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    英语七年级上册期末复习 Unit 1 Topic1复习课件,Dictation,1.-早上好!-早上好!2.-欢迎到中国来!-谢谢。3.-你好,玛利亚!-你好,康康!4.-我是康康。你是迈克尔吗?-是的,我是。5.-见到你很高兴,简!-见到你我也很高兴!。6.-你好!-你好!7.妈妈,这位是我的老师,布朗老师。布朗老师,这位是我的妈妈。8.-陈先生,再见!-再见!9.-你好吗?-很好,谢谢。10.-给你。-谢谢。,-Good morning!-Good morning!2.-Welcome to China!-Thank you.3.Hi,Maria.-Hi,Kangkang.4.-I am Kangkang.-Are you Michael?-Yes,I am.5.-Glad/Happy/Nice to meet/see you,Jane-Glad/Happy/Nice to meet/see you,too.。6.-How do you do?-How do you do?7.Mom,this is my teacher,Mr.Brown.Mr.Brown,this is my mom.8.-Goodbye,Mr Chen!-Bye.9.-How are you?-Fine,thanks.And you?10.-Here you are.-Thank you.,1.-Good morning!早上好!/上午好.口语可以省略good。如:Morning,Mom!早上好,妈妈!【拓展】其他时间段的问候语(也用同样的句子回答)还有:Good afternoon!下午好!Good evening!晚上好!Good night!晚安!(晚上睡觉前的问候语)2.Im Kangkang.我是康康。英语中用 Im.句型来进行自我介绍。Im 是I am 的缩写形式。_.我是王峰。3.-Are you Michael?-Yes,I am.Are you.?是“一般疑问句”,译为“你是吗?”。其肯定回答是Yes,I am.否定回答是No,Im not.-_?你是简吗?-_.是的,我是.(注:句中I am不能缩写)-_.不,我不是.(注:否定回答时I am 常缩写为Im),Im Wang Feng.,Are you Jane?,Yes,I am.,No,Im not.,4.Mom,this is my teacher,Mr.Brown.妈妈,这是我的老师布朗先 生。-_?你是王老师吗(男)?-_.是的,我是。这三个句子中的动词am,is,are叫be动词,意为“是”。用法取决于句子主语的人称(第一、二、三人称)和数(单数和复数)。同学们可以记住下边的口诀:我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is用于他(he)、她(she)、它(it),单数主语用is,复数主语都用are。1)妈妈,这是王老师(女)_ 2)-你是布朗先生吗?-不,我不是。-_-_,Are you Mr.Wang?,Yes,I am.,Mom,this is my teacher,Miss Wang.,Are you Mr.Brown?,No,Im not.,5.-陈先生,再见!-再见!-Goodbye,Mr Chen!-Bye.“再见”的表达方式:Goodbye.可以说 Bye-bye 或Bye(更简 单、随便).此外See you later/See you.也译为:再见/回头见。6.-How are you?你好吗?熟悉的人见面可以用此句问候,答 语可以是:_或_或 _。(不要忘了对别人的关心表示感谢哦)。如果同样想问候对方可以简单的说:And you?接下来的答语 一般是:Im fine,too.-_?你好吗?-_.很好,谢谢。你也好吗?-_.我也很好。7.Thanks.谢谢。相当于 Thank you。一般当别人给自己帮助、关心或赞扬自己时,应该用 Thank you.或 Thanks.来回答。1)-欢迎来到北京!-谢谢!-_!_ 2)-给你。-谢谢!-_.-_,Fine,thanks.,Fine,thank you.,Im fine,thank you.,How are you?,Fine,thank you.And you?,Im fine,too.,Welcome to Beijing,Thank you.,Here you are.,Thank you.,8.fine,good,nice 各是各的好 fine 健康的(身体好的:多用来回答问候语How are you?);(天气)晴朗的;good 好的,常与morning,afternoon,evening,night 构成问 候语;nice 令人愉快的,高兴的。1)-How are you?你好吗?-_,thanks.很好,谢谢。2)I am _ this afternoon。今天下午我感觉很舒服。3)_ to meet you.见到你很高兴。4)_ evening/night!晚上好/晚安!,Fine,fine,Nice,Good,9.How are you?和 How do you do?的区别 相同点:都是用来和别人打招呼。不同之处:1)内容不同。How are you?主要用来问身体状况,需要根据 实际情况做具体的回答。此外,还有 How is he?(他好吗?)How do you do?则是一句问候,并不代表疑问。回答仍是 How do you do?2)说话对象不同。How are you?是熟人、朋友之间的问候。How do you do?则是初次见面的 陌生人之间的问候。1)-_?