The development of the real estate marketing theoryThe theoretical system and the marketing concept in China began in twentieth Century 70 at the end of the introduction of marketing, and is rapidly applied to all kinds of household electrical appliances, daily necessities, hotel service industry and other fields, and applied to the field of real estate is after 1995. The main reason is that the concept of marketing is the product of the market, is the result of fierce market competition. Before 1994, China's real estate market is a typical seller's market, enterprise, unit group purchase, less market risk. But after 1994, the high risk of the real estate market competition of real estate investment began to highlight, the majority of real estate developers began to look at the marketing with a rational perspective of value. After several years of exploration, although the trend of diversified real estate marketing, marketing services have been chasing connotation from the surface tends, marketing promotion from be towards orderly, but many real estate developers to understand marketing remain superficial, even as to understand marketing connotation bias lead to marketing mistakes. With the continuous innovation of management theory, how to understand the idea and strategy of marketing in deep, deep adjustment and integration of the real estate marketing combination, it is one of the key factors for developers to market competition.The United States of America marketing scholar Professor Mccarthy put forward the famous "4P" marketing combination strategy. "4P" is the city A marketing mix of four basic elements, namely the product (Product), price (Price), pipe (Place) and promotion (Promotion). He believes that a successful and complete marketing activities, means to appropriate Products, right price, right channels and appropriate means of promotion, enterprise product and service delivery to specific market behavior.Now many developers are using the "4P" marketing theory of real estate marketing arrangements. However, the market marketing concept thinking is basically along the "how the enterprise production and transmission of the needs of the market products" context expansion. Facing the complexity in today's market, consumers purchase motivation option variability and the degree of market competition is becoming more and more acute, with "market demand" as the starting point and the home of the "4P" theory is received from the pursuit of "customer satisfaction" and "customer loyalty" "4C" and "4R" marketing theory impact and challenge.Enterprises in the pursuit of "customer satisfaction" in the process, the United States of America marketing expert Professor Lauter put forward the "customer" as the center of the "4C" marketing theory. "4C" theory to set up four basic elements of marketing mix: consumers (Consumer), cost (Cost), convenience (Convenience) and communication (Communication). It emphasizes that the enterprise should be the first to meet customer demand, the constant pursuit of the highest customer satisfaction in the first place; second is to reduce the customer's purchase cost, including