英语毕业论文 浅析西部牛仔文化对美国社会的影响.doc
毕 业 论 文 中文题目:浅析西部牛仔文化对美国社会的影响 英文题目:A Brief Analysis on Western Cowboy Cultures Influence on American Society 学生姓名 XXX 系 别 XXXXXXX 专业班级 指导教师 成绩评定 20XX年X月A Brief Analysis on Western Cowboy Cultures Influence on American Society A Thesis Presented to theIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Arts ContentsAbstract( in Chinese)IAbstract(in English)III. Introduction1II. Cowboy Cultures Influence on American Political Life32.1 Separation of Church and state32.2 Democracy32.3 Equality before law42.4 Freedom of speech4III. Cowboy Cultures Influence on American Economy63.1 Agriculture63.2 Husbandry63.3 Tourism7IV. Cowboy Cultures Influence on American Social Life84.1 Cowboy spirit84.2 Influence on clothes84.2.1 Influence on Boots84.2.2 Influence on Jeans94.2.3 Influence on hat104.3 Influence on music and poetry124.4 Influence on language124.4.1 Old slang134.4.2 Lingo144.4.3 Phrases14V. Conclusion15Works Cited17Acknowledgements18摘 要本研究旨在探讨西部牛仔文化的起源,及其对美国社会的影响。西部牛仔文化对美国历史及美国现代生活都有着极其重要的作用。它是美国精神的标志,使美国文化形成自己独立的风格并在世界范围内影响深远。本文通过总结前人研究成果,借助媒体,书籍等工具充分了解美国社会,提出自己的新观点。本文第一章将着重介绍研究主题及其重要性;第二章主要从牛仔文化对美国政治生活的影响进行阐述;第三章描述其对美国经济生活的影响;第四章着重介绍其对美国文化生活的影响;第五章对本研究进行总结提出不足与改进之处并肯定了牛仔在社会生活中的地位。关键词:牛仔;牛仔文化;美国社会AbstractThis paper focuses on exploring the origin of western cowboy culture and its influence on American society. Western cowboy culture is not only of great importance to American history but also to American modern life. It is the symbol of American spirit. It contributes to the formation of American characteristic as well as the great influence on the world. This thesis comes up with a new perspective by concluding study results from former distinguished experts and looking into materials from media and books etc. The first chapter in this paper focuses on introducing the subject and significance of the study; the second chapter lays stress on cowboy cultures influence on American political life; the third chapter stresses the impact on American economic life; the forth chapter focuses on the impact on American social life; the fifth chapter sums up the core view of the study and puts forward with the insufficiency of the paper, as well as affirms the social status. Key words: Cowboy; Cowboy culture; American societyA Brief Analysis on Western Cowboy Cultures Influence on American Society I. Introduction There are three definitions of cowboy in dictionary. The first one is a hired man, especially in the western United States, who tends cattle and performs many of his duties on horseback; the second one is an adventurous hero; the third one is a reckless person, such as a driver, pilot, or manager, who ignores potential risks (A.S.Hornby 221). It is clear that roles of cowboy have changed a lot with the development of society. And in this process cowboy culture influenced American society greatly. In this mass media, including movies, songs and magazines, dominant society the image of cowboy is familiar with and impressed many people. Although the history of cowboy is only hundreds years, it has a great impact not only on life of the Americans but also on that of people from all over the world. As a result, it is essential to study how the cowboy culture influences the American life which would help to make a better understanding of Americans and good multi-culture communication. Cowboy has become the mysterious and heroic symbol for days. People regard cowboy as a man with no property, no schooling, no social standing, no ambition for money, but boundless courage, competence, self discipline, physical prowess, and integrity. Cowboy was a figure of romance in one of the most romantic, beautiful, and majestic natural settings on the planet. Cowboy was a figure of honor.Western cowboy culture continued to thrive for more than a half century, shaping our values, aspirations, and fantasies through the fifties and most of the sixties, as classic expressions of cowboy courage were told and retold by our national bards, the filmmakers. The essential story the filmmakers were telling was a narrative of courage and honor, not of greed or mindless. However, there have misunderstandings towards cowboy. People made cowboy into mystery. They put excessive imagination on cowboy due to medias publicity and peoples stories told over and over again (Billington 592). Actually most work cowboy did was just as their name indicated to guard the cows in a paddock by riding a horse, and then addicted in an inn. Their life was all hardship but romance. Cowboy played two roles in its existence. One is as main force of westward movement; the other is cowherd in the vast western prairie. It is widely known that the growth of the United States was born of the continuous westward movement. The European colonists sailed west for American and founded their first settlements on the Atlantic coast. When they first got there, the environment there was tough, and the road was hard. Very often a poor frontiersman had to carry all he had on his back, his wife and children following barefooted. The road was muddy in spring thin with dust in summer and heavy with snow and ice in winter. Frontiersman and their family had to wade across streams and climb over mountains. Although they suffered a lot in this west movement, they bore expectation in their heart. After reaching the West, these frontiersmen scattered all over to look for a piece of land they liked. In most cases a frontiersman and his family lived kilometers away from their nearest neighbors. They grow what they need to make a living. He had to learn many skills to survive in the wilderness where he totally had to rely on himself. All these experiences contribute to the formation of their characters. Cowboy culture made a great influence on American society. It changes peoples value towards life. They said “hard work never killed anyone”. By studying cowboy culture one can more easily understand American life style, and the implement of some American political and economical policies. Furthermore, it is much easier to learn a language by studying its culture than only by remembering the words.This paper mainly focuses on three parts of influence of cowboy culture on American society, which are impacts on politic, economy and social life. II. Cowboy Cultures Influence on American Political Life Cowboys had a great influence on American politics. Some of American presidents were actually from among cowboys, including President Jackson, Lincoln and Buth. The US system of government is called federalism and in this system powder is divided by a written constitution between the central and state governments (Lai Anfang 172). Both government are supreme with their proper sphere of authority .This arrangement is an embodiment of the American political principle of division of powder. The Federal government is divided into three separate branches called the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial. These three branches balance against each other. The Executive branch, also known as the administration, is headed