简论盖茨比的悲剧【摘要】菲茨杰拉德的小说了不起的盖茨比是一部现代成长悲剧,当我看到这部书时,描述了一个满怀憧憬的现代青年如何跨越到没有奇迹的成人世界的成长失败;同时也是一部浪漫主义的悲剧,他和包法力夫人具有异曲同工之妙,所不同的是,这部小说的男主人公,与包法利夫人的精神境界不同,二者比起来,盖茨比的震撼力更让人拍案叫怒,浪漫这一主题,是很多人都向往的,越是浪漫的人,他注定的悲剧性就越强,一切浪漫最终都将化为子虚乌有,富于想象的心灵也归于尘土,永远沉寂。文章通过对盖茨比的浪漫梦想和对现实的回避的分析揭示了其悲剧的根源,并且控诉了上流社会的人们的恶毒本性,切中时弊,可谓一针见血。 【关键词】浪漫;永恒;盖茨比;悲剧 一、作者简介: 文如其人,要探求一篇文章的主人公,首先得要了解作者的成长环境,佛.司各特菲茨杰拉德出生于美国的一个小商人家庭,他的家庭不佳,全靠亲戚资助他才上了东部富家子弟的预科班,加入贵族学府普林斯大学,因为在校他是一个穷孩子,难免心灵受到创伤,因此自惭形秽,这种既自卑又不满的心态,映射在他的作品中,因此,他是既羡慕豪华的生活,又冷静批判社会的看待社会,二、了不起的盖茨比内容简介:故事借尼克的回忆讲述了主人公盖茨比(以下称盖)一生追求梦想的经历,身经百战,取得了成功,可是上流社会人们的恶毒,毁灭了一个可有进取心的成功青年。穷小子盖年应征入伍,参加一战,当了一名少尉,不过他没有参加战斗,被派到南方亚拉巴马州当一名副官,爱上了富家女黛西(黛),他一方面努力追求物质生活,一方面要追求精神生活,寻求属于自己的真爱,他对黛西可以说是爱得死去活来,于是和她订了婚,但黛嫁给了一个名叫汤姆的富翁。盖不甘心自己的失败,并认定是金钱夺走了黛的爱情,决心赢回所爱。富有之后的盖在黛府邸对面建了一幢大厦,每个周末都在自己的豪宅里举办舞会,彻夜笙歌,挥金如土,对黛发出了无声的召唤。后来,他如愿以偿地见到了黛并企图与之再续前缘。紧接着黛在一次车祸中把汤姆的情妇茉特尔撞死,竟伙同汤姆将此嫁祸于盖,直接导致了盖的死亡。这就是本书的简单概况。二、家庭因素一个人的成长环境,造就什么样的性格,盖出生一个贫民,阶级的局限使他难以成就大业,在在二战后的战争后,可以说是撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的人,谁能够做到心狠手辣,谁就能占据上风,可是,从小就受到压抑的盖茨比,他虽然敢作敢为,但是他永远不会像汤姆和黛西那样的狠毒,因为从小的生活环境,造就了他善良的本质。因为他没有涉及复杂的社会,更没有和学到上流社会的那种利用人的心计和那种恶毒的本性,刚生下来,父母的善良本质,造就和塑造了他善良的本质,同时造就了他单纯的信仰,追求一种爱,那种爱要纯、要真、要深更要永恒,他的理想是正确的,他一方面要追求物质的富有,另一方面也追求精神的富有,他把爱情的追求,放到至高无上,可是恋爱毕竟是两个人的事情,他可能没有估计到,他认为,只要坚持就是胜利,可是,他由于出生的环境,他永远不会耍手段,因为和人交往就是要有艺术,更何况是这样那个的恋爱关系,手段是必不可少的,因为家庭的环境啊,塑造了他单纯的信仰和他执着的追求,是他阶级的局限性,既造就了他的成功,也为他的毁灭埋下了定时炸弹。因为这样的社会不允许他的存在。三、个人性格,性格决定命运;辛酸浪漫,实在可歌可泣可能一个浪漫主义者都是这样,为了自己心爱的人,哪怕赴汤蹈火,也在所不惜,尽管一方背信弃义,也执着追求,单相思,至死不悟,盖的一生是追梦的一生。有人说黛是盖美国梦中的一个重要组成部分,其实她是他梦想的全部。为了积累财富,他放弃了少时的信念,甚至不择手段;有了钱以后他惊人地奢华糜费。这一切都是出于一个单纯的目的赢回黛。但是,他怎么也没有想到,他爱黛西的是什么,他不清楚,只知道爱,爱得死去活来,他也不知道反省,即使你得到了这样的爱情,她结婚了,能够背叛丈夫,回来和你结婚,他又会背叛你吗,答案是肯定的,然而,他不懂得换位思考,他知道的是执着的追求,做一个被人暗算的傻子。常言:害人之心不可有,妨人之心不可无,一个单纯信仰的盖茨比,他在爱情面前就变得像一个大傻瓜。四、上流社会的人们:无人性的恶毒 盖茨比情愿把自己的全部身心奉献给对黛的爱,盖的爱是真实的,当他试图依靠高超的想象达到真与美的完美结合时,新的现实无情地将其挫败了。他要控诉上流社会的非人性的本性,有人把菲茨杰拉德称为“最后一个浪漫主义战士”,那么他笔下的盖无疑便是最后一个浪漫主义者了。他守护着那朵月光下开放的的虚幻之花付出了年轻的生命,这种浪漫最终枯萎凋零于理想的废墟,耐人寻味的是其中无尽的辛酸。如果生命能够从来,再生的盖茨比仍然会孜孜不倦的爱着黛西,因为他信仰的是一种单纯的浪漫主义,谁叫他是那么的善良,那么仁慈的傻,如果不同流合污,就要注定悲剧的结局,我们的盖茨比,实在是可歌可泣,他的事迹,在不停地拷问着人们的灵魂。对于这样残酷而现实的社会,你不去坑害他人,也得要保护好自己,否则,别人也会来害你的。正因为上流社会的人们的无人性本质,造就了恶性循环,才把善良无辜的盖茨比推向深渊。四、悲剧的必然性:英雄的悲剧和悲剧的英雄常言道:英雄难过美人关,他曾参加部队,屡建奇功,退伍后有很快变为富商,但是。这么也没有想到,会死在一个无德无才的女人手中,这其实是一种必然中的偶然,因为他的爱情,实在是 无法企及的永恒,他把自己的爱情视为实现目标的最高价值,并且永远不变地爱着一个人,这就是他的永恒,在方面是有点,反过来又称为缺点,正因为执着,造就了事业的成功,反之,在爱情里,败得一塌糊涂。且看: “你不能重温旧梦的。 ” “不能重温旧梦?” 他大不以为然地喊道,“哪儿的话,我当然能够!” 他发狂地东张西望,仿佛他的旧梦就隐藏在这里,他的房子的阴影里,几乎一伸手就可以抓到的。 “旧梦”对尼克来说就是往事,是一个人经历过的过去,除了心里的回忆,它已经和现在无关。但盖并不这样看,“旧梦”只不过是不得不借用的一个词汇,它代表不了过去,它就是现在,和现在丝丝入扣,声息相通。盖专注于每一个现在,他当然在意识里无数遍重温过他与黛在一起的时光,但对他来而言,那不是感伤的回忆,而是他的现在,和他的现在在一起供他行动的心理动力。 盖执着于一个永远不变的目标,他超越了人为的时间界限。但是这种时间上的“非分割性”、“非断裂性”只存在于他自己。在黛那儿,过去就是过去,现在就是现在,将来就是将来。在这样的现实铺垫下,盖时间的超越就成了一个人的事,然而,爱情的梦想是需要两个人来完成的。如果盖要实现“重温旧梦”的爱情理想,他需要黛和他一起分享这没有时间界限的小快乐。可是黛像她所属的那个阶层所有的人一样最缺乏的就是现在和行动,他们生活在怠惰的回忆和期待中。