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    Module 1,WY 五年级下册,Unit 1 We lived in a small house.,2023/3/29,1.Look,listen and say.,Look,there are two beautiful cats on the chair.看,椅子上有两只漂亮的猫。,知识点 1,讲解来自点拨,there be 句型的一般现在时表示(现在)某地有某人/物,be 动词的单复数由 be 动词后的主语决定。,用法:,There is/are+人/物+地点状语,句型结构:,There is a girl in the room.房间里有个女孩。,例句:,易错点提示,如果there be后面有多个名词,be动词的单复数要由离它最近的名词来决定。,讲解来自点拨,Well,there were two.噢,(刚才)有两只。,知识点 2,讲解来自点拨,there be句型的一般过去时,表示过去(某地)有某物。,用法:,There was/were+人/物+地点状语,句型结构:,There was a big tree here last year.去年这儿有一棵大树。,例句:,2.Listen,read and act out.,Lingling is still in the UK with Sam and Amy.Amy:Look,Lingling!Its a programme about China.Come and watch!Lingling:Im coming!Old lady:Life was very different in China many years ago.Interviewer:How was it different?Oldlady:We lived in a small house.We didnt have enough food.There werent many buses.There werent any televisions.,2.Listen,read and act out.,Interviewer:How about now?Old lady:We live in a big house.Weve got lots of food.There are lots of buses and cars.I watch TV every day.Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren.Interviewer:Thank you for talking to us.Amy:China is changing.Lingling:I miss China!I miss my grandma!,still/stl/adv.还,仍然,知识点 3,讲解来自点拨,Now Im still in Beijing.现在我仍然在北京。,例句:,still是副词,在句中通常放在实义动词之前,系动词之后。,用法:,Its a programme about China.它是一个有关中国的节目。,知识点 4,讲解来自点拨,此句中about为介词,其后通常要跟名词、代词或动名词。,用法:,Its a programme about dogs.它是一个关于狗的节目。,例句:,Life was very different in China many years ago.在中国,许多年前的生活非常不同。,知识点 5,讲解来自点拨,We live a happy life.我们过着幸福的生活。,例句:,lives,复数:,life/laf/n.生活,联想记忆法:,以 f,fe结尾的名词,变为复数时,要变f,fe为ves!如:wifewives knifeknives leafleaves,妻子(wife)持刀(knife)去宰狼(wolf),小偷(thief)吓得发了慌,躺在架(shelf)后保己(self)命(life),半(half)片树叶(leaf)遮目光。,讲解来自点拨,Life was very different in Beijing many years ago.在北京,许多年前的生活非常不同。,例句:,difference n.不同,词形变化:,different/dfrnt/adj.不同的,对应词记忆法:,same 相同的,be different from.与不同,短语:,ago/adv.以前,讲解来自点拨,I bought a book two days ago.两天前我买了一本书。,例句:,“时间段+ago”用于一般过去时态的句子中。,用法:,many years ago 许多年以前five years ago 五年前,短语:,We lived in a small house.我们住在一所小房子里。,知识点 6,讲解来自点拨,本句用来表达“某人过去住在某地”。,用法:,主语+lived in+地点(+过去时间).,句型结构:,She lived in Beijing in the past.过去她住在北京。,例句:,enough/nf/adj.充足的,知识点 7,讲解来自点拨,enough food 足够的食物,短语:,They didnt have enough food then.那时他们没有足够的食物。,例句:,There werent any televisions.没有电视。,知识点 8,讲解来自点拨,We will buy a new television.我们将要买一台新电视机。,例句:,TV,缩写形式:,television/telvn/n.电视机,a television set 一台电视机on television 电视播放的,短语:,讲解来自点拨,There werent any computers many years ago.许多年前没有电脑。,例句:,There was/were+not+主语+其他.,句型结构:,there be 句型的一般过去时的否定句。,讲解来自点拨,快快长大:电视机的发展,1925年,英国科学家成功研制出电视机。而中国在1958年以前,电视工业还是一片空白。1957年6月,天津无线电厂接受了研制电视机的任务。在没有技术资料、材料,而仅有几台电视机散件的困难条件下,同研制电视发射机的北京广播器材厂密切配合,制订出适合中国情况的样机设计、安装、测试方案,终于在1958年1月装配成功第一台样机。同年3月17日,“北京”电视机试播成功。至此,结束了中国没有电视工业的历史。,Thank you for talking to us.谢谢您和我们谈话。,知识点 9,讲解来自点拨,Thank you for.是用于表示感谢的句型,for后跟名词或动名词。,用法:,Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。,例句:,change/tend/v.改变,变化,知识点 10,讲解来自点拨,changed,过去式:,My school changed a lot.我的学校改变了很多。,例句:,changing,现在分词:,change n.