by the President who is also head of the state. The US President is commanded by the Constitution to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” and to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed” (Lai Anfang 173). The Legislative branch is the U.S. Congress. The Judicial branch of the Federal government consists of a system of law courts: the Supreme Court, 11 Courts of Appeals, and 91 District Courts.2.1 Separation of Church and state Cowboys were from different origin and religious belief. They all went westward for their American dream “From rags to riches”. It is well-known that US is a “nation of many nations”. In order to live harmoniously, they all respect others religious belief, that is the freedom of religion. The government can neither support nor suppress any religion, and at the same time clerks in churches have no rights to interfere with any political affairs. Cowboy is the first advocate of separation of church and state.2.2 Democracy Cowboys were in favor of the democratic system of election. They promoted the adoption of the political partys convention system of nomination for candidacy. They were against slavery and supported industrialization, which would in turn enlarge the domestic market for their agricultural products. There are two major parties in America, Democratic or Republican Party. In the United States, one can often become a “member” of a party, merely by stating that fact. In some U.S. states, a voter can register as a member of one or another party and vote in the primary election for one or another party, but such participation does not restrict ones choices in any way; nor does it give a person any particular rights or obligations with respect to the party, other than possibly allowing that person to vote in that party's primary elections. Because of the long term living in the sparsely-populated area, cowboys developed freely, and they want the government is answerable to citizens, who may change it through elections. They were in favor of a democratic system of election.2.3 Equality before law Most cowboys came from lower social classes, and the pay was poor. In order to live a better life, they work very hard in the abundant soil. Cowboys achievements were not judged by their family backgrounds or inherited wealth, but by what they have achieved through their own efforts. Moreover, a great number of cowboys were decedents of soldiers from American Civil War, African-Americans and Indians, all of whom were discriminated in other parts of American. They were relatively free and honored as long as they could earn much in the wild western land. So they promoted the laws should attach no special privilege to any citizen. Government officials are subject to the law just as others are. Nowadays the idea of equality before law in American politics is borne by every American. The most conspicuous example is American election. Every American has the right to elect and to be elected. They are equal people before law.2.4 Freedom of speech Cowboys are outspoken. There is no need for them to lie in the sparsely-populated and to beat around the bush either. They regard honesty as the rule of living. They just express what they think and feel. Americans believe that honesty is the principle of top importance for everyone, and they have the right to express what they think freely.Cowboys characteristic influenced American greatly. It is recognized in their sub conscience that freedom of speech is one of their basic rights.People think highly of Presidents who are cowboys. It is once expressed by a citizen:“Now, as an older citizen, I still like cowboys.They represent something good - something pure that America has been missing. Ronald Reagan was a cowboy. Ronald Reagan was brave, positive, and gave us hope. He wore a white hat. To the consternation of his critics, he had the courage to call a spade a spade and call the former Soviet Union what it was - the evil empire. President Bush distinguishes between good and evil. He calls a spade a spade, and after 9-11 called evil “evil,” without mincing any words. That's what cowboys do, you know”().All in all, cowboy culture influenced American politics greatly, not only on the leaders but also on people who are governed.III. Cowboy Cultures Influence on American EconomyAt the time of the United States founding, the economy was predominantly one of agriculture and small private businesses, and state governments left welfare issues to private or local initiative. However, nowadays the United States is a market economy, or a capitalist economy. Everyone is free to start a business for the purpose of making a profit. 3.1 Agriculture Americans agriculture is organized in the form of farms. Almost all the farmers are now owners of the farms they cultivated. It is cowboys spirit of self-reliance and self-discipline inspired them to work hard to manage their farms well. What is more, with the development of westward movement, American people got a large amount of land, which enables the cowboy got more land, thus American agriculture developed quickly.3.2 HusbandryWith the popularization of cowboy culture, more and more people would rather live a cowboy life style to study cowboys characters. President Bush is an example in point. Once he said the following lines. They (cowboys) were never looking for trouble. But when trouble came, they faced it with courage. They were always on the side of right. They defended good people against bad people. They had high morals. They had good manners. They were honest. They spoke their minds and they spoke the truth, regardless of what people thought or “political correctness,” which no one had ever heard of back then. They were a beacon of integrity in the wild, Wild West. They were respected. When they walked into a saloon (where they usually drank only sarsaparilla), they usually make the place became quiet, and the bad guys kept their distance. If in a gunfight, they could outdraw anyone. If in a fist fight, they could beat up anyone. They always won. They always got their man. In victory, they rode off into the sunset ().As a result, dairy farming is developing quickly in the west. Some states like Wisconsin are even called dairy state. Milk is their most products. Fresh milk that is not used for city markets is used for the manufacture of button, cheese, condensed and powdered milk. More and more people dream the life of riding on the horseback to drive the cattle and cows. It is even better if they have ranches.3.3 TourismIt is reported in some newspapers that more and more people wish a way of relaxing being close to nature. Cowboy guest ranch is one of their options. In these guest ranches, one can become a cowboy-risking life and limb for low pay and the likelihood of walking bowlegged the rest of ones days. Or one can simply relax and take in some cowboy poetry and music. One will fall in love with the solitude of wild places. If one needs a square mile to hear and think, one will understand why cowboys are the strong, silent type. Cow