大气污染控制工程课 程 设 计题 目:切流旋风除尘器的设计专 业:环境工程指导教师 :杨伟华学生姓名:黄晓东学 号:09234045 2012年10月切流旋风除尘器设计说明书摘 要论文主要介绍了旋风除尘器各部分结构尺寸的确定以及旋风除尘器性能的计算。以普通旋风除尘器设计为基础,结合现代此类相关课题的研究方法,设计出符合一定压力损失和除尘效率要求的除尘器,在CAD软件辅助设计的基础上,绘制切流式旋风除尘器外形图,蜗壳尺寸图,蜗壳出口法兰图。本文分以下几部分对以上内容进行了讨论:首先,通过查阅资料计算出切流式旋风除尘器各部分尺寸;其次,绘制出旋风除尘器蜗壳尺寸图,蜗壳出口法兰图;最后,整理资料,选取与论文相关的英文文献进行翻译完成设计说明书。关键词:旋风除尘器 压力损失 除尘效率The design of efficiently whirler-type dust catcher AbstractThis paper mainly introduces the determination of the whirler-type dust catchers size of structure for every part and the calculation of the performance for the whirler-type dust catcher . It is based on the design of ordinary cyclone and combined with modern research methods of such related topics. Then the whirler-type dust catcher which is in accordance with the requirements of pressure drop and the effieieney of dustremoval is designed.The drawing of the assembly drawing ,part drawing and dust control system schematic is based on the CAD,a software for aided design.This article is divided into several parts of following to be talked over:at first, calculating the whirler-type dust catchers size of every part by searching materials,then drawing the assembly drawing and part drawing of the whirler-type dust catcher.at last,collating information and selecting a piece of English literature which is related to the papers and translating it to complete the synopsis for the design.Keywords: Whirler-type dust catcher Effieieney of dustremoval Pressure drop旋风除尘器的设计原始资料: 有一台锅炉,处理烟气量Q15000m3/h,排烟温度T180,浓度气体性质、粉尘密度p2000g/m3,粒度分布见表,要求效率80%, 设计二台串联旋风除尘器。粒径范围m1551010303060608080平均径dp37.520457090质量频率D61222291813筛分理论分级效率0.6280.5420.8760.9910.99911旋风除尘器各部分尺寸的确定1.1形式的选择根据国家规定的粉尘排放标准、粉尘的性质、允许的阻力和制造条件、经济性合理选择旋风除尘器的形式,选通用型旋风除尘器。1.2 确定进口风速根据推荐取Vc=18m/s。1.3 确定旋风除尘器的尺寸(1)进气口面积A的确定进气口截面一般为长方形,尺寸为a和b,根据处理气量Q和进气速度Vc可得A=Q/3600Vc=0.23m2取尺寸比H/W=2.5,A=HW所以H=0.76m,W=0.30m实际风速为:Vc=Q/(3600×0.76×0.30)18.27m/s(2)筒体尺寸的确定一般旋风除尘器的直径越小,气流的旋转半径越小,粉尘颗粒所受的离心力越大,除尘效率越高。但是过小的筒体直径,和排气管太近,可能造成大直径颗粒反弹至中心被气流带走,使除尘效率降低,另外还可能引起筒体内堵塞。因此,一般筒体直径不宜小于5075mm。取a0.5 D0 ,D0 = H11.52m(3)排气管高度的确定De 0.5D0 sH0.76m(4)椎体尺寸的确定H 2 L H 1 2D0 3.04m(5)排尘口尺寸的确定Dd 1/3D0 0.51m2旋风除尘器的效率检验已知处理烟气温度T180,查表或用公式可得常压下烟气密度g0.8kg/m3,动力黏度2.5×10-5 Pa·s。(1) 由几何尺寸,计算自然返回长L=2.3 D0(De²/HWi)1/3=2.3×1.52×(0.762/0.76×0.3)1/3 4.75m(2)由筛分理论,计算粉尘分割径为(3)计算分级效率、总效率计算总效率因T 85%,故满足设计要求。3.压力损失估算压力损失取上限,旋风除尘器阻力近似为1300Pa。2旋风除尘器压力损失及除尘效率2.1计算压力损失参照现代机械设备设计手册.非标准机械设备设计压力损失通常用旋风除尘器进出口全压差来表示,在实际计算中引入一个阻力系数 = K由于该旋风除尘器设计为无叶片标准的切向进口,现代机械设备设计手册.非标准机械设备设计表23.1-50,取K=7.5 =7.5×=5.1参照现代机械设备设计手册.