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    毕业论文 毕业设计 采矿工业 外文翻译 中英文.doc

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    毕业论文 毕业设计 采矿工业 外文翻译 中英文.doc

    附录A:中英文翻译(原文)高陡边坡下采矿安全问题分析探讨我国大中型金属矿山大多始建于上世纪5O60年代。经过几十年的开采,目前,8O%的铁矿将进入中晚期开采阶段,部分矿山在高陡边坡下进行深凹露天开采1、2。即使那些已经闭坑的铁矿,为了回收残留在开采境界外露天边坡上的剩余矿体(称为挂帮矿),也得在高陡边坡下对矿石进行强采。在高陡边坡条件下采矿必然带来诸多安全问题,文中基于大冶铁矿2#挂帮矿开采实例,对高陡边坡下采矿安全问题进行探讨。1 工程背景武钢大冶铁矿东露天采场自2O世纪7O年代由山坡露天转入深凹露天开采,最低已采至168m水平,边坡最高达440m,其高陡状况为国内外罕见。目前,东露天采场已经闭坑,转入了地下开采,但其边帮区域存在有大量的挂帮矿体,为回收资源,需要对北帮的2#挂帮矿体进行扩帮开采。2#挂帮矿体为尖山主矿体的残留矿,走向长6O70m,厚度3O50m,整个矿体被F13大断层所横穿3、4。由于挂帮矿赋存条件的特殊性,其开采一直是采矿界较为头痛的问题,它涉及地质学、采矿工程、岩土工程、工程安全与可靠性等多学科内容。采出边坡上的挂帮矿,属强采行为,有两方面的安全问题,一是采动条件下边坡保留岩体自身的稳定,其次是回采施工过程中的作业安全。两者彼此关联,相互影响,只有确保两者都安全,才能实现开采目的。2 边坡变形安全监测高陡边坡在挂帮矿开采期间受到很多因素的影响,在这些因素的作用下,岩体可能发生破坏,导致边坡变形,其最极端的结果是边坡丧失稳定,产生滑坡。由于边坡变形是一个自微观变形向宏观变形的转化过程,一般自变形开始至失稳有段经历,故可以在边坡发生变形的过程中,采取适当方法对其变形进行监测,确保其变形在安全范围之内,这样就确保了边坡的稳定。通过变形监测,掌握边坡变形的发展变化规律,进而对其进行预报,防止边坡的失稳,减小边坡失稳时人员和财产的损失5。2.1 监测方案根据大冶铁矿现有仪器和工程需要,本次变形监测的主要项目为表层岩体水平、垂直位移监测。2.2 测点布设原则 边坡监测断面通常选择在地质条件差,可能破坏的部位。本次2#挂帮矿的开采由于受F13断层的影响,开采区边坡破坏形式可能主要为散体塌落和侧向楔形破坏,因此,本次监测方案主要考虑控制采区正上方的岩体变形和F13断层上盘因开采引起的侧向变形。2.3 监测网的位置监测网点分布于2#挂帮矿境界内、外,它由3种点构成:控制点、观测点和监测点。控制点设在受外界干扰少的稳定处,选择矿区内能通视的国家等级点作为参考点;观测点是用来架设观测仪器的点,设置在已经稳定的南帮坑内台阶上作为测量北帮位移的不动点,其位置要求能方便置镜和测量人员的操作,矿区也有现成已埋设好了的点;监测点用来监测位移,设在北帮的开采境界外围的位移区,在整个开采过程中保留。其坐标用全站仪直接测得。其埋设方法要求用水泥沙浆包钢筋桩,上固定架设棱镜。受空间的限制,监测点布置在开采区上方的一36m水平和F13断层的两侧,计8个观测点。其中,1#、2#、6#测点组成主观测线,控制采区正上方的变形,4#、5#、8#测点控制F 。断层西侧的变形,3#、7#测点控制F13断层东侧的变形。2.4 监测设备采用矿山现有设备,监测仪器为瑞士徕卡TPS400电子全站仪,其精度为2+2×10-6。2.5 监测要求监测周期为每月一次,如遇雨季或发现异常位移量则加密观测。测量后作好详细记录,记录要求包括控制点、观测点和工作点分别的桩号及坐标,观测时间,天气及气温,参与人员等。2.6 监测数据及分析根据2#矿体的开采进度,从2003-09200411月对边坡进行了变形监测,取得了挂帮矿开挖过程中的边坡变形数据。依据露天矿监测方法的特点,建立计算成果表格,通过统计分析可以得出2#挂帮矿开采过程中边坡变形的特点。(1)在挂帮矿的开采过程中,边坡产生一定量的变形,尤其是在F13。断层处的边坡变形较大。(2)边坡向开挖临空面方向变形,变形量与边坡所在位置和高程有关。变形规律显现。(3)边坡x、y向累计位移远大于其z向位移,并且X、y向全年日平均位移速率小于边坡沉降量速率,边坡沉降量较小。(4)x、y、z三向全年日平均位移速率远小于经验预警值05mmd。(5)从回归分析上来看,x、y、z三向累计位移量趋于稳定,边坡发生滑坡的可能性较小。3 爆破震动安全及监测683.1 爆破参数优化设计在工程地质条件一定的情况下,矿山生产中各种爆破震动影响是危害高陡边坡稳定的主要因素,尤其是在裂隙较多、破碎带发育的边坡更是如此 大冶铁矿2#挂帮矿的开采是在原采场高陡边坡下进行,且由于F13断层横穿矿体,因此回采爆破要确保高陡边坡的稳定,必须采用减震控爆技术,优化爆破参数,以尽可能减小爆破震动的危害。(1)在境界线上,有条件的采用预裂爆破,以便在形成一条裂缝,阻隔爆破地震波向保留岩体的传播。用光面爆破,尽可能削弱生产爆破对保留边坡的危害。(2)严格控制生产主爆破的一次最大用药量,用勤放炮、放小炮来有效控制爆破危害;一次最大用药量600kg。(3)采用单排逐孔爆破法来尽可能减小单响最大药量。即每次爆破一排炮孔,并增大前后段起爆延期时间,起始就用较大段别的雷管,跳段设置,如:5、7、9、11、13等。同时,应对高陡边坡上挂帮矿开挖过程中的爆破所引起的震动进行监测,以期达到以下目的:及时监控开采过程中爆破震动的大小,确定其对边坡的影响程度;利用监测信息控制爆破规模,优化爆破工艺,正确组织生产,确保边坡的稳定。3.2 爆破震动监测爆破震动监测的内容包括地表质点振动速度、位移、加速度等。由于高陡边坡的稳定与质点振动速度的关系最为密切,因此,本次监测的内容为质点振动速度,这也是目前开展最普遍、工程上监测最多的内容。(1)测试系统。爆破震动测试多用电测法。它利用敏感元件在磁场中的相对运动,产生与振动成一定比例关系的电信号,经过二次仪表和记录装置得到振动信号。(2)监测仪器。采用成都中科动态仪器有限公司研制生产的IDTS 3850爆破振动仪,它与CD一1型拾震器连接在一起安放在测试点上。测试时,震动信号触发振动仪使其自动记录并将模拟电压量转换为数字量进行存储,这些数据可长期存放,即使断电后也不会丢失。爆破完后,通过RS一232标准串行口与笔记本电脑通讯,由计算机进行波形、谱图的各种特征参数及测试结果的表格显示、存储和打印等。(3)测点布置。考虑到F13断层的影响,根据矿山的地形,采用以下测点布置方案:在F13断层断面上布置两个测点,因F13断层贯穿2#矿体,因其爆破开挖必然对边坡的稳定产生影响;在临近爆破的边帮上垂直布置3个测点,研究爆破对临近边坡的震动影响及爆破震动规律,保证边帮的稳定要求。3.3 监测结果分析根据2#矿体的开采过程,从2003-092004-11月对爆破震动进行了16次现场监测,取得了挂帮矿开挖过程中的爆破震动数据。依据露天矿监测方法的特点,建立计算成果表格,通过对监测数据进行统计分析可以得出,在2#挂帮矿开采过程中爆破震动有如下特点。(1)在对挂帮矿进行爆破开采的过程中,各测点的垂直方向振速与水平振速相差不大,并且其最大振动速度远小于大冶铁矿危险边坡的临界振速值22cms,故可以认为现行爆破参数是可行的。(2)爆破主振频率远大于边坡的自振频率,因此边坡不易破坏。(3)爆破震动持续时间一般都在500ms以内。(4)在地质条件一定的情况下,距离和药量是影响爆破震动大小的主要因素,并且距离的影响较药量敏感。4 结论(1)高陡边坡的稳定性。在高边坡上开采挂帮矿的问题时,需根据边坡稳定性监测的实际,做出目的明确符合实际的监测设计,建立起实时监测系统,确保边坡稳定。(2)爆破对高陡边坡的影响不容忽视,应对其进行减震控制,并根据现场需要,爆破震动进行实时监测,确保安全开采。(3)在边坡变形监测和爆破震动监测时,应根据工程地质和需要,布置监测点,突出重点,兼顾全面,确保边坡稳定。参考文献:1 事新基霉天持地下开采不停产过度的探讨J冶奎矿山设计与建设,19992 孛 明黑旺铁矿边角矿律联合开采的应用J金属矿山,2001(12),2O 233 黄石墙矿工程设计l竞有限责任公司开采方案设计说明书R武汉:武汉钢铁集团矿业有限责任公司. 20034 虞 珏大墙铁矿露天南迎坡挂帮矿开采技术的研究D武汉:武汉科技大学,20055 蔡路革. 