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    电梯的发展与展望 在2001年11月我国加入世界贸易组织使中国经济向全球一体化的方向又迈进一大步。中国市场将更加开放,贸易更加自由,这就是说更多国外产品将参与国内市场竞争,而且产品价格由于关税降低将非常有竞争力。面对日益严峻的市场环境每个企业首先考虑如何生存。要生存下去就必须提高企业竞争力,在所能够改变竞争规则的因素中,技术变化属于最显著的一种。如何在电梯技术方面保持领先地位从而保持企业的竞争优势?首先企业管理者必须清楚了解电梯技术发展状况,并制定一个企业电梯技术发展战略,才能使企业不但能够生存并且可以得到发展。在今后一段时间内电梯技术发展趋势是什么?环保。当今世界非常清晰地认识到生存与发展的关系:不环保就无法生存,没有生存根本谈不上发展。绿色理念在全球已经深入人心,绿色理念是电梯发展总趋势。有专家预言"谁最先推出绿色产品并抢占市场,谁就掌握市场竞争主动权"。发展趋势主要有如下:不断改进产品的设计,生产环保型低能耗、低噪声、无漏油、无漏水、无电磁干扰、无井道导轨油渍污染的电梯。电梯曳引采用尼龙合成纤维曳引绳,钢皮带等无润滑油污染曳引方式。电梯装璜将采用无(少)环境污染材料。电梯空载上升和满载下行电机再生发电回收技术。安装电梯将无需安装手脚架。电梯零件在生产和使用过程中对环境没有影响(如刹车皮一定不能使用石棉)并且材料是可以回收的。驱动系统使用永磁同步无齿曳引机。由于永磁同步无齿曳引机与传统的蜗轮、蜗杆传动的曳引机相比具有如下优点:a)永磁同步无齿曳引机是直接驱动,没有蜗轮、蜗杆传动副,永磁同步电机没有作异步电机所需非常占地方的定子线圈,而制作永磁同步电机的主要材料是高能量密度的高剩磁感应和高矫顽力的钕铁硼,其气隙磁密一般达到0.75T以上,所以可以做到体积小和重量轻。b) 传动效率高。由于采用了永磁同步电机直接驱动(没有蜗轮蜗杆传动副)其传动效率可以提高2030。c)永磁同步无齿曳引机由于不存在一个异步电机在高速运行时轴承所发生的噪声和不存在蜗轮蜗杆副接触传动时所发生噪声,所以整机噪声可降低510db。d)能耗低。从永磁同步电机工作原理可知其励磁是由永磁铁来实现的,不需要定子额外提供励磁电流,因而电机的功率因数可以达到很高(理论上可以达到1)。同时永磁同步电机的转子无电流通过,不存在转子耗损问题 。一般比异步电机 降低4560 耗损。由于没有效率低、高能耗蜗轮蜗杆传动副,能耗进一步降低。e)永磁同步无齿曳引机由于不存在齿廓磨损问题和不需要定期更换润滑油,因此其使用寿命长,且基本不用维修。在近期如果能尽快解决生产永磁同步电机成本问题,永磁同步无齿曳引机将代替由蜗轮蜗杆传动副异步电机组成的曳引机。当然将来超导电力拖动技术和磁悬浮驱动技术也会在电梯上应用。电梯产业将信息化、网络化。电梯控制系统如何与网络技术相结合将是未来电梯设计的主流趋势。在21世纪的今天如何提供用户满意产品和服务已成为关系到各企业生死存亡问题。电梯上网能确保为客户提供更优质全程的服务。在将来各大品牌厂家为了生存和发展都会在公共网络系统中建立自己电梯网站(电梯专用平台),这也是一条必由之路,电梯上网主要是实现以下功能:a)用网络把所有电梯监管起来,保证电梯安全运行,确保乘客安全。当电梯出现故障时,电梯通过网络向客户服务中心发出信号使维保人员能及时准确了解电梯出现故障的原因及相关信息,客户的人身安全是否受到威胁,并在第一时间内赶赴事故现场进行抢修,同时通过网络对在电梯内乘客安慰,把电梯出现故障的负面影响降到最低。也可以通过电梯网络在规定时间内自动扫描每台电梯各部件以发现事故隐患做到事先维修,减少停梯时间,提高企业的服务质量。b)电梯网上交易(电梯商务网站)。现在传统营销体系是人对人的销售(或面对面销售),由于需要大量销售人员,其销售成本高昂。如果通过电梯商务网站这个网络传播媒体,就可以大大降低销售成本。在网上你可以展示自己产品的特点、功能、外形和尺寸、以及所需土建尺寸。如在网上填写你的项目有关数据,它会自动进行电梯流量计算,并根据计算结果提供N个电梯配置(包括电梯型号、载重量、速度、停站数、候梯时间、运行时间)方案供用户选择。如果用户需要也可以马上得到各个方案报价,你还可以在网上签订购销合同,通过网上银行支付货款,从而完成购销合同。当然也可以在网上下载自己认为有用的任何资料,以供日后选购时使用。c)利用网络快速、准确特点,降低制作成本。在中国加入WTO后,各个企业(特别是合资、外资企业)为降低成本全球采购是必然,避免在采购过程中受到各种不正当手段的影响,利用电梯网站招标和竞标可以保证采购价廉物美的电梯零部件,其运作非常低廉。也可把已定点所有外购件生产厂、配套厂通过网络联网,厂家在接到订单后,通过技术部安排生产明细表和零部件制作分工表即可通过网络快速、准确地给外购件生产厂、配套厂下达生产指令,并指示交货地点(通常为减少从生产厂到组装厂再到工地来回运费直接运到工地),同时通过网络通知被厂家认可的专业安装队进场安装电(扶)梯。安装完成后,安装队在网上向厂家和有关政府部门申请验收。总之从销售到安装和售后服务许多工作都可以通过网络完成,而且费用低、快速、准确、服务质量好。 蓝牙技术在电梯上应用。安装过电梯的人都知道放线、对线是费时、费力、极容易错的工作。如果控制屏与召唤系统通过蓝牙技术连接起来实现无线召唤将会是电梯控制的另一场革命同时为我们带来巨大好处。a)安装期将减少30以上,其直接好处是降低安装成本,客户也因从订梯到使用电梯周期费用减少和提高现金周转率。b) 在电梯上使用蓝牙技术一定会使电梯控制系统大量使用最新最快微机,这将会进一步提高电梯整机可靠性,故障率大大降低,控制精度也进一步提高,带来的结果是电梯更加舒适,平层更加准确。同时这也为将来通过网络检查电梯状态成为可能,特别是电梯事先维修可以做到更好更全面,也进一步加快企业电梯上网。c)旧梯改造更加容易,所需时间、费用将会减小。根据统计表每年将有5万台旧梯进入更新改造市场,该技术使用将会产生巨大社会效益和企业效益。相信任何企业都不会放弃这个机会。e)很好地解决了电梯控制与外围设备的兼容和联系。特别是可以把电梯和扶梯归纳到大楼管理系统或智能化管理小区系统中。 电梯群控系统将更加智能化。电梯智能群控系统将基于强大的计算机软硬件资源,如基于专家系统的群控、基于模糊逻辑的群控、基于计算机图像监控的群控、基于神经网络控制的群控、基于遗传基因法则的群控等。这些群控系统能适应电梯交通的不确定性、控制目标的多样化、非线性表现等动态特性。随着智能建筑的发展,电梯的智能群控系统能与大楼所有的自动化服务设备结合成整体智能系统。超高速电梯速度越来越高。21世纪将会发展多用途、全功能的塔式建筑,超高速电梯继续成为研究方向。曳引式超高速电梯的研究继续在采用超大容量电动机、高性能的微处理器、减振技术、新式滚轮导靴和安全钳、永磁同步电动机、轿厢气压缓解和噪声抑制系统等方面推进。采用直线电机驱动的电梯也有较大研究空间。未来超高速电梯舒适感会有明显提高。在电梯向高技术发展,同时我们也清醒认识到中国人均收入低,对价格特别敏感,在这个特殊环境下,市场迫切需要简单、可靠的普及型电梯。在将来这类电梯约占中国电梯总需求一半以上。这类电梯特征是:电梯配置满足最低使用要求,但价格非常低廉,故障率很低,可靠性很高,经久耐用,在其使用寿命中基本不用维修,而且使用方便。这一类型电梯技术发展方向主要是:a)高新技术和新材料在制作电梯零部件的应用。如在零部件表面加高科技涂料,使其使用寿命大大延长。用价格低廉可靠性高的普及型电脑代替价高可靠性低的电梯专用电子板来控制电梯。b) 制作工艺改进。零部件工艺改进使产品价格降低,同时更加耐用。生产工艺和方式改变。可使这类电梯生产方式和现代大规模汽车生产方式一样,采用流水线生产方式。而且产量很高,年产45万台电梯。c)大量使用标准件。这类电梯的零部件几乎所有都是在市场上可以采购标准件。