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    (共25套)最新中考英语总复习 语法知识点专项练习汇总考点跟踪突破 冠词1Cheer up!You will get _B_ A in the listening test.(2016,兰州)Aa Ban Cthe D/2Uncle is coming by _C_ train tomorrow.Let's go to _ railway station to meet him.(2016,邵阳)Aa;the B/;a C/;the3Tina,are you going to play _C_ chess on School Day?Yes,and I'll also play _ violin that afternoon.(2016,孝感)Athe;the Bthe;/C/;the D/;/4David is _D_ singer.He thinks it is _ interesting job.(2016,新疆)Aa;the Bthe;an Ca;/ Da;an5Kate,are you _C_ only child in your family?Yes,but _ new baby is on the way.(2016,河南)Aa;the Ban;the Cthe;a Dthe;the6Vera and Mike come from _A_ European country.They are in _ same school now.Aa;the Ban;theCthe;the Dan;an7In Chinese,_C_ date 201314 has a similar pronunciation to “love you for a lifetime”,making it _ most lucky and romantic day.(2016,滨州)Aa;the B不填;a Cthe;a D不填;the8Mom,I like _C_ green T­shirt.Could you buy it for me?Aa Ban Cthe D/9Tony,what's _B_ matter with you?I have _ toothache.Aa;the Bthe;a C/;the Dthe;/10I have _A_ pet cat.It is so cute.(2016,河北)Aa Ban Cthe D不填11David is from _B_ European country and he is _ honest boy.Aa;a Ba;an Can;a Dan;an12Would you like some dumplings for _D_supper?But we just had dumplings on _ Tuesday.Aa;the Bthe;a Ca;a D/;/13Beijing is one of _C_ biggest cities in China.Aa Ban Cthe D/14You know,Yao Ming used to be _B_ NBA player,but now he is _ boss.No matter what he does,I like him very much.Aa;an Ban;a Ca;a Dan;an15Excuse me.Do you have any books about _D_ moon?Yes,they are on _ shelf over there.Aa;a Ba;theCthe;/ Dthe;the16_C_ Whites were watching TV when _ telephone rang.AA;a BA;theCThe;the D/;a17How long does it take us to go to your hometown from here?It takes me _C_ hour or more to go to my hometown by _ train.Aan;a Ba;a Can;/ Da;/18Where are my shoes,Mum?I've washed them for you.You have to wear _B_ different pair.Athe Ba Can D/19What _C_ cold weather!Yes.But it's _ unusual experience for us,we normally live in a hot place.(2015,达州)A/;a Ba;an C/;an Da;the20Hurry up!If we miss _C_ last bus,we'll have to get home by _ taxi.Aa;/ Bthe;a Cthe;/ Da;a21It's _C_ ancient story and it tells us how to be _ good learner.(2016,毕节)Aa;a Ban;an Can;a Da;an22Morning,Mr.Johnson! Here is _D_ message for you._ girl left it to you just now.Really?But I don't know anyone in this city.(2016,包头)Aa;The Bthe;ACthe;The Da;A23Mary wants to be _A_ good doctor when she grows up.(2016,重庆)Aa Ban Cthe D/24Who is _B_ girl behind the tree?Which one?The one with _ umbrella?(2015,龙东)Aa;the Bthe;an Cthe;a25Is that _B_ apple tree?(2016,泉州)Yes.My father planted it in 2008.Aa Ban Cthe考点跟踪突破24介词1Some people are used to getting up late _A_ a cold morning.(2016,丹东)Aon Bin Cat Dof2The summer vacation is coming.I'm looking forward _B_ it.Me too.(2016,郴州)Aat Bto Con3We usually have the first class _D_ 8:00 in the morning.(2015,北京)Aof Bin Con Dat4You must be careful when you swim _B_ the lake.(2015,潍坊)Abelow Bacross Cover Dthrough5Wild animals are our friends.We shouldn't kill them _D_ food or clothing.(2015,河南)Ain Bwith Cabout Dfor6I like reading,so I always spend my pocket money _A_ books.(2015,海南)Aon Bin Cat7Healthy eating _D_ regular exercise is the best way to keep fit.Aless than Binstead ofCsuch as Dtogether with8Uncle Tom lives _C_ a farm _ the country.Ain;at Bnear;on Con;in9It's a good idea to send the old books _C_ the children who need them.(2016,陕西)Aat Bof Cto Dby10Daniel is a boy of few words.But _B_,he is warm­hearted.Ain a hurry Bin factCin the end Dabove all11Thanks _B_ your help,or we couldn't finish the work _ such a rainy day.Afor;in Bto;on Cto;in Dfor;on12Once you put your school things _B_,you'll find them easily.Ain danger Bin order Cin detail13Last Sunday,a group of pupils talked happily _C_a loud voice as they went to the countryside _bike.(2016,恩施)Aby;by Bin;on Cin;by14Do you know Mo Yan?Of course,he won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature _B_ the age of 57.Ain Bat Con Dto15A person's life is like a road _B_ lots of difficulties.Yes,so we need positive energy.Aby Bwith Calong Dduring16The teachers hope all of us can hand _D_ our homework _ time every day.Aup;in Bout;on Con;in Din;on17On my visit to Australia,I feel Australians are similar _C_ us in many ways.Awith Bin Cto Dat18Maybe you should call him up.But I don't want to talk with him _A_ the phone.Aon Bat Cin Dwith19You can improve your English _A_ practicing more.Aby Bwith Cof Din20Before you go to Canada,you need to learn more _D_ it.