南 京 理 工 大 学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系): 机械工程学院 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 0101500106 (用外文写)外文出处: /wsihwood/8513/34968/363973 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:翻译基本正确,中文叙述通顺 签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文 经皮神经电刺激 在进行任何补充性的医学技术治疗前,你必须意识到这些技术中的多数没有在科学研究中被评估。时常,只可获得有限的关于其安全性和效力的信息。每一个州和每一个学科关于从业者是否要被专业的许可有不同的制度。如果你计划拜访一个从业者,建议你选择一个被国家组织许可并遵守组织规则的人。最好在开始任何新治疗技术前同你的主要保健医生商量。 背景理论 证据未被证实的用法潜在的危险摘要参考文献背景经皮神经电刺激(TENS)包括低压电流通过电极在皮肤上的通路。电流经山一个小的电池供电电力单元的电线被传递。这治疗的频率和强度依靠特定情况和治疗目标而定。因此,电极被放置在身体上的各种不同部位上。ENS最普遍被用作疼痛处理手段。有不同类型的TENS。常规TENS一一高或低频电流被使用,通常在被影响地区附近。像针灸一样的TENS一一较低频电流在特定的引发点被使用。 耳部TENS一一电流被应用于耳朵。 理论电已经被医学应用了数千年。从古埃及而来的石头雕刻品描述了电鱼过去一直被用来治疗疼痛。在古埃及,能产生生物电的水雷鱼曾被用来治疗关节炎和头痛。人们提出几种关于TENS如何起作用的解释:TENS可能影响感知疼痛或轻微触碰的神经TENS可能干扰神经传导TENS可能改变(人体)天然化学物质(比如脑磷脂、endorphins、鸦片或物质P)这些物质能影响疼痛被感知和传送的方式。这些装置没有一样在科学研究中被明确的证明,而且TENS潜在活动的基础是有争议的。理论过去一直被传统地用来解释针灸疗法,比如对生命能量的流程的影响已经被用来解释TENS。一般有时TENS可能影响心脏血管系统,增加心率并且降低血压。证据科学家为了下列健康问题学习TENS:烧伤早期的研究未提供足够的科学证据得出有关TENS对烧伤效力的严格结论。癌痛早期的研究未提供足够的科学证据得出有关TENS对癌痛效力的严格结论。慢性病痛TENS对于由多种因素引起的并且分布广泛的慢性疼痛的效果是有争议的。许多研究被出版,但是尽管它们已经报导过TENS的好处,研究整体上质量低劣。做出确切的结论需要更好设计的研究。痛经(疼痛的月经)一些小的研究报导说TENS可能减轻短期的不舒服并减少止痛药品的需求。然而,这项研究不是全面的高质量。做出确切的结论需要更好设计的研究。头痛初步的研究报导说TENS可能对患有偏头痛或慢性头痛的病人有好处。然而,这项研究不是全面的高质量。做出确切的结论需要更好设计的研究。半身不遂,偏身轻瘫(身体某一边的瘫痪)早期的研究不提供充足的科学证据有关效力得出一个严格的结论。 产痛对于产痛应用TENS是有争议的。许多研究已经被出版,但是尽管它们报导了止痛药品被减少的需要量,这些研究很小、设计不周并且没有全面的对结果的明确描述。做出确切的结论需要更好设计的研究。还不是很清楚使用TENS过程中的电通道是否会对胎儿有有害的影响。胆碎石过程中的局部麻醉碎石包括声波的使用去瓦解胆结石。早期的研究不提供充足的科学证据有关效力得出一个严格的结论面部疼痛、三又神经痛、磨牙症(磨牙)疼痛一些小的研究报导了TENS被用来治疗由各种原因引起的慢性面部疼痛的益处。然而,这些研究不是完善的设计或高质量,所以做出确切的结论需要额外研究。肌筋膜疼痛早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS对肌筋膜疼痛的效力得出一个严格的结论。与怀孕相关的反胃或呕吐早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS对与怀孕相关的反胃或呕吐的效力得出一个严格的结论。脖子和肩膀疼痛早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS对脖子和肩膀疼痛的效力得出一个严格的结论。骨折、肋骨骨折或急性外伤的疼痛一个对随机抽取的100位轻微肋骨骨折病人的比较比较证实TENS治疗比非固类醇镇定剂或安慰治疗对减轻疼痛更有效。周边神经病变早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS对周边神经病变的效力得出一个严格的结论。错觉四肢疼痛早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS对错觉四肢疼痛的效力得出一个严格的结论。疱疹后神经痛(带状疱疹之后的疼痛)早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS对疱疹后神经痛的效力得出一个严格的结论。术后肠梗阻(肠阻塞) 早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS的效力得出一个严格的结论。术后反胃或呕吐早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS的效力得出一个严格的结论。手术后疼痛有许多关于TENS被用来治疗包括腹部手术、心脏手术、肺部手术、妇产手术和整形手术在内的各种外科手术的研究。一些报导了益处(较少的痛苦和对止痛药物的较少的需要),而其它的发现没有改善。所以做出确切的结论需要更高质量的研究。中风后复原一项关于亚急性中风中脚痉挛的研究报导说TENS有有益的影响。做出确切的结论需要进一步研究。风湿性关节炎少数研究报导了风湿性关节炎患者使用TENS治疗后被改善的关节功能和疼痛。然而这些实验没有很好的设计或报导,做出确切的结论需要更好的研究。皮肤溃疡早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS的效力得出一个严格的结论。脊髓受伤早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS的效力得出一个严格的结论。颗下颂关节疼痛早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS的效力得出一个严格的结论。小便失禁、膀胱过于活跃、遁屎肌不稳定一些小的、设计不周全的研究存在。早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS的效力得出一个严格的结论。脊椎肌肉萎缩(在孩子中)一项早的对八个患有脊椎肌肉萎缩的孩子的研究反映出对TENS治疗的不适应。早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS的效力得出一个严格的结论。子宫镜检查(术)中的疼痛一个随机对142位正在进行子宫镜检查的女性比较实验表明接受数十疗法的组经历了显著的低程度的疼痛。做出确切的结论需要进一步研究。胃病一项小的涉及38位位胃病患者接受经皮神经电刺激(即TENS)治疗的研究报导了12个月在腹部治疗之后反胃和呕吐的减少和可喜的体重增加。但是不确定这些结果是否能被视成TENS治疗的效果。这些早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS的效力得出一个严格的结论。慢性妨碍性肺炎复原一项小的随机抽取的8个正在接受慢性妨碍性肺炎(COPD)复原的病人比较实验显示山于TENS治疗在低端被改良的肌肉力量。这表明TENS可能对COPD的复原有辅助治疗的作用。这些早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS的效力得出一个严格的结论。腕骨隧道并发症状一项小的设计11位患有腕骨隧道并发症状病人的充分设计的实验报导TENS治疗是一种疼痛的有效治疗方法。这些早期的研究不提供充足的高质量科学证据有关TENS的效力得出一个严格的结io肌腱疼一项最近的随机抽取的比较实验调查了60位患有肩部肌腱疼的病人以及TENS和冲击波治疗法对疼痛的治疗效果。