关于喜马拉雅条款及其效力问题研究 关于喜马拉雅条款及其效力问题研究 Study on the Himalaya Clause and Its Effection【中文摘要】 本文通过分析喜马拉雅条款的沿革变化过程,针对目前我国司法实践中出现的分歧和争议,研究提出符合我国国情以及国际发展趋势的立法建议。全文共分为五大部分。首先是喜马拉雅条款的概述。主要介绍喜马拉雅条款的起源、内容以及发展阶段。第二部分侧重介绍喜马拉雅条款的理论基础。喜马拉雅条款从产生之初就面临着理论障碍,该部分侧重介绍英美法系国家对这些理论障碍的突破以及由此概括总结的理论基础。第三部分介绍英美法系国家对喜马拉雅条款效力认定的一些经典判例、大陆法系国家对喜马拉雅条款的有关规定以及国际公约中涉及到喜马拉雅条款的相关规定。该部分主要旨在明晰国外航运发达国家以及国际公约对喜马拉雅条款及其效力的态度变化发展过程。第四部分通过对我国司法实践中出现的案例的分析,看到在我国司法实践中对喜马拉雅条款效力的认定存在着分歧和争议。文中对于类似港口经营人这样的主体能否受到喜马拉雅条款的保护进行了分析和说明,概括总结可以受到喜马拉雅条款保护的主体范围以及该条款所授予利益丧失的条件。本文的最后一部分,根据最新的联合国全程或部分海上国际货物运输合同公约中“海运履约人”这一概念的出现,结合我国的国情提出立法建议。本文研究的目的在于,通过立法建议的提出解决我国海商法中对喜马拉雅条款规定过于简单的问题,进而统一司法实践,明确类似港口经营人这类主体的法律地位和法律责任,促进航运业的发展。本文的创新点主要在文章的第四部分和第五部分。第四部分概括总结可以受到喜马拉雅条款保护的主体范围,以及该条款所授予利益丧失的条件。第五部分根据最新的国际公约提出立法建议。【英文摘要】 In this paper,through analyzing the evolution changing course about the Himalaya provision and in view of the difference and dispute appearing in the judicial practice of our country at present,according to the national conditions of our country and legislative suggestion of the international development,the paper trend to research and propose it.The whole paper altogether divides into five major parts.First is the Himalaya provision outline.Mainly introduces the origin,the content as well as the development phase about the Himalaya provision.The second part focuses on introducing the Himalaya provisions rationale.At the beginning of the Himalaya provision,it was faced the theory barrier,this part of stressful introduction of the British and American legal system country as well as from this summary the rationale to these theory barrier breakthrough which summarizes.The third part introduces some classical legal precedents of the British and American legal system country,the mainland legal system country which recognized to the Himalaya provision potency involves to the Himalaya provision related stipulation as well as the international joint pledge to the Himalaya provision correlation stipulation.This part mainly for the purpose of the defined overseas shipping developed country as well as the international joint pledge to the Himalaya provision and the potency shift in attitude of developing process.The fourth part through the case analysises which appears to our country judicature practice in,saw in our country judicature practice to the Himalaya provision potency recognized which has the difference and the dispute.Whether in the paper managed the human such main body regarding the similar harbor to receive the Himalaya provision of the protection to carry on the analysis and the explanation,summarizes may receive the Himalaya provision protection the main body scope as well as this provision awards the condition which the benefit or the lost.In the last part of this paper,”the marine transportation honors an agreement the human” according to the newest “the United Nations Entire journey or Part Marine International Goods Traffic Contract Joint Pledge” this concept appearance,unifies our countrys national condition to put forward the legislation proposal.The goal of researching this paper lies in,through proposing the legislation suggestion,it can solves our country Maritime law to the Himalaya provision stipulation too simple question,then the unified judicial practice,is clear about the similar harbor to manage this kind of main body about their legal status and their legal liability,and then promote shipping industry development.This paper innovation mainly in the fourth part and the fifth part.The fourth part of summary summarizes may receive the Himalaya provision protection the main body scope, as well as this provision awards the benefit to lose the condition.The fifth part acts according to the newest international joint pledge to put forward the legislation proposal.【中文关键词】 喜马拉雅条款; 责任限制; 港口经营人; 海运履约方 【英文关键词】 The Himalaya provision; Limitation of liability; Harbour operator; Shipping performing party 【论文目录】摘要 5-6 ABSTRACT 6-7 引言 10-12 第1章 喜马拉雅条款概述 12-18 1.1 喜马拉雅条款的起源 12 1.2 喜马拉雅条款的内容 12-13 1.3 喜马拉雅条款的发展 13-16 1.4 喜马拉雅条款的合理性 16-18 第2章 关于喜马拉雅条款效力判定的理论依据 18-27 2.1 认可喜马拉雅条款效力的障碍 18-19 2.1.1 合同相对性原则 18-19 2.1.2 公平原则 19 2.2 喜马拉雅条款的理论基础 19-27 2.2.1 代理理论 20-22 2.2.2 第三人利益合同理论 22-23 2.2.3 托管理论 23-25 2.2.4 法定说 25-27 第3章 各法系对喜马拉雅条款效力的态度及国际公约有关规定 27-35 3.1 普通法系国家的判例 27-30 3.1.1 英国法中对喜马拉雅条款效力认定的经典判例 27-29 3.1.2 美国法中对喜马拉雅条款效力的经典判例 29-30 3.2 大陆法系国家的规定 30-31 3.2.1 法国的法律规定 31 3.2.2 其他大陆法系国家的法律规定 31 3.3 我国大陆和台湾地区的法律规定 31-32 3.4 国际公约的相关规定 32-35 3.4.1 维斯比规则 32-33 3.4.2 汉堡规则 33-34 3.4.3 联合国全程或部分海上国际货物运输合同公约 34-35 第4章 我国有关喜马拉雅条款效力的司法实践及分析 35-44 4.1 福建顶益食品有限公司诉广州集装箱码头公司案 35 4.2 原告食品公司与被告码头公司港口作业合同案 35-36 4.3 中银集团保险有限公司诉上海交运集装箱发展有限公司案 36-37 4.4 司法实践评析与总结 37-44 4.4.1 港口经营人能否成为喜马拉雅条款的保护主体 37-40 4.4.2 可以受到喜马拉雅条款保护的主体范围 40-42 4.4.3 喜马拉雅条款所授予利益的丧失条件 42-44 第5章 喜马拉雅条款的变化发展对我国立法的启示 44-49 5.1 喜马拉雅条款保护范围的扩展变化 44-45 5.2 喜马拉雅条款适用的行为效力 45-46 5.3 在我国海商法中引入”海运履约方”的概念 46-49 结论 49-50 参考文献 50-53 致谢 53