“大跃进”时期的技术革命运动研究 【论文标题】“大跃进”时期的技术革命运动研究【英文标题】【中文摘要】 “大跃进”时期的技术革命运动是一个不为研究者注意却又值得深入研究与探讨的课题。技术革命运动是“大跃进”的引擎,是毛泽东试图超英赶美以及与苏联争雄所凭借的主要手段。在整个“大跃进”期间,无论是工业战线还是农业战线,无论是商业部门还是文教部门,各行各业的群众都卷入了技术革命运动,掀起了一次又一次技术革命运动高潮。但是,“大跃进”时期的技术革命运动是在知识分子被排斥出局,主要依靠文盲、半文盲群众,在技术、物质、资金等条件都不具备的情况下开展起来的。因此,它注定要无果而终。随着国民经济日趋困难,技术革命运动在各条战线都难以为继,在党开始对“大跃进”的错误政策进行全面调整后,技术革命运动也风光不再。论文主要由序言、正文和结语三部分构成。序言部分主要是引出研究对象,阐述本课题的研究意义并简述国内外关于这一课题的研究现状,并在此基础上简要介绍本文的研究思路及研究方法。第一章,毛泽东技术革命思想。“大跃进”时期的技术革命运动主要是在毛泽东的技术革命思想指导下开展起来的,毛泽东技术革命思想是技术革命运动发生的理论基础。毛泽东的技术革命思想主要包括“什么是技术革命”、“为什么要技术革命”以及“怎样进行技术革命”三个主要部分。第二章,农业战线上的技术革命运动。主要探讨技术革命运动在农业战线上的开展情况。农业战线上的技术革命运动先后经历了“工具改革”、“滚珠轴承化”、“绳索牵引机化”三大高潮。第三章,工业战线上的技术革命运动。着力探讨技术革命运动在工业战线上是如何进行的、工业战线上的技术革命运动主要包括哪些内容以及技术革命运动中的思想斗争问题。第四章,技术革命运动日趋式微。“大跃进”时期的技术革命运动是在各项条件都不具备的情况下,依靠政治挂帅大搞群众运动的方法由党发动起来进行的。因此,技术革命运动不可能产生出党和人民所期望的革命成果,相反却带来一系列的不利影响。在国民经济日趋困难的情况下,违背技术发展规律的技术革命运动渐渐衰落。结语部分回顾全文,总结技术革命运动没有达到预期目标的主要原因以及应当汲取的经验教训。【英文摘要】 The technology revolution movement during“the Great leap Forward”period is a subject that hasnt received much attention from the researchers,while it is one that deserves deep study and discussion.This movement was the engine of“the Great leap Forward”and was the majar means that Mao Zedong took as to surpass UK , catch up with America,and contest with Soviet Union.During“the Great leap Forward”period, no matter the industry front or the agriculture front, in the commercial departments or the culture and educational departments, people from all walks of life involved in technology revolution movement and pushed the movement to high tides over and over again. However, in this period, the intellctuals were exclude from the movement.So, it depended mainly on the illiterate and the semiliterate and was forced without essential conditions such as technology and material.And,therefore,it was destined to end without any fruits.As the national economy turned to be harder and harder,the movement couldnt continue in all the fronts.After the CPC adjusted the wrong strategies of“the Great leap Forward”,the technology revolution movement no longer throve.This paper consists of three parts:preface,body text and concluding remarks.The preface mainly introduces the research object,discusses the research significance and briefly describe the research status of this subjiece in China and abroad.And on the basis of this , it also introduces the research thinking and methods of this paper.Chapter 1,the guidance of the technology revolution idealogy of Mao Zedong .The technology revolution movement was launched under the guidance of the technology revolution idealogy of Mao Zedong,which mainly contains three parts,“What is technology revolution”,“Why do we need technology revolution”and“How to carry it out”.Chapter 2, technology revolution movement in the aricultural front. It mainly discusses how did technology revolution carry out in the agricultural front,which has undergone three climaxes:“improvement of tools”,“the change of ball bearing”and“turning rope to towing machine”.Chapter 3, technology revolution movement in the industrial front. This part stresses on how technology revolution movement carried out in the industrial front, the main contents of it and the ideological struggle problems in it.Chapter 4, technology revolution movement declined gradually. The techology revolution movement during“the Great leap Forward”was forced by the means of launching mass movement. And it was lack of essential conditions. Therefore, this movement was impossoble to produce the results that our party and people expected, on the contrary, it brought us a senes of adverse effects. As our national economy became harder and harder, the movement which violated the developing law gradually declined.The concluding remarks reviews the whole text, and concludes the reasons why the technology revolution movement hadnt reached the expected goal and the experience and lessons we should learn from it. 【中文关键词】 毛泽东; 大跃进; 群众运动; 技术革命 【英文关键词】 Mao Zedong ; “The Great Leap Forward”; Mass movement; Technology revolution 【论文目录】摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 序言 8-13 一 选题意义 8-10 二 研究现状 10-11 三 研究思路与方法 11-13 第一章 毛泽东技术革命思想 13-34 一 什么是技术革命 13-18 二 为什么要技术革命 18-23 三 怎样进行技术革命 23-34 第二章 农业战线上的技术革命运动 34-59 一 技术革命的萌芽:农具改革 34-40 二 实现农业半机械化:滚珠轴承化运动 40-48 三 农业机械化的捷径:绳索牵引机 48-59 第三章 工业战线上的技术革命运动 59-78 一 工业战线上技术革命运动的主要内容 59-65 二 工业战线上的技术革命运动是如何进行的 65-72 三 工业战线上技术革命运动中的思想斗争 72-78 第四章 技术革命运动日趋式微 78-92 一 农业战线上的技术革命运动无果而终 78-81 二 工业战线上的技术革命运动难以为继 81-86 三 技术革命运动日趋式微的原因探析 86-92 结语 92-95 主要参考文献 95-101