物流管理专业外文翻译 集装箱运输(适用于毕业论文外文翻译+中英.doc
本科生毕业设计 (论文)外 文 翻 译原 文 标 题container transportion译 文 标 题 集装箱运输作者所在系别经济管理系作者所在专业物流管理作者所在班级B07322作 者 姓 名作 者 学 号20074032232指导教师姓名指导教师职称教授完 成 时 间2010年12月北华航天工业学院教务处制译文标题集装箱运输原文标题Container Transportation作 者James Anderson译 名詹姆斯·安德森国 籍英国原文出处AT&T Global Information Solutions集装箱运输集装箱运输,是指以集装箱这种大型容器为载体,将货物集合组装成集装单元,以便在现代流通领域内运用大型装卸机械和大型载运车辆进行装卸、搬运作业和完成运输任务,从而更好地实现货物“门到门”运输的一种新型、高效率和高效益的运输方式。一、集装箱运输发展的阶段(一)集装箱运输发展的初始阶段(19世纪初1966年) 集装箱运输起源于英国。早在1801年,英国的彼得.离奇博士已提出将货物装人集装箱进行运输的构想。1845年英国铁路曾使用载货车厢互相交换的方式,视车厢为集装箱,使集装箱运输的构想得到初步应用。19世纪中叶,在英国的兰开夏已出现运输棉纱、棉布的一种带活动框架的载货工具,这是集装箱的雏形。 正式使用集装箱来运输货物是在20世纪初期。1900年,在英国铁路上首次试行了集装箱运输,后来相继传到美国(1917年)、德国(1920年)、法国(1928年)及其他欧美国家。 集装箱运输1966年以前,虽然集装箱运输取得了一定的发展,但在该阶段集装箱运输权限于欧美一些先进国家,主要从事铁路、公路运输和国内沿海运输;船型以改装的半集装箱船为主,其典型船舶的装载量不过500TEU(20ft集装箱换算单位,简称“换算箱”)左右,速度也较慢;箱型主要采用断面为8ft×8ft,长度分别为24ft、27ft、35ft的非标准集装箱,部分使用了长度为20ft和40ft的标准集装箱;箱的材质开始以钢质为主,到后期铝质箱开始出现;船舶装卸以船用装卸桥为主,只有极少数专用码头上有岸边装卸桥;码头装卸工艺主要采用海陆联运公司开创的底盘车方式,跨运车刚刚出现;集装箱运输的经营方式是仅提供港到港的服务。以上这些特征说明,在1966年以前集装箱运输还处于初始阶段,但其优越性已经得以显示,这为以后集装箱运输的大规模发展打下了良好的基础。 (二)集装箱运输的发展阶段(1967年1983年) 自1966年至1983年,集装箱运输的优越性越来越被人们承认,以海上运输为主导的国际集装箱运输发展迅速,是世界交通运输进入集装箱化时代的关键时期。 1970年约有23万TEU,1983年达到208万TEU。集装箱船舶的行踪已遍布全球范围。随着海上集装箱运输的发展,各港纷纷建设专用集装箱泊位,世界集装箱专用泊位到1983年已增至983个。世界主要港口的集装箱吞吐量在20世纪70年代的年增长率达到15。专用泊位的前沿均装备了装卸桥,并在鹿特丹港的集装箱码头上出现了第二代集装箱装卸桥,每小时可装卸50TEU。码头堆场上轮胎式龙门起重机、跨运车等机械得到了普遍应用,底盘车工艺则逐渐趋于没落。在此时期,传统的件杂货运输管理方法得到了全面改革,与先进运输方式相适应的管理体系逐步形成,电子计算机也得到了更广泛的应用,尤其是1980年5月在日内瓦召开了有84个贸发会议成员国参加的国际多式联运会议,通过了联合国国际货物多式联运公约。该公约对国际货物多式联运的定义、多式联运单证的内容、多式联运经营人的赔偿责任等问题均有所规定。公约虽未生效,但其主要内容已为许多国家所援引和应用。虽然在20世纪70年代中期,由于石油危机的影响,集装箱运输发展速度减慢,但是这一阶段发展时期较长,特别是许多新工艺、新机械、新箱型、新船型以及现代化管理,都是在这一阶段涌现出来的,世界集装箱向多式联运方向发展也孕育于此阶段之中,故可称之为集装箱运输的发展阶段。 (三)集装箱运输的成熟阶段(1984年以后) 1984年以后,世界航运市场摆脱了石油危机所带来的影响,开始走出低谷,集装箱运输又重新走上稳定发展的道路。有资料显示,发达国家件杂货运输的集装箱化程度已超过80。据统计,到1998年世界上约有各类集装箱船舶6800多艘,总载箱量达579万TEU。集装箱运输已遍及世界上所有的海运国家,随着集装箱运输进入成熟阶段。世界海运货物的集装箱化已成为不可阻挡的发展趋势。 集装箱运输进入成熟阶段的特征主要表现在以下两个方面: 1.硬件与软件的成套技术趋于完善干线全集装箱船向全自动化、大型化发展,出现了25004000TEU的第三代和第四代集装箱船。一些大航运公司纷纷使用大型船舶组织了环球航线。为了适应大型船停泊和装卸作业的需要,港口大型、高速。自动化装卸桥也得到了进一步发展。为了使集装箱从港口向内陆延伸,一些先进国家对内陆集疏运的公路、铁路和中转场站以及车辆、船舶进行了大量的配套建设。在运输管理方面,随着国际法规的日益完善和国际管理的逐步形成,实现了管理方法的科学化,管理手段的现代化。一些先进国家已从原仅限于港区管理发展为与口岸相关各部门联网的综合信息管理,一些大公司已能通过通信卫星在全世界范围内对集装箱实行跟踪管理。先进国家的集装箱运输成套技术为发展多式联运打下了良好的基础。 2.开始进入多式联运和“门到门”运输阶段实现多种运输方式的联合运输是现代交通运输的发展方向,集装箱运输在这方面具有独特优势。先进国家由于建立和完善了集装箱的综合运输系统,使集装箱运输突破了传统运输方式的 “港到港”概念,综合利用各种运输方式的优点,为货主提供“门到门”的优质运输服务,从而使集装箱运输的优势得到充分发挥。“门到门”运输是一项复杂的国际性综合运输系统工程,先进国家为了发展集装箱运输,将此作为专门学科,培养了大批集装箱运输高级管理人员、业务人员及操作人员,使集装箱运输在理论和实务方面都得到逐步完善。二、组织(一)货源组织1.集装箱货源 集装箱的适箱贷源,根据国家关于发展我国集装箱运输若干问题的规定中规定的适箱货为12个品类,即交电、仪器、小型机械'玻璃陶瓷、工艺品;印刷品及纸张、医药、烟酒食品、日用品,化工品、针纺织品和小五金等杂货、贵重、易碎、怕湿的货物均属于集装箱运输货物、集装箱货源从运输组织上分为整箱货和拼箱货两类。整箱货是指发货人需单独使用一个集装箱的货物,整箱货是由发货人负责装箱t计数并施封。拼箱货是指两个以上发货人货物拼装在一个集装箱内的货物,拼箱货的装卸作业由承运人或有关运输代理部门负责。 2.日常货源组织工作 做好日常货源的组织工作,对于组织合理运输,充分利用现有设备能力;有着十分重要的意义日常货源组织对于货物的品种、数量、流向、时间上都有着一定的要求。对于不'同品种的货物要详细了解其尺寸、外形、重量和需要的集装箱类型及数量等;在流向上要提出货物到站、港、以便组织拼装货;在时间上按照运输作业的需要进行货源的组织工作.日常资源组织工作是一项十分重要又十分细致的工作,要产、运、销共同配合完成。 (二)运输工作组织集装箱运输组织作,可以分为发送作业、中转作业和交付作业宣部分,以铁路集装箱运输组织工作为例: 1.发送作业 是指在发站装运之前各项货运作业,包括集装箱承运前的组织工作和承运后至装运前的作业。具体包括货主要明确使用集装箱运输的条件及有关规定,如必须在指定的集装箱办理站,按:站内规定承运日期办理:办理站受理、审核、装箱等。 2.中转作业 集装箱运输除了由发站至到站的形式外,还有一部分集装箱还要经过中转才能至到站。中转站的任务是负责将到达中转站的集装箱迅速按去向、到站重新配装继续发往到站。 3.交付作业 是指装运集装箱的货车到货场后需要办理的卸车和向货主办理交付手续等工作,具体包括卸车作业,交付作业,铁路货运员根据车站的卸车计划及时按排货位、核对运单、货票、装载清单与集装箱箱号、印封号是否*致、需要逐箱检查,卸车;完毕后填写到达记录/最后,由货运室通知发货人。,门到门的集装箱由铁路货运员与收货人代理共同核对箱号,检查箱体封印,确认无误后,填发门到门运输作业单,并在作业单上签收。指 导 教 师 评 语 外文翻译成绩:指导教师签字: 年 月 日注:1. 指导教师对译文进行评阅时应注意以下几个方面:翻译的外文文献与毕业设计(论文)的主题是否高度相关,并作为外文参考文献列入毕业设计(论文)的参考文献;翻译的外文文献字数是否达到规定数量(3 000字以上);译文语言是否准确、通顺、具有参考价值。2. 外文原文应以附件的方式置于译文之后。