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    目录,写作练兵,分析陕西近10年中考真题、副题的书面表达可知,针对“环境保护”这一话题未考查过。此话题在其他地区中考真题中频频出现,同时随着2019年全国各地市“垃圾分类”的实行,与环保相关的书面表达将是考查的重点。考查的角度为:针对环境污染、资源浪费、保护动物等环境相关问题提出建议和措施,或发表观点并给出解决方案。,命题探索,人教课本中涉及“环境保护”这个话题的单元为:九(全)Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth!,教材链接,典例剖析,(2019湘西改编)西安正在进行“美丽西安”建设,我们要积极参与“美丽西安”建设活动,从小事做起,让我们的家乡变得更美。作为学生,请你以“Start out small”为题,用英语写一遍倡议书。,审人称:第一人称,审时态:一般现在时 审主题:建设美丽西安,审文体:应用文,要求:1.参考提示语,可适当发挥;2.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;3.文章不得出现任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);4.词数:不少于70词。(开头已给出,但不计入总词数。),Start out smallHi,everyone.We should try our best to make our hometown Xian more beautiful and comfortable.What can we do for our hometown?_,1.With the rapid development of the society,environment is faced with new challenges.2.Its reported that air pollution is more and more serious.3.The most important question in the world today is pollution.4.Pollution is our great enemy,and we have to fight it.,目前的环境问题,好 句 范 例,开头句,5.Pollution is a danger to our health.6.In some areas,the sky is no longer blue and the rivers arent clean any more.7.There are many kinds of pollution,such as air pollution,water pollution and so on.8.We all need a healthy environment,but we produce waste every day,and it is harmful to our environment.,1.如今环境污染越来越严重。_2.随着社会的快速发展,污染正成为一个严重的问题。_ _3.全世界最重要的问题是如何减少污染。_ _,The environmental pollution is more and more serious today.,With the rapid development of the society,pollution is becoming a serious problem.,句 子 仿 写,The most important problem all over the world is how to reduce the pollution.,4.由于村民的不当行为,我们家乡的河流不再清澈。_ _5.为了使我们的世界变得更绿,我们可以做很多小事,比如回收 废物、再次利用纸张等等。_ _,The rivers in our hometown are no longer clear because of villagers improper behavior.,There are many small things that we can do to make our world greener,such as recycling waste,reusing paper and so on.,6.工厂造成的污染对我们的健康有害,我们应该采取行动加以改善。_ _,Pollution from factories is harmful to our health,and we should take action to improve it.,9.The river was really dirty.The river was really dirty.Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.九(全)Unit 13 P9710.The air is badly polluted.The air is badly polluted because there are more cars on the road these days.九(全)Unit 13 P98,句 子 扩 写 范 例,11.People are also littering in public places like parks.People are also littering in public places like parks.This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones.九(全)Unit 13 P9812.Sharks may disappear one day.Sharks may disappear one day if we do not do something to stop the sale of shark fins.九(全)Unit 13 P99,7.Water pollution is becoming worse and worse.(扩写做法)_ _8.We must keep the air fresh.(扩写原因)_ _,Water pollution is becoming worse and worse.So we should call on the people around us to protect water.,We must keep the air fresh because we need to have a healthy living environment.,句 子 扩 写,9.The land will become less and less.(扩写条件)_10.Many people like using plastic bags.(扩写观点看法)_11.Some people throw the rubbish everywhere.(扩写结果)_ _,The land will become less and less if we dont stop cutting down trees.,Many people like using plastic bags.Its really a bad habit.,Some people throw the rubbish everywhere,so our environment is becoming worse and worse.,1.Everyone should help to clean up the river.九(全)Unit 13 P972.I think simple things like bringing a bag to shopping can help(reduce waste pollution).九(全)Unit 13 P983.To cut down air pollution we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.九(全)Unit 13 P98,如何保护环境,好 句 范 例,中间句,4.Remember to throw rubbish in the bins and keep public places clean and beautiful for everyone.九(全)Unit 13 P985.We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.6.We can use less water and plant more trees.,1.每个人都应该帮助保护环境。_2.我认为像步行去上学这样简单的事情对环境是有帮助的。_ _3.为了保护地球,我们应该使用布袋子来代替塑料袋。_ _,Everyone should help to protect the environment.,I think simple things like walking to school are helpful for the environment.,句 子 仿 写,To protect the earth,we should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.,4.记得不要在公共场所制造噪音。_5.我们应该少用塑料筷子和勺子。_6.我们可以通过种更多的树来减少空气污染。