济南大学泉城学院毕业论文外文资料翻译题 目 模糊评判法在学生评价中的应用 学 院 泉城学院 专 业 信息与计算科学 班 级 0901 学 生 学 号 20093014004 指导教师 二一三年 三 月二十五日 模糊评判法在学生评价中的应用1、引言学生评价是学校教学管理中的重要一节,其中涉及奖学金评定、三好学生评定、以及关系学生前途的毕业证评语等。而传统的评价模式就是以学习成绩论“英雄”,其缺点在于评价模式过于单一,而对于学生的个人特长、还有其他一些优秀的地方,比如好人好事等反映学生综合素质的方面没有反映出来,所以其评价结果不是十分的公允。本文给出了一种模糊评判法可以很好的应用在学生评价中。本评价方法将学生的考试成绩、平时成绩、个人特长发挥、好人好事等体现个人综合素质的方面都作为评价因数,然后运用模糊评判法得出一个综合结果。从而可以在奖学金评定、三好学生评定、入党审查以及毕业评语等提供更公允的依据。2、学生评价的影响因素因为学校所在的地区不同,所以学校的周边环境也不相同,这对学生的行为会有一定的影响,还有学校的管理模式等不同,对学生的评价都有一定的影响,在学校的教学管理系统中对学生评价的主要因素主要有以下几个方面:1、考试成绩。学生的主要任务是学习,考试成绩能反映出学生的学习态度、学习的努力程度、对所学课程的掌握程度等。所以考试成绩一直作为评价学生的主要依据。 2、特长发挥。个人特长作为一个人的重要优势,对一个人的影响是巨大的。一个学生能将自己的特长无私的展现和奉献给大家,比如在学校的文艺汇演、体育竞技等方面,不仅能说明该生有某种潜力,也说明该生具有奉献精神。 3、好人好事。可以将好人好事作为体现一个学生的思想境界和综合素质的重要依据,因为社会主义现代化建设需要的是德才兼备的人才,而德又是最重要的。 4、其他。比如递交入党申请书、参加各种社团活动、助研助教、积极参加各种比赛等都可以反映一个学生的思想和他所具备的技术水平,所以也可以将其作为学生评价的一项依据。3、模糊评判法在学生评价中的应用模糊综合评判法是一种运用模糊数学原理对一些事物的多种属性或影响事物特性好坏优劣的影响因素,作出一个合理的综合的评判。通过各因子的权重以及各因子与对象的模糊矩阵经模糊运算,通过一定的数学模型,对对象作出模糊评判。(1)确定因素集 因素是对象的各种性能和质量指标,一个对象的评价因素有很多,他们能反映一个对象的质量,从而对对象进行评价,设因素m个,则因素集。(2)确定因素权重集 在综合评判中,因素的作用不同其权重也是不同的,设定,是集中因素的影响程度的大小。并且满足。其选择比重的正确与否关系到评判的i=1结果。一般采用专家调查法,其主观色彩比较重,对评判结果有一定的影响。 (3)确定评语集 因素的评价等级有n个,则评语集。 (4)建立评价矩阵 通过多位专家对实际对象的考察,作出结论,建立评价矩阵。 (5)模糊综合评价 R成为因素 U到评语集V 的一个模糊关系。表示到评语集的隶属度。 (1)模糊评判模型可表示为: (2)(6)得出评判结论4、结论 本文研究模糊评判法在教学管理系统中的学生评价的应用,通过对影响学生评价的各种因素的分析而对其赋予不同的权重,利用模糊评判法对学生做出一个综合的评判。由于本人水平有限,再加上本文是针对特定地区的个别教学管理系统的评判,在文中的权重通过专家调查分析而来,带有一定的主观色彩。Fuzzy Evaluation In Student Assessment ApplicationSuch as the Li 1、preface The student assessment is in school teaching management important one, involves the scholarship evaluation, the healthy, studious, and helpful student to evaluate, as well as relates the student future the graduation card evaluation and so on. While the traditional evaluation model is to study the theory of "hero", drawback evaluation mode for students is too simplex, and some other good place, such as good as reflects the comprehensive qualities of students, so not reflected the evaluation result is not very fair. This assessment method student's score on the test, usually the result, individual special skill display, the good people and good deeds and so on manifests individual overall quality the aspect as the appraisal factor, then the utilization fuzzy evaluation law obtains a comprehensive result. Thus may in the scholarship evaluation, the healthy, studious, and helpful student evaluate, join a political party the examination as well as the graduation evaluation and so on provides a fairer more and just basis.2、the factors which influencing students' evaluation Because the school area is different, so the school circumjacent environment is not identical also, the student will have certain effect, and the school of management mode, the evaluation of different students all have certain influence in the school, the teaching management system and evaluation of students in the major factors mainly in the following aspects:1、the examination results. Student's main task is to learn and test scores can reflect student learning attitude, study hard, the master degree courses. So the exam achievement evaluation has been the main basis of students.2、strong points .the important advantages of a person's influence is huge. A student will own specialty and selfless dedication to everyone, as in the school of art performance, sports competition, etc, can not only shows the potential, also have some illustrates this a dedication.3、good people and good deeds. Can be a good thing for the students' comprehensive quality and the important basis for socialist modernization need is integrity, and the most important DE.4、others. Like submitting application, to participate in various activities, ras ta, actively participate in various games can reflect a student's thought and he has the technical level, so also will the students as a basis of evaluation.3、fuzzy evaluation in student assessment applicationFuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is a kind of fuzzy mathematical theory of multiple attribute or something bad things affect factors affecting the properties, make a reasonable comprehensive evaluation. Through the weight of each factor and each factor and the object of fuzzy matrix by fuzzy operators, through some mathematical model of fuzzy evaluation objects, make.(1) confirm the evaluations factor assemblyThe object is the quality and performance of the evaluation index, anobject, there are many factors, they can reflect the quality of an object, so as to evaluate object, set factors have m. factors.(2) decide weights of each influencing factorIn the comprehensive evaluation of the effects of different factors, the weight is different, setting , is the size of the effect degree of factors in sets. And satisfied. The choice of proportion in relation to the correctness of the evaluation result i= 1. Commonly used experts investigation, the subjectivity of the heavier, have certain effect.(3) Determine the commentsThe rating of factors have n, Comment set .(4) establish evaluation matrixThrough the actual object to the experts, conclusions, establish evaluation matrix .(5) fuzzy comprehensive evaluationR comes to be a fuzzy relationship from factor U to set V. express the membership from to set . (1)Fuzzy evaluation model can be expressed as (2)(6) make the conclusion of the evaluation 4、conclusionIn this paper,fuzzy evaluation in the students' evaluation of teaching management system have been researched, and based on the application of various factors affect students' evaluation for the analysis of different weights, using the fuzzy evaluation method for students to make a comprehensive evaluation. Because of my limited, plus a specific area is the individual teaching management system, the paper analyses the weight by experts investigation, with certain subjective color.