附件1 原文Container TransportionContainer transportation (Container transport), refers to the Container this large containers for the carrier, the goods collection assemble containers unit, so in the modern circulation field using large loading and unloading machinery and large vessels carrying vehicles loading and unloading, handling, carrying assignments and finished courrier mission, thus realizing better goods "door to door" transport of a new, high efficiency and high benefit modes of transport. 1Container transportation development phase (1)Container transportation development initial stage (early 19th century 1966) Container transportation originated in the United Kingdom. As early as in 1801, Britain's DR Bide.Liqi has put forward the goods with loading container transportation conception. 1845 British railway carriage bills of exchange have used the way, depending on the carriage for container, make container transportation idea get preliminary application. In the middle of the 19th century, British Lancashire already appeared transport cotton yarn, cotton fabric with activity framework of carrying tools, this is the prototype of the container. Formal use container to transport goods is the beginning of the 20th century. In 1900, for the first time in British railway container transport and later tried successively spread to the United States (1917), Germany (1920), France (1928) and other countries in Europe and America. Container transportation in 1966 before, although containe r transportation has obtained certain development, but in this phase ,container transportation access in Europe and some advanced countries, mainly engaged in railway and highway transportation and domestic coastal transport; Ship with modified half container ship give priority to its typical ship carrying quantity but 20ft container 500TEU (conversion unit, abbreviation "conversion box") or so, are slower, Box mainly adopts section for 8ft x 8ft, length 24ft, respectively 27ft, 35ft non-standard containers, part USES the length of 40ft 20ft and standard container, Box material began to steel primarily, later aluminum box began to appear, Ship loading and unloading in Marine crane is given priority to, only a handful of pier on the shore crane, Wharf handling technology mainly USES the sea-land intermodal transportation company pioneered by car chassis, cross a car transport way just appear; Container transportation mode of operation is offered only port to Hong Kong service. Above these features explain, in 1966 before container transportation was still in its initial stage, but its superiority has to show that it is later container transport and the large scale development have laid a good foundation. (2)Container transport development stage (1967 1983) Since 1966 to 1983, the superiority of container shipping more and more recognized by people to maritime transport for the leading international container transportation development is rapid ,which is world transportation into the key period of containerization era. about 23 million TEU In 1970 , while reach 208 million TEU In 1987 . The whereabouts of container ship already throughout the world. Along with the development of offshore container transportation, each port in succession special container berths, world construction of special container berths to 1983 has increased to a 983. World major ports of container throughput in 20th century 70's the annual growth rate achieve 15%. The forefront of special garages are equipped with a crane, and in Rotterdam port container terminal appeared on the second generation of the container crane, each hour demountable 50TEU. LunTaiShi longmen stacking