Cd、Pb胁迫对6种绿化树木生理生化特性的影响 Cd、Pb胁迫对6种绿化树木生理生化特性的影响 Effects of Cd and Pb Stress on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Six Greening Trees【中文摘要】 本试验以河北易县西陵苗圃的2年生的侧柏(Oriental arborvitae)、连翘(Forsythia suspensa)、栾树(Koelreuteria paniculata)、迎春(Jasminum nudiflorum)、红瑞木(Cornus alba)、紫叶小檗(Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea )6种常用绿化树种为材料,通过盆栽实验研究了不同浓度Pb、Cd胁迫对各绿化树种根、茎、叶生理生化的影响。主要结果如下:1随着Cd浓度的升高,6种绿化植物根、茎、叶的SOD、POD、CAT活性大体呈现先升高后下降的趋势,而相对电导率则呈一直上升的趋势;5月-9月间随Cd胁迫时间的延长,SOD、POD、CAT活性和相对电导率最大值均呈现逐渐增加的趋势,各树种SOD、POD、CAT活性和相对电导率最大值及增加幅度有所差异,侧柏最大值及增加幅度最小,红瑞木最大;方差分析表明,侧柏抗Cd迫胁能力极显著的大于红瑞木和栾树,连翘显著大于紫叶小檗、迎春,极显著大于红瑞木。栾树和连翘之间的差异不显著,紫叶小檗和迎春之间的差异也不显著,各树种根、茎、叶抗Cd胁迫能力均为侧柏>栾树>连翘>紫叶小檗>迎春>红瑞木。2 Pb胁迫影响下,5月-9月间六种绿化树种根、茎、叶的SOD、POD、CAT活性大体呈现先升高后下降的趋势,而相对电导率则呈一直上升的趋势;随Pb胁迫时间的增加,各树种SOD、POD、CAT活性和相对电导率的最大值也逐渐增加,但各树种SOD、POD、CAT活性和相对电导率最大值及增加幅度不同,侧柏最大值及增加幅度最小,红瑞木最大;各树种不同部位抗Pb胁迫能力也有所差异。方差分析表明:各树种根、茎抗Pb迫胁能力为侧柏>栾树>连翘>紫叶小檗>迎春>红瑞木,侧柏极显著大于红瑞木,栾树和连翘差异不显著,紫叶小檗和迎春差异也不显著;叶部抗Pb迫胁能力为侧柏>连翘>栾树>紫叶小檗>迎春>红瑞木,侧柏极显著大于迎春和红瑞木,连翘极显著大于红瑞木,显著大于迎春,栾树和紫叶小檗没有显著差异。3综合不同浓度Cd、Pb胁迫对六种绿化树种根、茎、叶不同部位SOD、POD、CAT活性和相对电导率的影响,通过隶属函数法计算得出,各绿化树种抗Cd胁迫能力为侧柏>栾树>连翘>紫叶小檗>迎春>红瑞木,抗Pb胁迫能力为侧柏>连翘>栾树>紫叶小檗>迎春>红瑞木。【英文摘要】 In this pot experiment, six two-year old green trees as Oriental arborvitae, Forsythia suspensa, Koelreuteria paniculata, Jasminum nudiflorum, Cornus alba and Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea which got from xiling nursery in yixian county hebei province, were used as the experiment materials, the effects of different heavy metals Pb and Cd concentrations on the physiological and biochemical characteristical of the the green trees roots, caudexes and leaves. The main results were as followings.1 With the rising of the Cd consentration, on the whole the roots, caudexes and leaves SOD, POD, CAT activities of the green trees increased in the beginning and then falled, while the relative conductivity rates increased all the time. The maxes of SOD, POD, CAT activities and the relative conductivitiy rates were all increased with the enhancing of the Cd stress from May to September, there were some differences in the maxes and the enhancement extents of SOD, POD, CAT activities and the relative conductivitiy rates from different green trees, the lowest max and the enhancement extent was Oriental arborvitae and the highest was Cornus alba. Analysis of Variance results showed that the anti Cd stress abilities of Oriental arborvitae is much better than Cornus alba and Koelreuteria paniculata, Forsythia suspensa is better than Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea, Jasminum nudiflorum, and much better than Cornus alba. The anti difference ability of Koelreuteria paniculata and Forsythia suspensa are not notibility, also the Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea and Jasminum nudiflorum are the same. On the whole the roots, caudexes and leaves anti abilities of the green trees is Oriental arborvitae>Koelreuteria paniculata>Forsythia suspensa>Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea>Jasminum nudiflorum>Cornus alba.2 The roots, caudexes and leaves SOD, POD, CAT activaties of the six green trees increased in the beginning and then falled on the whole with the