雅思口语考试part2-人物,Topics,Describe an old person you know and you respectDescribe a person you enjoy talking withDescribe a good neighborDescribe an interesting person/a friend you first metDescribe a person has important jobDescribe a polite personDescribe a teenager/child,Cue card(描述一个你家里人)剑桥雅思真题六,Describe someone in your family who you like.you should say:how this person is related to you.(relatives,friends)what this person looks like.(appearance)what kind of person he/she is.(character,personality)and explain why you like this person.(reason+example),雅思口语范文答题思路,第一段:总体介绍general introduction第二段:人物的外貌描述the description of appearance第三段:具体特点的描述:第四个:人物的个性 personality第五段:对人物的评价 your comments to this person.,Personality,open-minded outgoing optimistic pessimistic Industrious/hard-working Introverted(内向的),Personality 策略 PEE,Personality 性格Explanation:给性格下一个定义Example 举一个例子证明,Personality:open-mindedExplanation:be willing to(喜欢,愿意)/be ready to/be prepared to/accept new ideasExample:play English Corner with foreign friends.Read some English books:Vampire diaries 描述一个人的性格用一般现在时,Optimistic/pessimistic,Personality Explanation:holds a positive/negative attitudes towards life.looks on the bright/dark side.Example 秀才出去赶考,遇见了棺材儿行千里母担忧:when a son travels far away from home,the mother would worry a lot.,Explain why you like this person?,There are other qualities that I admire about him.For instance,he is also a good student and gets good grades in school.I think that is because as the older brother,he feels he has to set a good example.原因1One thing I really admire him is that he is really loving and kind and considerate of others feelings.(example)All in all,I have many good memories of my older brother and we still see each other now and again and are able to catch up on what is happening in each others life.结语 Elegant ending“有条有理,有始有终”,三种方法来调整内容,1.换年龄段2.讲父母3.举反例,Cambridge5 test1,A well-known person you like or admire.You should say:Who this person is What this person has doneWhy this person is well-knownAnd explain why you like this person.,Speaking tips,Who this person is a celebrity or a heroWhat this person has done career or vocation:artist/singer/scientistWhy this person is well-knownAchievement:innovation/development/improvement,Sentence patterns,Who this person is I am a big fan of/I am crazy in love with/I would like to talk about.What this person has doneHe/she is professional./He was honored the.of Why this person is well-knownBesides his/her success in the vocation,he is also admirable in.As a,he/she is really into his/her career.Explain why you admire this personI have learned a lot from her/himHe/she made great contributions to the development of.,Speaking directions,钱学森 Qian Xuesen火箭和导弹之父 the father of rockets and missiles 对航空航天和中国国防做出了巨大的贡献made great contribution to chinas aerospace and national defense我心目中的英雄 a hero in my heart,肩负祖国建设的重任Afford the burden of construction 毅然决定回国Made up his mind to come back(美国)极力的阻止Made every effort to prevent 最终还是回国了Finally succeeds in coming back 对于两弹一星的研究做出了很大的贡献Made much contribution to the research on rockets and missiles.,Thank you!,Any questions?,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢,