中文步进电机步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元步进电机件。在非超载的情况下,电机的转速、停止的位置只取决于脉冲信号的频率和脉冲数,而不受负载变化的影响,当步进驱动器接收到一个脉冲信号,它就驱动步进电机按设定的方向转动一个固定的角度,称为“步距角”,它的旋转是以固定的角度一步一步运行的。可以通过控制脉冲个数来控制角位移量,从而达到准确定位的目的;同时可以通过控制脉冲频率来控制电机转动的速度和加速度,从而达到调速的目的。工作原理步进电机是一种感应电机,它的工作原理是利用电子电路,将直流电变成分时供电的,多相时序控制电流,用这种电流为步进电机供电,步进电机才能正常工作,驱动器就是为步进电机分时供电的,多相时序控制器 虽然步进电机已被广泛地应用,但步进电机并不能象普通的直流电机,交流电机在常规下使用。它必须由双环形脉冲信号、功率驱动电路等组成控制系统方可使用。因此用好步进电机却非易事,它涉及到机械、电机、电子及计算机等许多专业知识。 步进电机作为执行元件,是机电一体化的关键产品之一, 广泛应用在各种自动化控制系统中。随着微电子和计算机技术的发展,步进电机的需求量与日俱增,在各个国民经济领域都有应用。 分类现在比较常用的步进电机包括反应式步进电机(VR)、永磁式步进电机(PM)、混合式步进电机(HB)和单相式步进电机等。 永磁式步进电机永磁式步进电机一般为两相,转矩和体积较小,步进角一般为7.5度 或15度; 永磁式步进电动机输出力矩大,动态性能好,但步距角大。 反应式步进电机反应式步进电机一般为三相,可实现大转矩输出,步进角一般为1.5度,但噪声和振动都很大。反应式步进电机的转子磁路由软磁材料制成,定子上有多相励磁绕组,利用磁导的变化产生转矩。 反应式步进电动机结构简单,生产成本低,步距角小;但动态性能差。 混合式步进电机混合式步进电动机综合了反应式、永磁式步进电动机两者的优点,它的步距角小,出力大,动态性能好,是目前性能最高的步进电动机。它有时也称作永磁感应子式步进电动机。它又分为两相和五相:两相步进角一般为1.8度而五相步进角一般为 0.72度。这种步进电机的应用最为广泛。 变频器对步进电机的节能改造三相步进电机专用变频器特点: 低频转矩输出180% ,低频运行特性良好 输出频率最大600Hz,可控制高速电机 全方位的侦测保护功能(过压、欠压、过载)瞬间停电再起动 加速、减速、动转中失速防止等保护功能 电机动态参数自动识别功能,保证系统的稳定性和精确性 高速停机时响应快 丰富灵活的输入、输出接口和控制方式,通用性强 采用SMT全贴装生产及三防漆处理工艺,产品稳定度高 全系列采用最新西门子IGBT功率器件,确保品质的高质量 基本原理通常电机的转子为永磁体,当电流流过定子绕组时,定子绕组产生一矢量磁场。该磁场会带动转子旋转一角度,使得转子的一对磁场方向与定子的磁场方向一致。当定子的矢量磁场旋转一个角度。转子也随着该磁场转一个角度。每输入一个电脉冲,电动机转动一个角度前进一步。它输出的角位移与输入的脉冲数成正比、转速与脉冲频率成正比。改变绕组通电的顺序,电机就会反转。所以可用控制脉冲数量、频率及电动机各相绕组的通电顺序来控制步进电机的转动。 反应式步进电机由于反应式步进电机工作原理比较简单。下面先叙述三相反应式步进电机原理。 1、结构: 电机转子均匀分布着很多小齿,定子齿有三个励磁绕阻,其几何轴线依次分别与转子齿轴线错开。 0、1/3、2/3,(相邻两转子齿轴线间的距离为齿距以表示),即A与齿1相对齐,B与齿2向右错开1/3,C与齿3向右错开2/3,A'与齿5相对齐,(A'就是A,齿5就是齿1)下面是定转子的展开图: 2、旋转: 如A相通电,B,C相不通电时,由于磁场作用,齿1与A对齐,(转子不受任何力以下均同)。 如B相通电,A,C相不通电时,齿2应与B对齐,此时转子向右移过1/3,此时齿3与C偏移为1/3,齿4与A偏移(-1/3)=2/3。 如C相通电,A,B相不通电,齿3应与C对齐,此时转子又向右移过1/3,此时齿4与A偏移为1/3对齐。 如A相通电,B,C相不通电,齿4与A对齐,转子又向右移过1/3 这样经过A、B、C、A分别通电状态,齿4(即齿1前一齿)移到A相,电机转子向右转过一个齿距,如果不断地按A,B,C,A通电,电机就每步(每脉冲)1/3,向右旋转。如按A,C,B,A通电,电机就反转。 由此可见:电机的位置和速度由导电次数(脉冲数)和频率成一一对应关系。而方向由导电顺序决定。 不过,出于对力矩、平稳、噪音及减少角度等方面考虑。往往采用A-AB-B-BCC-CA-A这种导电状态,这样将原来每步1/3改变为1/6。甚至于通过二相电流不同的组合,使其1/3变为1/12,1/24,这就是电机细分驱动的基本理论依据。 不难推出:电机定子上有m相励磁绕阻,其轴线分别与转子齿轴线偏移1/m,2/m(m-1)/m,1。并且导电按一定的相序电机就能正反转被控制这是旋转的物理条件。只要符合这一条件我们理论上可以制造任何相的步进电机,出于成本等多方面考虑,市场上一般以二、三、四、五相为多。 3、力矩: 电机一旦通电,在定转子间将产生磁场(磁通量)当转子与定子错开一定角度产生力 F与(d/d)成正比 S 其磁通量=Br*S Br为磁密,S为导磁面积 F与L*D*Br成正比 L为铁芯有效长度,D为转子直径 Br=N·I/R N·I为励磁绕阻安匝数(电流乘匝数)R为磁阻。 力矩=力*半径 力矩与电机有效体积*安匝数*磁密 成正比(只考虑线性状态) 因此,电机有效体积越大,励磁安匝数越大,定转子间气隙越小,电机力矩越大,反之亦然。 感应子式步进电机1、特点: 感应子式与传统的反应式相比,结构上转子加有永磁体,以提供软磁材料的工作点,而定子激磁只需提供变化的磁场而不必提供磁材料工作点的耗能,因此该电机效率高,电流小,发热低。因永磁体的存在,该电机具有较强的反电势,其自身阻尼作用比较好,使其在运转过程中比较平稳、噪音低、低频振动小。 感应子式某种程度上可以看作是低速同步的电机。一个四相电机可以作四相运行,也可以作二相运行。(必须采用双极电压驱动),而反应式电机则不能如此。例如:四相,八相运行(A-AB-B-BC-C-CD-D-DA-A)完全可以采用二相八拍运行方式.不难发现其条件为C=,D=. 一个二相电机的内部绕组与四相电机完全一致,小功率电机一般直接接为二相,而功率大一点的电机,为了方便使用,灵活改变电机的动态特点,往往将其外部接线为八根引线(四相),这样使用时,既可以作四相电机使用,可以作二相电机绕组串联或并联使用。 2、分类 感应子式电机以相数可分为:二相电机、三相电机、四相电机、五相电机等。以机座号(电机外径)可分为:42BYG(BYG为感应子式步进电机代号)、57BYG、86BYG、110BYG、(国际标准),而像70BYG、90BYG、130BYG等均为国内标准。 