零花钱,一词多义:,3.Listen and say.,We lived in a small house.There werent many buses.,We live in a big house.There are lots of buses and cars.,趣味活动:忆苦思甜。小组合作,小组成员先向父母了解他们过去的生活,准备一些父母小时候和现在的生活照片。然后小组成员轮流介绍父母过去和现在的生活。,Look and write.Then say.Four Years Ago Now 1 There was a small house four years ago.Now there is a big house.2 _ 3 _,4.Practise.,点拨:,在there be句型的一般现在时中,如果be动词后离得最近的名词是单数,则be动词用is。,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.There _(be)an apple and two pears in the bag now.2.There _(be)lots of buses and cars now.,is,are,点拨:,just now表示“刚才”,所以此句为一般过去时,two pens是复数,所以用were。,3.There _(be)an old house then(那时候).4.There _(be)two pens on the desk just now(刚才).,was,were,点拨:,then表示“那时候”,所以此句为一般过去时,an old house是单数,所以用was。,点拨:,由many years ago可知本句是一般过去时,所以谓语动词用过去式lived。故选A。,二、单项选择。1.I _ in a small village many years ago.A.lived B.live C.living,A,2.Thank you _ your help.Youre welcome.A.for B.to C.at,A,点拨:,“因为而感谢你。”用“Thank you for”。,三、根据所给提示写单词,使句子完整。1.We have a happy _(生活)now.2.Life was very _(不同的)in China many years ago.3.She _(go)Qingdao two weeks ago.,点拨:,由two weeks ago 可知本句是一般过去时,所以谓语动词用go的过去式went。,life,different,went,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:still,life,different,ago,enough,change重点句式:Look,there are two beautiful cats on the chair.Well,there were two.Its a programme about China.Life was very different in China many years ago.We lived in a small house.There werent any televisions.Thank you for talking to us.,1 熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。2 将Listen,read and act out的对话朗读流利。,Module 1,WY 五年级下册,一、选出不同类的单词。()1.A.coming B.changeC.talking()2.A.bus B.carC.enough()3.A.life B.beautifulC.different()4.A.computer B.televisionC.lady()5.A.grandma B.stillC.grandchild,习题源于典中点,B,C,A,C,B,二、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。()1.There are two cats on the chair now.()2.Lingling is still in the UK with Sam and Amy.()3.Yesterday I watched TV with my mother.,习题源于典中点,T,F,F,()4.There are lots of buses at the station.()5.Its a programme about animals.,习题源于典中点,T,T,习题源于典中点,三、选择符合句意的单词填空。A.enoughB.ladyC.interviewerD.differentE.ago1.The life is _ in China now.2.My grandparents didnt have _ food then.3.This old _ is my grandma.4.Johns uncle is an _.5.My father went to Beijing five days _.,D,A,B,C,E,四、单项选择。()1.My parents and I live _ a big house.A.inB.toC.at()2.Our country is _.We love it very much.A.changeB.changesC.changing,习题源于典中点,点拨:,由系动词is可知,国家的变化是正在进行的,所以用动词的ing形式。,A,C,()3.There werent_ televisions many years ago.A.someB.anyC.one()4.Thank you for talking to _.A.weB.meC.he()5.Wang Hao is still in Beijing _ his father.A.andB.orC.with,习题源于典中点,点拨:,any 用于否定句中。,点拨:,动词短语后面用人称代词的宾格形式作宾语。,B,B,C,五、用合适的介词填空。1.Thank you _ helping us.2.Do you live _ Shanghai,too?3.I like swimming.How _ you?4.I often play football _ my friends at the weekend.5.There are lots _ cars and buses in the street.,for,in,习题源于典中点,about,with,of,六、连词成句。1.didnt,they,have,food,enough(.)_2.grandma,TV,yesterday,my,watched(.)_3.small,ten,was,a,house,there,ago,years(.)_,They didnt have enough food.,习题源于典中点,My grandma watched TV yesterday.,There was a small house ten years ago.,4.is,one,cat,chair,on,there,only,the(.)_5.very,in,ago,life,different,years,was,China,many(.)_,There is only one cat on the chair.,习题源于典中点,Life was very different in China many years ago.,Module 1,WY 五年级下册,Unit 2 She didnt have a television.,television radio telephone,1.Look,listen and say.,2.Listen and read.,Dear Daming,I watched a television programme about China last night.An old lady talked about her life many years ago.She worked in the fields.She cooked on a fire.She didnt have a television or a radio.She didnt have a telephone.She couldnt read or write.I miss my grandma.I miss you too!I hope you are well.Love,Lingling,night/nat/n.夜晚,夜间四会,知识点 1,讲解来自点拨,字母组合 igh 发/a/音。,发音:,light adj.轻的,形近词:,last night 昨天晚上,短语:,I read an interesting book last night.昨晚我读了一本有趣的书。,例句:,She worked in the fields.她在田地里劳动。,知识点 2,讲解来自点拨,worked,过去式:,worker 工人,词形变化:,work n.工作,一词多义:,He worked in a school twenty years ago.二十年以前他在学校工作。,例句:,work/wk/v.工作,劳动四会,讲解来自点拨,in the fields 在田地里,短语:,fields,复数:,My father often works in the fields.我的爸爸经常在田地里劳动。,例句:,field/fld/n.田地,She didnt have a television or a radio.她没有电视机,也没有收音机。,知识点 3,讲解来自点拨,radios,复数:,She didnt have a radio.她没有收音机。,例句:,radio/redi/n.收音机,联想记忆法:,在英语中,以 o结尾的可数名词单数变复数时,有些在后面加-es,但 radio,photo 和 piano 变复数时只在后面加-s。,讲解来自点拨,在否定句中被否定的两个部分要用连词or 连接;or 常用于疑问句或否定句中,and 用于肯定句中。,用法:,She hasnt got an apple or an orange.她没有苹果,也没有橘子。,例句:,or/(r)/conj.(用于否定句中)也不,也没 四会,讲解来自点拨,典例,句型转换。Tom had a big house.(变为否定句)_,Tom didnt have a big house.,主语+didnt+动词(短语)原形+其他.,句型结构:,谓语动词为实义动词,时态为一般过去时的否定句,She couldnt read or write.她不会读也不会写。,知识点 4,讲解来自点拨,此句是用于表达过去能力的句型,couldnt 意为“不能,不会”,原形为cant,couldnt和 cant 是情态动词could和can的否定形式,其后一定要用动词原形。,用法:,句型结构:主语+couldnt+动词原形.,讲解来自点拨,right adj.正确的,同音异形词:,Please write to me soon.请速给我写信。,例句:,write/rat/v.写,read,read,读一读,write,write,写一写。,write to sb.给某人写信,短语:,hope/hp/v.希望,知识点 5,讲解来自点拨,hope to do sth.希望做某事,短语:,I hope I will go to school.我希望我将去上学。,例句:,字母o发/音。,发音:,3.Now talk about the old lady.Then write.,The old lady talked about her life many years ago.She worked _.She cooked _.She didnt have _.She couldnt _.,in the fields,on a fire,a television,a radio or a telephone,read or write,4.Listen and say.,字母组合 ai,ay,al,au 和 ar 的发音规律,知识点 6,讲解来自点拨,5.Listen and say.Then chant.,6.Do,ask and answer.,7.Do and say.,Interview a teacher and tell your friends about the interview.,Where did you live ten years ago?,I lived in a small village.There werent any supermarkets.,How aboutnow?,I live in a big city.There are many supermarkets.,7.Do and say.,Ten years ago,my teacher lived in a smallvillage.There werent any supermarkets.Now.,一、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.My grandpa often works _ _ _(在田地里).2.I watched TV _ _(昨天晚上),in the fields,last night,二、改为否定句。1.We went to the zoo last week.We _ _ to the zoo last week.2.There were some shops.There _ _ shops.3.I watched a programme last week.I _ _ a programme last week.,didnt go,werent any,didnt watch,三、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。