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    综采放顶煤技术初探刘先玉(平顶山工业职业技术学院:河南 平顶山 467001) 摘要 结合平煤集团大倾角、松软煤层的特点,探索了综采放顶煤采出率、顶板管理与矿压规律,实施了工作面防自然发火的措施,并取得了一定的成绩。其经验对平煤集团公司综放采煤方法的发展起到一定的推动作用。 关键词 综放; 顶板管理; 采出率; 防火 ; 矿压规律 中图分类号:TD823 文献标示码:B 文章编号:1008-8725(2005)-0119-02 0 前言 平煤集团十三矿是一座设计能力180万t年的新型矿井,矿井开拓方式为一对立井,二个水平,采区上下山开采,矿井的主要采煤方法是走向长壁综采放顶煤一次采全厚采煤法。综采放顶煤技术在我国经历了试验、发展、巩固提高三个阶段,日趋成熟,在大倾角、高瓦斯、易自燃,不稳定等复杂煤层的应用与探索也取得显著成绩,是建设高产高效矿井的主要采煤方法。十三矿矿井开采时间短,综放起步晚,经验少,技术水平尚处于试验和发展阶段。2年来,针对十三矿煤层倾角大、易燃等特点,我们主要在综放支架选型配套、采出率、矿压特征等方面做了探索,在防自然发火,防煤尘的措施方面做了初步尝试。矿井首采面己15-17一11020综放工作面投产3个月,平均月产8万t,最高日产5300t,最高工效3635t,采出率864,创造了良好的经济效益。综放技术在十三矿大倾角、松软煤层试产成功,是集团公司综采放顶煤采煤方法的一次长足进步,对综放技术在平顶山矿区的发展有一定推动作用。1 开采条件 工作面绝对瓦斯涌出量024048m3min。工作面水文地质较为复杂,底板含有L2灰岩承压水,开采期间机巷顶板有淋水现象,工作面共计有大小断层15条,其中坪F312断层落差不明对生产影响较大:工作面采用走向长壁综采放顶煤一次采全厚采煤方法,工作面走向长1400m,倾斜长143m。 工作面主要设备:ZFS32001628型液压支架86组,ZTGB34002030型过渡架6组,工作面上、下出口没安端头液压支架,MG-200QW型采煤机一部,SGZ730320型刮板输送机2部,SZZ764160型桥式转载机一部,工作面机、风两巷采用沿底板托顶煤布置,两巷采用矿用12号工字钢3200X3200mm梯形支护。2 采出率 在综放技术发展过程中,提高工作面采出率一直是综放研究的主题,因此有行业文件规定放顶煤工作面采出率不得低于85。提高放顶煤工作面采出率途径主要包括两个方面:合理的放顶煤开采设计;合理的放顶煤开采工艺。21 开采设计对采出率的影响 工作面开采设计中,区段煤柱、巷道层位、工作面初末采等因素影响放顶煤的采出率。研究表明:大倾角煤层的综放工作面,风巷沿底板托顶煤,机巷沿中间层位托三角煤布置,相邻工作面机、风巷形成沿空原位巷道,区段煤柱1-2m。这样既有利于巷道支护,又能够提高工作面煤炭采出率。己15-17一11020工作面初采期间,当工作面初采12m时,开始强制沿底板回采,在直接顶跨落前,已部分放顶煤,减少了落底过程中的底煤柱损失,增加了顶煤回收,提高了工作面采出率。22 放顶煤工艺对采出率的影响 放顶煤步距和放顶煤方式是综采放顶煤工作面影响采面采出率的工艺因素。针对十三矿松软煤层煤壁管理难和底板起伏支架仰俯回采调整难情况,确定工作面采高H=26m,放煤高度H=325m,采放比1:125。根据顶煤厚度、顶煤的可放性、采空区矸石的堆积特征等,确定工作面放煤步距L=12m,即两刀一放。实践证明:放煤步距L=06m时,采空区窜矸堆积高度12m,在走向方向压在支架尾梁上08m,放煤时窜矸严重影响放煤效果。根据大倾角煤层采空区的倾向窜矸和老空区窜矸的特点,确定工作面放煤方式为自下而上,单轮顺序放煤。合理的放煤工艺可以防止老塘窜矸,减少含矸率,提高采出率。3 矿压特征与顶板管理 己15-17一11020工作面矿压观测结果表明放顶煤工作面与普通综采工作面相比,有以下特点:放顶煤工作面周期来压不太明显。周期来压时工作面的显现与平时情况几乎相同,来压系数比较低。支架四立柱偏载现象突出。前立柱工作阻力比较大,后立杆工作阻力较小(有时受拉力现象)。支架的运行特性中以一次初撑增阻为主,占823。 综放工作面顶板管理主要任务是:保证支架顶梁上顶煤封得严,顶煤不流空,不倒架;支架尾梁护得住,保证输送机有足够拉移步距空间,采空区不窜矸。十三矿己15-17一11020综放工作面应用的ZFS32001628型综放液压支架的主要特点是顶梁结构为整体顶梁带伸缩梁,拉架系统为大流量系统。该架型的主要优点在于:整体顶梁可以增加顶梁前端的支护强度,保证顶煤的稳定性;整体顶梁便于配备长侧护板,封顶效果好,液压系统简单,操作方便;伸缩梁可以连续支护行程内的不同空顶距,保证对顶板及时有效支护,克服放顶煤支架不宜拉起前架的弊端。此外,大流量拉架系统能够保证快速带压移架,对及时控制顶板也起到了一定的作用。总之,合理架型和正确操作工艺对于松软煤层顶板管理是十分重要的。4 防灭火措施 十三矿开采煤层有自然发火倾向性,矿井属于I级自然发火矿井。综放工作面在回采过程中,上隅角CO浓度一直在820ppm,煤层有缓慢氧化没有自然发火现象。防灭火的主要措施:工作面合理的推进速度,规定工作面推进速度不小于30m月,该面实际进度平均671m月;合理分配工作面风量,保证工作面风流稳定。依照几种方法公式计算风量,工作面配风1090m3min;加强生产过程中CO、CH4的动态监测,发现异常及时组织分析并采取相应措施。5 结论 总之,综采放顶煤采煤方法作为高产高效的重要手段在十三矿的成功,可以得出如下结论:只要设计与工艺合理,综采低位放顶煤采出率可以达到85以上;支架选型正确,操作适当,大倾角松软煤层在顶板管理和支架防倒滑问题是能够解决的;防火措施合理,综放工作面自然发火问题不会威胁工作面生产;对于采矿技术和企业技术管理的研究有着借鉴意义。Editor's note: Judson Jones is a meteorologist, journalist and photographer. He has freelanced with CNN for four years, covering severe weather from tornadoes to typhoons. Follow him on Twitter: jnjonesjr (CNN) - I will always wonder what it was like to huddle around a shortwave radio and through the crackling static from space hear the faint beeps of the world's first satellite - Sputnik. I also missed watching Neil Armstrong step foot on the moon and the first space shuttle take off for the stars. Those events were way before my time.As a kid, I was fascinated with what goes on in the sky, and when NASA pulled the plug on the shuttle program I was heartbroken. Yet the privatized space race has renewed my childhood dreams to reach for the stars.As a meteorologist, I've still seen many important weather and space events, but right now, if you were sitting next to me, you'd hear my foot tapping rapidly under my desk. I'm anxious for the next one: a space capsule hanging from a crane in the New Mexico desert.It's like the set for a George Lucas movie floating to the edge of space.You and I will have the chance to watch a man take a leap into an unimaginable free fall from the