3、步进电机的静态指标术语 相数:产生不同对极N、S磁场的激磁线圈对数。常用m表示。 拍数:完成一个磁场周期性变化所需脉冲数或导电状态用n表示,或指电机转过一个齿距角所需脉冲数,以四相电机为例,有四相四拍运行方式即AB-BC-CD-DA-AB,四相八拍运行方式即 A-AB-B-BC-C-CD-D-DA-A. 步距角:对应一个脉冲信号,电机转子转过的角位移用表示。=360度(转子齿数J*运行拍数),以常规二、四相,转子齿为50齿电机为例。四拍运行时步距角为=360度/(50*4)=1.8度(俗称整步),八拍运行时步距角为=360度/(50*8)=0.9度(俗称半步)。 定位转矩:电机在不通电状态下,电机转子自身的锁定力矩(由磁场齿形的谐波以及机械误差造成的) 静转矩:电机在额定静态电作用下,电机不作旋转运动时,电机转轴的锁定力矩。此力矩是衡量电机体积(几何尺寸)的标准,与驱动电压及驱动电源等无关。 虽然静转矩与电磁激磁安匝数成正比,与定齿转子间的气隙有关,但过分采用减小气隙,增加激磁安匝来提高静力矩是不可取的,这样会造成电机的发热及机械噪音。 4、动态指标及术语: 1、步距角精度: 步进电机每转过一个步距角的实际值与理论值的误差。用百分比表示:误差/步距角*100%。不同运行拍数其值不同,四拍运行时应在5%之内,八拍运行时应在15%以内。 2、失步: 电机运转时运转的步数,不等于理论上的步数。称之为失步。 3、失调角: 转子齿轴线偏移定子齿轴线的角度,电机运转必存在失调角,由失调角产生的误差,采用细分驱动是不能解决的。 4、最大空载起动频率: 电机在某种驱动形式、电压及额定电流下,在不加负载的情况下,能够直接起动的最大频率。 5、最大空载的运行频率: 电机在某种驱动形式,电压及额定电流下,电机不带负载的最高转速频率。 6、运行矩频特性: 电机在某种测试条件下测得运行中输出力矩与频率关系的曲线称为运行矩频特性,这是电机诸多动态曲线中最重要的,也是电机选择的根本依据。如下图所示: 其它特性还有惯频特性、起动频率特性等。 电机一旦选定,电机的静力矩确定,而动态力矩却不然,电机的动态力矩取决于电机运行时的平均电流(而非静态电流),平均电流越大,电机输出力矩越大,即电机的频率特性越硬。 如下图所示: 其中,曲线3电流最大、或电压最高;曲线1电流最小、或电压最低,曲线与负载的交点为负载的最大速度点。 要使平均电流大,尽可能提高驱动电压,使采用小电感大电流的电机。 7、电机的共振点:步进电机均有固定的共振区域,二、四相感应子式的共振区一般在180-250pps之间(步距角1.8度)或在400pps左右(步距角为0.9度),电机驱动电压越高,电机电流越大,负载越轻,电机体积越小,则共振区向上偏移,反之亦然,为使电机输出电矩大,不失步和整个系统的噪音降低,一般工作点均应偏移共振区较多。 8、电机正反转控制: 当电机绕组通电时序为AB-BC-CD-DA或()时为正转,通电时序为DA-CD-BC-AB或()时为反转。 步进电机的一些基本参数电机固有步距角它表示控制系统每发一个步进脉冲信号,电机所转动的角度。电机出厂时给出了一个步距角的值,如86BYG250A型电机给出的值为0.9°/1.8°(表示半步工作时为0.9°、整步工作时为1.8°),这个步距角可以称之为电机固有步距角,它不一定是电机实际工作时的真正步距角,真正的步距角和驱动器有关。 通常步进电机步距角的一般计算按下式计算。 =360°/(Z·m·K) 式中 步进电机的步距角; Z转子齿数; m步进电动机的相数; K控制系数,是拍数与相数的比例系数 步进电机的相数是指电机内部的线圈组数,目前常用的有二相、三相、四相、五相步进电机。电机相数不同,其步距角也不同,一般二相电机的步距角为0.9°/1.8°、三相的为0.75°/1.5°、五相的为0.36°/0.72° 。在没有细分驱动器时,用户主要靠选择不同相数的步进电机来满足自己步距角的要求。如果使用细分驱动器,则相数将变得没有意义,用户只需在驱动器上改变细分数,就可以改变步距角。 保持转矩(HOLDING TORQUE)是指步进电机通电但没有转动时,定子锁住转子的力矩。它是步进电机最重要的参数之一,通常步进电机在低速时的力矩接近保持转矩。由于步进电机的输出力矩随速度的增大而不断衰减,输出功率也随速度的增大而变化,所以保持转矩就成为了衡量步进电机最重要的参数之一。比如,当人们说2N.m的步进电机,在没有特殊说明的情况下是指保持转矩为2N.m的步进电机。 DETENT TORQUE: 是指步进电机没有通电的情况下,定子锁住转子的力矩。DETENT TORQUE 在国内没有统一的翻译方式,容易使大家产生误解;由于反应式步进电机的转子不是永磁材料,所以它没有DETENT TORQUE。 步进电机特点1一般步进电机的精度为步进角的3-5%,且不累积。 2步进电机外表允许的最高温度。 步进电机温度过高首先会使电机的磁性材料退磁,从而导致力矩下降乃至于失步,因此电机外表允许的最高温度应取决于不同电机磁性材料的退磁点;一般来讲,磁性材料的退磁点都在摄氏130度以上,有的甚至高达摄氏200度以上,所以步进电机外表温度在摄氏80-90度完全正常。 3步进电机的力矩会随转速的升高而下降。 当步进电机转动时,电机各相绕组的电感将形成一个反向电动势;频率越高,反向电动势越大。在它的作用下,电机随频率(或速度)的增大而相电流减小,从而导致力矩下降。 4步进电机低速时可以正常运转,但若高于一定速度就无法启动,并伴有啸叫声。 步进电机有一个技术参数:空载启动频率,即步进电机在空载情况下能够正常启动的脉冲频率,如果脉冲频率高于该值,电机不能正常启动,可能发生丢步或堵转。在有负载的情况下,启动频率应更低。如果要使电机达到高速转动,脉冲频率应该有加速过程,即启动频率较低,然后按一定加速度升到所希望的高频(电机转速从低速升到高速)。 步进电动机以其显著的特点,在数字化制造时代发挥着重大的用途。伴随着不同的数字化技术的发展以及步进电机本身技术的提高,步进电机将会在更多的领域得到应用。 