(2015,陕西)Afrom Bin Cby Dabout21It's so cold outside.Remember to close the door _D_ you when you leave.(2016,河南)Abeside Bbefore Cwith Dbehind22Taiwan lies _B_ the east of Fujian,_ the southeast of China.(2016,龙东)Aon;in Bto;in Con;to23Although he was _A_ my opinion,the old professor didn't come up with his own.(2016,无锡)Aagainst Bon Cfor Din24Stephen Hawking got more than 380,000 followers in two hours _C_ the first message on Weibo.(2016,东营)Abefore Bsince Cafter Duntil25Pandas are much­loved around the world.Unluckily,there aren't many pandas left and they're _B_ now.So we must save them.(2016,山西)Ain orderBin dangerCin need考点跟踪突破25数词1More than two _A_ trees are planted in our neighborhood every year.(2016,淮安)Ahundred BhundredsChundreds of Dhundred of2There are _C_ tourists visiting the island on May Day every year.(2016,新疆)Atwo thousands of Btwo thousandsCthousands of Dthousand of3Meimei is going to be an older sister.Her parents are planning to have their _D_ child.(2016,重庆)Aone Btwo Cfirst Dsecond4Welcome to Los Angeles.Have you ever been here?Sure.I visited this city three years ago so this is my _B_ time here.(2016,温州)Afirst Bsecond Cthird Dfourth5There are _C_ doctors in this hospital,_ of them are women doctors.Atwo hundred,two fifthBtwo hundreds,two fifthCtwo hundred,two fifthsDtwo hundreds,two fifths6In this test,we're asked to write a passage of about _C_.A80­words B80­wordC80 words D80 words'7The workers will complete the new bridge in _A_(2016,郴州)Atwo and a half monthsBtwo months and halfCtwo and a half month8Excuse me,sir.Here's a package for Lin Tao.Which room does he live in?_B_A380 Room BRoom 380CThe Room 308 DThe 308 Room9“Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics recently.Yeah,it receives _C_ Internet hits(点击) a day.Athousands Bthousand ofCthousands of Dten thousands10They are the students of _B_Agrade 7 BGrade 7C7th grade DGrade 7th11How was your weekend?Great!It was my grandfather's _B_ birthday.We enjoyed ourselves.Aseventy BseventiethCthe seventieth Dseventeenth12The number of the cars in our neighbourhood is about eight _A_,and _ of them are new cars.Ahundred;two thirds Bhundred;two thirdChundreds;two thirds Dhundreds;two third13Is this your _C_ visit to my hometown,Zhengzhou?No,I've been here for many times.Aone Bthe firstCfirst Donce14We will have a _A_ holiday next month,let's have a trip to Mount Emei.That's great.Athree­dayBthree­daysCthree­days'15There are _B_ days in a year.Athree hundred sixty and fiveBthree hundred and sixty­fiveCthree hundreds and sixty­fiveDthree hundreds sixty­five16How many hours do you sleep every night?About _A_ hours from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am.(2016,济南)Anine Bnineteen Cninth Dninety17_D_,my grandfather was a worker in a shoe factory.AIn 1970's BIn 1970sCIn the 1970s' DIn the 1970s18Tom,a _C_ boy,can speak English quite well.He wants to learn _ language next term.Atwelve­years­old;secondBtwelve year old;the secondCtwelve­year­old;a second19Excuse me.How many students in your class want to work as teachers in the future?_A_ATwelve BThe twelveCTwelfth DThe twelfth20I've cut the cake into _D_ pieces.Which piece do you want?The _ one.Afive;two Bfifth;twoCfifth;second Dfive;second考点跟踪突破26代词1Miss Smith,an American lady,has taught _B_ English for three years.(2016,长沙)Awe Bus Cour2If you want to learn English better,you can make friends with American students and talk to _C_(2016,贺州)Atheir Btheirs Cthem Dthey3Whose iPhone 6 is it?(2015,东营)_C_I'm looking for it here and there.AI BMe CMine DMyself4I don't like _D_ watch.I like _(2015,天津)Ame;your Bmy;yourCme;yours Dmy;yours5Mrs.Smith often goes to visit those AID's patients in hospitals to cheer _B_ up.(2015,苏州)Aher Bthem Chim Dus6I wonder if this smart phone is Mary's.It _C_ belong to her._ is totally different from this one.(2015,兰州)Amustn't;Her Bcan't;HerCcan't;Hers Dmay;Hers7Uncle Tom will come to visit _B_ next Saturday.(2015,济宁)Awe Bus Cour Dours8I'm a little hungry,Mom.There are some cakes on the plate.You can take _B_.