非标准机械设备设计式23.1-80压力损失公式p=得P=5.1××1=826.93.2除尘效率的计算(1)分级除尘效率由除尘器图16查得旋风除尘器分级除尘效率公式为式中 x取平均粒径。所以,各分级粒径的除尘效率为:=63=71.4 =86.6 =94 =98=99(2)总除尘效率根据除尘效率公式 得6m以下 =9.5(%)68.5m =6.4(%)8512m =9.5(%)1216m =11.3(%)1623m =12.7(%)23m 以上 =39.6(%)所以,总除尘效率为 =9.5(%)+6.4(%)+9.5(%)+11.3(%)+12.7(%)+39.6(%) =89(%)4 连接方式的选择法兰尺寸如图34所示图34法兰尺寸示意图(1)筒体与椎体的连接根据工艺条件、温度、压力、介质及公称直径,由化工设备机械基础表6-4可知采用甲型平焊法兰。由表6-1可采用平面密封面,垫片材料选用石棉橡胶板,从表6-3中查得垫片宽度为17.5mm。法兰的各部分尺寸从附录14表32中查得DN=800mm D=915mm D1=880mm D2=850mm D3=840mm D4=837mm b=36mm d=18mm螺栓规格为M16,共32个。(2)锥体与灰斗的连接根据工艺条件、温度、压力、介质及公称直径,由化工设备机械基础表6-4可知采用甲型平焊法兰。由表6-1可采用平面密封面,垫片材料选用石棉橡胶板,法兰的各部分尺寸从附录15表36中查得DN=60mm D=160mm K=130mm L=14mm 螺栓规格为M12,共4个。(3)出气口与外部管道的连接根据工艺条件、温度、压力、介质及公称直径,由化工设备机械基础表6-4可知采用甲型平焊法兰。由表6-1可采用平面密封面,垫片材料选用石棉橡胶板,法兰的各部分尺寸从附录114表32中查得DN=240mm D=355mm D1=320mm D2=290mm D3=280mm D4=277mm b=30mm d=18mm螺栓规格为M16,共12个。(4)进气口与外部管道的连接 由于矩形进口与筒体相切处接触面积大于圆形进口与筒体相切处的接触面积,所以选择矩形进口。法兰采用方形法兰。结论在查阅了相关资料的基础上,通过上述讨论,根据所要设计的旋风除尘器的特点设计出了一套基本符合现在使用条件的旋风除尘器。(1)通过了解我国现在大气污染状况,查阅相关资料,了解气体中粉尘的性质以及除尘的重要性;(2)查阅和整理各方面资料,了解旋风除尘器各方面性能及影响因素;(3)运用相关公式,设计计算出旋风除尘器各部分尺寸并计算除尘效率,对所选用零部件的强度进行校核;(4)通过了解除尘系统的除尘机理和其中各部分的工作情况,绘制出了通风除尘系统图,并根据计算出的旋风除尘器各部分尺寸绘制出旋风除尘器装配图和各零部件图。致谢在三个多月的毕业设计的过程中,首先我衷心地感谢带我设计的高秀媛老师,她不辞辛苦的指导给予了我莫大的帮助,为我的设计提出了多种设想与构思,在我在设计中最迷茫的时候为我的设计思路指出了明确的方向,带领我圆满地完成了本次设计。老师在学术和为人师表方面都起着令人敬佩的表率作用,她平易近人的性格,一丝不苟的治学态度,独到的见解,都给我留下深刻的印象。在设计过程中,老师尽量让我通过实践,多看多听,通过现有的产品与资料多实践,多动脑,想出具有自己见解的设计思路。通过设计的常规思路加上自己的见解坚持不懈地走下去,当遇到困难时,耐心冷静地去克服、去解决,培养了我独立解决问题的能力,为自己以后的工作和学习中独立解决问题打下了坚实的基础。在设计中遇到了问题时,老师给予我及时的指导,把我的设计思路引上正轨,使问题得到解决。设计快结束了,但老师无微不至和不辞辛苦的指导使我终生难忘,我会永远地记住这次设计,会记住曾经热心指导我的高老师,在即将离校之日,让我再衷心的说一声:“谢谢您!老师。”感谢唐山天元化工设备有限公司全体领导与员工对我无私的传授,使我加深了对旋风除尘器的了解,对我以后的设计有了很大的帮助。感谢唐山学院机电工程系和所有授予我知识的敬爱的老师们三年来对我的培养!你们对我热心深刻地指导我将永远铭记在心。最后,感谢在百忙之中参与评阅论文的各位专家评委老师,你们辛苦了。参考文献1 中国石化集团上海工程有限公司组织编写,金国淼等编.除尘器.北京:化学工业出版社,2008.42 张殿印,王纯主编.除尘器手册.北京:化学工业出版社,2004.103 张建英,蒋运茂主编.工业防尘手册.劳动人事出版社,1989年10月第一版4 范祖尧主编.现代机械设备设计基础手册 第3卷:非标准机械设备设计.北京:机械工业出版社,1996.105 刁玉玮,王立业编著.化工设备机械基础.大连理工大学出版社,2006年12月第五版6 马广大编著.除尘器性能计算.中国环境科学出版社,1990年第1版7 刘鸿文主编.简明材料力学.北京:高等教育出版社,19978 杨可桢,程光蕴,李仲生主编.机械设计基础.北京: 高等教育出版社,2006年5月第5版9 大连理工大学工程画教研室编.机械制图.北京: 高等教育出版社,2003年8月第5版10 西德H布拉沃尔, 印度YBG瓦尔玛著.空气污染控制设备.机械工业出版社.1985年10月第1版11 周兴求主编,叶代启副主编.环保设备设计手册.北京:化学工业出版社,2003.1212 郝吉明,马广大等著.大气污染控制工程.高等教育出版社,198913 徐灏. 机械设计手册. 机械工业出版社,199114 夏清,陈常贵主编.化工原理(上册).天津大学出版社,2005年1月第1版15 孙岩,陈晓罗,熊涌主编.机械设计课程设计.北京理工大学出版社,2007年3月第一版16 朱有庭,曲文海,于浦义主编.化工设备设计手册(上卷) . 化学工业出版社,2005 17 李广超主编.大气污染控制技术.北京: 化学工业出版社,200118 汤善甫,朱思明. 化工设备机械基础. 华东理工大学出版社,199019 中国石化集团上海工程有限公司编.化工工艺设计手册(下册).