customer purchasing activities in the monetary costs and other costs; and then to give full attention to customer purchase of convenience in the process, rather than from the perspective of enterprise to determine the sales channel strategy; finally we should to consumers as the center and the implementation of effective marketing communication. Today, most real estate developers in the pursuit of a comprehensive customer satisfaction.In recent years, retain customers, build customer loyalty has new ideas for the evolution of enterprise marketing. The key is to establish and maintain customer relationship marketing. Relationship marketing on customer of enterprise, is the process of a potential customer finally evolved into an active customers and partners. It can offer more value for customers (such as discounts, incentives, such as free strategy) to build customer relationships, can also be based on the understanding of customer needs and aspirations through the implementation of personalized service for the customer to establish relationships; can also provide a relationship building various additional benefits and potential additional benefits to the old customer. Of course, not all customers will eventually become Partners, enterprises can according to their business product characteristics and customer characteristics to determine customer relationship marketing construction.房地产营销理论的发展我国在二十世纪70年代末开始引进市场营销学的理论体系与营销理念,并迅速应用到家用电器、日用百货、酒店服务业等各个领域,而应用到房地产领域则是在1995年以后。主要原因在于市场营销的理念是市场的产物,是激烈的市场竞争的结果。1994年以前,我国的房地产市场是典型的卖方市场,以企业、单位团体购买为主,市场风险较小。但在1994年以后,房地产市场的竞争加剧房地产投资的高风险开始凸显,广大的房地产开发商开始用理性的眼光看待市场营销的价值。经过几年的摸索,虽然房地产营销方式趋向多元化,营销服务已从注重表面趋向追求内涵,营销推广已从杂乱无章趋向规范有序,但许多房地产开发商对营销的认识仍留于肤浅,甚至由于对营销内涵的理解偏颇导致营销中的失误。随着管理理论的不断创新,如何深刻认识营销的理念与策略,以对房地产营销组合进行深层次调整和整合,便是开发商决胜来来市场的关键因素之一。美国营销学学者麦卡锡教授提出了著名的“4P”营销组合策略。“4P”是市场营销组合中的四大基本要素,即产品(Product)、价格(Price)、管道(Place)和促销(Promotion)。他认为一次成功和完整的市场营销活动,意味着以适当的产品、适当的价格、适当的管道和适当的促销手段,将企业的产品和服务投放到特定市场的行为。现在不少开发商都在使用市场营销学的“4P”理论进行房地产市场营销组合安排。然而,市场营销组合概念的思想基本上是沿着“企业如何生产和传递市场需要的产品”脉络展开的。面对当今市场中消费者购买动机的复杂性、购买选择的多变性和市场竞争程度的日益激化,以“市场需求”作为出发点和归宿点的“4P”理论正在受到来自追求“顾客满意”和建立“顾客忠诚”的“4C”和“4R”营销待添加的隐藏文字内容3理论的冲击和挑战。企业追求“顾客满意”过程中,美国营销专家劳特朋教授提出了以“顾客”为中心的“4C”营销理论。“4C”理论重新设定了市场营销组合的四个基本要素:即消费者(Consumer)、成本(Cost)、便利(Convenience)和沟通(Communication)。它强调当今的企业首先应该把满足顾客需求、不断追求高度的顾客满意放在第一位;其次是努力降低顾客的购买成本,包括顾客购买活动中的货币成本和其他成本;然后要充分注意到顾客购买过程中的便利性,而不是从企业的角度来决定销售管道策略;最后还应以消费者为中心实施有效的营销沟通。今天,大多数房地产开发商都在努力追求全面的顾客满意。近年来,保持顾客、建立顾客忠诚逐渐演化为企业市场营销的新理念。留住顾客的关键是建立关系营销。企业对顾客进行关系营销,就是将一个潜在顾客最后演变为一个主动性顾客和合伙人的过程。它可以通过为老主顾提供更大的让渡价值(如折扣、奖励、免费赠送等策略)来建立顾客关系,也可以在了解顾客需求和愿望的基础上通过对顾客实行个性化服务来建立关系;还可以通过向老顾客提供各种附加利益和潜在附加利益建立关系。当然,不是所有的顾客最终都能变成合伙人,企业可以根据其经营产品特点和顾客特点来决定顾客关系营销建设的水平。综合上述分析,我们不难得出这样的结论:“4P”理论、“4C”理论和“4R”理论三者不是取代关系而是完善、发展的关系。虽然“4P”理论在国外已经实施了几十年,但对我国的房地产企业而言,仍然是新问题。并且由于它简单、易于操作,因此还是企业营销活动的基本框架根据“4P”理论,房地产企业应把产品和顾客的需求对应起来,提供符合顾客特点和个性的具有特色或独特性的优质楼盘,并重视品牌策略的应用,注重企业品牌的塑造和提升。而“4C”理论强调企业与消费者要开展互动、有效的沟通,才能满足消费者需要的价值取向。在激烈的市场竞争中,要把它贯彻到定价策略、营销管道选择等各个环节。因此“4C”理论也是很有价值的。“4R”理论第一次把开发商与业主的双赢概念引入房地产行业、通过关系营销提高客户的忠诚度,赢得长期而稳定的市场。因而“4R”理论不是取代“4P”理论和“4C”理论,而是在“4P”理论和“4C”理论基础上的创新与发展。作为一个开发商,要想在市场上获胜,必须以“4R”理论为主导,以“4P”“4C”“4R”为操作主线,开展有效的市场营销。