附录2 Elevator technology development tendencyOur country joins the World Trade Organization in November 2001 to cause the Chinese economy to make great strides forward to the global integration direction a stride. Chinese market more open, the trade is more free.this meant more overseas products will participate in the domestic market competition, moreover product price because lowering of custom duty extremely will have the competitive power. Facing stern market environment each enterprise first considered day by day how survives. Must survive gets down to have to enhance the enterprise competitive power, in can change the competition rule in the factor, the technical change belongs to the most remarkable one kind. How maintains the leading status at the elevator technology aspect thus the maintenance enterprise's competitive advantage? First the enterprise superintendents must clearly understand the elevator technological development condition, and formulates an enterprise elevator technological development strategy, can enable the enterprise not only to survive and may obtain the development. What in next period of time will the elevator technological development tendency be?Environmental protection. Now the world extremely clearly realizes to the survival and the development relations: The environmental protection is not unable to survive, the survival basic has not been far from the development. The green idea in the whole world already the sink deep into the hearts of the people, the green idea was the elevator development general trend. Some experts predicted "who promotes the green product first and seizes the market, who grasps market competition initiative". The development tendency mainly has as follows: Improves the product unceasingly the design, the production environmental protection low energy consumption, the low noise, does not have the oil leak, does not have the water leakage, does not have the electron magnetic interference, does not have the well guide rail grease stains pollution the elevator. The elevator haulage uses the nylon synthetic fiber haulage rope, the cotton ties and so on does not have the lubricating oil pollution haulage way. The elevator will mount uses does not have (are few) the environmental pollution material. Under elevator idling rise and full load good electrical machinery regeneration electricity generation recycling technology.Will install the elevator not to need to install the hand foot rest.The elevator components (for example have not checked freight car in the production and the use process to the environment influence certainly not to be able to use asbestos) and the material are may recycle.the system use permanent magnetism synchronization not to have the tooth tractor. Because permanent magnetism synchronization does not have the tooth tractor and the traditional worm gear, the worm drive tractor compares has the following merit: A)permanent magnetism synchronization does not have the tooth tractor is the direct drive, does not have the worm gear, worm drive, permanent magnetism synchronous machine not to make the asynchronous machine to have to occupy the place extremely the stator coil, but manufactures permanent magnetism synchronous machine the main material is the high energy density high eminence and the high coercive force neodymium iron boron, Its air gap magnetism dense achieves above generally 0.75T, therefore may achieve the volume small and the weight is light. B)the transmission efficiency is high. Because used the permanent magnetism synchronous machine direct drive (not to have worm gear worm drive vice-) its transmission efficiency to be possible to enhance 20% 30%. C)permanent magnetism synchronization does not have the tooth tractor because does not have a asynchronous machine in the high speed movement time the bearing occurs the noise and does not have when the worm gear worm bearing adjuster vice- contact transmission has the noise, therefore the entire machine noise may reduce 5 10db (A). D) the energy consumption is low. May know its excitation from permanent magnetism synchronous machine principle of work