这项研究表明冲击波治疗法比TENS对这种情形更有效。做出确切的结论需要进一步研究。 未被证实的用法 基于传统或科学理论,人们已经推荐了TENS的许多种用法。然而,这些用法没有在人体上做过完全的实验,而且关于其安全性和效果只有有限的科学证据。这些被推荐的用法中的一些可能会危机生命。在使用TENS作任何用处之前请咨询保健医师。弛缓抗病毒的遗传性过敏性湿疹粘液囊炎腕骨隧道综合症认知功能痴呆消沉肌张力障碍脑血栓子宫和胎盘血栓食管痉挛纤维肌痛骨折疼痛纪尧姆综合症血友病疱疹高血压臀部疼痛裂缝性膀胱炎疥疮关1柏6妊娠反应局部麻醉腹部绞嫡多发性硬化肌肉抽筋肌肉痉挛肌肉劳损或疼痛肌骨骼损伤肌筋膜疼痛性功能紊乱综合症神经损伤骨关节炎上痛药附属胰腺炎雷蒙德现象肢体重复性劳损荐骨疼精神分裂症带状疱疹肩部半脱位镰状细胞血症疼脱皮(整形手术过程中)奥狄氏括约肌火调运动受伤血栓性静脉炎耳呜(耳内嗡嗡作响)颤抖抽动 潜在的危险 总的来院,TENS被认为是可以广泛使用的,尽管关于其安全性的研究是有限的。皮肤刺激和发红是最通常的副作用,超过13的人会发生。电极贴片可能引起麻疹、伤痕或皮肤过敏反应(接触性皮肤炎)。过分使用或不适合的操作会引起皮肤烫伤。因为有烫伤的风险,TENS在低意识人群(例如神经病)中应该小心慎用。TENS不应当用于有深植医学装置(比如心脏电击去纤颤器、起搏器、静脉灌输泵或者肝动脉灌输泵)的人群。可能会出现电击或装置故障。 有一些独立的关于其它副作用的报告,包括肺积水、肺部分虚脱、失去知觉、疼痛或不愉快的感觉(靠近或离开TENS部位)、增加头发增长、头痛、肌肉痛、反胃、激动和头昏眼花。并不清楚是否是TENS引起的这些问题。中风发作被报导过,所以TENS对行为紊乱的人群应该慎用。有时TENS可能影响心脏血管功能,加快心率并降低血压。尽管许多研究中已经使用TENS在分娩期间减轻疼痛,关于其安全性的证据是有限的,并且理论上存在对胎儿损害的危险。胎儿心率的提高和影响胎儿心跳监控仪器的事实被报导。这技术不应该被用除非在富有经验的有执照健保从业者的严厉监督之下。TENS的安全性在孩子中没有建立。 摘要TENS最普遍的用处是处理疼痛,尽管它在其它很多种医疗情况下被推荐或研究。初步的证据表明TENS可能在牙疼和膝行骨关节炎的控制上有效。其它TENS的使用没有被充分的研究以来得出严格的结论。皮肤副作用可能会发生。有深植医学装置的人应该避免TENS。对于孕妇、小孩和行为紊乱的人,TENS应该被小心慎用并且在医学监督下使用。 参考文献(略)附件2:外文原文(复印件)Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve StimulationBefore engaging in any complementary medical technique, you should be aware that many of these techniques have not been evaluated in scientific studies. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its ownrules about whether practiUoners are required to be professionally licensed. If you plan to visit a practitioner, it is recommended that you choose one who is licensed by a recognized national organization and who abides by the organization's standards. It is always best to speak with your primary health care provider before starting any new therapeutic technique. Backeround Theory Evidence Unoreven Uses Potential Danqers Summary ResourcesBackgroundTranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) involves the passage of Iow-voltage electrical current to electrodes pasted on the skin. The current is delivered through wires from a small battery-powered power unit. The frequency and intensity of this treatment depend on the specific condition and treatment goals. Accordingly, the electrode pads are placed in various sites on the body.TENS is most commonly used for pain management. There are different types of TENS: Conventional TENS - High- or Iow-frequency electrical current is applied, often near affected areas. Acupuncture-like TENS - Lower-frequency current is used at specific trigger points. Auricular TENS - Electrical current is applied to the earTheoryElectricity has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Stone carvings from ncientEgypt depict electric fish being used to treat pain. In ancient Greece, electrogenic torpedo fishwere used to treat arthritis and headache.There are several proposed explanations for how TENS may work: Tt may affect the nerves that perceive pain or light touch. It may interfere with nerve pathways. It may alter the natural chemicals (such as encephalins, endorphins, opioids or substance P) that affect the way pain is perceived and transmitted.None of these mechanisms has been clearly demonstrated in scientific research, and the basis of potential activity of TENS is controversial.Theories traditionally used to explain acupiJncture, such as effects on flow of vital energy, have also been offered to explain TENS. It is sometimes suggested that TENS may affect the cardiovascular system, increasing heart rate and reducing blood pressure.EvidenceScientists have studied TENS for the following health problems:Burn painEarly research does not provide enough scientific evidence to draw a firmconclusion about effectiveness of TENS for burn pain.Cancer pain Early research does not provide enough scientific evidence to draw a firm conclusion about effectiveness of TENS for cancer pain. Chronic pain The effect of TENS on chronic pain of various causes and locations is controversial. Multiple studies have been published, and even though they have reported benefits, studies have overall been of poor quality. Better-designed research is needed to make a firm conclusion.Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)Several small studies report that TENS may reduce short-term discomfortand the need for pain medications. However, this research bas not beenhigh-quality overall. Better-designed trials are needed to make a firmconclusion.HeadachePreliminary studies report that TENS may have some benefits in patientswith migraine or chronic headache. However, this research has not beenhigh-quality overall. Better-designed trials are needed to make a firmconclusion.Hemiplegia, hemiparesis (paralysis on one side of the body)Early research does not provide enough scientific evidence to draw a firmconclusion about effectiveness.Labor painThe use of TENS for labor pain is controversial. Multiple studies have beenpublished, but even though they reported a reduced need for painmedications, studies have been small, poorly designed and without cleardescriptions of results overall. Better-designed trials are needed to make afirm conclusion. It is not clear if passage of electricity using TENS hasharmful effects on the fetus.Local anedlesia during gallstone lithotripsyLithotripsy involves the use of sound waves to break up gallstones. Earlyresearch does not provide enough scientific evidence to draw a firmconclusion about effectiveness.Facial pain, trigeminel neuralgia, bruxism (tooth grinding) painSeveral small studies report benefits when TENS is used to treat chronicfacial pain of various causes. However, these trials are not well designed orreported, and additional research is needed to make a firm conclusion.Myofascial painEarly research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence todraw a firm conclusion about effectiveness of TENS for myofascial pain.Pregnancy-related nausea or vomitingEarly research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence todraw a firm conclusion about effectiveness of TENS for pregnancy-relatednausea or vomiting.Neck and shoulder painEarly research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence todraw a firm conclusion about effectiveness of TENS for neck and shoulderpain.Pain from broken bones, rib fracture or acute traumaA randomized controlled trial in 100 patients with minor rib fractureshowed TENS therapy to be more effective for relieving pain than werenonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or placebo therapy.Peripheral neuropathyEarly research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence todraw a firm conclusion about effectiveness of TENS for peripheralneuropathy.Phantom limb painEarly research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence todraw a firm conclusion about effectiveness of TENS in phantom limb pain.Post-herpetic neuralgia (pain after shingles)Early research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence todraw a firm conclusion about effectiveness of TENS in post-herpeticneuralgia.Postoperative ileus (bowel obstruction)Early research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence todraw a firm conclusion about effectiveness.Postoperative nausea or vomitingEarly research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence todraw a firm conclusion about effectiveness.Postoperative painThere are multiple studies of TENS being used to treat pain after differenttypes of surgery, including abdominal surgery, heart surgery, lung surgery,gynecologic surgery and orthopedic surgery. Some studies report benefits(less pain or less need for pain medications), and others find noimprovements. Better-quality research is needed to make a firmconclusion.Post-stroke rehabilitation One study on spastic dropped foot in subacute stroke reported that TENS had a beneficial effect. Further research is needed to draw a firm conclusion about effectiveness.Rheumatoid arthritisA small number of studies report improved joint function and pain inrheumatoid arthritis patients treated with TENS. However, this research isnot well designed or reported, and better studies are needed to make aclear conclusion. Skin ulcers Early research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence to draw a firm conclusion about effectiveness.Spinal cord injuryEarly research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence todraw a firm conclusion about effectiveness.Temporomandibular joint painEarly research does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence todraw a firm conclusion about effectiveness.Urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, detrusor instabilitySeveral small, poody designed studies exist. Early research does notprovide enough high-quality scientific evidence to draw a firm conclusionabout effectiveness.Spinal muscular atrophy (in children)One early study in eight children with spinal muscular atrophy reflectedunfavorably on TENS therapy. Early research does not provide enoughhigh-quality scientific evidence to draw a firm conclusion abouteffectiveness.Pain during hysteroscopyA randomized controlled trial in 142 women undergoing hysteroscopyshowed that the group who received TENS therapy experienced asignificantly lower level of pain. Further high-quality scientific evidence isneeded to draw a firm conclusion about effectiveness.GastroperesisOne small study of 38 gastroparesis patients receiving percutaneouselectrical nerve stimulation (similar to TENS) reported a reduction innausea and vomiting and a favorable weight gain after 12 months oftherapy on the stomach. It is uncertain if these results would be seen withTENS therapy. This early research does not provide enough high-qualityscientific evidence to draw a firm conclusion about effectiveness.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rehabilitationOne small randomized controlled trial involving 18 people undergoingrehabilitation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) showedimproved muscle strength in the lower extremities as a result of TENStherapy. This suggests that TENS could be useful in adjunct to othercomponents in a rehabilitation program for COPD. This early research doesnot provide enough high-quality scientific evidence to draw a firmconclusion about effectiveness.Carpal tunnel syndromeA small, well-designed trial in 11 patients with carpal tunnel syndromereported that TENS therapy was an effective treatment for pain. This eaHyresearch does not provide enough high-quality scientific evidence to drawa firm conclusion about effectiveness.Tendonitis A recent randomized controlled trial examined 60 patients with shoulder tendonitis and the effect of TENS and shock wave therapy on pain. This study showed shock wave therapy to be more effective then TENS for this condition. Further research is needed to confirm these results.Unproven UsesTENS has been suggested