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    1,国际工程招标说明书,Construction Management,2,名称 INVITATION TO TENDER题注Whole Doc.Date:Tender No.1.The Peoples Republic of China has-applied for aloanandcredit from the World Bank towards the cost of _Project.Itis intended that part of the proceeds of this loan and credit will be applied to eligible payment under various contracts for _,_,_.Tendering isopentoalltendernessfromeligiblesource countries as defined under the“Guidelines for procurement”oftheWorld Bank.,Construction Management,3,2._ Company now invites sealed tendersfrompre-qualified tenderers for provision of the necessary labor,materials,equipmentand services for the construction and completion of the project.3.Pre-qualified tenderers may obtain furtherinformationfrom,and inspect the tender documents at the office of:_.4.Acompletesetoftenderdocumentsmaybeobtainedbyany pre-qualified tenderer for the cost of RMB _ or US$_on the submission of a written application to the above.5.All tendersmustbeaccompaniedbyaTenderSecurityinan acceptableform andmustbedeliveredto_Companyatthe above-mentioned address(refer to Item 3)on or before _.,Construction Management,4,6.Tenderswillbeopenedinthepresenceofthosetenderers representatives who choose to attend at _(time)。7.If a prequalified foreign tenderer wishestoformJointventure with a domestic contractor,such a request will be considered ifreceived within _ days before the closing date for submission of tenders.The selected local contractor shall be subject to approval by the Employer.8.The Pre-Tender Meeting will be held on _ at thefollowing address:_.,Construction Management,5,Instructions to TenderersGeneral 1.Description of Works(sketch)All tenderers shall have equal access for supplyofdomesticlabour and material.The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the procurementof local labor,materials,transportation and other services.The Employer will assist Contractor in locatingpotentialnumberof suppliers for local labor,materials.The Employer will alsoassistthe contractorinmakinghisownarrangementforsupplyof fuel and explosives.,Construction Management,6,2.Source of Funds2.1 The Peoples Republic of China has applied for a loanandcredit from the World Bank hereinafter referred to as the IFI)towards thecost of _ Project,and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of the loan and credit to eligible paymentsundertheContractforwhich these documents are issued.Payment by the IFI will be madeonlyatthe request of the Chinese Government and upon approval by the IFI and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement.No party other than the Peoples Republic of China shall derive any rights from the Loan Agreement or have any claim to the loan。,Construction Management,7,2.2 Payment from the proceeds of the World Bank Loan willbelimited to goods produced in,and servicessuppliedfrom,Switzerlandandthe member countries of the World Bank which havecommercialrelationswith China.2.3 All costs not met by the IFI Loan will bepaidbytheEmployer from funds allocated by the Government of China.,Construction Management,8,3.Eligibility and Qualification Requirements3.1 This tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderersfromeligible source countries as defined under the“Guidelines for Procurement”ofthe world Bank.3.2 All goods and services to be supplied underthisContractshall have their origin in eligible source countries,and all expendituresmade under the Contract will be limited to such goods and services.3.3 The origin of goods and services is distinct from thenationality of the tenderer.,Construction Management,9,3.4 To beeligible forawardofcontract,tenderersshallhave provided evidence satisfactory to the Employer of their eligibilityunder clause 3.1 above,and of their capability andadequacyofresourcesto effectively carryouttheContract.Tothis end,theEmployerand_ company may,at any time prior to award of contract,request tenderers to amplify for update previously submitted prequalification data.All Tenders submitted should include the following information:,Construction Management,10,(a)copies of original documents defining theconstitutionorlegal status,place of registration andprincipalplaceofbusinessofthe company,firm or partnership or,if a joint venture,of each party thereto constituting the tenderer;(b)the qualifications and experience of keypersonnelproposedfor administration and execution of the Contract,both on and off site,in the format prescribed in Schedule V;,Construction Management,11,(c)major items of constructional plant and equipment proposed for use in carrying out the Contract in the format prescribed in Schedule IV;(d)a list of proposed sub-contractors intheformatprescribedin Schedule VI;(e)information regarding any current litigation in which the tenderer is involved;(f)the details of the construction methods proposed.,Construction Management,12,3.5 For the purposesofsub-clause3.4,tendererswhohavebeen pre-qualified may update and augment the information