定语从句介绍电影和人物,服从真理,就能征服一切事物,2L2RDB口T,How to introduce aMovieWith attributive clauses,You are the apple of my eye些年is an excellent movie which女攻teaches us to cherish puppy loveand youth3 idiotsa VIDHU VNCD CHOPRA produ印度三傻是一部励志电影教我们要为了自己的兴趣而努力。is an encouraging movie whichteaches us to make efforts for ourinterestThree idiots,The Flowers of Warreminds us of a tough period whenChinese met with great sufferings发一两小无猜使我们想起了童年时代,当时我们过着幸福自由的生活34greminds us of our childhood whene lead a happy and free lifeLove Me If You dare,旧尼】贺S园国国雨酯星副史巨能Avatar.shows us a planet where wecan enjoy beautiful scenery阿凡汰后天为我们展示了一个世界,在那上千里我们面临着各种各样的灾难。shows us a world where we facear ous disasters.MAY2日The day after Tomorrow,器,Whenrinteodycingsgrmouie,you should includeI am honored to introduce to you a greatmovie whose name is Robot.Directed by aleyProyas,the movie came out in 2004,in whichWill Smith and bridget Moynahan playedleading roles.It tells us about a detective calleSpnooer who saved the human beings out ofthe control of the robotsill never forget the scene where spoor jumped out ofthe motorbike shooting the robots the reason whyrecommend this movie is that not only is it thrilling andmaginative,but also it leads me to thinking about theeffects of the scientific technology on human beings,When introducing a movie,you should includeBasic informationo The name of the movieDirector and actors/actressesYear of production2.The story of the movie3.The most unforgettable scene4.The reason why you recommend the movie,I am honored to introduce to you a greatnovie(hose name is DRobot.Directed by AlexProvas,the movie came out in 2004,in whichWill Smith and Bridget Moynahan playedleading rolesIt tells us about adetective called Spnooer Who saved thehuman beings out of the control of therobotsI will never forget the scene Where Spoor jumped out ofthe motorbike,shooting the robots.The reason(whyrecommend this movie is that not only is it thrilling andmaginative but also it leads me to thinking about theeffects of the scientific technology on human beings,Get Familiar with the sentence patternsI am honored to introduce to you a moviewhosename is2.Directed by sb.,the movie came out in(y品年份),in which sb.and sbplayed leading roles:3.It tells us about sb.who4.I will never forget the scenewhere5.The reason whI recommendthe movie is that,谢谢,骑封篙尊慈榷灶琴村店矣垦桂乖新压胚奠倘擅寞侥蚀丽鉴晰溶廷箩侣郎虫林森-消化系统疾病的症状体征与检查林森-消化系统疾病的症状体征与检查,11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。邓拓12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。爱尔兰13、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。老子14、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。歌德15、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。迈克尔F斯特利,