中国现代化进程中的国家与社会:以民国时期皖省的一桩行政诉讼为个案 中国人民大学硕 士 学 位 论 文论文题目: (中文)中国现代化进程中的国家与社会?以民国时期皖省的一桩行政诉讼为个案 (英文) The nation-society relations in the modernization of China 作 者: (中文名) 张 长 江 (英文名) Zhangchangjiang 主 题 词: (中文) 现代化 国家 社会(英文) modernization nation society所在院、系、所:马克思主义学院中共党史系专 业 名 称: 中共党史指 导 教 师姓 名、职 称: 游国立 副教授论 文 主 题 词:现代化 民族国家 社会 法治学 习 期 限:2001年9月至2004年7月论 文 提 交 时 间:2004 年 5 月 2 目 录 引 论 4 (一)选题的意义. 13 (二)案件及相关材料的收集 15 (三)研究方法说明16 一、案件基本经过 19 (一)征地建塘 20 (二)控诉和调解. 22 (三)行政诉讼 23 二、传统社会的分化与整合 26 (一)家国一体的瓦解 26 (二)士绅阶层的衰落 28 (三)社会自主性的缺失. 30 (四)社会发展的限度 32 三、民族国家的发展与限度 34 (一)国家权力的增强 34 (二)国家能力的增长 36 (三)国家权威的增强 38 (四)民族国家发展的限度39 四、现代法治的价值选择 42 (一)诉讼的象征意义 42 (二)法治的异化. 44 (三)南京法院的判决 46 (四)现代法治的内涵 48 结 语 51 参考文献 53 后 记 573 论 文 摘 要中国的现代化进程举世瞩目,这是一个异常艰辛和复杂的历史进程。正因如此,它又为人们提供了很多值得研究的课题,同时也是必须研究的课题,国家与社会的关系便是其中之一。本文采取的是个案分析与理论阐述相结合的方法,以期对现代化进程中的国家与社会的关系有个深刻的认识。本文选择了民国时期发生在安徽省的一桩行政诉讼案件为分析的对象,通过对案件的分析,对这一时期传统社会的分化与整合,现代民族国家的发展,以及当时的法治状况进行了大胆的探讨,希望能够在更加深刻、更加广泛的意义上来认识中国现代化进程中的政治、法律制度的变迁,及其对于中国现代化进程中国家与社会关系的影响。全文共分为四个部分。全文共分四个部分,下面分别叙述之。 第一部分,介绍了案件发生的重要过程,以及与案件相关人物,政治制度和法律制度,从而为下文的分析提供最基本的操作平台。民国八年(1919 年),安徽省凤阳关监督倪道?根据北洋政府的土地收用法,征用了蚌埠市西郊席家沟一带的农地800余亩,用做开发新船塘的用地,并设立塘工处作为具体的筹办机构。1920年3月,新船塘竣工。1921年7月,皖北遭遇洪灾,新船塘被冲毁,塘工处另行补救,并在原有基础上加深,此项工程于 1923 年 7 月完结。1926 年,北洋政府财政部和安徽省公署共同通过了对船塘工程的审查。被征用土地的地主自 1923 年 10 月起,便以违章浮报等理由分别想安徽省公署和凤阳县公署进行控诉,但是均无结果。1929年,安徽省政府(南京国民政府所属)派省政府委员杨勉齐会同凤阳县县长蒋树勋对此事进行调查,并否定了原告方地主所控事实。原告方不服,根据南京国民政府颁布的诉愿法,先后向安徽省民政厅,安徽省政府提出诉愿请求,均遭驳回。1931年,地主们派出代表,根据南京国民政府颁布的行政诉讼法,以安徽省政府为被告,向南京行政法院提出了行政诉讼。1935 年 10 月,南京行政法院驳回了原告的诉讼请求和损害赔偿请求。 第二部分,分析了反映在案件中的传统社会的分化与整合。中国的现代化进程,同时也是原来的国家与社会关系瓦解的过程。在传统中国社会,国家与社会高度融合在一起。这种国家与社会关系的存在与发展取决于三个因素,即,以礼制为特征的政治理念,自己自足的小农经济,以及以士绅阶层为核心的血缘社会结4构。中国的现代化始于外来的冲击,外来的冲击,一方面使得自己自足的小农经济逐步解体,近代工商业的发展,孕育了中国的市场经济,成为中国现代化最持久的动力;另一方面,小农经济的解体,使得原来在整个社会结构中居于核心地位的士绅阶层失去了赖以为生的基础,逐渐衰落,加上西方政治文化的传入,以传统儒家伦理为核心的社会意识形态也慢慢衰落,这就造成了中国从社会实体意识形态等多个层次的分化和整合。在剧烈的分化与整合的过程中,传统的士绅阶层的衰落对中国的现代化产生了重要影响。士绅阶层是社会结构与社会意识形态高度融合的产物,是中国传统社会中的“市民社会”,是中国传统社会中最重要、最具有弹性的部分,它的衰落使国家和普通社会民众失去了基本的渠道,整个社会处于严重断裂的状态。在社会分化与整合的时期,社会的自主性也受到了严重的制约,这主要体现为基于传统意识形态的理论保守主义的衰落,整个社会的免疫能力下降,诸多外来社会政治思潮的鼓噪和盲目的实践,阻碍了中国社会现代化的进程;同时,由于社会民众的利益得不到应有的保护,进而产生了强烈的社会怨恨,与政府处于对立的状态,加大了国家主导的现代化改革的成本。对于传统中国社会而言,社会暴力是实现政权更替主要方式,中国社会在现代化的过程中始终未能摆脱这种模式,建立一个宪政的底线。很明显,社会的暴政,过度的社会斗争是中国现代化进程中最大的威胁,这是中国社会发展内在的限度。 第三部分,分析了反映在案件中的民族国家发展的状况。中国的现代化进程主要表现为独立自主的现代民族国家的形成以及在这些政府主导下的现代化建设。现代化的民族国家不仅是中国现代化的重要前提,也是中国现代化的重要内容。就本文所选择的理论工具而言,现代民族国家的构成要素主要包括国家权力、国家能力和国家权威三个组成部分,通过本文所使用案件可以看出,在南京国民政府时期,中央政府的权力、行政能力以及国家的权威,较之晚清政府、北京政府时期都有了明显的发展,这些发展主要体现为:国家主权的集中和统一,政府行政能力(如司法行政)的增强,以及国家权威的增强,这主要通过制度化的法律以及人格化的政治权威来体现的。但是,由于这一时期,中国社会分化的程度远远超过了当时社会整合的力度,加上传统政治文化的制约,以及国际局势的风云变幻,使得以南京国民政府为载体的民族国家还存在许多的缺陷和不足,这主要体现为以下两个方面:首先,南京国民政府未能真正结束国内军阀割据的局面,5实现完全的国家统一;其次,国家创制的诸多现代化制度,由于缺乏相应的社会条件,尤其是与这些政治、法律制度相关的内在治理理念的缺失,未能起到应有的社会作用,从而降低了南京国民政府在现代化进程中的作用。 第四部分,分析了案件所反映的当时中国社会的法治状况。中国的现代化同时也是国家与社会相对分离的过程。这种分离为现代民族国家的法治奠定了基础。行政诉讼是国家与社会关系在司法领域直接的反映。本文所使用的行政诉讼案件具有一定的象征意义。一方面,它反映了当时的中央政府在处理国家与社会关系上的法治取向和当时社会的法治水平;另一方面,反映了这一历史时期国家主导下的法制建设中的国家主义的倾向,即国家的法律和司法工作在一定程度上要服务现实的政治和政府的需要,从而导致了社会法治的异化。这种现象的产生,既有法律制度与法治理念之间的错位,也受当时的社会政治条件(国家由分裂走向统一),以及传统政治运作模式(权力关系人格化)的影响。在处理国家与社会关系的问题上,坚持法治主义的价值取向,是构建一个自主和健全的社会,一个与国家形成适度平衡和建设性互动关系的社会的基本途径。就中国而言,要真正实现国家与社会的协调发展,必须明确的一点就是,现代法治应该是法治国家与法治社会、治官与治民、治权与治利的统一。