化学工业出版社,2009年6 月第四版20 Leith D,Leich W.Symposium Seyies Air A,I.Ch.E 1973外文资料The Installation and Commissioning of Plenum Pulse Bag Type CollectorPart 1 Performance characteristicsPlenum pulse bag type collector is a kind of de-dusting equipment with high efficiency.It combines many advantages of collectors including loculose anti-blow and pulse blow,and it has solved the disadvantages of deficiency of kinetic energy strength in loculose anti-blow and pulse blow de-dusting running in the same time, improved the applicability and de-dusting efficiency, extended life span of the bag. Theres no venturi tube in the mouth of bag or blowing tube, that reduces working resistance and makes examining and repairing easy. Electromagnetic pulse valve is of these characters: be sensitive to control, high efficiency, long life span and so on. At present, this type dust collector has been used widely.Part 2 Basic structure and working principle1 StructureMain structures of plenum pulse bag type collector are as followers: box body and bag compartment (integrative), dust store bin, wind inlet and outlet (including screw conveyer and cinder valve), ladder, baluster, air passage system (including offline pneumatic cylinder, electromagnetic pulse valve, compressed air bag), de-dusting controller and so on.(1) Box bodyBox body is mainly used to fix cage, filter bag and air passage components, made into whole close from. Compressed air enters into box body first, and crushes inside of the filter bag while collector is de-dusting. Box body is made into 1.5 degree inclined plane, that can be prevented from seeper when used in the open air. Theres a door where someone can examine and repair on the top, installing and replacing cage, filter bag are all done here, that is very convenient. According to the difference of specification, box body is divided into some compartments separated by armor plate between them and impermeable by air, offline de-dusting will come true. Theres a lift valve in each compartment, which breaks and filtrate smoke current of air.(2)Bag compartmentBag compartment is in the below of the box body, mainly used to contain cage and filter bag and from a filtration space, cleaning of smoke is mostly done here. Like the box body, according to the difference of specification, bag compartment is divided into some compartments separated by armor plate between them and prevented from disturbing, at the same time it forms one sedimentation space.Theres a leaked explosive hole on the wainscot of each compartment,the number of leaked explosive hole is 8.Coal