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    国际交流学院学期论文Shanghai Finance University Niels Brock Copenhagen Business CollegeFinal Project Work 论文题目: 如何保持酷儿饮料在上海地区5-12儿童的客户忠诚度? Title: How to keep customer loyalty between 5-12 years children of Qoo in Shanghai ? 专业/Major: 市场营销/International Marketing 姓名/学号: Name/ Student No.: Hua Chengqiang/2010177137 指导老师/Guidance Teacher: 丹麦主考/Danish Examiner: Lars Askholm公司/Company:可口可乐公司/Coca-Cola Company Student statementI hereby declare that the contents of my thesis on How to keep customer loyalty between 5-12 years children of Qoo in Shanghaiare entirely my own work and that no part of them has been quoted without clear and specified indication of source.I am familiar with the study and examination regulations of Shanghai Finance University and Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College and know that by violation of these regulations the rights to receiving the diploma will be forfeited.Date 2013-5Place Office.Signature Hua Chengqiang备注:此表格请装订在毕业论文成果内,与定稿同时递交。 List of content1. Introduction-52. Problem formulation-63. Demarcation-74. Methodology-8 -4P -PEST -Five forces -SWOT -Questionnaire5. Analysis-10 -PEST analysis -Company analysis -Competitor analysis -Five forces analysis -SWOT analysis -Questionnaire data analysis and conclusion6.Solution-287.Conclusion-298.Uncertainty factors and the impact of the plan-309.Bibliography-3110.Appendix -321.IntroductionThe Coca-Cola company in 1997 launched "Qoo" fruit juice beverage ,in china we almost know its Chinese name 酷儿. Qoo is origin from Japan ,and the reason it called "Qoo" is because when the Japanese adults drink a cup of beer ,they feel so much better ,and they will meet with the sound "cuckoo".Coca-cola Japan branch find the opportunities and decided to attack the children' beverage market which was has not development ,so they design a kind of drink that kids drink up with something similar to the sound of Qoo, It is "Qoo juice". And with special design conforms to the East Asia market like China ,Hong kong ,Taiwan and so on.Qoo it is a amazing miracle for Coca-Cola ,because it was very popular in Japan ,Hong kong ,Singapore.For example ,In July 1997, Qoo successfully listed in Japan. It become one of the most popular fruit juice beverage, "Qoo" became one of the most popular cartoon image.In April 2001,Qoo successfully listed in South Korea,Coca-Cola company founded and owned a new fruit juice beverage market; "Qoo" in South Korea become the first brand of fruit juice beverage and South Korea the Coca-Cola company's third largest brand, the actual sales more than six times beyond expect sales. In October 2001, Qoo successfully listed in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the products are completely out of stock in Hong Kong, Taiwan order is 2.5 times of the original plan. And In October 2001, Qoo come to China, in Hangzhou and Xian, Almost overnight, "Qoo" products and image was popular over all the drink consumption market. Although the market price is higher than the competition was as high as 20%, but it also win victory.Customer loyalty describes the tendency of a customer to choose one business or product over another for a particular need.The Customer loyalty is very important in a company. It is different from customer satisfaction. It's a long term event of one company. Qoo drinks to consumers: Qoo mainstream consumer group focused on the 5-12 years old children." Qoo " according to this phase the psychological characteristic of children, to talk about the magic story what their favorite to introduce" Qoo "history and give it rich character. As the "Qoo" spokesperson ,the big head blue doll is highly contagious in children ,it just like the children see themself ,and become the best friends with Qoo .But in recent years, the power of advertising has been very weakness,it lead to Qoo slowly out of sight ,only the contemporary young people still remember when they were a child the blue "Qoo" storm across their life, the blue doll was so popular in their memories, but now a lot of kids they don't know Qoo juice drinks .So young children do not know,young people do not buy, parents don't know choose what, that Qoo lost a lot of customers, it's really a bad news.2. Problem formulation According the one part, we can see some situation about the Qoo. But there is a problem we must be concerned about: The problem about the Qoo:The customer loyalty needs to be improved. Why the Qoo have this problem: For the investigation of customer loyalty, it can let us for the demand of the customers have a more direct