effects of the Pb stress from May to Septemeber, while the relative conductivity rates increased all the time. the maxes of SOD, POD, CAT activaties and the relative conductivity rates rose gradually with the enhancing of the Pb stress, but there were differences in the maxes and the enhancement exents in the SOD, POD, CAT activaties and the relative conductivity rates from different green trees, the lowest max and the enhancement extent was Oriental arborvitae and the highest was Cornus alba. There were differences in the anti Pb stress abilities from different parts of the green trees. Analysis of Variance results showed that the roots and caudexes anti Pb stress abilities is Oriental arborvitae>Koelreuteria paniculata>Forsythia suspensa>Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea>Jasminum nudiflorum > Cornus alba, Oriental arborvitae is more best than Cornus alba,The anti difference ability of Koelreuteria paniculata and Forsythia suspensa are not notibility,also the Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea and Jasminum nudiflorum are the same; and the leaves anti Pb stress abilities is Oriental arborvitae>Forsythia suspensa>Koelreuteria paniculata>Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea>Jasminum nudiflorum > Cornus alba. Oriental arborvitae is much better than Cornus alba and Jasminum nudiflorum, Forsythia suspensa is much better than Cornus alba and better than Jasminum nudiflorum, the anti difference ability of Koelreuteria paniculata and Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea are not notibility.3 Colligating the effects of different concentrations heavy metals Pb and Cd stress on the roots, caudexes and leaves SOD, POD, CAT activaties and the relative conductivity rates, using the membership function method calculated that the anti Cd stress abilities of the green trees is Oriental arborvitae>Koelreuteria paniculata>Forsythia suspensa > Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea > Jasminum nudiflorum >Cornus alba, and the the anti Cd stress abilities of the green trees is Oriental arborvitae>Forsythia suspensa>Koelreuteria paniculata>Berberisthunbergiicv atropurpurea>Jasminum nudiflorum>Cornus alba. 【中文关键词】 Cd胁迫; Pb胁迫; SOD; POD; CAT; 相对电导率; 绿化树木 【英文关键词】 Cd stress; Pb stress; SOD; POD; CAT; the relative conductivity rate activity; green trees 【论文目录】摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 1 引言 9-16 1.1 重金属污染对植物影响研究进展 9-12 1.1.1 重金属污染对植物生长的影响 9 1.1.2 重金属对植物生理生化的影响 9-11 1.1.3 对植物体内酶活性的影响 11 1.1.4 对脯氨酸含量的影响 11-12 1.1.5 重金属在植物内的富集 12 1.2 植物对重金属胁迫的抗性机理 12-14 1.2.1 避性 12-13 1.2.2 耐性 13-14 1.3 重金属污染研究中存在的问题 14 1.4 科学问题的提出 14-16 2 材料与方法 16-18 2.1 试验材料 16 2.2 试验设计 16 2.3 生理指标的测定 16 2.4 数据分析 16-18 3 结果与分析 18-51 3.1 不同浓度Cd 对树体根、茎、叶酶活性及相对电导率的影响 18-33 3.1.1 对树体根酶活性及相对电导率的影响 18-23 3.1.2 对树体茎部酶活性及相对电导率的影响 23-28 3.1.3 不同浓度Cd 对树体叶部酶活性及相对电导率的影响 28-33 3.2 不同浓度Pb 对树体根、茎、叶酶活性及相对电导率的影响 33-49 3.2.1 对树体根酶活性及相对电导率的影响 33-39 3.2.2 对树体茎酶活性及相对电导率的影响 39-44 3.2.3 对树体叶酶活性及相对电导率的影响 44-49 3.3 6 种树木对Cd、Pb 抗性的综合评价 49-51 3.3.1 对Cd 抗性综合评价 50 3.3.2 对Pb 抗性综合评价 50-51 4 结论 51-53 4.1 Cd 胁迫对6 种绿化树木根、茎、叶的影响 51 4.2 Pb 胁迫对六种绿化树木根、茎、叶的影响 51-52 4.3 6 种绿化树木对Cd、Pb 抗性综合评价 52-53 5 讨论 53-54 参考文献 54-58 在读期间发表论文情况 58-59 个人简介 59-60 致谢 60