基于湖北省科技创新体系建设的高校科技体制改革研究 基于湖北省科技创新体系建设的高校科技体制改革研究 Study on the Reform for Seicnce and Technology System of Colleges and Universities Based on Hubei Provincial Framework for Scientific and Technological Renovation【中文摘要】 在湖北科技创新体系中,高校是其重要的组成部分,其作用贯穿于湖北科技创新体系建设的每个环节,成为湖北社会经济发展至关重要的现实推动力量。在创新体系中,企业虽是技术创新的主体,但由于种种原因,企业普遍存在着技术创新力量不足、创新人才匮乏、技术创新缺乏后劲和动力源等问题,企业在基础研究与技术创新方面很大程度上仍然依赖于高校。同时,高校通过面向社会转化其创新成果、通过校企联合进行技术创新,这不但向企业提供了技术方面的支持,也向企业注入了大量的技术力量,弥补了企业创新人才的不足。因此,高校不但是技术创新的生力军,也是企业进行技术创新的动力源。湖北是高教大省,高校拥有的科技资源丰富,高校科技发展迅速,成为湖北经济社会发展、建设创新型湖北的重要支撑力量。高校科技在湖北省科技创新体系中具有举足轻重的地位,建设创新型国家和实施中部崛起战略迫切需要湖北高校科技取得突破性进展。但是,湖北高校现行科技体制与社会主义市场经济体制以及经济、科技发展的要求,还存在着诸多不相适应之处,严重制约了高校整体创新能力的提高,难以满足融入湖北科技创新体系、服务地方经济社会发展的需要。为适应湖北深化科技体制改革的新形势,更好地利用高校科技资源,根据湖北省的实际与总体部署,有必要对湖北高校科技体制现状进行调查分析,并提出改革创新的方案。全文主要采取调查研究、数据分析、比较分析、理论研究和实证分析相结合、现状分析与国内外经验借鉴相结合的方法,研究湖北省域内高等学校在推动湖北区域经济社会发展以及区域创新体系中的地位和作用,分析区域创新体系建设与中崛起战略为高校科技发展带来的机遇与挑战,并根据高校功能及科技与经济发展的现实特征出发,结合湖北社会经济发展的现状和前景,提出推进在鄂高校科技体制改革的目标、思路与措施。【英文摘要】 In the Scientific and technological innovation system in Hubei Province,the college is an important part through its role in science and technology innovation system for each link as a crucial socio-economic development of Hubei,the reality of driving force.In the innovation system,the enterprise although the main body of technological innovation,but for various reasons,the prevalence of technological innovation enterprises lack of strength,lack of innovation,technological innovation,a lack of stamina and the power source and so on,in basic research and technological innovation is large extent,still rely on colleges and universities.At the same time, colleges and universities for social transformation through their innovation,technical innovation through the cooperation between school and enterprise not only to provide the technical support,but also to inject a large number of enterprise technical force, made up for the lack of enterprise innovation.Therefore,institutions of higher learning isnot only a new force of technological innovation as well as enterprises in the power source of technological innovation.Hubei is a large province of higher education,colleges and universities have a rich scientific and technological resources,the rapid development of colleges and universities to become the economic and social development in Hubei Province, Hubei Province of building an innovative force in an important support.University of science and technology in Hubei Province scientific and technological innovation system with a pivotal position in building an innovative country and the urgent need for strategies for Rise of Central China Science have been made in colleges and universities.However,the existing science and technology,Hubei University system and the socialist market economic system and the economy,science and technology development requirements,there are still incompatible with many of the severely restricted the ability of colleges and universities to improve the overall innovation,it is difficult to meet the integration of scientific and technological innovation system in Hubei Province,local economic and social development services needs.Hubei Science and Technology In order to meet the deepening of the new situation of reform and make better use of University IT resources,according to Hubei Province and the overall deployment of the actual,it is necessary to colleges and universities in Hubei Province to investigate the status of science and technology system analysis,and proposed program of reform and innovation.The full text of the main investigative research,data analysis,comparative analysis,theoretical research and empirical analysis,the status quo analysis and the experience at home and abroad from a combination of methods to study the area colleges and universities in Hubei Province,Hubei region in promoting economic and social development and regional innovation system the status and role of analysis of regional innovation system and the Rise of Central China Science and Technology for the development of strategic opportunities and challenges brought about by and in accordance with University functions and technology and the reality of the characteristics of economic development,the combination of socio-economic development of Hubei,the current situation and prospects,the Hubei colleges and universities to promote science and technology,ideas and measures. 【中文关键词】 高校; 科技创新; 体制改革; 区域创新体系 【英文关键词】 University; scientific and technological innovation system; regional innovation system 【论文目录】中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 第1章 绪论 9-20 1.1 研究背景 9-10 1.2 研究意义 10-15 1.3 文献综述 15-18 1.4 研究思路与方法 18-20 第2章 高校在湖北科技创新体系中的地位和作用 20-36 2.1 湖北经济社会发展现状与湖北科技创新体系建设 20-26 2.1.1 湖北经济社会发展优势和劣势 20-23 2.1.2 湖北区域科技创新体系的构建与实践 23-26 2.2 湖北高校科技优势及其对湖北经济发展的贡献 26-32 2.2.1 高校知识与技术资源能力 26-29 2.2.2 科技创新平台与科技支撑环境的功效 29-30 2.2.3 产学研合作体制及其实践功效 30-31 2.2.4 高校科技对社会发展的贡献 31-32 2.3 高校与湖北科技创新体系中相关主体的关系 32-36 2.3.1 高校与湖北区域创新体系发展间的关系 32-34 2.3.2 高校融入湖北科技创新体系的途径 34-36 第3章 基于湖北科技创新体系建设的高校科技体制改革的必要性 36-44 3.1 湖北高校科技创新面临的机遇与困境 36-43 3.1.1 湖北高校科技创新面临的机遇 36-40 3.1.2 高校在湖北科技创新体系建设中面临的困境 40-43 3.2 高校科技体制改革是高校融入湖北创新体系的必然要求 43-44 第4章 基于湖北科技创新体系建设的高校科技体制的现状与问题 44-51 4.1 湖北高校外部科技体制存在的主要问题 44-46 4.1.1 科技投入水平较低 44 4.1.2 缺乏持续有效的科技成果产业化动力 44-45 4.1.3 创新主体存在利益冲突 45 4.1.4 科技中介服务能力不足,缺乏畅通的信息沟通渠道 45-46 4.1.5 高校参与产学研合作的制度体系还不够完善 46 4.2 湖北高校内部科技体制存在的主要问题 46-51 4.2.1 单一的考核分配体制和评价机制阻碍了科研活动 46-47 4.2.2 现有行政体制不利于学科交叉和融合 47-48 4.2.3 科技成果转化率底,科技与经济发展脱节 48-49 4.2.4 科技创新组织形式和运行机制改革滞后 49-51 第5章 湖北高校科技体制改革思路与对策 51-60 5.1 高校科技体制改革的指导思想和战略思路 51-52 5.2 构建湖北高校科技成果转化和产学研合作平台 52-54 5.3 创新省级政府统筹管理高校科技工作体制与运行机制 54-56 5.4 创新高校内部科技管理体制,建立外向型科技创新平台 56-58 5.5 统筹整合科技资源优势,提升湖北高校科技创新能力 58-60 结束语 60-61 参考文献 61-64 致谢 64-65 攻读硕士学位期间研究成果 65