五、总结 盖茨比的震撼人心的悲剧,既有客观的,也有主观的,但是,他的主观精神是可歌可泣的,是值得颂扬和人们发扬的,然而,客观上,上流社会的人们,才是应该鄙视和鄙弃的,他是一种无人性的爱,倘若人人都想汤姆和黛西,那人间充满了生杀予夺,很快都会走向灭亡;那么,倘若人人都象盖茨比,那么,我们的社会可是一片美好虽然他的执着,他他的精神实在可嘉,他可以说是一个事业有成的人,但是,社会不允许单纯的君子的存在,知允许小人横行,或许说是伪君子的世界;当然,作者要控告的是社会上层人民的残忍以及冷酷,当然,我们看待一些事情,是不能片面的看,可能残酷的人物在上流社会占据绝对优势,美国梦的破灭,是很多人都感到绝望,人与人之间是难以有真情,有的都是金钱的交易,朋友,试看如今的社会,有何尝好到哪里去呢?撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的,不允许单纯的君子存在,小人横行,伪君子占据上风,不是心狠手辣的老板,很快被淘汰出角,我看了这部书后,犹如当头一棒,真正的猛士,敢于面对当今世界的现实,绝不委曲求全,可以说,我们要想有一个真正幸福的家,家必须有一个合理的大家,家公正的合理的社会,这部书写的好,他一针见血的集中不合理社会的某一方面,直指胸口,让人拍案叫好。我所要指出的是,盖茨比的毁灭,主要是不公正的社会所致的,个人的原因,我们不能责怪,因为,他一种进步和崇高的精神,在我们生活中,不知道有多少个盖茨比,也不知道有多少和黛西和汤姆,这样的社会不但是上个世纪美国的社会,而且今天又何尝不是呢,半径八两,我们要改变现状,需要整个社会的人们的共同努力。【参考文献】 1弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德了不起的盖茨比M上海:上海译文出版社,2006 2Fitzgerald,F. Scott. The Great Gatsby MBeijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1992.关键词: 了不起的盖茨比;镜像阶段;镜像混淆;镜像误认摘要: 美国小说家司各特·菲茨杰拉德深深抓住了时代的主旋律,其中篇小说了不起的盖茨比生动形象地折射出美国现代化过程中个体的感受,向我们生动呈现了二十世纪二十年代处于转型时期美国社会的全景画面。那个时代以追求喧嚣、名利、金钱为主流,放荡的性行为、欺诈等不道德行为成为“喧嚣时代”的代名词,作者也因其生动记录了浮华世象掩盖下人们生活的腐化、堕落以及精神的严重空虚,而被誉为“爵士乐时代”的代言人。 了不起的盖茨比因思想深度和艺术表现力而成为美国文学的典范,也因其叙事手段的多样性、文本的多义性及其深刻的历史记录享誉世界文坛。二十世纪八十年代以来,随着各种文学理论的涌现,对了不起的盖茨比的研究摆脱了以往从作者生平解读文本的传统窠臼,许多专家、学者重新从新的理论视角去解读。其中有运用女性主义观点批判小说中女性生存状况,有运用社会文化角度探讨消费主义;还有从解构主义、后殖民主义等视角去解读文本。总而言之,对这部小书的解读主要集中在对美国梦的独特阐释、别具一格的叙事技巧和文体风格等方面,但很少有批评家和文论者从拉康的镜像阶段理论去解读了不起的盖茨比。 拉康的镜像理论主要是从后解构主义发展而来的心理学说,它主要关于自我的建构、自我身份的确立;父亲之名及其象征意义;镜像误认以及镜像认可的一种理论。论文以拉康的镜像阶段理论为切入点,进一步发掘盖茨比悲剧的深层原因,详细考察主人公梦想失败的自身因素,旨在提供一种新的解读途径,以便在前人研究成果的基础上,更深入地探究盖茨比悲剧的必然性。小说中的主人公因拒绝父亲之名的存在以及镜像混淆及误认,从而一直生活在现实和镜像之间的混乱状态之中,最终导致无根的状态和自我的迷失。 论文主要分五个部分。第一部分首先简要介绍作者生平及其文学成就,并就本论文的写作目的和理论视角进行简要说明,其次回顾了国内外对了不起的盖茨比的研究现状以及最新进展。论文第二部分讨论拉康镜像阶段理论部分的自我形成、父亲之名和镜像误认。论文第三部分讨论由于盖茨比拒绝父亲之名的存在以及试图得到上层社会的认可而未果导致的无根状态。第四部分探讨盖茨比因镜像误认而产生的混淆。第五部分得出盖茨比悲剧的必然性是源于自身的结论。AbstractThe Great Gatsby is a novel written by the famous writer F. Scott. Fitzgerald in the 1920s, which is about disillusionment of American Dream, and it is still a piece of language endowed with deep connotations and full of metaphors and mottoes. This paper analyzes Gatsbys tragedy by examining the essence of Gatsbys dream, the potential destructiveness in Gatsbys characters and the social-historical backgrounds leading to Gatsbys destruction. Fitzgerald once summarized peoples characters at that time as “all Gods have died, all the wars have been over, and all the faiths have faded away.”(Fitzgerald, 1991: 253) American people living in Jazz Age looked down on the traditional faiths and betrayed moralities and customs that their ancestors used to abide by. At the end of the novel, Gatsbys lonely funeral ceremony and peoples indifference completely reflected humanities coolness and ugliness in the society of U.S.A in 1920s. At the very beginning, Gatsby was destined to be isolated helpless and to fail in the end in this society.Key WordsGatsby; the American dream; tragedy; personification 摘 要了不起的盖茨比是20 世纪20 年代美国著名作家菲茨杰拉德的一部反映美国梦破灭的小说,也是一则被赋予了深刻含义,充满譬喻和警句的语言。本文从盖茨比之梦的实质、盖茨比性格中的不足以及社会历史原因等多方面探讨了导致盖茨比梦毁人亡这一悲剧必然因素。 菲茨杰拉德曾这样总结那个时代的特点:一切神明都统统死光,所有战争都已经统统打完,所有信念都已经统统完蛋。