,ENGu!N(a)cLAs5sCHARLES DICKENA TALE OF TWO CITIES,BackgroundDickens twelfth novel was published in his new weeklyjournal,A/the Year Round,without illustrationsSimultaneously with the weekly parts,the novel was alsoublished in monthly parts with illustrations by HablotBrowne.An American edition was also published,inslightly later weekly parts(May to December 1859)in Harpers Week/yThe novel,which begins It was the best of times it wasthe worst of times is set against the backdrop of theFrench revolution and dickens researched the historicalbackground meticulously using his friend ThomasCarlyles History of the French Revolution as a reference,Major Themesa ResurrectionClass struggle Sacrifice要k函,Major charactersDoctor manetteCharacter Traits Honest SincereSensitive Bravea Selfless,ucie Manette(The doctors daughter)Character Traitsa Extremely caring and devoteda Someone who believed in her innergoodness to the extent of penetrating it toanyone elsea Brave enough to face any trouble withoutshattering,