社会主义新农村建设进程中的农民专业合作社建设问题研究 社会主义新农村建设进程中的农民专业合作社建设问题研究 The Construction Research of Farmers Professional Cooperation during the Process of the New Socialist Countryside【中文摘要】 农民专业合作社是我国农民的一个创造,是“同类农产品的生产经营者或者同类农业生产经营服务的提供者、利用者,自愿联合、民主管理的互助性经济组织”,与传统的集体经济、股份制组织、农产品行业协会等有着明显的区别。我国当前的农民专业合作社是在马列主义农业合作思想的指导下,在中国社会大变革的背景下,产生并发展起来的,在社会主义新时期得到了较快的发展。中央现在鼓励农民专业合作社的发展,把它看做解决现在农业发展、农民增收、农村改革的有效途径。中国农民专业合作社的产生有其必要性和可能性,因此是必然的,这种必然性既有农业生产本身特点的要求,也有农业合作化、产业化经营的要求。按照不同的标准,可以把我国的农民专业合作社划分成不同的类型,依据发起或组织方式的不同,主要有能人带头型、涉农部门推动型、农民自发组织型、经济实体带动型等五种类型。各种类型都具有一定的优势,也有急需解决的弊端,必须在实践中予以解决,以更好的发挥农民专业合作社的作用。总体上来说,我国的专业合作社具有以下几个特征:坚持以家庭承包经营为基础;坚持自愿参加、自主兴办;以主导产业和产品为依托,经营形式灵活多样;实行按惠顾额分配盈余;对内交易不以赢利为目的,是以为成员提供服务为目的的经济组织。农民专业合作社的发展对深化农村改革,创新农村经营体制,推动农业和农村发展,起到了积极地、不可替代的作用,具体体现在:促进了农村经营体制的创新,实现了农村合作经济形式的多样化;提高农户的组织化程度,推进农业产业化经营,使农户的市场竞争力增强;有利于加快发展农业特色产业集群,形成现代产业格局;发展农民专业合作社是建设社会主义新农村,解决三农问题的重要措施;是构建农村和谐社会的催化剂和稳定剂。由于发展时间短、缺乏有效监管,农民专业合作社存在着这样那样的问题,如思想认识不到位,合作组织的研究教育和宣传滞后,全社会对合作组织的认识程度不高;当前农民专业合作社综合实力还不够强;发展和分布情况不均衡,农户覆盖率低;各级政府还存在许多的不适当作为;多元主体兴办,外部力量介入较多;针对合作社项目建设的专项扶持资金没有能够发挥应有的最大效用等。为了解决这些问题,必须坚持标本兼治、综合治理的原则,以科学发展观为指导,以保护农民利益、增加农民收入为目标,围绕特色产业和优势产品,按照“民办、民管、民受益”的原则,加大扶持力度,创优发展环境,提高农民生产的组织化程度和规模化水平,逐步形成标准化生产、信息化服务、产业化经营、股份合作化联结的农民专业合作社建设新局面,分阶段采取不同的支持政策。【英文摘要】 Farmers Professional Cooperation is the creation of our people, which is the voluntary united democratic management and mutual economic organizations organized by the production operators of similar agricultural products or the providers and users of similar agricultural production and management services. It is obviously different with the Collective economy, the Joint-stock organization and the Profession association of Agricultural product. Our current Farmers Professional Cooperations developed with the guidance of the cooperation idea of Marxism-Leninism. It develops fast in Socialism in the new period. The CPC Central Committee encourage the development of Farmers Professional Cooperations, and see them as the effective way to solve the Chinese three-dimensional rural issues.The produces of Farmers Professional Cooperations are inevitable in modern China. They are decided by the characteristics of agricultural production and the industrialization of agriculture.It can be devided into different types in accordance with different criteria. There are capable to take the lead type, agriculture-related departments to promote type, farmer spontaneous organization type and The economic entity leads type based on initiates or the organization way difference. Overall speaking, our current Farmers Professional Cooperations have the following characteristics: insisting that take the household undertaking management as the foundation, insisting that participate voluntarily, establish independently, taking the leading industry and the product as backing, management form nimble diverse, voluming profit distribution according to your help, internal transaction not for profit,but for providing the service for the member.The development of Farmers Professional Cooperations play a positive and irreplaceable role in deepening rural reform, innovating management system in rural areas and promoting agriculture and rural development. The role manifests specifically as follows: promotes innovation of the management system in rural areas, implementates the rural cooperative forms of economic diversification, enhances the degree of organization of farmers, promotes the industrialization of agriculture, enables farmers to enhance the market competitiveness,and also be in favor of accelerating the development of the agricultural characteristics of industrial clusters and the formation of the pattern of modern industry. Developing Farmers Professional Cooperations is the key measures for building a new socialist countryside and solving the Chinese three-dimensional rural issues, and is the catalyst and stabilizer of Constructing a harmonious society in rural areas. There are many problems in Farmers Professional Cooperations because development time is short and lack of effective supervision. Specific performances as follows: That the ideological recognition is not in place causes research and education and publicitys lag.The entire society is not high to Cooperative organizations understanding degree. General strength of Farmers Professional Cooperations is not strong enough. The development and the distributed situation are imbalanced. All levels of the government also have many not suitable achievement. The establishment of multi-subject and The outside forces involvement too much. Has not been able to display the proper biggest effectiveness in view of the cooperative society project constructions special support fund. To solve these problems , we must insist on the principles of addressing both the symptoms and root cause and comprehensive controlling. By protecting the interests of farmers and increasing the income of peasants for goal. Increase the support dynamics and improve qualities the development environments, around the characteristics and advantages of industrial products. To gradually formed a new situation in major construction of Farmers Professional Cooperations,we should adopt the different support policy by stages.【中文关键词】 农民专业合作社; 三农; 社会主义新农村; 解决思路 【英文关键词】 Farmers Professional Cooperation ; The Chinese three-dimensional rural issues ; The New Socialist Countryside ; Solutions 【论文目录】中文摘要 5-7 Abstract 7-9 导言 10-19 (一) 研究的意义 10 (二) 学界研究现状 10 (三) 若干有关概念的界定 10-13 (四) 农民专业合作社与相关概念的区分 13-15 (五) 马克思恩格斯、列宁、毛泽东等的农业合作理论 15-19 (六) 研究方法 19 一、我国农民专业合作社的产生与发展 19-25 (一) 农民专业合作社产生发展的背景 19-22 (二) 农民专业合作社的发展历程 22-23 (三) 农民专业合作社产生发展的必然性 23-25 二、当前我国农民专业合作社发展的现状、主要特征及意义 25-36 (一) 当期我国农民专业合作社的发展现状 25-29 (二) 当前我国农民专业合作社的主要特征 29-31 (三) 当前发展农民专业合作社的重要作用 31-36 三、当前我国农民专业合作社发展进程中存在的问题及几点建议 36-49 (一) 当前农民专业合作社建设的实践 36-38 (二) 当前我国农民专业合作社发展中存在的问题 38-42 (三) 促进我国农民专业合作社不断发展的几点建议 42-49 注释 49-51 参考文献 51-54 致谢 54-55 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 55