is, does not need the stator which realizes by the permanent magnet extra to provide the exciting current, thus the electrical machinery power factor may achieve very high (theoretically may achieve 1). At the same time the permanent magnetism synchronous machine rotor radio class passes, does not have the rotor to consume the question. Reduces 45% compared to the asynchronous machine 60% to consume generally. Because does not have the efficiency to be low, high energy consumption worm gear worm drive, the energy consumption further reduces. E) permanent magnetism synchronization does not have the tooth tractor because does not have the tooth profile attrition problem and does not need the regular replacement lubricating oil, therefore its service life long, also is basic does not use the service. In near future if can solve the production permanent magnetism synchronous machine cost problem as soon as possible, permanent magnetism synchronization will not have the tooth tractor to replace the tractor which will be composed by the worm gear worm drive vice- asynchronous machine. Certainly future the superconductivity electric power will drive the technology and magnetism aerosol actuation technology also can apply on the elevator.Elevator industry becoming an information based society, How will the elevator control system unify with the network technology will be the mainstream tendency which the future elevator will design. Provide the user how in do the 21st century today satisfaction product and the service have become relate to various enterprises life and death question. The elevator accesses the net can guarantee provide the higher quality entire journey for the customer the service. In future each big brand factory in order to survive with the development can establish oneself elevator website in the public network system (elevator special-purpose platform) below, this also is a way that must be taken, the elevator accesses the net mainly is realizes the function: A) supervises and manages with the network all elevators, guaranteed the elevator safe operation, guarantees the passenger safety. When the elevator appears the breakdown, the elevator sends out the signal through the network to the customer service center to enable the Vyborg personnel prompt accurately to understand the elevator appears the breakdown the reason and the correlation information, the customer personal safety whether is threaten, and rushes to the accident scene in the first time to carry on repairs in a rush, at the same time to comforts through the network in the elevator scalar product guest, appears the elevator the breakdown the negative influence to fall to is lowest. Also may through the elevator network in the scheduled time the automatic scan each elevator various parts by discover the accident hidden danger achieves beforehand services, reduces stops the ladder time, and enhances the enterprise the grade of service? B) On elevator net transaction (elevator commerce website). Now the traditional marketing system is the human (or face-to-face sells) to human's sale, because needs the massive sales personnel, its sales cost is soaring. If through the elevator commerce website this network dissemination media, may reducethe sales cost greatly. On-line you may demonstrate oneself product the characteristic, the function, the contour and the size, as well as need the construction size. Like on-line fills in your project related data, it can automatically carry on the elevator current capacity computation, and provides N elevator disposition according to the computed result (including elevator model, load-carrying capacity, speed, stops station number, period of five days ladder time, running time) the