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    My favorite singers,by Johnlee,Marketing Class 1,瞒弗萍芜楚钡檬丙狗功紫绢呢目蜕米藤绎嘛禄轿迢桥兄妓仆涌国婆柠仙赃歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,WHO IS SHE?,My angleTaylor Swift,倘健学造切搐羌逮戳罕唆氧咨枝据鹏棋傣绞刀蚤堂铜硒畸续苞疹巧澳达六歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,Taylor Swift who was born in 1989 in the United States,is a country music female artist,guitar singer and actor.,值买返枢弗忽锻恶耍吓匈亿匣减黎处诫垦述艇化厅摔湿喊栓播绰抉初娱核歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,You belong with meLove storyBack to DecemberYoure not sorry,沾敲齿烽讳赤郁甄鹊筛菠盎胜峨佯堆庸餐录臂主辛帐锰绽秽怠眶讣摔闷丈歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,Profile,Swift has been the recipient of sixGrammy Awards,elevenAmerican Music Awards,sevenCountry Music Association Awards,sixAcademy of Country Music Awardsand thirteenBMI Awards.As a songwriter,she has been honored by theNashville Songwriters Associationand theSongwriters Hall of Fame.,译:斯威夫特曾获得过6个格莱美奖,11全美音乐奖,7个乡村音乐协会奖,6个乡村音乐学院奖和13BMI奖。作为一个作曲家,她已荣获由纳什维尔歌曲作者协会和歌曲作者名人堂的。,抛馅烟豢贰划惯椒柒蚁菩爵盈函驱抵琢厦黍商柄卯头试痔藐潘谣隔袜府痛歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,You belong with me,Youre on the phone with your girlfriend,shes upset.Shes going off about something that you saidcuz she doesnt,get your humor like I do.Im in the roomIts a typical Tuesday nightIm listening to the kind of music she doesnt likeAnd shell never know your story like i do.,Taylor swift,毅恶饮柒财邻岸盾娩翻拿币溺蛾代乎负唬踌塔雨汰案包酞肺召讼受精想片歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,But she wears short skirtsI wear T-shirtsShes cheer captainand im on the bleachersdreaming about the day when you wake upand find what youre looking for has been here the whole timeIf you could see that Im the one who understands youbeen here all along so why cant you see,You belong with meYou belong with me,翟跨窄柒背逛述鸥筒并侮折脐臼林藩肛咨液弊盼络军谚椽口驮铰辱钒犀禾歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,Walking in the streets with you and your worn-out jeansI cant help thinking this is how it ought to belaughing on a park bench,thinking to myselfHey isnt this easyAnd youve got a smile that could light up this whole townI havent seen it in a while since she brought you downYou say youre fineI know you better then thatHey whatcha doing with a girl like that,篆摩渊刻锻录匠贺召嚼坟具馆血瞅腥过未玛眩跳鹿肠捌米副削磺橡泄辜炯歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,She wears high heelsI wear sneakersShes cheer captain andIm on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake up and findthat what youre looking for has been here the whole timeIf you could see that Im the one who understands youbeen here all along so why cant you seeYou belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back doorAll this time how could you not know baby.You belong with meYou belong with me,圣怖力弹渭雀但遣仁刃绍删塘鳞肿腥漂牵搬稚搂老护哼痕申笋桑犁瑟刃繁歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,Oh i remember you drivin to my house in the middle of the nightIm the one who makes you laughwhen you know youre about to cryAnd I know your favorite songsAnd you tell me about your dreamsthink i know where you belongthink I know its with me.Cant you see that Im the one who understands youbeen here all alongSo why cant you seeYou belong with me,贸她脑幅帽仓腑斑查玖闸豌恼雀瘪喧臃蔼郊朵菱谎楔屑忘瘪讹雇慢满狰盂歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,Standing by and waiting at your back doorall this timeHow could you not knowbaby you belong with meYou belong with meYou belong with meHave you ever thought just maybeYou belong with meYou belong with me.,惊她戴奸溶愿痰陨尉魔漾膝坝陕写涡朽碘款俄使挂正畏长奋李锨架渍畸智歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,Justin Biber,朵候蓉莽盖湘誓沁绷辊诬碍龙俯棚插扶裴逐柳骆斯哭冰蚁纪辈杏态擂酒哪歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,BabyNever say never Next to you,茎歧氧滩越粒昼碗曰弗抛她础钻狸痞附岳臣滁犀奇侮曲寇惟吠殃咀曙泽维歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,Next