-I am fine,thanks.And you?2)-_?-How do you do?3)-_ Mr.Li?-He is OK.,How are you,How do you do,How is,()1)-Hi,Mr Zhang!Nice to see you!-_ A.Goodbye!B.Nice to see you,too.C.Im fine.D.Thanks.()2)_ my teacher,Mom.A.This is B.ThissC.this is D.You are()3)-Are _ Jim?-Yes,I _ A.it;is B.you;is C.you;am D.he;am()4)-How do you do?-_ A.How are you?B.How do you do?C.Nice to meet you.D.I am fine,thanks.()5)-This is my teacher,Miss Han.-_ A.Good morning.B.Nice to meet you.C.This is my father.D.How are you.,B,A,C,B,C,()1)I _ Michael.A.am B.is C.are D.do()2)-_ you Ann?-Yes,I am.A.are B.Is C.Are D.do()3)-Good morning!Im Wang Li.-_!I am _.A.Good morning;Li Xia B.Good;Li Xia C.Morning;Li Xia D.Good afternoon;Li Xia()4)-Welcome to Beijing!-_ A.HelloB.Thank you.C.Fine,thank you.D.Welcome to Beijing,too.,A,A,A,B,()1)-Good afternoon,Jane!-_ A.Good morning!B.Good afternoon!C.How are you?D.Im fine.()2)-How are you,Peter?-_ A.Fine,thanks.B.And you?C.How are you,Lin Tao?D.Thanks.()3)-Goodbye,Miss Liu!-_ A.Thank you.B.How do you do?C.Nice to see you.D.Bye.()4)_ to meet you.A.GoodB.Fine C.How D.Nice,B,A,D,D,1.根据句意补全句子1)-Welcome to China.-_ you.2)-How are you?-_,thanks.And you?-Im OK.3)Lily:Mom,this is my _,Miss Gao.Miss Gao:Nice to meet you.Mom:Nice to meet you,too.4)-Good afternoon,Miss Green.-Good _,Mr White.5)-Goodbye.-_.,Thank,Fine,teacher,afternoon,Bye,用be的适当形式填空-I _ Sally._ you Lily?-Yes,I _.2)Mom,this _ Miss Wang.Miss Wang,this _ my mom.3)Mr.Brown _ my teacher.,am,Are,am,is,is,is,1.请问,打扰了 2.你的名字 3.我的名字4.来自于5.欢迎6.电话号码 7.很,非常8.很高兴见到你9.她的姓 10.不用谢 11.他们的老师,Useful words and phrases,excuse meyour namemy namebe from/come frompopulartelephone numbervery muchnice to see youher family nameYoure welcome./Not at all.their teacher,Dictation,1.-你叫什么名字-我叫Sally。2.-你来自哪里?-我来自加拿大。3.-看!她是谁?-她是Jane.4.-她来自于加拿大?是的,她是。5.-他是李明吗?-不,他不是。他是Yukio.6.-他来自于哪里?-他来自于日本。7.你的电话号码是多少?8.-谢谢你。-不用谢。,Dictation,1.-Whats your name?-My name is Sally。2.-Where are you from?-Im from Canada。3.-Look!Who is she?-She is Jane.4.-Is she from Canada?Yes,she is.5.-Is he Li Ming?-No,he isnt.He is Yukio.6.-Where does he come from?-He comes from Japan.或者-Where is he from?-He is from Japan.7.Whats your telephone number?8.-Thank you.-Youre welcome./Not at all.,1.Whats your name?是询问对方名字的句型,是由what引导 的特殊疑问句。其答语是“My name is+名字”,或者“Im+名字”/“I am+名字”。口语中也可以直接说名字。-你叫什么名字?-我的名字是Tom。-_-_ 2.-Where are they from?-Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.Maria.Where+be+主语+from?意为“某人来自于哪里?”其答语是“主语+be form+地点”。be 随主语变化而变化。be from=come from 来自.1)-他来自于哪里?-他来自于中国。-_-_ 2)-他们来自于哪里?-他们来自于美国。-_-_,Whats your name?,My name is Tom./Im Tom,Where is he from?,He is from China.,Where do they come from?,They come from America.,3.Look!Who is she?Who+be+主语?意为“某人是谁?”,是who引导的特殊疑问句。答语为“主语+be.”注:be随着主语的变化而变化 1)-他们是谁?_ 2)-他是谁?_4.中文名字的英语写法:姓的第一个字母大写,名字的第一个字母大写,如:姚明 Yao Ming 易建联 Yi Jianlian 1)黄忆慈_ 2)华晨宇_ 3)莫言_ 5.英美姓名的基本常识:详见课本P110页解析。,Who are they?,Who is he?,Huang Yici,Hua Chenyu,Mo Yan,6.Whats your telephone number?这是询问电话号码的常用句型。答语为“My telephone number is.”或“Its.”或直接用电话号码作答。1)-你的电话号码是多少?2)-我的电话号码是12345。7.Thank you very much.Youre welcome./Not at all.1)短语very much 意为“很,非常”,放于句尾,本句中表 示感谢程度加深。Thank you very much.=Many thanks.2)短语Thats OK.用于回应谢意。此类相应回答还有“Youre welcome”和Thats all right.,Whats your telephone number?,My telephone number is 12345.,8.人称代词主格I,we,you,you,he,she,it,they 形容词性物主代词my,our,your,your,his,her,its,their 如:your name 你的名字及时操练:形容词性物主代词的练习:1)我的名字 _ 2)她的姓 _ 3)你的电话号码_ 4)他们的老师_,my name,her family name,your telephone number,their teacher,1.用be动词的的适当形式填空1)Amy her sister.2)His name Kate.3)-What your phone number?-It 235-3498.4)-you Tom?-No,I Tim.5)His name John.,is,is,is,is,Are,am,is,2.根据要求完成句子 1)Liu Ying is from Shanghai.(对划线部分提问)2)They are Jim and Bill.(对划线部分提问)3)Im Zhou Weilun.(同义句转换)4)Are you from England?(作肯定回答)5)Is Wang Mei from Japan?(作否定回答),Where is Liu Ying from?,Who are they?,My name is Zhou Weilun.,Yes,they are.,No,they arent.,()1)-Wheres Stephen Hawking from?-from England.A.I am B.You are C.He is D Shes()2)-Whats name?-Im Zhai Zhigang.A.my B.your C.me D.you()3)-Are Maria and Jane from China?-No,.A.they arent B.she isnt C.they are D.they do not()4)They are Deng Yaping and Stephen Hawking.Their Family names are.A.Deng and Hawking B.Deng and Stephen C.Yaping and Hawking D.Yaping and Stephen()5)-is he?-He is Jim.A.What B.Where C.How D.Who,C,B,A,A,D,()1)Whats your QQ number?A.This is 14678 B.Its 246732987 C.You are 4567578 D.They are 8967890()2)-Whats telephone number?-telephone number is 13567866666.A.you;My B.your;My C.you;Its D.hes;I()3)-is she?-She is Meimei.A.What B.How C.Who D.Where()4)-Are Maria and Jane from Shanghai?-A.No,we are not.B.No,you arent.C.Yes,they arent.D.No,they arent()5)-Where Wang Jun and Mr.Li from?-They are from China.A.am B.is C.are D.()6)-Whats telephone number?-is(010)8878-8298.A.her,It B.her;Its C.she;It D.she;Its,B,B,C,D,C,B,2.单项选择()1)-Where _ Lucy and Lily from?-Theyre from America.A.Are B.amC.are D.is()2)-Is she Han Meimei?