suppliedwiththeir applicationforpre-qualification,and,in particular,shall give particulars of work in hand at the date of tendering.,Construction Management,13,3.6 Tenders submitted by a joint ventureoftwoormorefirmsas partners shall comply with the following requirements:(a)the tender,and incaseofasuccessfultendertheFormof Agreement,shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners;(b)one of the Joint Venture members shall benominatedassponsor;and this authorizationshallbeevidencedbysubmittingapowerof attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of allthemembersof the joint venture;,Construction Management,14,(c)the joint venture sponsor shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all membersofthe joint venture and the entire execution of the Contractincludingpayment shall be done exclusively with the joint venture sponsor;(d)all members of the jointventureshallbeliablejointlyand severally for theexecutionoftheContractinaccordancewiththe Contract terms,and a relevant statement to this effect shall beincluded in the authorization mentioned under(b)above as well as in theFormof Tender and the Form of Agreement(in case of a successful tender);And(e)a copy of the agreement entered into by the joint venture partners shall be submitted with the tender.,Construction Management,15,3.7 Domestic tenderers or combinations or joint venturesofdomestic and foreign tenderers applying for eligibility for theapplicationofa_%margin of preference in the comparison of their tenderwithother tenders shall supply all information required to satisfy the criteriafor eligibility as described in Clause 29 of these Instructions.,Construction Management,16,4.Cost of Tendering The tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparationand submissionofhistenderandneithertheEmployernorhis agent_ Company will in any way be responsibleorliableforthose costs,regardless of the outcome of the tendering process.,Construction Management,17,5.Site Visit5.1 The tenderer is advised to visit and examine the Site of the Works and the surroundings and to obtain for himself on his ownresponsibility,all information thatmaybenecessaryforpreparingthetenderand entering into a contract.The costs of visiting the site shall beatthe tenderers own expense.5.2 Arrangements for a visit tosite,includingtransportationand accommodation.will be made by the Employer or his agent _ Company and will be advised to tenderers at the pre-tendermeeting,detailsof which are given in Clause 16 of these Instructions to Tenderers.,,Construction Management,18,5.Site Visit5.3 The tenderer andanyofhisrepresentativeswillbegranted permission by the Employer or his agent _ company to enterupon its premises and landsforthepurposeofsuchinspectionbyprior arrangement,but only upon the express condition that the tenderer and his representatives,will release and indemnify theEmployerorhisagent_ Company and its personnel from and againstallliabilityin respect thereof and will be responsible for personal injury(whether fatal or otherwise),loss of or damage to property and any otherloss,damage,costs and expenses however caused,which,but fortheexerciseofsuch permission,would not have arisen.,Construction Management,19,6.Content of Tender Documents6.1 The set of documents issued topre-qualifiedtenderersforthe purpose of tendering will cost RMB_ or US$_ and willinclude the stated number of copies of the following:Number of copies Description1 Volume 1 Instructions to TenderersConditions of Contract:Part IGeneralPart IIConditions of Particular Volume 2 Specification(incl.list of Drawings)Volume 3 Form of Tender and Appendix thereto Form of Tender Security;Bill of Quantities Schedules of Supplementary InformationVolume 4 Drawings,Construction Management,20,6.2 Tender documents shall include any addendaissuedpriortothe closing date of tenders in accordance with Clause 8andanyminutes fore-tendermeetingsissuedinaccordancewithClause 16of these Instructions to Tenderers.6.3 Further copies of the documents may be purchased bypre-qualified tenderers for a non-refundable fee as follows:6.4 Sub-contractors,manufacturers,suppliers and otherswhorequire copies of the documents shall not request them directly from _but shall obtain them only from pre-qualified tenderers.,Construction Management,21,6.5 On return of the documents in an undamaged and useablecondition,either as part of a tender or otherwise,within the specified time limits,the tenderers pre-qualification fee will be refunded,as follows:(a)Tender submitted:_%refund of fee(b)Tender not submitted but _%refund of fee Documents returned prior to closing date of tender,Construction Management,22,6.6 The tenderer is expected to examinecarefullyallinstructions,conditions,forms,terms,specificationsanddrawingsinthetender documents.Failure to comply with the requirements of the Instructionsto Tenderers will be at thetenderersownrisk.Tenderswhicharenot substantially responsive to the requirements of the tenderdocumentsmaybe rejected.6.7 The four volumes of