爵士乐时代的人蔑视一切传统的价值观念,反叛老一辈人所遵从的道德风范。 小说结尾,作者更是以人们的冷漠和盖茨比葬礼的冷冷清清彻底反映了20 世纪20 年代美国社会人性的冷酷与丑恶。在这样的社会,盖茨比从一开始就注定是孤立无助,注定是要失败的。关键词盖茨比; 美国梦; 悲剧; 化身 IntroductionScott. Fitzgerald is a prominent novelist in the American literature, owned the title of the spokesman of the Jazz Age and the laurel of poet. From the contents and thoughts, the creative traits, his book the Great Gatsby is a real masterpiece of Fitzgerald, which made him get success in writing. As soon as it was published publicly in 1925, the Great Gatsby gained many critics affirmation and praise, becoming as one of the most excellent works in the 20th century. “The famous poet and critic Aerate said that the Great Gatsby took a great progress in American novels since Henry James.”(Donaldson, 1984: 283) In this novel, with a brief and serious style, the author vividly described a tragedy caused by American Dream, and successfully molded a suffered figure Gatsby. He was the authors favorite character, in that they had many things in common such as many experiences and spiritual virtues that are different from the comprehension and chase to American life of common people. Gatsby owned marvelous genius, incomparable resolute romantic volition to his dream as well as his loyalty to his ideal, which won high praise of the author. The essay, on one hand, gives deep sympathy to Gatsby about his tragedy, on the other hand, it indicates that it is vain and dangerous to seek American Dream at that time.The paper is analyzing the inevitability of the hero Gatsbys tragedy by examining the essence of Gatsbys dream, the potential destructiveness in Gatsbys characters and social-backgrounds that lead to Gatsbys destruction. I. Description of Gatsbys DreamA. Origin of Gatsbys DreamGatsbys dream originated from the American dream, and the so-called “American Dream”, in American society, especially in the period of exploiting the New Continent, formed and developed a rather commonly attracting ideal. It has long history dating from the period of European emigrants exploiting the New Continent, and this dream owns tremendous enough connotations of American desire and hope to spirits and materials. Consequently, many people defined it as the synthesis of Wealthy Dream, Transcendent Dream and Love Dream. Benjamin Franklin, the first and well-known embodiment and advocate of American Dream in the world, edified and encouraged people how to enrich their families and to fulfill American Dream by their struggle, especial in his Autobiography. From the birth of it to 1920s, American Dream of owing the success in materials to the individual virtues and struggles, was always publicized by the people as powerful as possible, and then without doubtness it became the ideal which average American people tried their best to struggle for day by day, and the fundental spiritual strength which prompted American Capitalism prosperity and maintained capitalism-social system generation by generation. Gatsbys