-Yes,_.A.shesB.hes C.he is D.she is()3)-Whats _ telephone number?-Its 9260-3475.A.youB.your C.myD.he()4)Mary _ from Cuba.A./B.amC.areD.is()5)“One one four”表示 _.A.火警B.匪警 C.急救中心 D.电话号码查询台()6)-Are they from Cuba?-No,they _.A.areB.arentC.not D.isnt,C,D,D,D,B,B,1.根据句意及首字母提示填词1)-W_ are you from?-Im from Henan.2)-Whats h_ name?-His name is David.3)-Are you f_ Hainan?-Yes,we are.4)-Whats your telephone n_?-Its 5459-7689.5)-E_ me,are you Frank?-Yes,I am.6)My n is Sally.7)Hello,Kate.Whats your t number?8)Jane is from.She is a Canadian(加拿大人).9)-Excuse m,are you Rose?-No,Im not.Im Lucy.,here,is,rom,umber,xcuse,ame,elephone,Canada,e,英语七年级上册期末复习 Unit 1 Topic3复习课件,Useful words and phrases,1)多大 2)十二岁 3)哪个年级4)哪个班 5)七年级四班 6)用英语 7)一块橡皮,1.How old2.twelve years old 3.What grade4.What class5.Class Four,Grade Seven6.in English7.an eraser,Useful words and phrases,8)一张地图9)一本英语书 10)他的英文名字11)她的电话号码 12)在同一个班 13)好朋友,1.a map2.an English book3.his English name4.her telephone number5.in the same class6.good friends,Dictation,1.-你多大了?-我十二岁了。2.-你在哪个班?-我在七年级四班。3.-打扰了,这个用英语怎么说?-是橡皮。4.-怎么拼?-E-R-A-S-E-R,橡皮。5.-请问,那个用英语怎么说?-那是地图。6.-请问,你会拼吗?-是的。M-A-P,地图。7.-这些是什么?-这些是书。8.-那些是什么?-那些是尺子和铅笔。9.-那些是英语书吗?-不。那些是地图。10.-让我帮你吧。-谢谢。11.他的英语名字叫汤姆。12.黄华和简不在同一个班。13.他们是好朋友。,Dictation,1.-How old are you?-I am twelve years old.2.-What class are you in?-Im in Class Four,Grade Seven.3.-Excuse me,whats this in English?-Its an eraser.4.-How do you spell it?-E-R-A-S-E-R,eraser.5.-Excuse me,whats that in English?-Its a map.6.-Can you spell it?-Yes.M-A-P,map.7.-What are these?-They are books.8.-What are those?-They are rulers and pencils.9.-Are those English books?-No,they are maps.10.-Let me help you.-Thanks./Thank you.11.His English name is Tom.12.Huang Hua and Jane are not in the same class.13.They are good friends.,1.不定冠词 a和an的用法 不定冠词用在单数可数名词前,表示某一类人或事物中的一个。a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,如:一辆小汽车 a car,一张桌子 a desk。an用在以元音音素开头的词之前,如:一个鸡蛋an egg,一块 橡皮an eraser。1)一把尺子 _ 2)一个桔子 _ 3)一张课桌 _ _4)一个苹果_2.-Excuse me,whats this in English?打扰了,这个用英语怎么说?-Its an eraser.这(用英语说)是橡皮。this,that 为指示代词,用于指代某个人或事物。this近指,that远指。回答Whats this/that?时,需用it,即Its a/an.。1)-这是什么?-它是一个苹果 _ 2)-那是什么?-它是一支铅笔_ in English用英语1)用汉语 _ 2)用日语 _,a ruler,an orange,a desk,an apple,Whats this?Its an apple.,Whats that?Its a pencil.,in Chinese,in Japanese,3.How do you spell it?你怎么拼写它呢?句中it意为“它”,指上文中 的橡皮。那是辆自行车,是辆旧自行车。_4.-Is this a telephone?这是一部电话机吗?-No,it isnt.It is a toy.