a richer cultural life. We must keep to the orientation of advanced socialist culture, bring about a new upsurge in socialist cultural development, stimulate the cultural creativity of the whole nation, and enhance culture as part of the soft power of our country”, and“Promote Chinese culture and build the common spiritual home for the Chinese nation. Chinese culture has been an unfailing driving force for the Chinese nation to keep its unity and make progress from generation to generation. We must have a comprehensive understanding of traditional Chinese culture, keep its essence and discard its dross to enable it to fit in with present-day society, stay in harmony with modern civilization, keep its national character and reflect changes of the times. We will further publicize the fine traditions of Chinese culture and use modern means of science and technology to exploit the rich resources of our national culture.”University Students as the culture bearers and promoters are the hope of the nation and the future of the motherland. They are supposed not only to master a solid professional knowledge and skills, but also to improve their own human qualities. The League Central Committee, the Ministry of Education and the National Students Federation organize the implementation of “University Students Quality Development Plan” to guide and assist college students to improve intelligence structure and their full growth of talent. And complete quality education can not be separated from the quality education in the humanities with traditional Chinese culture at the core. Humanistic quality education is not only an important component of quality education but also an important measure to promote quality education. Chinese traditional culture provides a wealth of cultural resources for humanistic quality education. It plays a unique role in the cultivation of the studentsphysical and mental qualities, cultural qualities and ideological and moral quality. Institutions of higher learning should give full play in the humanities-oriented education of Chinas traditional culture and find the combination of tradition and reality in practice to realize the organic unity of traditional culture and the reality culture and to cultivate contemporary college students with both ability and political integrity and with strong patriotism.Chinese Medicine is a medical theory system based on Chinese traditional culture with our national characteristics. Its theoretical guiding idea and its specific prescriptions, as well as its theory in health, disease prevention and medical ethics, have its source. Chinese excellent traditional culture has been known to the world for its distinctive Chinese style and Chinese atmosphere and become an outstanding representative of Eastern culture. Chinese medicine is nurtured and developed from the wealth of ancient Chinese culture, and is a product mix of philosophy, natural science and social science. Therefore, Chinese traditional culture has an immeasurable status and role in the quality education of Chinese medicine. It runs through the whole process. It can be said that traditional Chinese culture is the source and driving force for the emergence, growth and development of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Humanasitc characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine require that university students majoring in Traditional Chinese Medicine should have a certain degree of humanistic cultivation before they can master the thinking method of traditional culture and grasp the essence of traditional Chinese medicine theory. The status and role of traditional Chinese culture can never be underestimated in the education of TCM quality. In TCM education much attention should be paid to TCM culture so as to cultivate high-quality Chinese medicine professionals with good moral quality, rich cultural quality, physically and mentally healthy quality and innovative spirit, thus to improve the quality of Chinese medicine education and promote the inheritance and development of Traditional Chinese Medicine.In recent years, Chinese medicine recedes from the mainstream medicine under the impact of Western medicine, and is doubted about its rationality, and is looked down upon time and again. Even a lot of high-level intellectuals and public figures extremely deny the traditional medicine. Some university Students majoring in TCM raise doubts about the culture of traditional Chinese medicine and dont study hard at it. The fundamental reason for this is that they lack an identity with and respect for Chinese traditional culture.Therefore, under market economy and in the tide of cultural globalization, highlighting the TCM characteristics should not be ignored for the development of Chinese medicine institutions and the revitalization and growth of the cause of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Institutions of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an important base to train high-quality professionals of traditional Chinese medicine should take up the sacred mission in carrying forward and innovating TCM culture. Attention should be paid to professional quality education and education of Chinese medicine culture. TCM students should establish their professional thought and self-confidence with a view to contributing to the revitalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Based on the research of colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the paper, from two aspects of professional education and ideological and moral education, focuses the analysis of the current situation and problems in the education of traditional culture for TCM colleges. Through many classical literatures it demonstrates the lack of the fine traditional culture education is an important reason for the education decline for TCM colleges and discusses the necessity and effective measures to strengthen education of fine traditional culture in TCM colleges.【关键词】 传统文化; 中医药 【Key words】 traditional culture; Traditional Chinese Medicine 论中医药高专学生的传统文化教育中文摘要 6-8 ABSTRACT 8-9 前言 10-18 一、问题的提出 10-11 二、研究的意义 11-13 三、研究的现状 13-17 (一) 传统文化及其内涵 13-14 (二) 传统文化教育在高校大学生文化素质培养中的作用 14 (三) 传统文化教育与德育教育的关系 14-15 (四) 传统文化与中医药教育的关系 15-16 (五) 传统文化与构建“和谐”的关系 16 (六) 提升中国软实力与中医药的现代化、国际化 16-17 四、研究方法 17-18 第一部分 中医药与传统文化 18-23 一、中医药与祖国传统文化的密切关系 18-21 (一) 中医药是祖国传统文化的瑰宝 18 (二) 中医药学是祖国传统文化中最具活力的组成部分 18-21 二、中医药是祖国优秀传统文化的继承和发展 21-23 (一) 祖国传统文化是中医药学的生命力所在 21 (二) 中医药是传统文化继承发展道路上的生力军 21-23 第二部分 中医药高专学生传统文化教育的现状 23-31 一、中医药高专专业教育的现状 23-27 (一) 教育体制淡化传统文化教育 24 (二) 高等中医教育的育人模式有碍于人才的培养 24-25 (三) 中医药专业课程没能融洽接合 25 (四) 高等中医教育缺乏精英人才 25-26 (五) 学生临床实习缺乏浓厚的中医药氛围 26-27 二、中医药高专学生传统文化教育的现状 27-31 (一) 理想信念渐趋淡漠,追求享乐意识增强 27-28 (二) 集体主义观念淡化,自我中心观念强化 28 (三) 伦理道德观念缺失,竞争意识和方法不当 28-29 (四) 社会责任意识不强,应对挫折能力较差 29 (五) 以人为本的高尚医德缺失 29-31 第三部分 传统文化对中医药高专学生德才教育的意义 31-37 一、传统文化对专业教育的意义 31-34 (一) 有助于中医药高专学生正确专业思想的树立 31 (二) 有助于中医药高专学生对中医药精髓的掌握 31-33 (三) 有助于中医药高专学生创业就业能力的提升 33-34 二、传统文化对思想政治教育的意义 34-37 (一) 有助于大学生高尚医德和人本思想的培养 34 (二) 有助于大学生进取精神和爱国情操的培养 34-35 (三) 有助于大学生价值追求和道德基础的培养 35-37 第四部分 加强中医药高专学生传统文化教育的对策 37-47 一、突出学科教学渗透,开设传统文化教育的第二课堂 38-39 二、加强校园文化建设,彰显中医药特色 39-41 (一) 突出导向性 39-40 (二) 突出主体性 40 (三) 突出和谐性 40-41 (四) 突出精神性 41 三、加强社会实践,推动“双基地”实践建设 41-42 四、更新教育理念,提升教师的人文知识素养 42-45 (一) 更新教育理念,促进科学教育和人文教育的融合 42-43 (二) 将传统文化贯穿“两课”教学 43-44 (三) 提升教师的人文知识素养 44-45 五、强化措施,构建人文素质教育管理制度和评价体系 45-47 (一) 加强组织领导 45-46 (二) 加强管理和制度建设 46 (三) 加强评价机制建设 46-47 注释 47-49 参考文献 49-51 读研期间发表的论文 51-52 后记 52