衡水学院毕业论文(设计)英文文献翻译学生姓名: 系 别:法学与思想政治教育学系专 业:思想政治教育年 级:2011级学 号:201120202128待添加的隐藏文字内容2指导教师: 衡水学院教务处印制原 文TITLE:FROM TRAUMAS CAPES TO TOURISTS CAPES: “WAR TOURS”IN SARAJEVO AND VACUOLARAbstract: If the link between war and tourism has already received considerable academic and media attention, the spatial representation of war in the tourism sector is still emerging in the fields of cultural geography and anthropology. In this paper I seek to explore the rehabilitation and fructification of sites traumatized by war which I have approached using the concept of Traumas cape (Tumarkin, 2005) by presenting two case studies in the Balkan region: Sarajevo (Bosnia) and Vacuolar (Croatia). These two cities lived through a terrible and traumatic siege during the Balkan war of the 1990s and are both undergoing a process of post-conflict reconstruction. Tourists are now coming back to the region and many are eager to visit the war heritage left by the conflict. So-called “war tours”, leading tourists through war-affected areas, are appearing in these towns: the Time of misfortune tour and the mission impossible tour in Sarajevo or The soldiers trail tour in Vacuolar. The fructification of these sites and of the Balkan war in general raises many questions in terms of the representation and interpretation of a collective and recent trauma: why are certain sites “Torified” and others not? Can tourism foster cooperation and reconciliation between divided communities? Can tourism be a vector of expression for silent or peripheral voices? What is the relationship between these sites and those who visit them? In conclusion I will introduce the concept of dark tourism which is often used to problematic the relation between war and tourism and consider it from a critical perspective. Key Words: Heritage, tourism, war, Balkan, Vacuolar, Sarajevo, dark tourism, trauma.This paper presents a current research on the rehabilitation of sites traumatized by war and more specifically on their touristification. It will explore two case studies taking place in cities characterized by the siege they lived through during what was commonly named as the Balkan war. Those towns now expose sites specifically linked to the war to tourists through what is labeled as “war tours”. In Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia Herzegovina, the tourism board proposed the Time of Misfortune tour and on another hand a private guide introduced the war torn heritage of the city through a tour called the Mission Impossible Tour. In Vacuolar, a mid-sized town in East Croatia, a private tour operator invites tourists to visit the scars of the conflict through a tour called the Soldiers Trail. For a good comprehension of the following text, it is important to first clarify the concept of Traumas cape (Tumarkin 2005) in order to put in light its transformation into a tourists cape. The presentation of the case studies will lead to a critical analysis of this existing field of research problematizing the relation between war and tourism mostly as it will be shown through the notion of dark tourism (Lennon & Foleys 2000, Stone 2006).Heritage and in this context war heritage should be approached through a dynamic manner, not as