EnglishStepper motorStepper motor is the electric pulse signals into angular displacement or linear displacement of the open-loop stepper motor control element pieces. In the case of non-overloaded, the motor speed, stop position depends only on the pulse frequency and pulse number, regardless of load changes, when the driver receives a step pulse signal, it will drive a stepper motor to Set the direction of rotation of a fixed angle, called the "step angle", which the angle of rotation is fixed step by step operation. Number of pulses can be controlled by controlling the angular displacement, so as to achieve accurate positioning purposes; the same time by controlling the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, to achieve speed control purposes.WorkInduction motor is a stepper motor, does it work is the use of electronic circuits, the DC power supply into a time-sharing, multi-phase timing control current, this current stepper motor power supply, the stepper motor to work properly , The drive is sharing power supply for the stepper motor, the polyphase timing controllerAlthough the stepper motor has been widely used, but the stepper motor does not like a normal DC motor, AC motor in the conventional use. It must be double-ring pulse signal, power driver circuit composed of the control system can be used. Therefore, it is not easy with a good stepping motor, which involves mechanical, electrical, electronics and computers, and many other specialized knowledge.As the stepper motor actuators, electromechanical integration, one of the key products, widely used in a variety of automatic control systems. With the development of microelectronics and computer technology, increasing demand for stepper motor, has applications in all areas of the national economy.CategoriesNow more commonly used include the reaction of step motor stepper motor (VR), permanent magnet stepper motor (PM), hybrid stepper motors (HB) and single-phase stepper motor.Permanent magnet stepper motorPermanent magnet stepper motor is generally two-phase, torque, and smaller, usually 7.5 degree step angle or 15 degrees;Permanent magnet stepper motor output torque, dynamic performance, but a large step angle.Reaction Stepper Motor Reaction is generally three-phase stepping motor can achieve high torque output, step angle of 1.5 degrees is generally, but the noise and vibration are large. Reaction by the stepper motor rotor magnetic circuit made of soft magnetic materials, a number of the stator phase excitation winding, the use of permeability changes in torque.Step Motor simple structure, low production costs, step angle is small; but the dynamic performance is poor.Hybrid Stepping MotorHybrid Step Motor combines reactive, permanent magnet stepper motors of both, it's a small step angle, contribute a large, dynamic performance, is currently the highest performance stepper motor. It is also sometimes referred to as Permanent Magnet Induction Stepping Motor. It consists of two phases and the five-phase: the general two-phase step angle of 1.8 degrees and the general five-phase step angle 0.72 degrees. The most widely used Stepper Motor.Stepper motor drive for energy savingThree-phase stepper motor drive special features: 180% low torque output, low frequency characteristics of a good run