preparation equipment, therere some coal fines produced in the process of coal preparation, but concentration of coal fine is far less than 65g/m3, so collector must not set leaked explosive holes. Even so, the filter bag should adopt antistatic filter material. You set leaked explosive hole whose area is 0.3m2 according to the structure of wainscot position. Choose the material whose thickness is equal to 1 mm L2-M anneal industrial pure aluminum plank, and the anti-pulls strength of industrial pure aluminum plank is 60Mpa, compared with the anti-pulls strength that is not less than 375Mpa of the carbon structure steel wall plank that the thickness is equal to 4 mm. The leaked explosive hole can ensure that dust collector operates in a safe condition.(3)Dust store binDust store bin is below of the bag compartment, used to store collected dust. Dust-laden gas enter into dust store bin first before into bag compartment, that the speed of gas falls and the direction of current.(4)Wind inlet and outletThere are two kinds of wind inlet and outlet according to the structure of the duster. The wind inlet of the 32 series is a cylinder type, and is directly welded on the lateral plate of the dust store bin. The wind outlet is in the bottom, at the side of the bag compartment, connected with inner side of the bag compartment by the plate hole of the lift valve to, other series of wind inlet and outlet are made into to a whole, put on the side of the bag compartment. The bag compartment is separated two parts from the dust store bin by a slant board, with one part as the inlet and the other outlet. Though this structure is of a big volume, the air is evenly distributed, with a good effect, and suitable for occasions where dust-laden gas is of a great concentration.Plenum pulse bag type collector is made up of several compartments, where de-dusting is in order, and this is compartment-by-compartment off-line de-dusting. Its advantages are that the de-dusting compartment and the filtering compartment do not interfere each other, help realizing long-term consecutive operating and improve de-dusting effect. 2 Working principle of plenum pulse bag type collectorWhen dust-laden gas enters the dust store bin from the inlet, some heavier dust drops into the dust store bin as a result of habitual collision and free settling, large amount of dust follow the rising air current and enter into the inside of bag compartment. Dust is detained outside the filter bag after being filtered by filter bags, and the purified gas