()1.A.play B.say C.rain D.says()2.A.small B.autumn C.half D.tall()3.A.star B.park C.party D.warm()4.A.houses B.buses C.glasses D.classes()5.A.how B.now C.window D.down,D,C,D,A,C,点拨:,house变复数后,原来单词中的“s”要发/z/音。,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:night,work,field,radio,or,write,hope重点句式:She worked in the fields.She didnt have a television or a radio.She couldnt read or write.,1 熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。2 将Listen and read的课文朗读流利。,Module 1,WY 五年级下册,Unit 2 She didnt have a television.,一、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。()1.A.partyB.warmC.farmer()2.A.walkB.autumnC.talk()3.A.ladyB.radioC.programme()4.A.lifeB.nightC.write()5.A.rainB.playC.day,习题源于典中点,F,T,F,T,T,二、给下列图片选择相对应的单词。A.fireB.radioC.fieldD.writeE.nightF.telephone1.2.3.()()()4.5.6.()()(),E,C,习题源于典中点,A,B,F,D,三、在下列单词前加一个字母,使之变为另一个单词,并组成短语。例:long alongalong the river1.go _ _2.any _ _3.our _ _4.ear _ _5.all _,习题源于典中点,ago five days ago,many many books,hour half an hour,year many years ago,tall a tall boy,四、将下列句子与对应的图片连线。1.He can jump really far.A.2.John lives in a big city.B.3.The farmer works in the fields every day.C.4.I was in Beijing three weeks ago.D.5.My grandpa didnt have a telephone ten years ago.E.,习题源于典中点,五、单项选择。()1.I _ a television programme last night.A.watch B.is watching C.watched()2.They didnt have a television _ a computer many years ago.A.and B.or C.but,习题源于典中点,点拨:,last night是表示过去的时间,所以动词用过去式。,点拨:,or 用于否定句中,连接两个并列的成分。,C,B,()3.Where _ you three days ago?A.wereB.are C.was()4._ old lady is telling a story to the children.A./B.A C.An,习题源于典中点,点拨:,句中时间是表示过去的时间,主语是第二人称,故选A。,点拨:,单词old以元音音素开头,故用an表示“一个”。,A,C,()5.We _ in a big city now.But five years ago,we _ in a small village.A.lived;live B.live;lived C.lives;lived,习题源于典中点,点拨:,第一个句子是一般现在时,主语是复数,故谓语动词用原形;第二个句子开头表示的是过去的时间,故谓语动词要用过去式。,B,六、选择合适的短语补全句子。A.a big cityB.on footC.are different from D.last nightE.talked aboutF.has got1.I watched TV with my grandpa _.2.An old lady _ her life many years ago.3.We live in _ now.4.Many things _ the past.5.These boys go to school _ every day.6.My grandma _ three children.,习题源于典中点,D,E,A,C,B,F,七、按要求完成句子。1.My grandma could read and write.(变为否定句)My grandma _ read _ write.2.I watch TV every day.(用yesterday替换every day)I _ TV _.3.I lived in a small village ten years ago.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ ten years ago?,习题源于典中点,couldnt or,watched yesterday,Where did live,八、完形填空。Hello,Im Yang Fan.I live in a small village.Five years ago my school 1 small.There was 2 one building and a small playground.We couldnt play football.But now my school is 3.There are five new buildings.And the playground is very big and beautiful.I often play games with my friends on it.There is a big 4,too.We often read books in it.I can learn a lot 5 the books.I have a good time in my new school.,习题源于典中点,()1.A.wasB.isC.were()2.A.butB.stillC.only()3.A.oldB.differentC.change()4.A.zooB.libraryC.restaurant()5.A.toB.ofC.from,习题源于典中点,A,C,B,B,C,九、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(建议用时:4分钟)There are two pictures about our city.Look!There was a small park many years ago,but now there is a big and beautiful park.And in the park,there is a lake with some ducks on it.There wasnt a lake in the past.In our city there were many old houses and small trees.But now there are many new high buildings.The trees are very tall now.There are some supermarkets and cars now.I love my city.,习题源于典中点,()1.There was a big park in our city in the past.