马建军,用余圭等岩质南边坡穗定性变形监洲厦应用J全晨矿山,2005(8)6 罗畚成辱震对边坡静定性影响的研览现状与发展J矿业快报2005107 陈柏林矿山边坡爆破振动洲试与分析J矿业快报,2004118 孙风采露天矿边坡位移监洲数据可靠性分析口矿业快报,20042High steep slope mining safety under AnalysisChina's large and medium-sized metal mines are mostly built in the last century O 5 1960s. After several decades of development, at present, of 80% of the iron ore mining into the advanced stage, Some mines in the high steep slope under Deep Surface Mining 1,2. Even those who have the Closed iron ore, In order to recover mining residue in the realm of the exposed slope of the horizon remaining ore (known as the Hanging Wall Mine), also in the high steep slope under the ore-mining. In high steep slope mining conditions will inevitably bring about many security problems, the text-based Daye Iron 2 # hanging wall mining example, right under high steep slope mining safety issues were discussed.1, the background Wuhan Iron East Daye Open Pit century since 2 O 7 O's open mountain slopes into Deep opencast mining, has been adopted to the minimum 168 m level, the slope of up to 440 m, its high for the domestic and international situation steep rare. Currently, the East has been open stope Closed, transferred to the underground mining, but its regional presence to help edge of a large number of hanging wall orebody, for the recovery of resources; we need to help the North 2 # pegged to help expand help for ore mining. 2 #hanging wall of the Eagle's Nest ore ore mining residue toward long 6O 70m, the thickness 30 50m, the entire orebody was F13 faults which crosses 3,4. As the hanging wall ore occurrence conditions are unique, in their exploitation of the mining sector has been more headache is the problem, which involves geology, mining engineering, geotechnical engineering, safety and reliability of many disciplines. Produced slope on the hanging wall ore is a strong mining act, two of the safety issues, first, under the conditions of mining rock slope retain its own stability, followed by the mining construction process of the safety of operations. Both interrelated and influence each other, only to ensure that they are safe, mining purposes can be achieved. 2, the deformation of slope safety monitoring High-steep slope mining hanging wall during the many factors, the role of these factors, Rock may be damaged, leading to the slope deformation, the most extreme outcome is the loss of slope stability, and cause landslides. Due to the slope from the deformation of a micro to macro - deformation of the transformation process, and the general deformation since the start of the instability is experiencing, Therefore, the slope of the deformation process and to take appropriate method deformation monitoring, ensure that the deformation of the safety net, thus ensuring the stability of the slope. Deformation monitoring, master slope deformation changes in the development law, and then its forecasting, to prevent slope instability, decreasing slope instability and damage to property 5. 2.1 Monitoring Program According INGENIOUS existing equipment and engineering needs, the deformation monitoring of major projects for the rock surface, Vertical displacement monitoring. 2.2 Measuring points principles laid Slope monitoring section is usually the poor geological conditions may damage the site. The 2 # hanging wall ore mining due to the fault of F13, Slope mining areas might undermine the main form of loose collapse and lateral wedge destruction, therefore, the monitoring program to control the main mining area to consider is the top 13 rock deformation and the fault is caused by the mining side.2.3 Monitoring Network position Monitoring networks located in two hanging wall ore realm inside and outside, which consists of three points: a control points, observation