6ABSTRACT As we all know, China's modernization, which is an exceptionally difficult and complicated course of history, always attracts worldwide attention. So, it had been affording much multiple-valued research topics for us, simultaneously, the topics which we must study deeply especially in terms of the realities of contemporary China, then the nation- society relations is ,obviously ,one of them. My research in this treatise adopts the method that unifies the theory and micro-analysis. This treatise follows interests in an administrative case that happened in the Bengbu city in the north of Anhui Province during the Repubic of China, and approaches boldly this case from such angles as the differentiation and the onformity of the traditional society ,the developments of the nation ,and the legal institution dominated by the government of that period ,then tries to aquire an extensive and deepgoing understanding of the political and legal reforms of China modernization ,and the influence of these reforms on China modernizationThis treatise is comprised of four parts, which could be separately narrated as follows: Chapter 1 is the introduction of this administrative case, which includes the political and legal systems, the basic stages and the characters , so as to provide the basic operation platform for next analysisIn 1919, according to the regulations of the land levies promulgated by the Beijing Government of the Republic of China, Nidaolang and Tangshaohou, who were in charge of the Fengyang tax organ in Anhui province ,commandeered 800 Chinese acres farmland in Xijiagou in the west of the Bengbu city to construct a new port. Also, they organizated the Tanggongchu as the executive branch. In March, 1920, the new port was completedIn July,1921, however, northern area in Anhui Province encountered the flood disaster, and the new port was7destructed completely. So the Tanggongchu tried to recover it, and deepened in the original foundation. This project terminated in July, 1923. In 1926, the Ministry of Finance and the Anhui Province government of the Beijing government finished the verification of this project. Since October 1923,however, the owners of the commandeered lands had been charged lodge complains with such organs of state as Fengyang County government and Anhui Province government, because they thought what Nidaolang and Tangshaohou had done had bended the regulations and Embezzled ,but no efficientresult occurred.In 1929, Anhui Province government ,whichwas under the Nanjing Government of the Republic of China , Sent Yangmianqi , the provincial government committee member, and Jiangshuxun, the County magistrate of Fengyang, to investigated this case together, and they denied the ownersrequests. The owners refused to accept such a result, and according to theSuyuan law promulgated by the Nanjing Government of the Republic of China, they submitted in turn their requests of administrative reconsiders to the office of civil administration of Anhui Province government ,then the Anhui Province government. All these requests were denied by these administrative organs. In 1931, the owners submitted their lawsuit requests to the Nanjing administration court according to theAdministrative procedural law , Nanjing Administration Court romulgated by the Nanjing Government, and in October, 1935,the Court still denied the requests of the ownersChapter 2 has analyzed the differentiation and the conformity of traditional society that reflected in this administrative case. Chinese modernized advancement, simultaneously, is a process that the original nation-society model disintegrated step by step. In the traditional society of China, the nation and the society always integrated together highly. This kind of nation-society relations , generally speaking, was decided by such three factors as the political ideas characterized8by Lizhi, the