人教版四年级英语上册 全套课件 第二单元,2023/4/1,Warm-up,Oh no,my bag is heavy!Oh no,my bag is heavy!Oh no,my bag is heavy!What do you have in your schoolbag?!,Lets sing,Presentation,Lets learn,点击图片,播放视频,或点击此处播放视频,Zoom has a big_Its very heavy.,schoolbag.,I have a new schoolbag.,Whats in Zooms schoolbag?,A maths book.,Whats in Zooms schoolbag?,An English book.,Whats in Zooms schoolbag?,A Chinese book.,Whats in Zooms schoolbag?,A storybook.,Practice,Look and say,A Chinese book and a maths book.,Whats in your schoolbag?,Lets do,Step1:Listen and chant together.,Put your Chinese book in your desk.,Put your pencil box on your English book.,Put your maths book under your schoolbag.,Put your eraser near your pencil box.,Step2:Watch and do,点击图片,播放视频,或点击此处播放视频,Practice,I say,you do and then you say,I do.,Play a game,I do like this,You say:Put your Chinese book in your desk.,You say:Put your pencil box on your English book.,I do,Language points,知识点1,Put 帮你放某物,句型结构:Put+物品+表示地点的短语.,课本原句:Put your Chinese book in your desk.,Put your shoes under the bed.,特别提醒:放到的地方要根据语境选择合适的介词。,Exercise,A.English book B.maths book C.Chinese book D.storybook,看图选单词。,B,A,D,C,(听、说、认读)词汇:schoolbag,maths book,English book,Chinese book,storybook,你掌握了吗?,Summary,My schoolbagPart A(Lets spell),Unit Two,Warm up,Lets chant,I see a pig.The pig is big.The pig is pink.A big pink pig.I see a pig.A big pink pig.,pig,big,pink,你发现规律了吗?,Lead in,Lily and Mike.Lily is five.Mike is nine.Lily likes rice.Mike likes kites.,Lets spell,Presentation,Step 1:Read and listen,Step 2:Watch and find.,点击图片,播放视频,或点击此处播放视频,你发现规律了吗?,字母i以及字母组合i-e的发音规律,big,pig,like kite,/I/,/aI/,发音时声带振动。发音时,双唇呈扁平口形,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部略抬起。,发音时声带振动。发音时,由/a:/音滑向/I/音,口形随之变化,前重后轻。,Talk show,I like to ride my white bike,and fly a white light kite with my wife.,Read,listen and number.,2,3,5,4,1,6,Listen,circle and write.,判断每组划线部分单词读音()是()否一致。,()1.big pig()2.nine nice()3.fine six() kite,Exercise,字母i以及字母组合i-e的发音规律1.发音:2.发音要领:,你掌握了吗?,Summary,/I/,/aI/,/I/,/aI/,发音时声带振动。发音时,双唇呈扁平口形,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部略抬起。,发音时声带振动。发音时,由/a:/音滑向/I/音,口形随之变化,前重后轻。,My schoolbagPart A(Lets talk&Lets play),Unit Two,Main scene,点击图片,播放视频,或点击此处播放视频,Revision,Ask and answer,Look and say,Look at the schoolbag.Its _.,black,white,red.,black,Lets talk,Presentation,Task1:Think and watch,Amy has a new schoolbag.,1.What colour is it?2.Whats in the schoolbag?,点击图片,播放视频,Lets talk,或点击此处播放视频,Task2:check the answers.,What colour is it?,Whats in the schoolbag?,Its black and white.,An English book,a maths book,three storybooks and.,上个单元我们学习了用“Whats in the classroom?”来询问教室内的设施,本单元我们来问问书包里有什么。提问:Whats in your schoolbag?回答:An English book,a maths book 当我们见到新奇的事物时,通常会充满好奇心,想知道它 里面有什么。因此我们常常会用“Whats in the”来提问。,Language points,Whats in the+地点?(询问某地、某处有什么)例如:Whats in the room?Whats in the+物品?(询问物品里面有什么)例如:Whats in the box?,英语中的可数名词有单数和复数之分,可数名词单数变复数的规律如下:,知识点2,名词单复数,课文原句:An English book,a maths book,three storybooks and.,拓展:,Lets play,Presentation,Practice,Whats in your hand?,Guess.,Play a game,Do and guess,A pen?,Yes.,Whats in your hand?,Guess.,A ruler?,No.,Its a pencil case.,Exercise,单项选择。