Maximum output frequency 600Hz, high-speed motor control full range of detection of protection (over voltage, under voltage, overload) instantaneous power failure restart acceleration, deceleration, such as dynamic change in the stall protection function to prevent Electrical dynamic parameters of automatic recognition function to ensure stability and accuracy of the system quick response and high-speed shutdown abundant and flexible input and output interface and control, versatility use of SMT production and three full-mount anti-paint treatment process, product stability and high full range of Siemens IGBT power devices using the latest, to ensure the quality of high-qualityBasic principlesUsually for the permanent magnet rotor motor, when current flows through the stator windings, the stator windings produce a magnetic field vector. The magnetic field will lead to a rotor angle of the magnetic field makes the direction of a rotor and the stator's magnetic field direction. When the stator magnetic field vector rotating at an angle. As the rotor magnetic field is also transferred from another perspective. An electrical pulse for each input, the motor turning a point forward. It is the angular displacement of the output and input the number of pulses proportional to speed and pulse frequency is proportional to. Power to change the order of winding, the motor will reverse. Therefore, the number of available control pulse, frequency and power the motor windings of each phase in order to control the stepper motor rotation.Reaction Stepper MotorAs the response to stepping motor works is relatively simple. The following describes the first principle of three-phase stepping motor response. 1, the structure: uniformly distributed rotor with many small teeth, the stator excitation windings of three teeth, the geometric axis of the rotor tooth axis in order were staggered. 0,1 / 3 , 2 / 3 , (adjacent to the two axes of the rotor tooth pitch distance between the said), that is, with the teeth a relatively homogeneous A, B and staggered tooth 2 to the right 1 / 3 , C and the right to stagger tooth 3 2 / 3 , A 'and the tooth 5 is relatively homogeneous, (A' is A, is the gear teeth 5 1) The following is the rotor's expansion plan:2, rotation: If the A-phase power, B, C phase is not energized, the magnetic field, alignment of teeth 1 and A, (without any power of the rotor are the same the following). Such as the B-phase power, A, C phase is not energized, gear 2, and B should be aligned, when the rotor over to the right 1 / 3 , this time offset teeth 3 and C 1 / 3 , teeth 4 and A shift ( -1 / 3 te) = 2 / 3 . Such as the C-phase power, A, B phase is not energized, gear 3, and C should be aligned, this time right off the rotor Youxiang 1 / 3 , 4 and A gear shift time is 1 / 3 alignment. Such as the A-phase power, B, C phase is not energized, 4 and A-aligned teeth, the rotor Youxiang right over 1 / 