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    On the Skills of Commercial English Negotiation论商务英语谈判技巧.doc

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    On the Skills of Commercial English Negotiation论商务英语谈判技巧.doc

    On the Skills of Commercial English Negotiation论商务英语谈判技巧摘 要:商务英语谈判中有许许多多谈判技巧,此论文主要目的在于突出商务谈判技巧中的语言技巧。在正文中,首先分析了谈判的必要程序,然后进行谈判语言技巧的研究。在谈判的语言技巧中有很多重要的技巧。为了在谈判中获胜,有四个技巧不容忽视交流的技巧,恭维的技巧,间接表达的技巧和说服的技巧。通过很好的掌握并有效地运用这些技巧,可以达到令人满意的结果并和对手建立起和谐的友谊,得到长远合作的机会。商务谈判是一个充满冲突和竞争的过程,如果双方都想个别利益最大化,那么冲突就会随时由此发生,如果他们坚持己见,将导致谈判没有结果且有害无益。此时,谈判者就会想办法借助很多谈判技巧,所以目的性的语言技巧得以运用,作为一位语言运用者兼谈判者必须有意识无意识地使自己的语言随时适应不断变化的形势。在成功谈判者的谈判过程中,你可以了解到他们不只把语言当作畅谈的工具,而是把语言当作一种非常有效的技巧。他们那恰如其分的表达以及熟练的语言技巧能有效地增强谈判者间的相互信任和相互理解,这样就增加谈判成功的机会,以便最终能达成一个令人欣喜,双赢的结果。关键词:商务谈判; 语言; 沟通;语言技巧On the Skills of Commercial English NegotiationAbstract :There are hundreds of negotiation skills in the commercial English negotiation; this paper mainly attempts to highlight the language skills. In the context, I firstly analyze the necessary processes about commercial English negotiation, and then come into the study of the language skills; there are many important aspects of language skills in commercial English negotiation. To make commercial English negotiation successful, these four aspects skills of communication, skills of compliments, skills of applying indirectness and skills of persuasive can never be ignored. Good commanding and effect using of the language skills can help you to achieve a satisfactory result, establish harmonious relationships and gain further cooperation with the counterpart.Commercial English negotiation is a process full of conflicts and arguments. Conflicts would appear consequently when two parties try to maximize their individual interests. If they persist in their own opinions, the negotiation will become unproductive, detrimental to the arrival of agreements. Understandably, negotiators would employ various techniques at this time. Then the purposeful use of language comes in. As a language user as well as a negotiator, you must consciously or unconsciously adapt your language to meet the need of perpetual changing situation. In negotiating, you can see a successful negotiator not only takes language as a communicative tool, but also as a very useful skill. Their proper and skillful use of language skills can effectively enhance the mutual trust and understanding among negotiators, so as to increase the odds for negotiation success, and reach a happy result which will benefit and satisfy both sides. Key words: Commercial Negotiation; Language; Communication; Language SkillsContents摘要. .I关键字. .IAbstract .IIKey words.IIIntroduction. .11. Negotiation.11.1 Stages of negotiation.21.1.1 Pre-negotiation.21.1.2 Face-to-face negotiation.31.1.3 Post-negotiation.41.2 Seven steps of negotiation.41.3 Types of Negotiation.52. Language in negotiation.62.1The power of language .62.2 The Power of body language.72.3 Languages role in creating meaning.92.4 Communication .102.4.1 The importance of communication.113. Language approach in negotiation .123.1 Listening and Questioning skill.123.1.1 Listening.123.1.2 Questioning .133.2 skills of compliments .143.2.1 Choices of commendatory words.153.2.2Comparison of Compliments between Chinese and English.153.3 skills of applying indirectness.163.3.1 Reasons to apply indirectness.163.3.2 Choices of proper words.163.3.3 Ways of expressing .173.4 persuasive skill in negotiation .174. How to reach agreement .20Conclusion .21 Acknowledgement.23References. .24On the Skills of Commercial English Negotiation Introduction Commercial English negotiations in China have been carried out far more frequently with the development of economy. In an increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment, negotiation is critically important to the success and, ultimately to the survival of companies. So nowadays the ability to negotiate is one of the most valuable skills you can bring to any job. Negotiation is about both sides reaching a good outcome, or at least one they feel they can live with and have contributed to and it will almost certainly involve compromise on both sides. Under such circumstances, the business traders need to master and constantly improve their negotiating capabilities and skills to achieve a better result through negotiation.To some extent, commercial negotiation can be considered as a battle fought against negotiators. In commercial English negotiations, negotiators must obey the trade rules, negotiate process and meanwhile maintain their own benefits. However in negotiating, both parties involved will endeavor to win the most benefits while maintaining cooperation with each other. Therefore it is necessary to adopt the appropriate language skills .Among them,compliments and persuasion are the most commonly used skills that contribute to a successful commercial negotiation.Negotiation is basically the verbal communication, and sometimes it is a play of language. Negotiators need to know better about the language skills, such as compliments, persuasive skills, and how to express indirectly to avoid conflicts, so as to make the negotiation succeed.Ideally, commercial negotiations should be founded on mutual trust and respect. They should be conducted within a problem-solving atmosphere, with sufficient time to tackle all issues. 1. NegotiationNegotiation is a basic human activity. It is a basic means of getting what you want from others, it is a process we undertake in everyday activities to manage our relationship, and a process through which parties move from their initially divergent position to a point where agreement may be reached. But a modern definition of negotiation is a process by which two parties attempt to reach an accord that specifies how they will act toward the other (Putnam, 1992)Since the purpose of negotiation is to resolve the difficulties that stand in the way of an agreement. It is a backand forth communication designed to reach an agreement when you and the other side have some interests that are shared and other interests that are opposed.We know the essence of negotiation is that it is not about winning or losing, it is about striking a deal which is satisfactory to both sides. Of course, your efforts should be directed towards ensuring that it is more satisfactory to your side than to the other. In order to achieve the goal we have decided before, we need to pay more necessary attention to the related process. 