,()1.I have six _.A.pen B.English book C.maths books()2._in your schoolbag?A maths book and a pencil box.A.What B.Whats C.whats()3.Its an_.A.schoolbag B.panda C.English book,C,B,C,Summary,短语:,a new schoolbag,black and white,in your hand,Whats in your schoolbag?An English book,a maths book.three storybooks.,句子:,你掌握了吗?,My schoolbagPart B(Lets learn&Draw and say),Unit Two,Revision,Look and say,Free talk,Whats in your schoolbag?,An English book,a pencil box.An eraser and a pen.,Presentation,Lets learn,Lead in,Whats in Zhang Pengs schoolbag?,Lets have a look!,I can see some toys.,I have a new toy bear.,复数:toys,Whats in Zhang Pengs schoolbag?,a notebook.,I have a notebook.,巧记:note(笔记)+book(书),I can see a candy.,My sister likes candies.,复数:candies,同义词:sweet,Whats in Zhang Pengs schoolbag?,a key.,点击图片,播放视频,Lets learn,或点击此处播放视频,Practice,看图说单词!,candy,toy,notebook,key,Colour and say,(Step 1):colour your schoolbag.,(Step 2):Look and say.,For example:,Three keys,two toys and an English book.,Practice,Pair work,Two notebooks,three candies and a key.,将单词与对应汉语连线。,toy notebook candy key,糖果 玩具 笔记本 钥匙,Exercise,Summary,(听、说、认读)词汇:,candy,notebook,toy,key,你掌握了吗?,My schoolbagPart B(Lets talk&Lets play),Unit Two,Revision,Ask and answer,Whats in this schoolbag?,schoolbag书包,Three candies.,candy糖果,Three toys.,toy玩具,Three notebooks.,notebook笔记本,Lets talk,Presentation,Zhang Peng has a new schoolbag,too.,He is very happy.,But,he is sad now.,Why(为什么)?,I lost my _.,Task1:Watch and think.,点击图片,播放视频,Lets talk,或点击此处播放视频,I lost my _.,schoolbag,Task2:check the answer.,Language points,知识点1,Excuse me 的用法,课本原句:Excuse me.,这是一句很常用的礼貌用语,意为“打扰了/请原谅/对不起。”,适用于多种场合。,Excuse me,sorry,“Excuse me.”通常在说或做可能令人不悦的事情之前使用,而“Sorry”通常在说或做了令人不悦的事情之后使用,表示歉意。,“Excuse me.”和“Sorry.”,拓展:,What colour is the banana?Its yellow.,当物品是两种颜色相间时,用and连接这两个颜色,表示“相间”。例如:1.The dog is black and white.2.The schoolbag is red and yellow.,我们一起来看一看其他表达感谢的用语吧!,表达感谢用语,回答感谢用语,Lets play,Talk about your books with your partner.,Pair work,Practice,I have a new book.,What colour is it?,storybook,Its yellow.,Its a maths book.,I have a new book.,What colour is it?,storybook,Its orange.,Its a Chinese book.,单项选择。,()1.Whats _ your schoolbag?A ruler,a pencil box and five B.on C.under()2._is it?Its yellow and blue.A.Whats colour B.What colour C.What()3.Excuse _,_lost my;me B.I;me;I,A,B,C,Exercise,(听、说)词汇:lost,so much句子:What colour is it?Its white and blue.,你掌握了吗?,Summary,My schoolbagPart B(Read and write&Lets check&Lets sing)Part C(Story time),Unit Two,Warm up,点击图片,播放视频,Lets sing,或点击此处播放视频,Revision,Free talk,Whats in the schoolbag?,A notebook,two toys,three candies and keys.,What colour is it?,Its.,Presentation,Read and write,Tip1:,Listen and read,What is in your schoolbag?I have two storybooks,three keys,some candies,some toys and a cute panda in my schoolbag.,划出关键词哦!,Tip2:,Read and circle,点击图片,播放视频,Read and cirle.,或点击此处播放视频,Look,choose and write.,Practice 1,Choose and write.,Whats in your desk?I _ two _,an _and a notebook _my desk.,Practice 2,have,candies,English book,in,Lets check,Tips:1.听录音之前,可以先用物品说一说图片中的物品名称和物品的颜色。2.仔细听录音,给图片标号。,Listen and number,1,2,3,4,听力原文,1.Girl:I have a new schoolbag.Girl:Really?What colour is it?Girl:Its green.Look!2.Boy:Whats in your schoolbag?Girl:I have some candies and a storybook in my schoolbag.3.Girl:I have a new red pen.Boy:Oh,may I see it?Girl:Yes,here you are.4.Boy:Whats in your schoolbag?I have a maths book and a notebook.Boy:What colour is the notebook?Girl:Its yellow.,Look and circle.What is in the schoolbag?,Practice,Make a dialogue,你的好朋友买了一个新书包,你非常想知道里面装些什么?你该怎么问你的朋友呢?,A:I have a new schoolbag.B:Really?What colour is it?,A:Its blue.,B:Whats in it?,A:An English book,two toys and a notebook.,B:May I have a look?,A:Sure.Here you are.,英汉互译。,1.some candies_ 2.three English book_ 4.五本语文书_5.一块橡皮_,一些糖果,三本故事书,一本英语书,five Chinese books,an eraser,Exercise,Story time,点击图片,播放视频,或点击此处播放视频,你掌握了吗?,Summary,句子:,1.I have a new schoolbag.,2.Whats in your schoolbag?,3.I have two storybooks,three keys,some candies and a cute panda in my schoolbag.,