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    Unit 17,Graphics and Descriptions,Objectives,To learn some samplesTo master some guidelines for writing graphics and descriptions To learn some useful expressions,Introduction,1.Helpful devices 2.More impressive and easier to understand 3.Various forms:bar chart pie chart line chart organizational chart flow chart table pictograph,Useful Expressions(1),1.There was a gradual increase in the number of employees from 1992 to 2005.2.The increase slowed down in August in 1992.3.The rise lasted for three months and then began to level off in May.4.There was a substantial increase in the consumption of fast food since the end of 1990.5.The cost went down and the sales went up accordingly.,Useful Expressions(2),6.There was a dramatic drop in the number of accidents caused by drunk driving.7.The number of students fell from 20,000 to 18,000 in the past five years.8.The Chinese economy increased by about 7%as compared with last year.9.The sales volume should be in a direct ratio to/with profit.10.The sales figure of Company A is about twice as much as that of Company B.,Review,To learn some samplesTo master some guidelines for writing graphics and descriptions To learn some useful expressions,Keys to Practice,Practice 1 A 1)illustrates 2)graph 3)increasing 4)personal 5)families 6)possessed 7)figure 8)continued 9)reachedB.1)levels 2)least 3)tops 4)contrast 5)common 6)highest 7)proportion 8)clarified 9)outweighs 10)bigger,Practice 2,1)some increased whereas others decreased.2)Nuclear energy increased greatly during these ten years3)coal provided 46.2 percent of the whole in 19704)On the other hand,the percentages of the sources of natural gas,hydro and oil decreased5)Of the three sources that reduced,oil dropped the least,Writing Task 1,The bar chart illustrates the percentage of employees m different occupations absent from work because of illness or injury in a given week in 2001.It is evident that absentee rates are lowest for the best remunerated jobs,with managers and administrators recording only around 3.25%absence.This is almost 1%lower than the next lowest rate of absenteeism,that in professional occupations at about 4%.Crafts and related occupations reports 4.4%absence,only 0.2%lower than that of associated professional and technical workers.,Writing Task 1,By contrast,the highest rate of absenteeism was found in personal and protective occupations(6%),which was followed by plant and machine operatives and clerical and secretarial jobs.All of these had absenteeism rates of around 6%,noticeably higher than the average rate for all occupations of 4.9%.Furthermore,it is important to notice that these occupations employ the highest numbers of people.In conclusion,it appears from the data that managers and administrators are the least likely to be absent from work,whilst plant and machine operators and personal and protective staff are the most likely to be off sick.,Writing Task 2,The pie chart reveals typical spending patterns for foreign students taking English language courses in schools in London.The average spend can be divided very roughly into thirds-the first third being spent on rent and food,the second on school fees and the last divided between entertainment,travel,clothes and study materials.The total weekly spend for international students is shown to be 300 per week.,Writing Task 2,From the information described in the chart,it can be seen that rent and food accounts for exactly a third of the total amount spent by students,amounting to 100 per week.This is the biggest single expense for students in London.The second greatest expense is school fees,the average being 90 per week.Entertainment makes up a fifth of the total spend for students in London,and the remaining money(50)is used to travel on the underground and buy clothes and study materials.,


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