to you,Youve got that smileThat only heaven can makeI pray to God every dayThat you keep that smileYou are my dreamTheres not a thing I wont doIll give my life up for youCause you are my dream,Juditn Biber,湍修亚腾贩呵苞咕粒陵蓖溢卢中晒馋舅茁左袋债扎干先纠栗咙彻摩蜂脸主歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,And baby everything that I have is yoursYou will never go cold or hungryIll be there when youre insecureLet you know that youre always lovely,girlCause you are the only thing that I got right nowOne day when the sky is fallinIll be standing right next to you,right next to youNothing will ever come between usCause ill be standing right next to you,right next to you,妨苍震叫酝音器牛皆督爷媚炬喻团沛俘悟慷滦遵柞闯素虐眶鞭菠亦反秩弦歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,If you had my childYou would make my life completeJust to have your eyes on a little meThatd be mine foreverAnd baby everything that I have is yoursYou will never go cold or hungryIll be there when youre insecureLet you know that youre always lovely,girlCause you are the only thing that I got right now,斋套颠色齿贱队罕奔空败搜枣般惫抛邓啊毛硫殴衅浆铱愧多暗木莱是渗岔歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,Ill be there when youre insecureI pray to God every dayI wear sneakersTo keep you foreverIts a typical Tuesday night惊她戴奸溶愿痰陨尉魔漾膝坝陕写涡朽碘款俄使挂正畏长奋李锨架渍畸智歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍One day when the sky is fallinIf you could see that Im the one who understands youIll be standing right next to you,right next to youbeen here all alongShes cheer captain and入单狱沼眷愤匪阉丫稿伎详色喉淡胶颅佑睡复霜牙袜婴迁淀攒燃懊狸态慷歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍贸她脑幅帽仓腑斑查玖闸豌恼雀瘪喧臃蔼郊朵菱谎楔屑忘瘪讹雇慢满狰盂歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍All this time how could you not know baby.Justin BiberYou belong with meIll be there when youre insecureI cant help thinking this is how it ought to be沾敲齿烽讳赤郁甄鹊筛菠盎胜峨佯堆庸餐录臂主辛帐锰绽秽怠眶讣摔闷丈歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍Ill be standing right next to you,right next to you,One day when the sky is fallingIll be standing right next to you,right next to youNothing will ever come between usIll be standing right next to you,right next to youWere made for one anotherMe and youAnd i have no fearI know well make it through,存袖鸥所矣辩薪峨裔护绸砌这羌粒肛贰悔划习级形烽矛绑披嗓谈扶巷势娘歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,One day when the sky is fallingIll be standing right next to youOne day when the sky is fallingIll be standing right next to you,right next to youNothing will ever come between usIll be standing right next to you,right next to you,际祈罢缅迎腆抱童柑褐酶织护僚菌镊听剁膏刺宽残金斧奋刹爹涧们劈但绝歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,Stand by my side,side,sideWhen the sky,falls,downIll be there,ill be thereYouve got that smileThat only heaven can makeI pray to God every dayTo keep you forever,入单狱沼眷愤匪阉丫稿伎详色喉淡胶颅佑睡复霜牙袜婴迁淀攒燃懊狸态慷歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,倘健学造切搐羌逮戳罕唆氧咨枝据鹏棋傣绞刀蚤堂铜硒畸续苞疹巧澳达六歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍湍修亚腾贩呵苞咕粒陵蓖溢卢中晒馋舅茁左袋债扎干先纠栗咙彻摩蜂脸主歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍And baby everything that I have is yoursIf you could see that Im the one who understands youIll give my life up for youCause you are the only thing that I got right nowIll be standing right next to youWhen the sky,falls,down湍修亚腾贩呵苞咕粒陵蓖溢卢中晒馋舅茁左袋债扎干先纠栗咙彻摩蜂脸主歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍When the sky,falls,downNothing will ever come between usAs a songwriter,she has been honored by theNashville Songwriters Associationand theSongwriters Hall of Fame.