不,不是。它是一个玩具。Is this/that.?这/那是.吗?是用于核实某人或物的句型,是 一般疑问句。回答Yes,it is./no,it isnt.1)这是汽车吗?是的,它是。_ 2)那是你的老师吗?不,他不是。_5.让我帮帮你吧。Let me help you.让我看一看。_.,Thats a bike.Its an old bike.,Is this a car?Yes,it is.,Is that your teacher?,No,he isnt.,Let me have a look.,6.these是this的复数形式,指距离说话人较近的多个人或物;those是that的复数形式,指距离说话人较远的多个人或物。答语通常要用they代替句中的these或those。1)这些是桔子,那些是鸡蛋。These _ oranges,and _are eggs.2)这些是你们的钢笔吗?对,这些是。3)那些是你们的汽车吗?不,那些不是。7.可数名词有单数和复数之分,a/an+名词单数形式;名词复数+s。如:name-names number _ phone _ 注意:以s,x,sh,ch等结尾的词,一般在词尾加-es。如:bus-buses box _ watch _,are,those,Are these your pens?Yes,they are.,Are those your cars?No,they arent.,numbers,phones,boxes,watches,8.They are not in the same class,but they are good friends.尽管他们不在同一个年级,但是他们是好朋友。1)in the same class 在同一个班 2)but表转折。(1)吉姆和魏华在同一个年级,但不在同一个班。(2)我们在同一个学校。,Jim and Wei Hua are in the same grade,but not in the same class.,We are in the same school.,()1)-How _ are you?-Im twelve years old.A.classB.gradeC.old()2)-What class are you in?-_ A.I am from Xinxiang.B.Im in Class Two.C.I am OK.()3)-_ are you in?-Im in Class 5,Grade 7.A.What class B.What Class C.What grade()4)-_ do you spell it?-_,apple.A.How;A-double P-L-E B.How;a-double P-l-eC.What;A-double P-L-E()5)-Whats this _ English?-Its a telephone.A.inB.froC.to()6)-Is it _ orange?-No,it isnt.Its _ apple.A.an;aB.a;aC.an,an()7)-Whats that in English?-Its _.A.an desk B.an eggC.a rulers,C,B,A,B,A,C,B,()1)-What are _ in English?-They are bananas.A.theseB.thatC.it()2)-Are these boxes?-_ A.Yes,they are.B.Yes,it is.C.No,they are.()3)-What are those?-They are _.A.two pencil B.a pencil C.two pencils()4)These are English _ and those are Chinese _.A.cars;buses B.cars;bus C.car;buses()5)-What _ are they in?-They are in _ Two.A.class;Class B.Class;class C.class;class1)Are these English books?(做肯定回答)_ _ _2)That is a box.(改为复数句)_ _ _3)What are these in English?(改为单数句)_ _ in English?4)They are bananas.(对划线部分提问)_ _ these?5)They are my shoes.(改为否定句)They _ _ _.,A,A,C,A,A,Yes,they are.,Those are boxes.,Whats this,What are,arent my shoes.,1.用不定冠词 a/an填空 1)Whats this?Its _ toy.2)That is _ old map.3)This is my mother.She is _ doctor.4)Is this _ egg?No,its _ orange.5)There is _ umbrella in my car.3.补全对话,用所给词it,an,in,a,is填空:May:Is this 1)_ eraser?Tom:Yes,it 2)_.May:Whats that 3)_ English?Tom:Its 4)_ pen.May:How do you spell 5)_?Tom:P-E-N,pen.May:Thank you.Tom:Youre welcome.,a,an,a,an,an,an,an,a,in,is,it,


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