understanding,and carry on a better after-sales service.Psychological factors of the customer. The customer with one product, the customer loyalty may not too high. The Qoo target group is limited,it has less elderly consumers. And we should put our point at children who are the largest and the most potential customers.Customer loyalty is a directly company product competitive performance , we can through the observation of the customer for its loyalty to Qoo products and making reasonable schemePeople is paying more attention to the healthy of drink, especially children drink, they are more care.So if we meet their requirements ,can we keep their customer loyalty?So our problem formulation :1)Our topic is: “How to keep customer loyalty between 5-12 years children of Qoo in Shanghai” Our key words are: “children ,healthy” 3. Demarcation According to the problem statement, we decided the target customer is 5-12 years children.And we want to narrow the area, we focus on Shanghai. We will gather the primary data on the internet and concentrated areas of students such as the Pudong new area. We also use questionnaire to the students. Place: Pudong. Time: 19-21 Feb. 2013. We will draw up 200 pieces of questionnaires. 4. Methodology We will choose some theories or models: 4P ,PEST, five forces analysis, SWOT. And primary data we will through questionnaire to get information. The secondary data consists of data search on the Internet 4P:1.product : Compared with other brand drink products for the advantages and disadvantages so that we can know in which way we improvement for QooNow Qoo companys products are mainly concentrated in the fruit juice drink area, and the taste of the fruit juice beverage is simple, so that it is difficult to catch people's loyalty2.Price:Through the network we will survey all kinds of drinks price and discuss whether to adjust Qoo product price Qoo beverage products price is RMB 3.5, compared with other fruit juice it is higher , and at early when it enter the juice market , it was not met any trouble ,but now it is not the same3.Place:Through controlling the share of Qoo drinks in the small store, supermarket, convenience stores , we want to do this effectively Qoo salesWe can see from Qoos sales, it is mainly concentrated in small shops, small stores, large supermarkets, occasionally have a beverage vending machines selling Qoo4.Promotion:With the aid of Qoo drink laid down the foundation in the consumers' mind ago, we think repackaging listed is a good way for QooLong ago we can often see Qoo cartoon advertisements in television, so the advertisement effect is very good. But then, with the amount of advertising is reduced, and other new types of fruit juice drinks enter the market, the familiar from people to the Qoo is reduced a lotPESTPEST is a model for the enterprise to analysis the macro environment , we will analysis the enterprise's external environment, through the political, economic, social, science and technology, this four aspects to analysis some uncontrollable factors.Five forces analysis:Five forces analysis is consist of the threat of entry; the power of buyers; the power of suppliers; the threat of substitutes; competitive rivalry. In this case, we want to analysis the situation to improve the loyalty among the children. SWOT: On the basic of above analysis and through the strength, weakness, opportunity, threat analysis to make a decided to how to change the present situation and keep the children loyalty. 5.Analysis:PEST analysisQoo is a healthy kind of fruit and vegetable beverages, and China's soft drinks market contains tea beverages, fruit and vegetable drinks, carbonated drinks, drinking water, nutrition drinks, functional drinks.Political Factors:The Coca-Cola company has laid a solid market foundation and government cooperation foundation in china, its company products has a lot of advantage to research and promotion, it can good use the advantages of brand to get the customer's recognition and pro-gazeEconomical Factors:According to the national bureau of statistics bulletin data, the beverage industry output for 130.2401 million tons, than last year the corresponding period grows 10.73%.And Fruit and vegetable juice production 22.2917 million tons, than last year the corresponding period grows 16.09%,it is a good news to Qoo.Social and cultural Factors:Contemporary, healthy life is an important point of view what the Chinese people advocate , and Qoo - fruit and vegetable drinks, catering to the Chinese parents care for children healthy growth, it can very good catch children consumer groups.Technological Factors:In China mainland, Qoo drink is only orange and apple taste, but in Hong Kong there are raisins taste and soy milk products, it is also very popular drink.Competitor analysis:What we know famous brand of domestic fruit juice beverage have Master.Kong, President,Hui Yuan,Coconut(R) Coconut Juice ,they are the strong competitors in the fruit and vegetable drinks market , such as Master Kong , their products have many classification , price moderate, and Hui Yuan put all the point in juice beverage market, their products has a long history in China, and have a good mass base.