point and monitoring points. Control points are located in less outside interference by the stability, the choice mining area will be able to understand as the national levels as a reference point; observation point is to set up observation equipment, has been set up in the south to help stabilize the pit level as a measurement to help North displacement of the point The location request can facilitate home microscopy and measurement of the operation, the mining area has a ready-made laid a good point; monitoring points to monitor displacement, located in the North side of the realm of external exploitation of the displacement, in the entire mining process reservations. Total Station with its coordinates directly measured. Their methods and requirements laid with cement mortar package reinforced piles, on the erection of fixed prism. Subject to space restrictions, the monitoring points are deployed in the mining areas above a level of 36 m and F13 faults on both sides, total eight observation points. Of these, 1 #, 2 #, 6 # main components measured observation point line, to control the region is above the deformation, 4 #, 5 #, 8 # measured point control. The west side of the fault deformation, 3 #, 7 #control F13 measuring points east of the fault deformation. 2.4 Monitoring Equipment Mine use existing equipment, monitoring equipment for the Swiss LEICA TPS400 Electronic Total Station, The accuracy of the 2 +2 × 10-6.2.5 monitoring requirements Periodic monitoring of once a month, once the rainy season or unusual displacement volume encryption observation. Detailed measurements after records, requirements include control points, observation point and point respectively and the segment of coordinates, observation time, weather and temperature, and other participants. 2.6 Monitoring and Data Analysis According to 2 # ore mining progress From 2003 -09 2004-11 on the right slope deformation monitoring. Made a hanging wall ore in the process of excavation slope deformation data. Opencast monitoring method based on the characteristics of the establishment of calculated results form through statistical analysis can be reached 2 #hanging wall mining process slope deformation characteristics.(1) In the hanging wall ore mining process, have a certain amount of slope deformation, particularly in F13. Fault the slope deformation greater. (2) To the slope excavation empty direction deformation, deformation and slope location and the elevation. Deformation appears. (3) Slope x, y to the total displacement than its z displacement, and X, y to the average annual rate of less than slope displacement settlement rate, the smaller slope settlement. (4) x, y, z three days to an average annual rate of displacement experienced far less than the value of early warning 0.5 mm / d. (5) From the regression analysis, x, y, z three to the total displacement has stabilized, slope landslide occurred less likely. 3, blasting vibration monitoring and security 6 8 3.1 blasting parameters optimized design Engineering geological conditions in certain circumstances, Mine production of various blasting vibration is high and steep slope against the main factor for stability, especially in the more fractured, broken with the development of slope especially 2 # Daye Iron ore hanging wall of the former mining stope under high steep slope, Due to F13 Faults intersected ore, coal blasting to ensure high steep slope stability, we must adopt damping control blasting technology to optimize the blasting parameters, to minimize blasting vibration hazards. (1) in-line realm, conditional use presplit blasting to the formation of a crack, blasting seismic wave barrier to the spread of Rock