a collection of elements simply transmitted from past to present, but as a permanent creation aiming to respond to contemporary needs, such as tourism development or the reconstruction of a war-torn image. Gregory Ashworth for instance insists on its contemporary dimension: Heritage is not an artifact or site associated with past times, conditions, events or personalities. It is a process that uses sites, objects, and human traits and patterns of behaviors as vehicles for the transmission of ideas in order to satisfy various contemporary needs.Furthermore now that tourists local and foreign come back to visit the region and the stigmata of war, the rehabilitation and the touristification of those traumas capes raise a number of questions in terms of interpretation and representation of a collective trauma, but also regarding economic and territorial development, or even in terms of reconciliation and social cohesion: Why are some sites rehabilitated and others not? Can tourism foster reconciliation between divided communities? Can tourism be a vector of expression for silent voices? Or on the opposite side, could the touristification of traumatic elements aim to serve the powers in place? Finally, while situating a trauma like war in an industry close to leisure, dont we risk disconnecting it from its traumatic history? The criteria which Name and Surname of Author(s) determined the choice of the case studies will first be presented. Second, an analysis of those “war tours” will be undertaken and the sites exposed to tourists through this experience will be put in light. Sarajevo in Bosnia Herzegovina and Vacuolar in the Croat region of Slovenia were chosen as case studies. The principal criteria which determine this choice can be summarized as the following: first those two places lived through a traumatic siege2 during the war and this has great implications in the interpretation of the conflict, since the two parties did not have the same means of fighting at their disposal. Secondly those two cities are totally divided, in an institutional way in Sarajevo-since the division of Bosnia Herzegovina in two distinct entities: The Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina and the Serbian Republic and in a more informal manner in Vacuolar where Serbian and Croatian communities are totally segregated. This social and politic fracture is at the heart of the freezing of numerous projects, linked or not to tourism and conservation. Thirdly those two cities acknowledged an international Notoriety through Medias such as CNN or Euro news and also due to cinematographic productions3 which thrust those places into the forefront of the global scene, generating a particular imaginary for potential visitors. Finally, both of those places are experiencing the birth of what can be considered as “war tourism”, through what most of the actors of the field named as “war tours”: The Mission Impossible Tour and The Time of Misfortune Tour in Sarajevo and the Soldiers Trail in Vacuolar. Advertising for the Time of Misfortune Tour. (Tourism Board of Sarajevo)Before taking a close look at the touristification of sites traumatized by war it is important to explore the notion of traumas cape that