the tender documents havebeencollatedand bound by mechanical means and tenderers should check to ensurethatthey contain a pages(whichare numberedconsecutively)andthatall supplements referreded to are also included.,Construction Management,23,7.Clarification of Tender Documents7.1 A Prospective tenderer requiring any clarification ofthetender documents may notify _ in writing or by telex atthefollowing address:_.The Employer or his agent _ will respond in writing to any request for clarification which is received more than _ days priorto the deadline for submission of tenders.Written copies of the response(including an explanation of the query,but without identifying the source of the inquiry)will be sent to all prequalified tenderers whohavebeen issued with tender documents.,Construction Management,24,8.Amendment of Tender Documents8.1 Prior to the deadline for submission of tenders,the Employer may,for any reason,whetheratitsowninitiativeorinresponsetoclarification requested byaprospectivetenderer,modifythetender documents by the issue of an Addendum.8.2 The Addendum will be sent in writing or by telexortelegramto all pre-qualified tenderers who have picked up thetenderdocumentsand willbe bindinguponthem.Prospective tenderers shall promptly acknowledge receipt thereof by telex or telegram to _.8.3 In order to afford prospective tenderers reasonable time inwhich to take an Addendum into account in preparing their tenders,theEmployer or his agent _ may,at their discretion,extend thedeadlinefor the submission of tenders in accordance with Clause 19 hereof.,Construction Management,25,Preparation of Tenders9.Language of Tender9.1 The tender and all correspondence relating to the tender exchanged by the tenderer and the Employer orhisagent_shallbein English.Supporting documents andprintedliteraturefurnishedbythe tenderer with the tender may be inanotherlanguageprovidedtheyare accompanied by an appropriate English translation ofpertinent passages.For the purpose of interpretation of the tender,the English version shall prevail.,Construction Management,26,10.Documents Comprising the Tender10.1 The tender to be Preparedbythetenderershallcontainthe following:the Form of Tender and Appendix thereto;the Tender Security;the priced Bill of Quantities;the Schedules of Supplementary Information;the information on eligibility and qualifications;alternative offers,if any;And any other information required tobesubmittedinaccordancewith these Instructions.The Forms,Bill of Quantities and Schedules provided inVolume3of these documents shall be used without exception(subject to extensions of the Schedules in the same format,and to theprovisionsofClause14.2 hereof regarding the alternative forms of tender security)。,Construction Management,27,10.2 All documents issued for the purpose of tendering as described in Clause 6.1 and addenda issued in accordance with Clause 8 shall be incorporated in the tender.Tender documents not required to be signed and submitted in accordance with Clauses 17 and 18 shall bereturnedtothe office of issue before the expiry of the tender validity period,butmustnt be enclosed with the Tender.10.3 Tenderers shall submit with their tender a preliminaryProgramme in the format required by Clause 14 of the Conditions of Contract.10.4 The successful tenderer will be required to revise or augment his Programme as set out in the Contract.,Construction Management,28,11.Tender Prices11.1 Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the tenderdocuments,the Contract shall be for the whole of the Works _ as described in Clause1 hereof,based on the schedules of unit rates andamountssubmittedby the tenderer.11.2 The tenderer shall fill in rates and amountsforallitemsof work described in the Bill of Quantities,whether quantities are stated or not.Items against which no rate or amount is entered by the tenderer will not be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemedcovered by the other rates and amounts entered in the Bill of Quantities.,Construction Management,29,11.3 All duties,taxes and otherlevies(levy payablebytheContractor under the Contract,or for any other cause,as at the date_days prior to the date for submission of tenders shall be included in the rates and amounts and total tendersumsubmittedbythetenderer,andthe evaluation and comparisonoftendersbytheEmployershallbemade accordingly.11.4 The rates and amounts entered by the tenderer shall be subject to adjustment during the performance of the Contract in accordancewiththe provisions of the Conditions ofContract.Thetenderershallcomplete Schedule III表三-Price Adjustment Provisions and shall submit with histender such other supporting information as is required under Clause ofthe Conditions of Contract.,Construction Management,30,12.Currencies of Tender and Payment12.1 The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the tenderentirely in RMB.A tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies for inputs to


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