_,Remember not to make noise in public places.,We should use less chopsticks and spoons made of plastic.,We can reduce air pollution by planting more trees.,1.So together,our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.九(全)Unit 13 P982.Lets take actions from now on!3.We should work harder to protect our world.,呼吁大家保护环境,好 句 范 例,结尾句,4.Its time for us to protect our world now.5.Protecting environment will be not only good for our humans health,but also good for animals.6.If we are active in protecting environment,our next generation will be beneficial a lot.,1.保护环境对我们的健康生活会产生很大的影响。_ _2.如果每个人都为建设绿色城市做贡献,世界将变得更美丽。_ _,Environmental protection will make a big difference to our healthy life.,If everyone makes a contribution to building a green city,the world will become more beautiful.,句 子 仿 写,3.不仅政府要保护环境,我们每个人也要积极参与。_ _4.让我们把世界变成更好的居住地方。_,Not only the government needs to protect the environment but also each of us should take an active part in it.,Lets make the world a better place to live in.,练语段,语 段 练 习 1,目前的环境问题,The environment problems _(现状).There is a lot of pollution,for example,_(污染类型)and so on._(污染的危害).So we should _(解决措施).,are very serious these days,air pollution,noise pollution,white pollution,The pollution is harmful to human beings and animals,do something to protect the environment,语 段 练 习 2,如何保护环境,First of all,we should _(做法1)every year in our hometown.We cant _(做法2).Second,when go shopping,we can _(做法3).Third,_(做法4).Instead,we should _(做法5).,plant more trees and grass,cut down too many trees to make wood,reuse bags,we cant throw away rubbish anywhere,put it in the dustbins,语 段 练 习 3,呼吁大家保护环境,Only if we know what to do in our daily life can we _(意义).Then our world will _(影响).So lets take actions together.,make a difference,be more beautiful,成篇章,Start out smallHi,everyone.We should try our best to make our hometown Xian more beautiful and comfortable.What can we do for our hometown?First of all,more trees and grass should be planted every year in our hometown.We cant cut down trees for wood.Its helpful to make our hometown a good place to live in.,Second,when go shopping,we can reuse bags in order to produce less rubbish.Third,rubbish cant be thrown away.Instead,we should put it in the dustbins.Finally,in public,we should wait in line and obey the rules which everyone should follow.In a word,we should protect the environment.Lets start out small to be civilized students!,1.文章适当使用连接词(短语)(波浪线部分),使其条理清楚,增强文章的逻辑性(如First of all,Second,Third,Finally);2.文中句型多样,被动语态、祈使句和状语从句的使用提升了文章的层次(斜体部分)(如被动语态:should be planted,cant be thrown away;祈使句:Lets do.;状语从句:when go shopping.);3.文中多处使用高级短语(红体部分)(如cut down,in order to,put.in.,in public,wait in line,obey the rules,in a word等)。,名 师 点 评,(2020原创)改善人居环境,提高生活质量,是人们共同的愿望和应尽的责任。请以“How to keep our city clean”为题,写一篇英语短文并给出你的建议。,写作练兵,写作练兵,要求:1.参考提示语,可适当发挥;2.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;3.文章不得出现任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);4.词数:不少于70词。,写作练兵,写作练兵,How to keep our city clean _ _ _ _ _,写作练兵,写作练兵,Our city used to be a green city.But now some pollution gets into the environment.So it is very necessary to protect the environment now.But how to keep our city green?Firstly,we shouldnt pollute the environment.We should stop littering around.And we should separate the waste before we throw it into the bins.Secondly,its better to plant more trees to make the air cleaner.Besides,we should save water and electricity.In a word,if everyone makes a contribution to building a green city,our city will be greener.,1.每个词并没有列出全部用法及词义,只列出了初中阶段出现并常用的用法及词义。2.对于一些比较模糊、晦涩的例子,不必钻牛角尖,中考考察的都是用法及意义十分鲜明、确定的例子。3.对于课文中的一些特殊的用法要牢记例句,做到一出现就能明确辨认。3.中东地跨三洲,联系五海,沟通两洋,自古以来是东西方交通枢纽,战略位置极为重要。4.北面是土耳其,越过土耳其进入了独联体外高加索的国家,西边是叙利亚和约旦,稍微过去一点就到了巴勒斯坦和以色列。5.阿拉伯人发现印度数字的优点,于是就在帝国内推广应用。以后,阿拉伯人通过西班牙人把这种印度数字传入欧洲,并传播到世界各地,这就是我们所使用的阿拉伯数字。6.在神秘外星文明的指引下,主人公发现了关于宇宙生命的巨大秘密。业内人士认为,该片为盲人开启了科幻之门,打破了传统电影必须依赖视觉效果的限制,让盲人也能感受到科幻的魅力所在。7.写景抒情诗中常见的情感有对自然美景、田园风光的喜爱和留恋,对祖国大好河山的赞美和热爱,漂泊在外的羁旅之苦和思乡之情,对闲适隐逸生活的向往和追求,依依惜别之情,爱国忧国之思。等等。8.我们要善于通过题目整体把握诗歌内容,并通过对诗中意象及其特征的分析,知人论世,以及诗中表达诗人情感倾向的语句来深入理解诗歌内容,领会诗人情感,把握诗歌主题9.诗的最后两句使用拟人的手法,把作者对朋友的同情和思念寄托给明月,希望自己能追随友人到贬谪的偏远之地,慰藉朋友的孤独,表达了对友人牵挂之情。,感谢观看,欢迎指导!,


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