(2015,安徽)Ait Bone Cthat Dthis9What a great thing to have a robot at home!Robots are really useful.One day they will help people do almost _B_(2016,厦门)AsomethingBeverythingCnothing10Jack,is there _A_ in today's newspaper?No,nothing.Aanything important Bsomething importantCimportant anything Dimportant something11Helen is new here,so we know _B_ about her.(2016,南京)Asomething BnothingCanything Deverything12Now teenagers are very busy with their schoolwork and they have _D_ time to do exercise.(2015,淮安)Afew Ba fewCa little Dlittle13Good words can touch not only your heart but also _A_(2016,陕西)Amine BI Cmy Dmyself14Wow,so many new buildings!But it used to be a poor village.(2015,盐城)Yes._C_has changed in our hometown.ANothing BNobodyCEverything DEverybody15Could you record today's NBA basketball game for me?I can watch _D_ later.(2016,孝感)Aone Bmy Cyour Dit16Helen has got two brothers._A_ of them likes chocolate,but she loves it.(2016,安徽)ANeither BNone CEach DAny17Whenever Tom reads an interesting novel,he can't keep it to _C_ and wants to share it with his classmates.(2016,龙东)Ahim Bhe Chimself18A smile costs _B_,but gives so much.So we should learn to smile.Asomething BnothingCanything Deverything19Where would you like go to this Mid­Autumn Festival?I'd like to go _B_Aeverywhere relaxing Bsomewhere relaxingCpeaceful anywhere Dpeaceful somewhere20How do you like the famous actor,Tong Dawei?Wonderful!I like _C_ very much.(2015,荆州)Ahe BhisChim Dhimself21For the first time,I found_A_ great fun to achieve something through hard work.(2016,包头)Ait Bthat Cthis Done22In 2022,Beijing will host the Winter Olympics._D_ my brother and I want to watch it.(2016,长春)ANeither BAll CEither DBoth23The retired couple have decided to go to college.It's time for _B_ to begin a new life.(2016,上海)Athey Bthem Ctheir Dtheirs24What a bad day!(2016,河南)Everyone has one of those days when _C_ goes wrong.Anothing BanythingCeverything Dsomething25Do you like watching ping­pong matches?Yes,and _C_ favorite ping­pong player is Ma Long.(2016,重庆)Awe Bus Cour Dours考点跟踪突破27连词1Could you help me with housework _C_ you are free today?(2016,无锡)Asince Bthough Cif Duntil2_B_ Joe _ Steve may go camping with you on Tuesday,because they are not allowed to go out on school days.(2015,丹东)AEither;or BNeither;norCBoth;and DNot only;but also3Some children prefer to eat junk food _A_ it's not good for their health.(2015,丹东)Aalthough Bif Cas Dwhen4I'll go to visit my aunt in England _D_ the summer holiday starts.(2016,呼和浩特)Awhile BsinceCuntil Das soon as5It's too late.I have to go now.Oh,it's raining heavily outside.You'd better stay _A_ it stops.(2016,烟台)Auntil Bsince Cwhile Dthough6The boss was very rich,_B_ it didn't make him happy because he was always worried about losing his money.(2016,云南)Aand Bbut Cor Dalthough7Mrs.Li,will you be angry _A_ your students don't obey the rules in class?A little.But I will stop them in a friendly way.Aif Bunless Cthough8My family always go somewhere interesting _A_ the holiday begins.(2016,天津)Aas soon as BsoCso that Deven though9There will be less pollution _D_ more people use public transportation.(2015,南昌)Abut Bthough Cunless Dif10What do you think of this soap operas?I think it's very boring,_D_ my mother can't wait to watch it every day.Aand Bor Cso Dbut11_B_ you smile at others,they will smile back.(2015,陕西)ABefore BWhen CUntil DThough12I want to travel to the Black Bear Island next weekend.Good idea!Make a plan first,_A_ you will enjoy more beautiful scenery.(2016,哈尔滨)Aand Bbut Chowever13We're going to Suzhou Amusement Park in Linda's car.You can come with us _A_ you can meet us there later.Aor Bbut Cand Dthen14Daming hasn't done much exercise _D_ he got his computer.(2016,大庆)Awhen Bif Cthough Dsince15How do you like the two pairs of trousers?They don't fit me well.They are _D_ too long _ too short.Anot only;but also Bboth;andCneither;nor Deither;or16Which do you prefer to use to keep in touch with your friend,QQ _C_ MSN?Aand Bbut Cor Dso17The students can't go home _D_ they finish cleaning the classroom,for it's their duty.Awhen Bsince Cif Duntil18Laura opened the door and rushed into the rain _B_ I could stop her.Auntil Bbefore Cafter Dunless19The world's population will still increase _B_ we do something to control it.Aor Bunless Cbut Dand20My mother prefers to take a bus to her office _B_ she has a car of her own.(2015,台州)Aif Bthough Cbecause Duntil21A stupid man tells a woman to shut up,while a wise man tells


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