1.1 Stages of negotiationThe process of negotiation can be divided into three aspects: pre-negotiation, face-to-face negotiation, and post-negotiation. (Pervez Ghauri, Jean-Claude Usuniser, 1996: 7) A stage of the process refers to a specific part of the process and includes all actions and communications by any party pertaining to negotiations made during that part. In the pre-negotiation stage, parties attempt to understand each others needs and demands, which are done through information gathering and informal meetings. The face-to-face negotiation is sometimes called negotiating stage, as it is the main stage in negotiation. The post-negotiation stage refers to the stage when parties have agreement upon most of the major issues as well as some less significant terms.1.1.1 Pre-negotiationThe pre-negotiation stage begins from the first contact between the two sides whose interest in doing business with each other is shown. It is from this stage on that both sides begin to understand one anothers needs and evaluate the benefits of entering into the process of negotiation. Both sides now gather as much information as possible on each other, like the operating environment, involvement of other third parties, influencers, competitors and the infrastructure. The main issue here is to define the problem to be jointly solved, for it will both reflect each others expectations and is necessary to get commitment from each other, which will then help to achieve a problem-solving situation.Informal meetings start as the two sides examine each others position. Whether both sides continue to the next stage of the negotiation process depends to quite some extent on how they feel about cooperation, conflict, and expected benefits and so on.In order to be better prepared before the negotiation, both sides shall have to take into account the following two items, namely, environmental factors and gathering of information.1) Here the environmental factors include politics, religious belief, legal system, business practices, social customs, financial state, infrastructure and climate, which will in a direct or indirect way influence the negotiation.2) And the gathering of information may in some way determine the success or failure of the negotiation. Generally, the information to be gathered includes that of markets, science and technology, policy and regulations, finance and of the opponent.1.1.2 Face-to-face negotiationNow at this stage, both sides know that they can work together for a solution to a joint problem in spite of that the fact that each side may view the situation in its own way. This shows the importance of having face-to-face negotiation in an open-minded way and getting ready several alternatives. It is time for both sides to explore the differences in preferences and expectations so as to come closer to each other.The negotiation process is often controlled by the side that has arranged the agenda, for in the process, he can emphasize his own strengths and the others weaknesses, thus putting the other side on the defensive. In spite of that, the agenda may reveal the preparing sides position in advance and hence permit the other side to prepare its countermeasures. Some negotiators prefer to start negotiations by discussing and agreeing on broad principles. Another way to ensure success at this stage is to negotiate the contract step by step that is, discussing both conflicting issues and those of common interest. What is worth noticing is an initial discussion on items of common interest. What is worth noticing is an atmosphere of cooperation between both sides. As for the choice of skill, it depends on the customer or supplier with whom one is negotiating. However, is helpful to anticipate the other sides skill as soon as possible and choose a kind of skills to match or complement it. It is often suggested that the negotiator should not agree to a settlement at once, even if there is considerable overlap of his position with that of the other side. Studies have revealed that negotiators who directly submit a “final offer” can be at a disadvantage. It is important to give and take signals of readiness to move from the initial stage without making concessions. However, this is very difficult for negotiators meeting for the first time. It is quite common that the side perceiving greater relative power make fewer concessions and that the weaker side yields more, often to create a better atmosphere. So it is of great significance to maintain great flexibility on both sides at this stage.1.1.3 Post-negotiationAt this stage, all the terms have been agreed on with the contract being drawn up to be signed. However, writing the contract and the wording in it is a negotiation process in itself, for meaning and values may differ between both sides. This stage may lead to a renewed face-to face negotiation if there is negative feedback from background factors and atmosphere. So the terms agreed on should be read to each other after concessions are made, and discussions are held by means of minutes of meetings, or something of the implementation of the contract unless both sides make sure that they have paid enough attention to every detail. It is best to confirm that both sides understand everything they have agreed on before they leave the negotiating table.1.2 Seven steps of negotiationViewing the stages of negotiation, we should take the seven steps of negotiation into account; it is also very important in commercial English negotiation.1. Set out to reach a win-win situation. Both sides should leave the negotiation feeling theyve come away with something and that theyre satisfied.2. Start positively and appreciatively. Always begin by saying something positive and appreciative to the person youre negotiating with. For instance, “Ive noticed how hard youve been working,”or “you really did a good job on that report.” It will increase the good will on both sides.3. Dont get drawn into a fight. If the other person is angry or hostile, then refuse to get drawn into it or to fight. Keep smiling and being pleasant and sooner or later theyll calm down.4. Get clear about your bottom line. Decide, in advance, what really matters to you and what doesnt. In other words, where youll compromise and where you wont. Then stick to it.5. Give yourself room to maneuver. Make sure you have something to offer the other person, as well as something you want.6. Listen, and keep listening. Its vital to really understand what the other person is saying and their point of view. To listen shows respect and good intentions, and will make the other person feel valued.7. Keep your options open. If you dont get what you want then resist the impulse to insult the other person or storm out. End the negotiation politely, and with a smile. That way you can always try again later.1.3 Types of NegotiationThere are three main types of negotiation: win lose, lose-lose and win-win negotiation. (Ma Yongtang and Yanping Zhou, 2006:21)A win-lose negotiation means a competitive approach to the negotiation/purchasin


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