*Sheet 1Brand QooMaster.KongQooCoconut(R) Coconut Juice HuiYuanQooLOTTETasteOrange juice Orange juiceRaisins juiceCoconut JuiceOrange juiceOrange juiceMango juicePrice(RMB) packingBottled packing Carton packingCartonpackingCartonpackingCanned packingCanned packingConsumer groups 5-15year old of Children Over 16 year old of young women 5-15year old of Children Mass groupsOver 16 year old of young 5-15year old of Children High school students From the above chart, we can see, Qoo product price is higher than general beverage products , but, in early sales, Qoo did not meet a lot of obstacles, because Qoo has a specific product market positioning, is the 5-15 years old of children. It makes the Qoo products successfully occupied the children's market., And compared with other products,Qoo also have 200ml,310ml,450ml,1.5Lcapacity, it meet the needs of the capacity of most people. Expect in packing ,it has bottled packing,carton packing,canned packing.Five forces analysis:1.Suppliers bargaining power:From the raw material supply, our country fruit resources is rich , many fruit juice beverage enterprises have their own production base, suppliers bargaining capability is not strongIn addition,in recent year ,the packing of PET bottle is used by many manufacturers,it lead the PET suppliers bargaining power is becoming more stronger.2.buyer bargaining power:Overall, fruit juice beverage market purchase business bargaining power is strong.First of all, from the sales mode, in First-tier cities, the dealer get the enough information , and small product differentiation.so the dealer's bargaining power is larger.Secondly, from the retail terminal , for such as wal-mart, carrefour supermarket, the fee is very high, such as the choose for PET bottles of juice drinks is very strict, This kind of stores will according to their own interests, and participate in the formulation of the retail price of products.As for the small and medium-sized stores, small shops, etc., the price is very sensitive, substitute products are abundant, bargaining capability power is strong.3.potential new entrants:The fund demand. Market entry require a great number of investment so that it constitute a kind of barriers to entry. 4.Threat of substitute productThe Fruit juice beverage industry's substitute is not only for other types of juice beverages,but also for other kind of drinks . If the price of substitute is low,it will make the fruit juice drinks price ceiling only at a relatively low level, this is limits the fruit juice beverage revenue. 5.The rivalry among competing sellersFrom the industry life cycle, with people living standard and consumption ability enhancement, fruit juice beverage industry has entered the fast development period, the products are known to the public, the market demand is increase.At present, fruit juice beverage market have more powerful competitors, product category is various, demarcation market all have own leaders.Qoo based on children' market, so research this part of the group that to meet consumer demand.SWOT analysis:1.)Strengths:After market segmentation, "Qoo" is target the market positioning in 6-14 years old children, this is jump out the limit of most of the fruit juice brand positioning in female market, avoid of competition with many market leading brands .it also created conditions for "Qoo" get into fruit juice beverage market , it is very good to build their own market foundationIn recent years ,Coca-Cola,the mother company of Qoo, is positive expansion in non-carbonated beverages market ,Coca-Cola is toward the all-round beverage company , in addition to Qoo juice drinks and nestle lemon tea series, in foreign countries also introduced a yogurt, cheese, children milk products, and Coca-Cola also has a strong interest in coffee, milk tea and so on beverage market.2.)Weaknesses:Qoo have many competitions in juice beverage market ,also there are many substitute products,.In front of so much produc


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