crane on the dock transport vehicles, and other machinery, cross being widely used, chassis car process is gradually tends to decline. During this period, the traditional break-bulk transport management method has been comprehensive reform, and advanced transportation mode adapted to the management system gradually formed, electronic computer also got more extensive application, especially in 1980 May was held in Geneva 84 MaoFa the members have joined the international multimodal transport meeting, through the "United Nations convention on the international multimodal transport. The convention on the international multimodal transport the definition, multimodal transport the content, the multimodal transport operator liability issues such as have been regulations. Although inactive, but convention on its main contents for many countries already quoted and application. Although in the mid 1970s, the oil crisis made the container transportation development slowed, but this one phase development period is longer, especially many new craft, new machinery, new box, new ship type and modern management, are at this stage emerged, the world container to multimodal transport direction also breeds at this stage, we can call it among container transport development stage (3)Container transportation mature stage ( after 1984) In 1984, after the world shipping market from the effects of the oil crisis, start from the valley bottom, container shipping back onto the steady development of road. The data shows, the developed countries break-bulk transport of containerization degree has more than 80%. According to statistics, by 1998 world about all kinds of container ship 6,800 more ships with load of volume reaches 579 million TEU. Container transport has been spread all over the world all shipping countries, along with the container transportation mature. World sea shipment of containerization has an irresistible trend of development Container transportation mature features is mainly manifested in the following two aspects: (1) The hardware and software of complete set technology of more perfect. Trunk full container ships to full automation, large-scale development, there appeared a 2500 4000TEU the third and fourth generations of container ship. Some big shipping companies use large ships organized global routes. In order to adapt to the large vessels and handling needs, large harbor, high speed. Automation crane also have been further developed. In order to make container from the port to inland outspread, some advanced countries to inland transportation highways, railways and transit stations and vehicles, ships had a lot of accessory construction. In transport management, with more perfect of international law and international management gradually formed, realized the management methods of scientific management means modernization. Some advanced countries have already from the original is limited to port management development for and port related departments networking integrated information management, some big company already can through communication satellite worldwide for container executes tracking management. From the advanced countries container transportation complete technology for development multimodal transport have laid a good foundation. (2) Began to enter into the multimodal transport and "door to door" transportation stage. Realize various transportation means combined transport is the development direction of modern transportation and container transportation in this aspect has a unique advantage. Advanced countries due to establish and perfect the container integrated transportation