American Dream originated from his childhood:“Then he returned the wallet and pulled from his pocket a ragged old copy of a book called Hopolong Cassidy “look here, this is a book he had when he was a boy. It just shows you.” He opened it at the back over and turned it around for me to see. On the last fly-leaf was printed the word SCHEDULE and the date September 12, 1906 and underneath:Rise from be 6.00 A.MDumbbell exercise and wallscaling.6.15-6.30A.MStudy electricity, etc.7.15-8.15 A.MWork 8.30-4.30P.MBaseball and sports.4.30-5.00P.MPractice elocution, poise and how to attain it 5.00-6.00P.MStudy needed inventions.7.00-9.00P.M” ( Fitzgerald, 2002: 206)Above-mentioned shows that on the last fly-leaf of Hopolong Cassidy Gatsby used to read were recorded his transcending decision and a piece of strict timetable for working. Over so many years, Gatsby always persisted in it and observed it. From the Schedule, as everyone knows, Franklin and Addison, giving a good example, depended on the struggle by themselves and got a success at last and their stories, which made every one believe that each youth could become a millionaire or the president of U.S in the future. In their age, the novels describing American Dream were best-sellers, but they gave the preaching contents: As long as one person was honest, patient and independent, he would have the equality with every one to do everything, namely, it is possible for him coming from the poor family to become a rich and noble person, while Gatsby was one of the believers of it. The dream which seemed to happen in fairy tales was the endless infinite power that encouraged Gatsby struggle for it. The author contact Gatsbys pursuit with European emigrants ancient desire to New Continent, and Franklin, representing American Dream and its invert forms later, defined Gatsbys tragedy as huge historical background and deep typical senses. The traditional model of American Dream, as many critics and writers pointed out, were full of falsity, especially under the condition of capitalism developed rapidly, and polarization intensified increasingly. It made a point of evidence that Gatsby made a fortune, relying on personal virtues, diligence and frugality. Since his childhood, Gatsby used to abide by Franklins teaching, and try to practice the main inquire of the traditional model, following his own comprehension and the background of 20-century society in U.S. it is vagary for one person to come to the fore, who only depended on virtues, diligence and frugality, however, Gatsbys story of getting rich just certified it. When he was young, Gatsby could not gain any appropriate consequence that he wanted to get, so that he was surrendered by his beloved lover Daisy, for he was penniless and fameless at that time. And later he absurdly became a millionaire. Obviously, it ought to be tremendous irony for him to believe in American Dream. By all appearances, as were same with other magnates at