3 so after A, B, C, A are energized, gear 4 (ie, the previous tooth 1 teeth) to the A-phase, rotor to the right around a pitch, if you continue to press the A, B, C, A . . power, the motor for each step (per pulse) 1 / 3 , Rotate Right. Such as by A, C, B, A . . power, the motor to reverse. This shows that: the location and speed of motor conduction times by the (number of pulses) and frequency into one relationship. The direction determined by the conductivity of the order. However, out of torque, smooth, noise and reduce the angle considerations. Often with A-AB-B-BC-C-CA-A this conductive state, so that each step the original 1 / 3 changed to 1 / 6 . Even through different combinations of two-phase current, so 1 / 3 into 1 / 12 , 1 / 24, te, which is the basic theory of the motor-driven basis for subdivision. Easily introduced: m phase on the stator excitation windings, the axis of the rotor tooth axis were offset 1 / m, 2 / m . . (m-1) / m, 1. And conductivity at a certain phase sequence reversing motor can be controlled - this is the rotation of the physical conditions. As long as we meet this condition can theoretically create any phase stepper motor, because of cost, and many other considerations, the market generally two, three, four, five-phase is more. 3, the torque: the motor once energized, will produce between the stator and rotor magnetic field (magnetic flux ) when the rotor and stator stagger angle to produce force F and (d / d) is proportional to S the magnetic flux = Br * S Br for the flux density, F and S for the magnetic area of L * D * Br core is proportional to L, effective length, D is rotor diameter Br = N I / RN I was excited winding ampere turns (current x turns) R for the magnetic resistance. Torque = force * radius of the torque and the motor turns the effective volume * An * is proportional to the flux density (only consider the linear state), therefore, the greater the effective volume of the motor, the greater the excitation ampere turns, the smaller air gap between stator and rotor, the motor torque, and vice versa.Induction Stepping Motor1, features: Induction, compared with the traditional reactive, structural reinforced with a permanent magnet rotor, in order to provide the working point of soft magnetic materials, and the stator excitation magnetic field changes only need to provide to provide the operating point of the consumption of magnetic materials energy, so the motor efficiency, current, low heat. Due to the presence of permanent magnets, the motor has a strong EMF, the damping effect of its own good, it is relatively stable during operation, low noise, low frequency vibration. Induction can be seen as somewhat low-speed synchronous motor. A four-phase motor can be used for four-phase operation, but also can be used for two-phase operation. (Must be bipolar voltage drive), while the motor is not so reactive. For example: four phase, eight