goes into the bag compartment from inside the filter bag, then discharged into the air through the hole of the valve board and the outlet. As it goes on and on, the dust detained outside the filter bag increases, so it causes operating resistance of dust collector rising. If the resistance rises to the pre-set number(12451470Pa), the controller will send out signals, first to control the lift valve to do these operations: close the hole of the valve board to cut air current and stop filtering, and then to open the electromagnetic pulse valve to blow compressed air whose pressure is 0.5-0.7Mpa into filter bag with a short time(0.010.12s). The compressed air immediately expands and swarms into filter bag, that make the bag to distort and vibrate, adding the effect of adverse air current, the dust detained outside of filter bag is dropped into the dust store bin. After the de-dusting is finished, lift valve open again, and dust collector begin filtering once more.气箱脉冲袋除尘器的安装调试一 性能特点气箱脉冲袋除尘器是一种高效除尘器。它综合分室反吹和喷吹脉冲等除尘器的优点,克服了分室反吹时动能强度不够和喷吹脉冲清灰过滤同时进行的缺点,因而增强了使用适应性,提高了收尘效率,延长了滤袋使用寿命。滤袋上口不设文氏管,也没有喷吹管,降低了工作阻力,使检修、维护都相当简便,电磁脉冲阀具有控制灵敏、效率高、寿命长等特点。目前,这种型式的袋除尘器已被广泛选用。二 基本结构及工作原理1 结构:气箱脉冲式袋除尘器的主要结构是,主体由箱体和袋室(一体),灰斗、进出风口(包括螺旋输送机和卸灰阀),爬梯、栏杆、气路系统(包括离线气缸、电磁脉冲阀、压力气包等)、清灰控制器等。(1)箱体箱体主要是固定袋笼、滤袋及气路元件之用,并制成全密闭形式,清灰时,压缩空气首先进入箱体,并冲入各滤袋内部。箱体顶部做成1.5度斜面,在户外使用时可防止积水,顶部还设有人孔检修门,安装和更换袋笼、滤袋全部在这里进行,十分方便。根据规格不同,箱体内又分成若干个室,相互之间均用钢板隔开,互不透气,以实现离线清灰,每个室内均设有一个提升阀,以通断过滤烟气流。(2)袋室袋室在箱体的下部,主要用来容纳袋笼和滤袋,并形成一个过滤空间,烟气的净化主要在这里进行,同箱体一样,根据规格的不同也分成若干个室,并用钢板隔开,以防在清灰时各室之间的相互干扰,同时形成一定的沉降空间。在袋室的壁板上,每个室设一个泄爆孔,共8个泄爆孔。选煤设备,在选煤的过程中,虽有些煤粉产生,进入除尘的煤粉浓度又远小于65g/m3,除尘器可不设泄爆孔。虽然如此,除尘器的滤袋采用防静电滤料。在袋室壁板上按壁板位置结构设泄爆孔,泄爆孔面积0.3m2,材质选用厚度等于1mm的L2-M退火的工业纯铝板,工业铝板的抗拉强度约为60Mpa,与厚度等于4mm的碳结构钢壁板抗拉强度不小于375Mpa的抗拉强度比较,泄爆孔是可以起到泄爆作用,保证除尘器安全运行。(3)灰斗灰斗布置在袋室的下部,它存放收集下来的粉尘。当含尘气体进入袋室前先进入灰斗,由于灰斗内容积大,使得气流速度降低,加之气流方向的改变,使得较粗的尘籽在这里得到分离,灰斗内布置有螺旋输送机设备,出口还设有回转卸料器或翻板阀等锁风设备,可连续进行排灰。(4)进出风口进出风口根据除尘器的结构形式分二种,32系列的进风口为圆筒型,直接焊在灰斗的侧板上,出风口安排在箱体下部,袋室侧面,通过提升阀板孔与箱体内部相通,其它系列的进出风口制成一体,安排在袋室侧面,箱体和灰斗之间,中间用斜隔板隔成互不透气的二部分,分别为进气和出气口,这种结构形式体积虽大一些,但气流分布均匀,灰斗内预收尘效果好,适合于烟气含尘浓度较大的场合使用。2 气箱脉冲式袋除尘器的工作原理:当含尘烟气由进风口进入灰斗以后,一部分较粗尘料在这时由于惯性碰撞、自然沉降等原因落入灰斗,大部分尘粒随气流上升进入袋室,经滤袋过滤后,尘粒被阻留在滤袋外侧,净化的烟气由滤袋内部进入箱体,再由阀板孔、出风口排入大气,达到收尘的目的,随着过滤过程的不断进行,滤袋外侧的积尘也逐渐增多,从而使除尘器的运行阻力也逐渐增高,当阻力增到预先设定值(12451470Pa)时,清灰控制器发生信号,首先控制提升阀将阀板孔关闭,以切断过滤烟气流,停止过滤过程,然后电磁脉冲阀打开,以极短时间(0.010.12s)向箱体内喷入压力为0.50.7Mpa的压缩空气,压缩空气在箱体内迅速膨胀,涌入滤袋内部,使滤袋产生变形、震动,加上逆气流的作用,滤袋外部的粉尘便清除下来掉到灰斗,清灰完毕之后,提升阀再次打开,除尘器又进入过滤状态。气箱脉冲式袋除尘器是由多个室组成的,清灰时,各室分别顺序进行,这就是分室离线清灰,其优点是清灰的室和正在过滤的室互不干扰,实现了长期连续作业,提高了清灰效果。