self-sufficient and small-scale peasant economy, and the unique social structure which not only was tied by blood relationship ,but cored by the Gentry StratumChinese modernization ,in some sense ,attributed to theexternal impacts. On the one hand, these impacts promoted the self-sufficient and small-scale peasant economy gradually to integrate, the modern industry and commerce to develop quickly, andhad bred China's market economy and maken it become the most lasting power of Chinese modernization; On the other hand, the disintegration of the self-sufficient and small-scale peasant economy causedthe Gentry Stratum that originally occupied core status in the entire social structure gradually declined. In addition, with the western political culture spreading , the traditional social ideology ,which took the traditional Confucianist ethics as the core, was also slowly declined ,all of which led China to differentiated and conformed fiercely from the social entity to social ideologyIn this process, the decline of the Gentry Stratum , especially, has had the important influence on China's modernization. As we all know, the Gentry Stratum was the perfect union of the traditional social structure and the social consciousness shape ,furthermore we even could see it as the “civil society” of the traditional society, and obviously it was also the most important and elastic part of it. This decline meant that the ordinary people lost their basic channel to the state, so the entire society was split into two parts. Besides ,the independency of society was also restricted seriously during this period ,which includes such aspects as the decline of theoretical conservatism that based on the traditional ideology theory, the drops of the immunity ability of the entire society, and the blind practice and the clamor of so many external social political ideology trends , all of which seriously hindered the Chinese society modernization advancement. At the same time, because the benefit of the ordinary couldnt obtain the enough protection from the state, then the intense9social hate occurred, which , doubtlessly , enhanced the cost to the social reformTo the traditional China society, the social violence was the most power that promoted the change of the different dynaties ,and this pattern had lasted for so long a time that it was very difficult to replace it with the constitutional and civil systems. And , obviously, the social tyranny, or the excessively social struggle, is the biggest threat to the Chinese modernization advancement whether it be the past, the contemporary or the future of China. This is the intrinsic limit of society ,especially the Chinese societyChapter 3 has mainly narrated such developments of the nation as the state power, administrative ability, and national authority , all of which were reflected in this case. China's modernized advancement mainly manifested the developments of independent and modern nation as well as the modernization under these states. As we all know, the modern nation not only is the important premise of Chinese modernization, but also is the important aspect of Chinese modernization. To the theory model chosen on this treatise, the developments of modern nation mainly includes such aspects as the state power, the national ability and the national authority .In this case used in this treatise, what we can see is that the power of central authorities, the administrative ability as well as the national authority developed quickly during the Nanjing Government, especially