edge of space - live.The (lack of) air up there Watch man jump from 96,000 feet Tuesday, I sat at work glued to the live stream of the Red Bull Stratos Mission. I watched the balloons positioned at different altitudes in the sky to test the winds, knowing that if they would just line up in a vertical straight line "we" would be go for launch.I feel this mission was created for me because I am also a journalist and a photographer, but above all I live for taking a leap of faith - the feeling of pushing the envelope into uncharted territory.The guy who is going to do this, Felix Baumgartner, must have that same feeling, at a level I will never reach. However, it did not stop me from feeling his pain when a gust of swirling wind kicked up and twisted the partially filled balloon that would take him to the upper end of our atmosphere. As soon as the 40-acre balloon, with skin no thicker than a dry cleaning bag, scraped the ground I knew it was over.How claustrophobia almost grounded supersonic skydiverWith each twist, you could see the wrinkles of disappointment on the face of the current record holder and "capcom" (capsule communications), Col. Joe Kittinger. He hung his head low in mission control as he told Baumgartner the disappointing news: Mission aborted.The supersonic descent could happen as early as Sunday.The weather plays an important role in this mission. Starting at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. The balloon, with capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the troposphere) where our day-to-day weather lives. It will climb higher than the tip of Mount Everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilometers) and into the stratosphere. As he crosses the boundary layer (called the tropopause), he can expect a lot of turbulence.The balloon will slowly drift to the edge of space at 120,000 feet (22.7 miles/36.53 kilometers). Here, "Fearless Felix" will unclip. He will roll back the door.Then, I would assume, he will slowly step out onto something resembling an Olympic diving platform.Below, the Earth becomes the concrete bottom of a swimming pool that he wants to land on, but not too hard. Still, he'll be traveling fast, so despite the distance, it will not be like diving into the deep end of a pool. It will be like he is diving into the shallow end.Skydiver preps for the big jumpWhen he jumps, he is expected to reach the speed of sound - 690 mph (1,110 kph) - in less than 40 seconds. Like hitting the top of the water, he will begin to slow as he approaches the more dense air closer to Earth. But this will not be enough to stop him completely.If he goes too fast or spins out of control, he has a stabilization parachute that can be deployed to slow him down. His team hopes it's not needed. Instead, he plans to deploy his 270-square-foot (25-square-meter) main chute at an altitude of around 5,000 feet (1,524 meters).In order to deploy this chute successfully, he will have to slow to 172 mph (277 kph). He will have a reserve parachute that will open automatically if he loses consciousness at mach speeds.Even if everything goes as planned, it won't. Baumgartner still will free fall at a speed that would cause you and me to pass out, and no parachute is guaranteed to work higher than 25,000 feet (7,620 meters).It might not be the moon, but Kittinger free fell from 102,800 feet in 1960 - at the dawn of an infamous space race that captured the hearts of many. Baumgartner will attempt to break that record, a feat that boggles the mind. This is one of those monumental moments I will always remember, because there is no way I'd miss this.


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