system, make container transport through the traditional transportation means "port, to the port" concept, the comprehensive utilization of various transportation means advantage, for owner to provide "door to door" high-quality transportation service, thus make container transportation advantage into full play. "The door to door" transport is a complicated system engineering, integrated transport internationally advanced countries in order to develop the container transportation, took this as specialized subject, and cultivate a large number of container transportation senior management personnel, business personnel and operator, make container transportation in theory and practice are gradually consummation. 2.organization (1)Source organization According to a national "about developing container transportation, Container of mating box loan source, some issues regulations stipulated in the optimum LCL for 12 categories, namely, electricity, instruments, small mechanical 'glass ceramics, handicraft, Prints and paper, medicine, food, daily necessities, tobacco chemical, needles textiles and hardware and etc., groceries, precious, fragile, afraid of the wet goods all belong to container transport goods, container sources from transportation organization is divided into FCL and LCL cargo two kinds. FCL refers to consignor must use alone a container cargo, FCL is responsible by the consignor packing t count and the closure. LCL cargo "refers to two or more consignor cargo in a container cargo, LCL shipment handling by the carrier or transportation agency responsible for two daily supply organizational work To keep the normal supply of organizational work, for the organization reasonable transport, make full use of the existing equipment ability; Has the extremely vital significance for the daily supply organization goods type, quantity, flow direction, time has certain request. For no 'with varieties of goods are to be detailed understanding of its size, shape, weight and needs of container type and quantity etc; In flow to put forward the goods arrive station, port, order organizing assembles goods, In time according to the needs of the transportation operations of the organizational work. Daily supply resource organization is a very important and very meticulous work, to production, transportation, pin common cooperate to complete. (2)Transport work organization . send homework Refers to the hair stood before shipment, including the freight container carrier homework before the organizational work and carriage to before shipment after the homework. Specific include goods mainly clear use of container transport conditions and other relevant provisions, such as must in the designated container for standing, press:stand for: the date specified in the carriage handle standing acceptance and examination, the packing, etc. . interim assignmentsContainer transport except by hair stand to arrive station of form outside, still have a part of container pass transit can to arrive. The task is responsible for stations will reach the station according to the container quickly go, arrive station to station. Continue to send to loading .delivery and homework Refers to the van containers to loading bays after unloading and needs to deal with the formalities for delivery to the shipper work, specific include unloading homework assignments, delivery, railway freight transportation member of unloading plan according to the station in time of position , press the row check waybill and cargo , load list and container number, printing, need to whether * warscraft chase box check, unloading, After the comp