()2.There is a lake in the park.()3.There are many new high buildings in our city now.()4.The trees are not very tall.()5.There are many cars in the city.,习题源于典中点,F,T,T,F,T,Module 1,WY 五年级下册,三步法描写家最近十年的变化情况,题目:给你的外国朋友写一封信,介绍一下你家最近十年的变化情况。要求词数在60 左右。,三步法描写家最近十年的变化情况,第一步,确定时态。此封信的内容为现在与过去情况的对比,因此主要用一般过去时态和一般现在时态。第二步,确定思路。先写居住环境的变化,再写家中物品方面的变化,最后总结。,第三步,通读检查。必备单词:ago(以前),now(现在),television(电视机),radio(收音机),bike(自行车),car(小汽车),house(房子),miss(思念)等。必备句型:There be+名词+地点状语.(某地有),Dear Lucy,I miss you very much.Ill tell you something about my family.Ten years ago we lived in a small house.There was only a small television and a radio in my home.There wasnt a car.There was only an old bike.Now we live in a big house.We have a car and a big television.We live a happy life.From,Lingling,范文:,亲爱的露西:我非常想念你。我将要告诉你一些关于我家的事情。十年前我们住在一所小房子里。我家仅有一台小电视机和一台收音机。(我家)没有小汽车。仅有一辆旧自行车。现在我们住在一所大房子里。我们有一辆小汽车和一台大电视机。我们过着幸福的生活。来自,玲玲,译文:,小练笔:,假设你是Meimei,请根据提示给你在英国的朋友John写一封信,介绍一下你的奶奶过去与现在的生活变化。要求:1.语句通顺,表达清楚;2.不少于40个单词。提示:a small village,didnt have enough food,worked in the fields,on a fire,a television or a radio,a big city,lots of food,watch TV,Dear John,Twenty years ago,my grandma lived in a small village.She didnt have enough food.She worked in the fields.She cooked on a fire.She didnt have a television or a radio.Now,she lives in a big city.She has got lots of food.She watches TV every day.Shes happy.How about your grandma?Love,Meimei,参考例文:,Module 2,WY 五年级下册,Unit 1 She learnt English.,1.Listen and chant.,learnt/lnt/v.(learn/ln/的过去式)学习,知识点 1,讲解来自点拨,learn English/Chinese 学习learn to do.学习做,短语:,I learnt English three years ago.我三年前学习英语。,例句:,同义词记忆法:,study 学习,She taught languages and wrote a book.她教过语言并且写过一本书。,知识点 2,讲解来自点拨,teach Maths/Art 教数学/美术,短语:,Mike taught me a new word yesterday.迈克昨天教了我一个新单词。,例句:,taught/tt/v.(teach的过去式)教,讲授,讲解来自点拨,languages,复数:,Zhang Haidi can speak many foreign languages.迈克昨天教了我一个新单词。,例句:,language/lwd/n.语言,联想记忆法:,Chinese语文 English英语,讲解来自点拨,She wrote a letter last night.她昨天晚上写了一封信。,例句:,wrote/rt/v.(write的过去式)写四会,2.Listen,read and act out.,Sam:Who are they,Lingling?Lingling:Theyre my grandparents.Sam:Whos this?Lingling:Its my grandma.She was a dancer.She danced inlots of Chinese cities.Amy:Did she learn any foreign languages?Lingling:Yes,she learnt English.Amy:Is this your grandpa?Lingling:Yes,it is.He was a driver.Amy:Did he learn English too?Lingling:No,he didnt.But hes learning English now!,Did she learn any foreign languages?她学过外语吗?Yes,she learnt English.是的,她学过英语。,知识点 3,讲解来自点拨,There are lots of foreign visitors in our city.在我们的城市有许多外国的参观者。,例句:,foreign languages 外语,短语:,foreign/frn/adj.外国的,foreigner 外国人,词形变化:,讲解来自点拨,Did you go to Beijing last year?你去年去过北京吗?Yes,I did./No,I didnt


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