reservation. With smooth blasting, blasting possible weakening of the reservation slope hazards. (2) strictly control the production of a major blasting largest drug production and logistics and fireworks up small to effectively control the guns blasting hazards; a maximum dosage 600kg. (3) single-row-by-blasting method to minimize ring for the largest single dose. That is, each blasting a hole Ranging shaped charge, and to increase after initiation of the delay, start using more of other detonators, hop setup, such as : 5,7,9,11,13, and so on. Meanwhile, a high steep slope should help ore made from discarded in the process of excavation blasting vibration caused by the monitor, with a view to achieving the following objectives : timely process control mining blasting vibration to the size, determine its impact on the slope; use of monitoring information control blasting scale, optimize the blasting process, correctly production and ensure slope stability. 3.2 blasting vibration monitoring Blasting vibration monitoring will include surface particle velocity, displacement, acceleration, and so on. Due to the steep slope stability and particle velocity is most closely related, therefore, The monitoring of the content of the particle velocity, which is currently carrying out the most common and most works on monitoring the content. (1) Testing system. Blasting vibration test more power measurement method. It uses magnetic sensor in the relative movement, and vibration have a certain ratio between the signals, after secondary instruments and recording devices to be vibration signal. (2) Monitoring instruments. Chengdu Branch using dynamic equipment developed and manufactured by Limited IDTS 3,850 blasting vibration device, with a CD-a seismometer connected placed in a testing point. Test, triggering shock vibration signal instrument will record it automatically simulate voltage conversion to digital storage, these data can be stored for a long period, even after the blackout began will not be lost. After blasting through an RS 232 serial port with the standard notebook computer communications, computer waveform, spectra of the various parameters and test results form the display, storage and printing. (3) Measuring point distribution. Taking into account the impact of F13 fault, according to the topography of mine, the following measuring point distribution program : section of the fault on F13 layout measuring point two, F13 fault runs through 2 # orebody, Blasting inevitable because of the slope stability; blasting near the edge on the vertical layout help three measuring points, Research blasting near the slope of the vibration and shock blasting laws to help ensure the stability edge requirements. 3.3 Monitoring Analysis According to the 2 # ore mining process. From 2003 -09 2004-11 blasting vibration on the right of 16 on-site monitoring, made a hanging wall ore in the process of excavation blasting vibration data. Opencast monitoring method based on the characteristics of the establishment of calculated results forms of monitoring data for statistical analysis can be drawn. 2 # in the hanging wall mining process blasting vibration has the following characteristics. (1) in the hanging wall ore mining blasting process, the measuring point, the vertical velocity and direction of the level of vibration velocity close, and the largest of its vibration is much less than INGENIOUS dangerous slope of the critical velocity value of 22 cm / s, Therefore it that the current blasting parameters is feasible. (2) Blasting vibration frequency slope than the natural frequencies, it is not easy slo


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