Maria Tumarkin defined as a distinct category of places transformed physically and psychically by a trauma. A trauma, which can be linked to war, natural disaster or even a terrorist attack, is not only embodied in the place and the event, but in the way this place and event are lived, experienced and represented through time. In this context tourism can become a vector of experience and interpretation of the trauma and the place it is associated with. Sarajevo is even part of the seven cases that Tumarkin uses as examples to illustrate her concept of traumas cape in her founding book. Ive chosen to identify some landmarks of those traumas capes that are Vacuolar and Sarajevo. The two cities are now under a process of post-war reconstruction and tourism is developing moderately. Foreign visitors have come back to Sarajevo in significant way since 2005 and Vacuolar which wasnt on the touristy trail before the war is seeing the appearance of a form of tourism specifically related to its war History. 中文为宋体、西文为Times New Roman、四号,段前后距0.5行,单倍行距打印时请删除译 文题目:将心灵创伤转化成旅游:萨拉热窝和乌科瓦尔的“战争之旅”摘要:如果战争与旅游业之间的联系已得到学术和媒体的相当关注,战争的空间表示仍然被旅游部门认为是新兴的人类学和文化地理学的领域。在本文中,我试图探讨研究恢复和旅游开发战争创伤的现象-我接触和使用过的心灵创伤概念(Tumarkin,2005) -通过对两个巴尔干地区的个案研究:萨拉热窝(波塞尼亚)和乌科瓦尔(克罗地亚)。这两个城市在20世纪90年代巴尔干战争使其经历了一段可怕的、创伤性的冲突和重建的历史过程。 游客现在回到这个地区,许多人都渴望访问战争和冲突所留下的文化遗产。所谓的“战争之旅”, 吸引游客的是受战争影响地区,例如:乌科瓦尔灾难之旅和谍中谍之旅以及萨拉热窝的士兵步道游览。巴尔干战争现场的旅游化现象最近引起了多方面的关注,也带来许多有争议,比较有代表性的疑问是:为什么在特定的地点才出现这种现象而其他地方却没有?旅游业能将那些曾经被认为是孤立的地方融入我们的世界吗?旅游业可以是那部分沉默地区的和谐友好的声音吗?这些现象之间的联系是什么?访问者都是哪些群体?最后,我将介绍黑色旅游的概念,它经常被批判性的认为是将战争和旅游结合产物。关键词:文化遗产,旅游,战争,巴尔干,乌科瓦尔,萨拉热窝,黑色旅游,创伤。本文主要介绍通过恢复受战争创伤的现场以及更明确的旅游化开发的专门性研究。它将研究这两个案例发生地的城市特点,那个作为巴尔干战争围困经历的一般性命名的地方。 这些城镇现在通过战争旅游的标签揭露了战争和旅游的联系。在萨拉热窝,波斯尼亚黑塞哥维那首都,旅游局推出灾难之旅,同时以私人导游通过谍中谍之旅介绍战争旅游的文化遗产。在乌科瓦尔,在东克罗地亚,中型城市的私人旅游经营者邀请游客前往参观士兵步道这一战争冲突的疤痕。. 对于下面的内容好理解,重要的是首先理解Traumas cape的概念,为了把心灵的创伤转化成旅游资源(Tumarkin 2005)。本文所提交的案例研究将在现有战争和旅游联系的研究领域产生批判性分析并通过黑色旅游的概念被展示出来 (Lennon & Foleys 2000, Stone 2006) 。遗产在战争遗产这方面应该是一个动态的方式,在时间上从过去到现在的单纯的接触性传播,但作为一个永久性存在的模式,应当满足对当前的需要,如旅游业的发展或重新塑造受战争蹂躏的形象。以格雷戈里艾许沃斯为坚持其现状为例:遗产是不是人工制品或与过去的某个时间,某个条件,某个事件或者某种个性相联系的载体。这是一个过程,一个为满足各种当代各种需求而使用各种能够借用的到的载体以使其不断向前发展的过程。此外,现在的很多的本地或者外地的游客来拜访这些地区,这些满是战争伤痕的地方,对该地区的恢复重建和旅游开发将带来许多的问题,不仅表现在其是在揭开那些其实并不愿意提起的集体创伤,而且在经济的发展和土地的开发,甚至体现在促进地区的和谐稳定和社会的凝聚力方面:为什么有些地方要恢复重建而有些地方却不要?旅游业能将那些曾经被认为是孤立的地方融入我们的世界吗?旅游业可以是那部分沉默地区的和谐友好的声音吗?或者从另一方面来说,将那些地区作为旅游开发之是当地政府的一厢情愿?最后,既然这种战争场景展示有些类似休闲产业,我们不能冒险地将它区别于历史的伤痛吗?这个研究方向由本文作者首先选择并确定提出,同时,作者将就“战争之旅”这个课题展开研究,揭秘对战争现场的旅游开发并分享给大家。波斯尼亚黑塞哥维那的萨拉热窝城和斯拉沃尼亚的克罗地亚地区的乌科瓦尔城被选为案例研究。之所以做如此选择,只要以以下几点为依据:第一,这两个地方都经历了战争的洗礼,战争的冲突给他们带来了巨大的影响;第二,这两个城市都是完全的独立地区。自从波斯尼亚黑塞戈维亚为分为波斯尼亚黑塞戈维亚联邦政府和塞尔维亚共和国之后,萨拉热窝就成为一个孤立的城市。同样的,当塞尔维亚和克罗地亚被完全的分割以后,乌科瓦尔就成为一个更加非正式的孤立城市。这种现实社会和国家政治体系不相衔接的现象正是导致该地区旅游开发被冻结的核心所在;第三,由于通过媒体如CNN和欧洲新闻的某些报道,导致这两个城市的国际声誉声名狼藉,也由于电影PRODUCTIONS 3将这些地区搬上荧幕展现在全球公众的眼前,从而在人们的脑海中烙下特定的形象;最后,这些地方正逐渐成为“战争之旅”的发源地,通过被称为战地旅行的相关精彩桥段:碟中谍之旅,萨拉热窝灾难之旅和乌科瓦尔的士兵步道。这些都将成为黑色旅游的精彩广告。(萨拉热窝旅游局)在仔细研究受战争创伤地的旅游开发前,重要的是先套探讨traumas cape的概念,这个由Maria Tumarkin定义为一种肉体与精神上被明显改变的伤害。创伤,它可以链接到战争,自然灾害或恐怖袭击。在这方面,旅游还可以成为一个体验和理解与战争相关联的创伤的载体。萨拉热窝甚至是个用来理解Tumarkin在他的著作上成立的traumas cape概念的七个案例的一部分。我已经选择确定了萨拉热窝和乌科瓦尔的一些标志性建筑。这两个城市现在正处在战后重建和旅游的适度开发阶段。从2005年以后,外国游客开始回到这些地方,萨拉热窝和乌科瓦尔的士兵步道,其是用于在战前用来考察整个战场的形势的,现在,这种形式已将战争历史与旅游相联系起来。