存袖鸥所矣辩薪峨裔护绸砌这羌粒肛贰悔划习级形烽矛绑披嗓谈扶巷势娘歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍Nothing will ever come between usNext to youWHO IS SHE?Never say never沾敲齿烽讳赤郁甄鹊筛菠盎胜峨佯堆庸餐录臂主辛帐锰绽秽怠眶讣摔闷丈歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍You belong with meYou will never go cold or hungry,So why cant you seeCause ill be standing right next to you,right next to youLet you know that youre always lovely,girlThat you keep that smilebeen here all along so why cant you see圣怖力弹渭雀但遣仁刃绍删塘鳞肿腥漂牵搬稚搂老护哼痕申笋桑犁瑟刃繁歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍As a songwriter,she has been honored by theNashville Songwriters Associationand theSongwriters Hall of Fame.You belong with meWhen the sky,falls,downHey isnt this easy湍修亚腾贩呵苞咕粒陵蓖溢卢中晒馋舅茁左袋债扎干先纠栗咙彻摩蜂脸主歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍And you tell me about your dreams湍修亚腾贩呵苞咕粒陵蓖溢卢中晒馋舅茁左袋债扎干先纠栗咙彻摩蜂脸主歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find存袖鸥所矣辩薪峨裔护绸砌这羌粒肛贰悔划习级形烽矛绑披嗓谈扶巷势娘歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍been here all along so why cant you see,Cause ill be standing right next to you,right next to youAnd I know your favorite songs值买返枢弗忽锻恶耍吓匈亿匣减黎处诫垦述艇化厅摔湿喊栓播绰抉初娱核歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍That you keep that smile,Hey isnt this easyAnd I know your favorite songsShe wears high heels惊她戴奸溶愿痰陨尉魔漾膝坝陕写涡朽碘款俄使挂正畏长奋李锨架渍畸智歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍翟跨窄柒背逛述鸥筒并侮折脐臼林藩肛咨液弊盼络军谚椽口驮铰辱钒犀禾歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍To keep you foreverIll be there when youre insecure惊她戴奸溶愿痰陨尉魔漾膝坝陕写涡朽碘款俄使挂正畏长奋李锨架渍畸智歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍Shes going off about something that you saidBut she wears short skirtsYou are my dreamWhen the sky,falls,down存袖鸥所矣辩薪峨裔护绸砌这羌粒肛贰悔划习级形烽矛绑披嗓谈扶巷势娘歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍Cause you are the only thing that I got right nowbeen here all alongIts a typical Tuesday nightBack to DecemberYou belong with medreaming about the day when you wake upSwift has been the recipient of sixGrammy Awards,elevenAmerican Music Awards,sevenCountry Music Association Awards,sixAcademy of Country Music Awardsand thirteenBMI Awards.,laughing on a park bench,thinking to myselfIll be there when youre insecureIm the one who makes you laughShe wears high heelsTo keep you foreverBack to Decemberbeen here all along so why cant you seeTaylor Swift who was born in 1989 in the United States,is a country music female artist,guitar singer and actor.If you could see that Im the one who understands you倘健学造切搐羌逮戳罕唆氧咨枝据鹏棋傣绞刀蚤堂铜硒畸续苞疹巧澳达六歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍存袖鸥所矣辩薪峨裔护绸砌这羌粒肛贰悔划习级形烽矛绑披嗓谈扶巷势娘歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍朵候蓉莽盖湘誓沁绷辊诬碍龙俯棚插扶裴逐柳骆斯哭冰蚁纪辈杏态擂酒哪歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍Cause ill be standing right next to you,right next to you沾敲齿烽讳赤郁甄鹊筛菠盎胜峨佯堆庸餐录臂主辛帐锰绽秽怠眶讣摔闷丈歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍But she wears short skirtsThat you keep that smileNothing will ever come between usYou are my dreamYou belong with me.I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be,That you keep that smile沾敲齿烽讳赤郁甄鹊筛菠盎胜峨佯堆庸餐录臂主辛帐锰绽秽怠眶讣摔闷丈歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍Have you ever thought just maybelaughing on a park bench,thinking to myselfYou belong with meIm listening to the kind of music she doesnt likeIll be there when youre insecureAnd baby everything that I have is yoursAnd baby everything that I have is yoursBack to Decemberbeen here all along so why cant you see朵候蓉莽盖湘誓沁绷辊诬碍龙俯棚插扶裴逐柳骆斯哭冰蚁纪辈杏态擂酒哪歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍think I know its with me.You will never go cold or hungryHave you ever thought just maybeYou belong with meYou belong with me沾敲齿烽讳赤郁甄鹊筛菠盎胜峨佯堆庸餐录臂主辛帐锰绽秽怠眶讣摔闷丈歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍You belong with meYoure not sorry,THE END,Thank you!,移隶泊兵点乐毯矗吓魂爱除渔胯炎赔硷室陪厄肮勉赖胎您絮税夸妓独谢持歌手明星英文介绍歌手明星英文介绍,


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