plan for the user choice. If the user needs also to be possible to obtain each plan quoted price immediately, you also may on-line sign the purchase and sale contract, through net on bank payment loans, thus completes the purchase and sale contract. Certainly also may on-line download oneself thought the useful any material, by will supply to select and purchase in the future time will use. C) Uses the network to be fast, the accurate characteristic, reduces the manufacture cost. Joins WTO after China, each enterprise is specially joint capital, foreign capital enterprise) for reduces the cost whole world purchase is inevitable, avoids receiving each not improper method in the purchase process the influence, and competes the sign using the elevator website tender to be possible to guarantee the purchase low-price quality merchandise the elevator spare part, its operation is extremely inexpensive. Also may all buy from outside the fixed point a plant, the accessories factory through the network networking, the factory after receives the order form, arranges theproduction detailed list of specifications and spare part manufacture through the technical department is then fast through the network, accurately for buys from outside a plant, the accessories factory issues the production instruction, and the instruction delivery point (usually again straight receives and transports for reduction from plant to assembly factory to work site back and forth transport expense to work site), at the same time is installed through the network notice by the factory approval specialty the team to enter the arena installs the electricity (to hold) the ladder. After the installment completes, installs the team on-line applies for the approval to the factory and the related government department. In brief from sells all may complete to the installment and post-sale service many work through the network, moreover the expense low, fast, accurate, the grade of service is good. 待添加的隐藏文字内容2The blue tooth technology applies on the elevator. Installs the elevator people all to know puts the line, is time-consuming to the line, and takes the trouble, the extremely easy wrong work. If the control screen with will summon the system wireless to connect the realization through the blue tooth technology to summon can be at the same time another revolution which the elevator will control brings the huge advantage for us. A) The peaceful loading date will reduce above 30%, its direct advantage will be reduces installs the cost, the customer also because from subscribes the ladder to reduce and to enhance the cash cycling rate to the use elevator cycle expense. B) uses the blue tooth technology on the elevator certainly to be able to cause the elevator control system massive uses most newly quickest microcomputer, this will be able further to enhance the elevator entire machine reliability, the failure rate reduces greatly, the control precision also further will enhance, the result which will bring will be the elevator is more comfortable, tie More accurate. At the same time this also will become for the future through the network inspection elevator condition possibly, specially the elevator beforehand will service may achieve well is more comprehensive, also further will speed up the enterprise elevator to access the net. C) The old ladder transforms easily, will need the time, the expense can reduce. Will have 50,000 old ladders according to the statistical table to enter the renewal every year to transform the market, this technical use will be able to have the huge social efficiency and the enterprise benefit. Believed any enterprise all cannot give up this op


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