compared with the late Qing Dynaty and the Beijing Government. These developments mainly manifested as follows: the centralism and unification of national sovereignty, the improvement of the government administration ability the judicial administration ,for example, as well as the enhancement of national authority. These developments were mainly manifested through the institutions of law and the personificated political authority.As the typical result of this time, however, the degree of the social differentiation had gone far beyond that of the social conformity , in10addition, the traditional political culture and the international situations also restricted the development of the nation. From those restrictions above, then ,we could find that there were such flaws and the insufficiency of the state that mainly manifests two aspects as follows: First, the Nanjing Government had not been able truly to end the division of the country among warlords and established a completely national unification; second, although the state formulated many modern systems, most of them could not give their full play because of the lack of such corresponding social conditions as the intrinsic political ideas, social structure, and the tradition of law. Doubtlessly, these aspects reduced function of the Nanjing Government in Chinese modernizationChapter 4 has analyzed the situation of judicature at that time through this case. China's modernization, at the same time ,also is the process that the state and the society relatively separated. This separation had laid the foundation for modern nation to run by law. The administrative procedural law is a direct reflection of the state-society relations in the judicial domain, and this administrative case has certain symbolic significance. On the one hand, it had reflected not only the central authorities conducted the relations between the state and the society by law, but also the legal system level had grown quickly; On the other hand, it also reflected the statism tendency of the legislative work in that period , and that meant the national law and the judicial work, in some sense ,should serve the realistic politics and the concrete needs of the state, all of which could lead to the inefficiency of the law. This phenomenon was often decided by such three factors as the dislocation between the legal system and the government by law idea, the social politics conditionsespecially the political background that the country moved gradually towards unification from political fission , as well as the influence of the traditional11politics pattern especially the personificated political power.What is the essential way to construct an independent and perfect society which could form moderate balance and interactive relations with the nation is that the state should persist the law principle when conduct the state-society relations.When speaking of China, what should be pointed out is that in order to realize the coordinated development of the nation and society, she must persist that the state should not only govern the society and the civil people by law, but ,the most important ,put what it did and itself under the legal surveillance引 论 中国现代化是在内外压力的共同作用下,按照现代性逻辑展开的,在近代以降的中国社会,这一规定又被融入了诸如自上而下的民族国家建构,人民的富裕幸福以及上下合谋的民族复兴等具有强烈的民族主义色彩的理念。正是这些因素才把近代以来的仁人志士,平民百姓挟裹进这一历史洪流之中,使得中国现代化12的历史进程呈现出极为壮丽而又复杂的色彩。这一宏大的历史进程也为人们提供许多值得研究,而且也是必须进行研究的课题,国家与社会关系的问题便是其中之一。 复杂的历史经验表明,一个社会的政治体制的选择与社会的发展并不存在简单的线性的关系,把中国现代化进程中诸多困境和矛盾简化为政治和经济的关系问题,无疑将忽视在中国现代化的过程中国家与社会之间固有的内在的紧张及其在中国社会环境下的独特蕴意。我们需要在此基础之上进一步追问的是,国家与社会的