that time, Gatsby still understood and practiced following principles. Theoretically, borderland, (here referred to the whole American) were equal paradise to every one, and the reward completely owed to diligence, frugality and good luckiness, but in fact, the rewarding often depended on trickiness, greed and mercilessness, as well as cruel ruthlessness and completely rotten means. It is the American dream, but it is the origin of Gatsbys dream.B. Essence of Gatsbys DreamEven if his dream originated from American dream, the essence of Gatsbys dream is the essence of American dream. With his growing, Gatsbys American Dream went by an evolution when he was young. He dreamed making a good fortune, transcending common people and getting rid of poorness as much as the heroes written by Ben Franklin and Horatio Alger. Later he met Daisy by chance and then lost his heart to her, thus Daisy became the personification of his perfect ideal and the embodiment of concentrating his entire ideal, and the he endeavored to do everything in the direction of them. Because in his mind, Daisy represented all beautiful creatures of the upper class society in America, and in his memory, the first love between Daisy and him seemed to be a human fairyland, whereas, the cruel reality was that he lacked rich family supporting him and his love. The great disparity of their status made him sense that he had no right to touch her hand. “Gatsby was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth impressions and preserves, of the freshness of many clothes, and of Daisy, gleaming like silver, safe and proud above hot struggles of the poor.” (Fitzgerald, 2002: 98)So having lost Daisy, he desperately earned much more money, and fantasized about recapturing his belovedDaisy with money when he was rich enough, afterwards, he really made a fortune. “Once I wrote down on the empty space of a timetable the names of those who came to Gatsbys house that summer, including film stars, boarders, duke, prince, etc. (Fitzgerald, 2002: 13)” , while the narrator Nickels finn servant informed me that Gatsby dismissed every servant in his house a week ago and replaced them with half a dozen others. Gatsby became very rich beyond peoples imagination, nearly owned magical power, could gather all rich men and dismiss servants and employ any one, and even made West Egg become a constant magnificent feast. Surely, what have been finished was not to depend on the traditional teaching but illegal deals in gangdom or underworld, however, luxurious life could not bring Gatsby a little happiness, since in essence, he was different from those who sought for benefits and fames. In Jazz Age, wealth was not the most significant to Gatsby, while what he only recalled was to repeat the past with Daisy day and night and to get the lost pure love. After he got rich, he bought a luxurious mansion in front of Daisys house across the bay. “If it wasnt for the mist we could see y